Sql Server 2014 - Update to windows 10 and can't connect to the Local Server - sql-server

Recently I updated my Windows from 8 to 10 and suddenly my SQL Server 2014 stopped working. When I open the Management Studio and try to connect to the Server (local) i obtain the following error:
Does any of you had similar problems? Before updating the Windows everything was running just fine.

I had the same problem after upgrading from Windows 8.1 Pro to Windows 10 Pro. I was able to resolve it as follow:
Control Panel
Administrative Tools
The SQL Service Browser was Disabled
Right click and select Properties
Change the Startup type to Automatic (Delayed Start)
Click to Start button to start the service
And off you go. This should resolve the issue.

I just had the same issue after upgrading my laptop from Windows 8.1 to Windows 10; however, my solution was slightly different to the one suggested already, I had to:
1) Control Panel
2) Services
3) Right-click, Start, SQL Server service
I had to do this for all the SQL versions I have installed (08R2 up to 14). Somehow the upgrade stopped and didn't restart the SQL service.

I also encountered the same issue upgrading from Windows 7. First thing I did was open the SQL SERVER MANAGER CONSOLE and ensure that the server was still running. After seeing that it was, I restarted it, and that fixed the problem.
I personally would try these simple steps first... never know could be that easy.
Side note - if you have trouble finding the SQL Manager Console in your Programs list like I did, you can likely find it in your C:Windows/SysWOW folder (open file named SQLServerMananger##.msc).


Unable to install Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Developer

I have a problem with installing SQL Server 2012 (no matter which edition I choose).
Installation usually runs well, but near the end shows up an error:
The help link points to not-existing article on MSDN page.
After I click OK button, the installation reaches it's end and shows up another window:
After that I am able to start, for example SQL Management Studio, but cannot connect to database. Also services of SQL Server are stopped and I am not able to start them manually (any try throws an undefined error):
I tried complete reinstalling of SQL Server, cleaning registry entries, different editions of that software - none method helped. Also, I tried the .iso images of installation media on other computers - it worked well and installed without any errors.
My OS is Windows 8.1 x64.

SSMS 2008 R2 Intellisense stopped working on virtual server

Intellisense has stopped working in SSMS 2008 R2 for me and other users in my department. The issue started after some Windows updates, and since all of the fixes I've seen elsewhere haven't worked yet, I'm wondering if it's related to the Windows updates. Below, I've included how I've tried to fix it and what our setup is like. I'd really appreciate some insight into what's causing this and how we can fix it!
I've already made sure Intellisense is enabled in all of these ways:
Tools > Options > Text Editor > All Languages > General > Statement completion
Tools > Options > Text Editor > Transact-SQL > IntelliSense > Enable IntelliSense
Made sure "Open new queries in SQLCMD mode" is NOT checked in Tools > Options > Query Execution
Disconnecting the database engine and refreshing the local cache, then re-connecting to the database engine and refreshing the local cache
Shutting my computer all the way down and starting back up
The Windows updates installed sometime between 4/9 to 4/11/2014.
The main database engine we use is on a virtual server and has consistently worked with Intellisense in the past. It's running on SQL Server Enterprise Edition version 10.50.2500.0.
The other database engine I was connecting to when the issue cropped up (in the days before and after the Windows update) is using SQL Server Express Edition version 10.50.4000.0. Intellisense IS working when we connect to that database engine.
We're using Windows 7 on 64 bit machines. We do not have Visual Studio installed. As an additional data point, when I log in to the virtual server that runs the database engine and open SSMS there, all of the Intellisense features DO work.
Any suggestions for what else we can try to get Intellisense working again with our main database engine? Thank you!!
The version of SSMS installed is just as important as the configuration options (statement completion, enable intellisense, no sqlcmd mode) that you've already covered.
Ensure the workstation where SSMS is running has at least SQL Server 2008 R2 SP2, then apply the most recent cumulative update. A list of the available cumulative updates can be found here.
CU10 is the latest I've installed to resolve this problem, but CU11 should work.
Verify the SSMS version in Help -> About and confirm the build number:

Can't get Remote Desktop Services installed on Windows 2012 server

I am trying to install Remote Desktop Services on my dedicated Windows 2012 server but the installation does not start at all. It just stays here:
I have tried restarting the server 2 times and I have run every Windows Update there is. I have tried selecting other features but it will not start the installation. I had it running for hours but it would not install at all (just as the screenshot) and I had to cancel it.
Can any one help me on how to get Remote Desktop Services installed somehow or another? Is there another way to get it installed? I am not in this case installing remotely.
This guide to install via the Powershell seems to help:

SQL Server registry error

I installed SQL Server configuration manager and management studio version 2005, on windows 7 Ultimate.
I added a game server to the database and everything worked fine till where I started configuring the game's database and I was prompted to restart/stop/start the server, this is where I was baffled by the errors. I know there are several ways you can do this restart, but I cannot seem to get any to work for issues unknown to me.
I have tried running cmd prompt using the commands:
net stop mssql server
also tried manually doing it from management studio, where the option to restart in the pull down menu appears to be unavailable.
It's helpful if I could get rid of this problem before I can move on to extensive table editing as this itself is being a major pain.
From the start menu, run: services.msc
Scroll down to Sql Server (SQLEXPRESS)
Replace "SQLEXPRESS" with your instance name
Right click --> Restart

Invoke or BeginInvoke cannot be called on a control until the window handle has been created

I am trying to install SQL Server 2008 Developer Edition x64 on a Windows Server 2008 VM. I run the installer for a standalone installation and this works fine for the setup support rules bit. That passes ok but then I get this error:
TITLE: SQL Server Setup failure.
SQL Server Setup has encountered the following error:
Invoke or BeginInvoke cannot be called on a control until the window handle has been created..
How can I resolve this? I am getting 2008 R2 CTP but this is just a CTP. My download is from DreamSpark.
This isn't really a real solution, but it worked for me after the 5th attempt. Not sure if it makes a difference, but on the 5th attempt I minimized all other windows (so that SQL setup is the only window that has focus) since the issue appears to be UI related.
Update: After overcoming the 1st issue, I got another issue where the actual database engine component failed to install without reason. The solution was to restart and try again.
The x64 installer seems to be really buggy.
I've did another trick:
In the Installation Disc you will find a folder, x86 and x64
Select as per your OS and go inside the folder
Click on the LandingPage.exe
It will show the page, in that click on the second Option on the left hand menu "Installation"
Click on "Start Standalone installation from the menu at the right side
It will ask for the location files on the disc
Show the location,
e.g. <Your Disc Drive>/SQL Server Enterprise 2008/x86
It will complete the installation successfully
I see MS has answered this. It's because the release of MSSSQL is newer than the SP is. They have a hotfix that apparently needs application. Oh joy!
You then have to request the Hotfix, and wait for the link to be sent to you. They say 5 minutes, but we'll see.
In Windows 7 64 Bit, press ctrl+alt+delete, start the task manager and end the landing page process and it will successfully install.
I had this same error a number of times trying to install SQL Express 2008 x64 on a 2008 R2 64-bit server (VMWare) and I finally got it working doing the following:
Start the installation and when it gets to the point where the security window pops up asking you if you authorize the installation to run, open the temp folder. C:{GUID} and copy that folder (contains setup.exe and supporting files) to your desktop.
Click "OK" on the security dialog and it will probably error.
Once the error dialog goes away just run the setup.exe from the temporary directory on your desktop and it works.
Hope this helps someone else.
~Matt Heidenreich
I had the same problem when i was installing on Window 7. The only thing I could find was to retry the install again right after the failure and it worked after some time.
Had the same problem; made sure no other instance of setup was running from process explorer and then restarted installation and it worked fine for me
Before Installation, close all windows explorer and web browser. :)
I had the same problem once with installing the service pack. The only thing I could find was to retry the install again right after the failure. It took about five times, but it eventually worked. I think there's something odd about the installer on 64-bit Windows.
closing all open windows worked for me. definitely a UI problem with 64 bit.
For Server 2003 with this issue, I installed 2008 R2 management tools - which should work fine with 2008.
Note: Needs PowerShell on 2003 to install: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=20020
