How can we detect when the model is back to its original value? - angularjs

JS Bin here
This article describes a clever way to see if your (pure Angular) form model has changed since the initial load. In my mind it's a more accurate test of $dirty/$pristine. This allows us to do things like hide the "Save" button for a form if the model hasn't changed, even if the user has typed then deleted text.
So the question is, how can we do this with angular-formly? My hunch is that onChange for each field might be a good starting point, but I'm having a lot of trouble putting together the rest of the solution.
Hope the question makes sense. Any ideas would be very welcome. Thanks!

This might work in a limited capacity:
var listener = scope.$watch(function(oldVal,newVal){
scope.initialValue = oldVal

atinder was correct in that the pure Angular approach actually works fine with angular-formly. I've created a working JS Bin here.


Secure Angular JS expressions

I'm editing an existing code that has a lot of angular js expressions which are being detected as unsafe by our automated testing system. I was able to see the article below that describes my case, but I was not able to get any specific way to solve it (I'm mostly seeing $watch and $apply). I guess what I need to know here is where do I make changes on the code?
Related links:
Sample snippets on my code:
Your code looks perfectly fine. I think what you're missing is the "passing user provided content" portion of that warning.
In the first example the only thing you are passing to $apply is a function that YOU have defined, same as the second example. In the last example you don't pass anything to $apply.
The reason they have these warnings is because $apply can be passed a string to evaluate an expression on $scope.
In the same way that
{{$scope.hello = 'Hello, World'}}
will set the hello property of $scope
$scope.$apply('hello = "Hello, World"')
Will do exactly the same. now imagine you pass user defined content to this
Now you have given a user the ability to run arbitrary javascript expressions in your apply function.
To see exactly what I mean by this (and how this is exploitable), I have created a codepen demo for you here:
(You'll have to scroll down in the HTML to see the script, I was lazy and din't link it as a separate JS file \_('__')_/
Also if you REALLY want to understand how the above snippet is able to function (and where I learned about getting the function constructor in such a way) you should watch this video by liveoverflow:
This was made back when the AngularJS team was trying to create a sandbox around scope expressions to prevent XSS. There are a bunch of videos detailing different exploits people used to get around the sandbox. Because of how complicated creating a sandbox is and how often it was being exploited they decided to remove it entirely and just warn developers about passing user content in such a way.

How can I access the currently selected time range in grafana more cleanly?

I'm embedding js into an html text panel, and would like to be able to reference the current time. However grafana is written in angular so there is a massive amount of abstraction and hiding of data; thus accessing the data I want has proven to be a mess.
The following works, but is probably all sorts of wrong to someone who knows angular at all. So is there a better way?
angular.element($(".grafana-menu-refresh > a")).scope().ctrl.timeSrv.timeRange()
var rng = angular.element('grafana-app').injector().get('timeSrv').timeRange();

Making an angular statusbar directive

im looking to implement a directive to display status messages in my ionic angular app.. the idea is that i define a bunch of standard status messages in my template as follows and it's inspired by the stock ng-switch directive..
<status-bar code="statusCode" onShow="onStatusShow" onHide="onStatusHide">
<status-message when-code="OK" style="calm" timeout="3000">My HTML message</status-message>
<status-message when-complex style-field="style" text-field="text" timeout-field="timeout" />
my requirements are these:
the directive should bind to $scope.statusCode and depending upon its string value, it should activate one of the sub-directives except the when-complex one..
however, if i assign an object to $scope.statusCode, it should activate the when-complex directive if defined..
the directive also exposes an onShow and onHide callbacks..
when changing the value of $scope.statusCode, the previously active sub-directive should be completely hidden before showing the newly active one.. (animations)
style and timeout attributes are optional and will default to 'stable' and null respectively..
the timeout attribute will cause this sub-directive to show for a short time before clearing $scope.statusCode..
whereas i can write very simple directives, this one is proving to be a bit beyond me.. ive seen the source of ng-switch and its confusing.. i have tried myself as well but i havent gotten really far with this no matter how much ive tried.. im not posting my code approaches here not for the lack of trying but for the sake of cluttering and relevance..
so i was wondering if maybe someone could come up with a possible basic approach on codepen or plunkr that i can use as a base for expanding upon (since this is just a simplified explanation of what i intend to do with this directive).. or atleast point in the directions i need to go in..
after a night of brain-storming and coding punctuated by coffee and smoke breaks.. ive managed to make it work.. once again keeping ng-switch as a base.. the code is a bit long.. and i changed a few requirements along the way for better usability.. and some requirements like #2 and #3 dont work yet.. but im pretty sure ill make it work as well..
so if anybody is having a similar issue or is interested in my solution.. i can post it here.. :)

AngularJS and ui-sortable(branch 1.2): ng-mouseover breaks after sorting

I upgraded my App to AngularJS 1.2 and so also switched to ui-sortable v 1.2.
The sorting is implemented for Accordion-Groups (from ui-bootstrap). With the master-tree version of sortable i could listen to ng-mouseover/ng-mouseleave inside the accordion headers but with the 1.2 version, the mouseevents are only listening as long as i haven't done any sorting. After performing any change to the sortorder, the mouseevents become deaf...
Here's a Plunker:
Can anybody give me some advice how to fix that?
Thank you
Identity Problem.
elementInsertedByDropping !== elementSelectedAndDragged
In the console, one can verify the assertion above. So that narrows down the category of problem to a relatively familiar one.
I'm learning Angular myself, and I'm also having trouble with ui-sortable; please don't regard my opinions as definitive. However, I believe that the problem is that the $watch listeners need to be re-bound to the new element, as it is being created asynchronously outside of Angular.
The "ng.$rootScope.Scope" documentation describes this situation somewhat clearly in the $apply section. If I am correct, you would need to either $scope.$apply(...) code in your controller, or [preferably] write a custom directive that handles the insertion.
Fortunately, it seems that jQuery-ui-sortable's "update" event can be easily used in a custom directive to ensure that the element is bound. I found that bloggers respectTheCode and Michal Ostruszka discuss the problem of writing jQuery-ui-sortable directives in fairly clear terms; so does a fellow named Greg Gigon and several others, but I'm only allowed to offer you two links at this point.
If I can provide more precise information at a later point, I will revise this answer; I'm still learning this stuff myself, and I would like to know how to do something quite similar.
[edit: I'm not familiar enough with Angular-UI-Sortable to know whether this is a bug or simply missing functionality.]
Looks like a bug in ui-sortable.
My guess: It seems to be losing the bindings from the event directives, probably because it's destroying the old DOM elements and creating a new ones without re-attaching the scope with $compile. I'd save this plunk and submit and issue on their GitHub repository

Preferred way of creating links with backbone.js

I'm trying to wrap my head around backbone.js but I'm finding it hard due to the lack of (IMO) good examples.
First of all, what is the best way of getting a link to an object.
If I want to get the edit url of an Album model I could do album.url() + '/edit', is this really the best way?
Also, I'm trying to make my application work 100% without javascript so I don't want my URLs/links to say /albums/#1/edit, I want it to be /albums/1/edit and override this in JS.
I'm thinking I create normal URLs and use to call router.navigate in backbone.js
I never got this to work however, when I call router.navigate('/albums/2', true) the URL changes but my show action is never called. If I refresh it's called so the route is matched.
What am I missing?
The basic answer, which is kind of frustrating, is "there is no preferred way!". Backbone.js doesn't tell you how to set up links, you can do it any way you like. I found this flexibility just as annoying as you do, at least at first.
So here's the way I'm approaching this on my current project, with the (big) caveat that this is just one of many ways to do things in Backbone:
For the most part, I don't use actual links. There's no explicit reason not to, but it means you have to keep track of a bunch of URL strings that have to be consistent. I would rather stick all the URL formatting in my routers and not deal with it elsewhere.
To open a new "top-level" view, like an editing screen, I set something that fires an event. In the application I'm currently working on, I have a global State model, and to open a new view I call state.set({ topview: MyTopView }). This causes the state object to trigger change:topview.
Any piece of the UI that needs to change when the top-level view changes has an update method bound to change:topview. When the event fires, they look at state.get('topview') and update as necessary.
I treat my routers as only marginally specialized parts of the UI - they're essentially views that render in the browser address bar, rather than the window. Like other views, they update the state object on UI events (i.e. a new URL), and like other views, they listen to the state object for changes that cause them to update. The logic that the editing screen has the URL albums/<albumid>/edit is fully encapsulated in the router, and I don't refer to it anywhere else.
This works well for me, but it adds an entirely new pattern, the global State object, to the Backbone structure, so I can hardly call this the "preferred" approach.
Update: Also note that .url(), in the Backbone idiom, refers to the model's URL in the back-end API, not the front-end URL (it's not like Django's get_absolute_url). There is no method in the default Backbone setup that gives you a user-facing URL for your model - you'd have to write this yourself.
Also, I'm trying to make my application work 100% without javascript; so I don't want my URLs/links to say /albums/#1/edit, I want it to be /albums/1/edit and override this in JS.
you can do exactly this w/ pushState. just enable it in your Backbone.history.start call:
Backbone.history.start({pushState: true})
this tells Backbone to use the HTML5 History API (a.k.a. "PushState"), which uses full URLs exactly like you're wanting.
read up on the history api here:
and I wrote up a 2 part series on using pushstate w/ the second part focusing on progressive enhancement in backbone, to do what you're needing:
hope that helps :)
