SQL Transactional Replication - initial snapshot places table locks? - sql-server

When the initial snapshot is being generated while configuring SQL Server
Transactional Replication, does anyone know if the snapshot agent places locks on the tables (articles) you have selected? I have some tables that contain 2+ millions rows and wanted to know if SQL Server actually places table locks to prevent updates while the publishing database is online. If locks are placed, then I want to run the initial snapshot during off peak hours in production.

In Transactional replication or any other type of replication the starting point is a snapshot of the database. The initial step of creating the snapshot is exactly the same in any type of the replication.
SQL Server does not obtain any kind of locks at all when creating a snapshot, it literally is a snapshot of the database at a certain point in time and creating snapshot does not interfere with any transactions. Uncommitted transactions are rolled back in the snapshot once it is created.
To read more about how database snapshot works read this article from MSDN How Database Snapshots Work

If you're running on an edition of SQL Server that supports database snapshots (as in create database [foo]... as snapshot of [bar]), then you can optionally use those as the basis of the snapshot. Check the #sync_method parameter of sp_addpublication. The caveat is that you still probably want to do it during a non-busy time of the day because of how database snapshots work (i.e. copy-on-write will slow down any write activity), but you won't be contending on locks.

Starting SQL Server 2005, the default #sync_method value for sp_addpublication is "concurrent", which means the tables are not locked during snaphsot agent run. Note this is not entirely true - the snapshot agent places schema locks on the tables, but the duration of that lock is mere seconds at most.
So if you set #sync_method = "concurrent", then no, updates, in theory, will not be blocked. If #sync_method = "native" (default in SQL Server 2000) or "character", then yes, updates will be blocked.


How to take a merge replication back up?

I have a windows server 2012 with SQL Server 2012 configured with Merge replication with three subscribers.
I want to take a full back up the merge replication in case of total sql server crush. I am not sure how to take it or which databases to take a back up? for how long? so that if some thing happens then I will just restore all the configuration back.
any idea?
You should take backups of these databases
The publication database at the Publisher
The distribution database at the Distributor
The subscription database at each Subscriber
The master and msdb system databases at the Publisher, Distributor and all Subscribers. These databases should be backed up
at the same time as each other and the relevant replication database.
For example, back up the master and msdb databases at the Publisher
at the same time you back up the publication database. If the
publication database is restored, ensure that the master and msdb
database are consistent with the publication database in terms of
replication configuration and settings.
For more information, refer msdn
To add to what ughai posted, all replication components should be scripted out as a part of a disaster recovery plan. They should also be rescripted if any publication and/or subscription property changes are made.
This is covered in the section Script the replication topology in Best Practicies for Replication Administration and in Scripting Replication.
It does seem like a need of a proper disaster recovery plan, from what you describe. You can create your own or maybe use a third party vendor in order to do that. We worked with cloudendure back at the time, I'm not sure as for their costs right now, maybe it's worth a look. What happens is that you've got a replica being formed and updated in 1 sec time intervals, replication of the data goes right onto the target location (the cloud), and we're aiming for near zero downtime so for whenever that happens, your replica will be loaded automatically onto your site.

Drawbacks of marked transactions in TFS 2010 backups

I wanted to see if you guys are utilizing marked transactions in your TFS backup scenario. Are there any drawbacks or gotchas to consider for this?
If I use the TFS Power Tools to create a backup plan, the following is created for me:
Tables and Stored Procedures needed for marked transactions
Scheduled Jobs
Maintenance Plans for Full, Differential, and Transaction Logs
The Backup/Restore Power Tool relies on SQL marked transactions to
keep consistency across the TFS (and dependency products) databases. Source: http://intovsts.net/tag/tfs-power-tools/
Before inserting named marks into the transaction log, consider the
following: Source: MSDN
Because transaction marks consume log space, use them only for
transactions that play a significant role in the database recovery
After a marked transaction commits, a row is inserted in the
logmarkhistory table in msdb.
If a marked transaction spans multiple databases on the same database
server or on different servers, the marks must be recorded in the logs
of all the affected databases.
That kind of settles the matter of marked transactions in my backup plan. Especially since the TFS databases use full recovery mode, and the tool relies on it, there isn't much choice. :)

what is the best way to replicate database for SSRS

I have installed SQL server database (mainserver) in one instance and SQL server database for RerportServer in others. what is the best way to replicate data from mainServer to report Server? Data in mainServer changes frequently and actual information in the ReportSever is very important.
And there is many ways to do this:
shipping log
transactional replication
merge replication
snapshot replication
are there some best-practices about this?
You need Transactional Replication for your case. Here is why you would not need the other 4 cases:
This is generally used to increase the availability of a database server and provides for automatic failover in case of a disaster.
Typically even though you have more than a single copy of the database (recommended to be on different server instances), only one of them is active at a time, called the principle server.
Every operation on this server instance is mirrored on the others continuously (as soon as possible), so this doesn't fit your use case.
Log Shipping
In this case, apart from the production database servers, you have extra failover servers such that the backup of the production server's database, differential & transactional logs are automatically shipped (copied) to the failovers, and restored.
The replication here is relatively scheduled to be at a longer interval of time than the other mechanisms, typically ranging from an hour to a couple of hours.
This also provides for having the failver servers readies manually in case of a disaster at the production sites.
This also doesn't fit your use case.
Merge Replication
The key difference between this and the others is that the replicated database instances can communicate to the different client applications independent of the changes being made to each other.
For example a database server in North America being updated by clients across Americas & Europe and another one in Australia being updated by clients across the Asia-Pacific region, and then the changes being merged to one another.
Again, it doesn't fit your use case.
Snapshot Replication
The whole snapshot of the database is published to be replicated to the secondary database (different from just the log files being shipped for replication.)
Initially however, for each type of replication a snapshot is generated to initialized the subscribing database, i.e only once.
Why you should use Transactional Replication?
You can choose the objects (Tables, Views, etc) to be replicated continuously, so if there are only a subset of the tables which are used to reporting, it would save a lot of bandwidth. This is not possible in Mirroring and Log Shipping.
You can redirect traffic from your application to the reporting server for all the reads and reports (which you can also do in others too, btw).
You can have independent batch jobs generating some of the more used reports running on the reporting server, reducing the load on the main server if it has quite frequent Inserts, Updates or Deletes.
Going through your list from top to bottom.
Mirroring: If you mirror your data from your mainServer to your reportServer you will not be able to access your reportServer. Mirroring puts the mirrored database into a continuous restoring state. Mirroring is a High Availability solution. In your case the reportServer will only be available to query if you do a fail over. The mirrored server is never operational till fail over. This is not what you want as you cannot use the reportServer till it is operational.
Log Shipping: Log shipping will allow you to apply transactional log backups on a scheduled event to the reportServer. If you backup the transaction log every 15 minutes and apply the data to the reportServer you will have a delay of 15+ minutes between your mainServer and Log server. Mirroring is actually real time log shipping. Depending on how you setup log shipping your client will have to disconnect while the database is busy restoring the log files. Thus during a long restore it might be impossible to use reporting. Log Shipping is also a High Availability feature and not really useful for reporting. See this link for a description of trying to access a database while it is trying to restore http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/forums/en-US/sqldisasterrecovery/thread/c6931747-9dcb-41f6-bdf4-ae0f4569fda7
Replication : I am lumping all the replication together here. Replication especially transactional replication can help you scale out your reporting needs. It would generally be mush easier to implement and also you would be able to report on the data all of the time where in mirroring you cant report on the data in transaction log shipping you will have gaps. So in your case replication makes much more sense. Snapshot replication would be useful if your reports could be say a day old. You can make a snapshot every morning of the data you need from mainServer and publish this to the subscribers reportServer. However if the database is extremely large then Snapshot is going to be problematic to deal with on a daily basis. Merge replication is only usefull when you want to update the replicated data. In your case you want to have a read only copy of the data to report on so Merge replication is not going to help. Transactional Replication would allow you to send replications across the wire. In your case where you need frequently updated information in your reportServer this would be extremely useful. I would probably suggest this route for you.
Just remember that by implementing the replication/mirroring/log shipping you are creating more maintenance work. Replication CAN fail. So can mirroring and so can transaction log shipping. You will need to monitor these solutions to make sure they are running smoothly. So the question is do you really need to scale out your reports to another server or maybe spend time identifying why you cant report on the production server?
Hope that helps!

Better concurrency in Oracle than SQL Server?

Is it true that better concurrency can be achieved in Oracle databases than in MS SQL Server databases? In particular in an OLTP scenario, such as an ERP system?
I've overheard an SAP consultant making this claim, referring to Oracle locking techniques like row locking and multi-version read consistency and the redo log.
Out of the box, Oracle will have a higher transaction throughput but this is because it defaults to MVCC. SQL Server defaults to blocking selects on uncommitted updates but it can be changed to MVCC as well so that difference should basically go away. See Read Committed Isolation Level.
See Enabling Row Versioning-Based Isolation Levels.
database option is set ON, the
instance of the Microsoft SQL Server
Database Engine does not generate row
versions for modified data until all
active transactions that have modified
data in the database complete. If
there are active modification
transactions, SQL Server sets the
state of the option to PENDING_ON.
After all of the modification
transactions complete, the state of
the option is changed to ON. Users
cannot start a snapshot transaction in
that database until the option is
fully ON. The database passes through
a PENDING_OFF state when the database
administrator sets the
He/She was probably referring to the facts that:
In Oracle readers do not block writers and writers do not block readers
Oracle does not maintain a list of row locks so there is no significant overhead in locking and locks never escalate to the table level.
Starting with SQL 2005 this is no longer true - you can enable snapshot isolation and your writers will not block your readers, just like in Oracle.
Sql Server has row locking, several different transaction isolation levels, and a transaction log that can be replayed.
Maybe he's referring to Access, which does not have these.
Or maybe he believes Oracle uses better defaults. He might have a better argument there, but with either DBMS if you're talking ERP you better have a DBA who knows enough about the system to keep it tuned properly.

Database replication. 2 servers, Master database and the 2nd is read-only

Say you have 2 database servers, one database is the 'master' database where all write operations are performed, it is treated as the 'real/original' database. The other server's database is to be a mirror copy of the master database (slave?), which will be used for read only operations for a certain part of the application.
How do you go about setting up a slave database that mirrors the data on the master database? From what I understand, the slave/readonly database is to use the master db's transaction log file to mirror the data correct?
What options do I have in terms of how often the slave db mirrors the data? (real time/every x minutes?).
What you want is called Transactional Replication in SQL Server 2005. It will replicate changes in near real time as the publisher (i.e. "master") database is updated.
Here is a pretty good walk through of how to set it up.
SQL Server 2008 has three different modes of replication.
Transactional for one way read only replication
Merge for two way replication
From what I understand, the slave/readonly database is to use the master db's transaction log file to mirror the data correct?
What options do I have in terms of how often the slave db mirrors the data? (real time/every x minutes?).
This sounds like you're talking about log shipping instead of replication. For what you're planning on doing though I'd agree with Jeremy McCollum and say do transactional replication. If you're going to do log shipping when the database is restored every x minutes the database won't be available.
Here's a good walkthrough of the difference between the two. Sad to say you have to sign up for an account to read it though. =/ http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/Replication/logshippingvsreplication/1399/
The answer to this will vary depending on the database server you are using to do this.
Edit: Sorry, maybe i need to learn to look at the tags and not just the question - i can see you tagged this as sqlserver.
Transactional replication is real time.
If you do not have any updates to be done on your database , what you need is just retrieving of data say once a day : then use snapshot replication instead of transactional replication. In snapshot replication, changes will replicate when and as defined by the user say once in 24 hrs.
