Testing a database response in an Angularjs/Jasmine test - angularjs

I'm attempting to unit test an angular factory in jasmine but I'm having trouble understanding how to get an actual response from my database.
I have the following factory code that retrieves an object containing company information based on a company ticker value.
The factory works fine but I'd like to test it in jasmine.
app.factory('adminOps',function($http, $log, $q){
return {
getByTicker: function(ticker){
return $http.post("http://localhost:3000/ticker", {"ticker": ticker})
if (typeof response.data === 'object') {
return response.data;
} else {
return $q.reject(response.data);
}, function(response) {
return $q.reject(response);
To test this I have the following jasmine code based on online examples I found.
describe('adminOps', function() {
var factory, http;
beforeEach(inject(function(_adminOps_, $httpBackend) {
factory = _adminOps_;
http = $httpBackend;
it('Should retrieve company data', function(done) {
var testCompany = function(company) {
expect(company.name).toBe("Google Inc.");
var failTest = function(error) {
http.expectPOST('http://localhost:3000/ticker',{ticker:"GOOG"}).respond(200, {ticker:"GOOG"});
I get a Expected undefined to be 'Google Inc.'.
How can I call my factory and test for the correct name value for the ticker parameter I send?
UPDATE: Koen's code works correctly. I've found if you want to test values on a server, like a rest api, then you should try something like frisby, which is built on Jasmine.

Unittests should test your local code and should not have external dependencies. Therefor your test doesn't and shouldn't actually access your database.
$httpBackend allows you to mock the http request and response.
Your code mocks the $httpBackend as follows:
meaning it will respond with a response of
So it doesn't have the 'name' attribute you need.
A proper way to test your 'getByTicker' method is with the following $httpBackend setup:
$http.expectPOST('http://localhost:3000/ticker', {
ticker: "GOOG"
}).respond(200, {
name: "Google Inc."


Mock $http with configuration parameters

I'm applying some tests in an existing AngularJS application in order to ensure it's correct behaviour for future changes in the code.
I am pretty new with Jasmine & Karma testing, so I've decided to start with a small and basic service which performs an http request to the backend, and waits for the result with a promise, nothing new.
Here's the service method to test:
function getInformedConsent(queryParameters) {
var def = $q.defer(),
httpParameters = {
url: ENV.apiEndpoint + '/urlResource',
method: 'GET',
params: queryParameters,
paramSerializer: '$httpParamSerializerJQLike'
function (response) {
function (error) {
return def.promise;
And here my test:
it('getInformedConsent method test', function() {
var promise;
promise = InformedconsentService.getInformedConsent(informedConsentJson.queryParameters[0]);
.then(function(response) {
informedConsentJson as you can supose, is a fixture with input and the expected output.
Reading AngularJS documentation, I decided to use $httpBackend, because it's already a mock of $http service, so I thought it could be useful.
The problem is that somewhere in the code, someone is broadcasting a "$locationChangeStart" event and executing
$rootScope.$on('$locationChangeStart', function (event,current,old) {
/* some code here */
in app.js.
I'm not trying to change the URL, i'm just trying to get some data from the mocked backend.
I asume that is because I'm not using $http mock ($httpBackend) as it should be used.
Anyone can help me with $http with configuration JSON mock?
It's freaking me out.
Thank you all in advance for your time and your responses

Mock angular service data response

I have an Api service which is in charge of controlling all my http requests. GET, POST, PUT, DELETE...
I'm trying to write some unitTests and I get a problem with the following scenario.
self.Api.post('/myEndpoint/action/', actionData)
result = _.get(resp, 'data.MessageList');
if(resp.status = 200 && result) {
I want to mock in my unitTest the resp. What should I do? Must I mock the httpBackend service as here http://plnkr.co/edit/eXycLiNmlVKjaZXf0kCH?p=preview ? Can I do it in other way?
Using httpBackend is the way to go, mocking each request made by your application will work just fine. However you can mock your entire service as well, and unit test using the mocked service instead of the original. Regardless, httpBackend is much more simple to handle that (for http request services) than creating a new service with the same interface of the original. But in some case, you may need to control what your services are doing, therefore you will have to use service mocking.
For example:
.service('DataService', function ($http) {
this.getData = function () {
return $http.get('http://my.end.point/api/v1/data')
.then(function (response) {
return response.data;
.service('MockedDataService', function ($q) {
this.getData = function () {
return $q.resolve({ data: 'myData' }); // you can add a delay if you like

Angular return promise from httpBackend.when()

How do you return a promise from httpBackend.when()? I wanted to load some canned data stored in a .json file and return that from httpBackend.whenGET(). When I try to return the promise from http.get('mydata.json') the response is returned to the failure callback of the factory.
function getAvailablePackagesComplete(response) {
return response.data;
function getAvailablePackagesFailed(error) { // {error = Object {data: undefined, status: 0, config: Object, statusText: ""}
return false;
function getAvailablePackages() {
return $http.get('/1.0/get-available-packages')
var data = {"package": "test", "version": "1"}
$httpBackend.whenGET('/1.0/get-available-packages').respond(function(method, url, data) {
// return [200,data, {}] // this works
return $http.get('app/home/fixtures/mydata.json'); // contains {"package: "test", "version": "1"}
}); //this doesn't work
As it is currently, $httpBackend (from ngMockE2E) does not support promises within its .respond - See AngularJS GitHub Issue #11245. As $httpBackend should be used to avoid making real HTTP requests, but you could let some requests pass through.
From AngularJS Docs:
This implementation can be used to respond with static or dynamic responses via the when api and its shortcuts (whenGET, whenPOST, etc) and optionally pass through requests to the real $httpBackend for specific requests (e.g. to interact with certain remote apis or to fetch templates from a webserver).
To work around what you're trying to do though, you could try to have getAvailablePackages() return the HTTP GET for your json file path and defining an $httpBackend.whenGET('pathTo.json').passThrough();
I was hitting the same issue and my use case was building a mock of my entire API in JS so that other people could work off line and develop the UI.
To achieve that I have developed a plugin called angular-mocks-async which decorates the httpBackend and adds the .whenAsync( ) APi to it. Than you can easily mock responses and return promises like so:
var app = ng.module( 'mockApp', [
app.run( [ '$httpBackend', '$q', function( $httpBackend, $q ) {
new RegExp( 'http://api.example.com/user/.+$' )
).respond( function( method, url, data, config ) {
var re = /.*\/user\/(\w+)/;
var userId = parseInt(url.replace(re, '$1'), 10);
var response = $q.defer();
setTimeout( function() {
var data = {
userId: userId
response.resolve( [ 200, "mock response", data ] );
}, 1000 );
return response.promise;
You can return promises from http interceptors. Here is an example of delaying an HTTP call for 1 second. You can add this in your app.config(....)
$httpProvider.interceptors.push(function($q, $timeout) {
return {
'response': function(response) {
var defer = $q.defer();
$timeout(function() {
}, 1000);
return defer.promise;

Hitting a REST-based Service With AngularJS Resource

I have an AngularJS app. In this app, I'm trying to ping a REST API. This API returns a list of orders.
I need to be able to handle the scenario where I successfully GET the orders. I also need to handle the
scenario where the request to GET the orders fails. In an attempt to do this, I'm using the ngResource
module. My controller looks like the following:
function myController($scope, myService) {
myService.getOrders(function(data) {
$scope.orders = data;
The definition of myService is stored in myService.js. That file looks like this:
app.factory("myyService", function($resource, $log) {
return {
getOrders: function(onSuccess) {
var orders = $resource("http://localhost:1000/orders", { fetch:{method:'JSON'} });
orders.fetch(function (response) {
When I run this code, I get a runtime error. The error says:
TypeError: Object function g(b){z(b||{},this)} has no method 'fetch'
Maybe there has to be something I don't understand. In my mind, I see fetch defined.
The other question I have is how do I set this up to handle failed requests? Like a 404 or 502?
You forgot the curly braces after the URL parameter...
Change: http://localhost:1000/orders", { fetch :
To: http://localhost:1000/orders", {}, { fetch :
app.factory("myyService", function($resource, $log) {
return {
getOrders: function(onSuccess) {
var orders = $resource("http://localhost:1000/orders", {}, { fetch : {method:'JSON'} });
orders.fetch(function (response) {
To handle errors from the server side, you need to set the second function in the resource call.
Example :
orders.fetch(function success() {...},
function error() {... this will execute in a http error, 400 or 500}

How to verify that an http request is not made at all?

how to verify that none of http request method are invoked to do any request. I have this code :
$scope.getSubnetsPageDetails = function (pageNumber) {
$http.get(URLS.subnetsPagesCount(pageNumber)).success(function (response) {
$scope.pageDetails = response;
}).error(function (response, errorCode) {
and this test :
it("should not allow request with negative page number", function () {
//verify that htt.get is not invoked at all
How to verify that http.get is not invoked ?
You can test that no calls are made by using the verifyNoOutstandingRequest() method from the $httpBackend mock.
Usually those kind of verification is done in the afterEach section of a Jasmine's tests. On top of this it is common to call another method, verifyNoOutstandingExpectation() to verify that all the expected calls were actually invoked.
Here is the code, where you need to inject the $httpBackend mock:
var $httpBackend;
beforeEach(inject(function($injector) {
$httpBackend = $injector.get('$httpBackend');
then do you test and at the end:
afterEach(function() {
Of course you could invoke the $httpBackend.verifyNoOutstandingRequest() inside an individual test. The mentioned http://docs.angularjs.org/api/ngMock.$httpBackend page has a wealth of information on the topic.
