Karma/Jasmine passing objects to custom directive and access it - angularjs

(function () {
'use strict';
describe('TestButton', function () {
var controller, element, util;
beforeEach(function () {
inject(function (TestUtilService) {
util = TestUtilService;
var testFunc = function foo(){
return 5;
// Passing the defined function to the custom directive and call it via
// controller.clickButton (it will be fired there)
// function=\' + testFunc + '" passing the function as string also not working
element = '<custom-button id="btn1" label="Click Me" function="testFunc"></custom-button>';
element = util.compileElement(element);
controller = util.getController(element, 'customButton');
it('should be resolved', function () {
it('should be set', function () {
expect(element.find('input').val()).toBe('Click Me');
it('should be set', function () {
it('should fire the passed function', function () {
//controller.clickButton() should log 5 or something, but its not working at all
//controller itself is working perfect (I have access to the whole directive-scope)
TestUtilService :
this.compileElement = function (element) {
var el = vm.$compile(element)(vm.$scope);
return el;
this.getController = function (element, directiveName) {
return element.controller(directiveName);
How can I pass an object to the directive, compile it and access it. I also have problems with passing arrays or something. How does that work in Karma/Jasmine??
Would be wonderful, if someone could give me some tips.

From what I've experienced, you can't do this directly through the directive alone; however, if you want to add the functionality of the function (or the object), you can shim it in through whichever isolate scope object you're using in the test.
However, you should not be asserting on its existence. A test that fires your custom function will pass if the function is excluded:
scope.testFunc = function(){console.log(1)};
element = '<custom-button id="btn1" label="Click Me"></custom-button>';
This is because the scope already has the function it cares about.
One thing to do in this scenario is to set up a condition in which the function is passed in and is presumed to be working; effectively, you'd be injecting the function in for testing purposes. May be worth mocking at this point to ensure that it fires in the way you expect it to, but assertions beyond that are not going to be valid.

You have to define your passing object at the created scope in Karma/Jasmine like so:
scope.testFunc = function(){console.log(1)};
element = '<custom-button id="btn1" label="Click Me" function="testFunc"></custom-button>';


AngularJS 1.6.9 controller variable bound to service variable doesn't change

I have 2 components which are both accessing a service. One component delivers an object and the other one is supposed to display it or just receive it. The problem is that after the initialization process is finished the variable in the display component doesn't change.
I have tried using $scope , $scope.$apply(), this.$onChanges aswell as $scope.$watch to keep track of the variable, but it always stays the same.
This controller from the display component provides a text, which is from an input field, in an object.
app.controller("Test2Controller", function ($log, TestService) {
this.click = function () {
let that = this;
TestService.changeText({"text": that.text});
That is the the service, which gets the objekt and saves it into this.currentText.
app.service("TestService", function ($log) {
this.currentText = {};
this.changeText = function (obj) {
this.currentText = obj;
this.getCurrentText = function () {
return this.currentText;
This is the controller which is supposed to then display the object, but even fails to update the this.text variable.
app.controller("TestController", function (TestService, $timeout, $log) {
let that = this;
this.$onInit = function () {
this.text = TestService.getCurrentText();
this.update = function() {
$timeout(function () {
}, 1000);
this.$onChanges = function (obj) {
I spent quite some time searching for an answer, but most are related to directives or didn't work in my case, such as one solution to put the object into another object. I figured that I could use $broadcast and $on but I have heard to avoid using it. The angular version I am using is: 1.6.9
I see a problem with your approach. You're trying to share the single reference of an object. You want to share object reference once and want to reflect it wherever it has been used. But as per changeText method, you're setting up new reference to currentText service property which is wrong.
Rather I'd suggest you just use single reference of an object throughout and it will take care of sharing object between multiple controllers.
app.service("TestService", function ($log) {
var currentText = {}; // private variable
// Passing text property explicitly, and changing that property only
this.changeText = function (text) {
currentText.text = text; // updating property, not changing reference of an object
this.getCurrentText = function () {
return currentText;
Now from changeText method just pass on text that needs to be changed to, not an new object.

How to reset unit test?

I have an unit test that look like this:
describe('myDirective:', function () {
var rootScope, compile;
beforeEach(function () {
//inject dependencies
inject(function ($compile, $rootScope) {
rootScope = $rootScope;
compile = $compile;
it('first test', function () {
var scope = rootScope.$new();
var element = angular.element('<my-directive><div id="myid" style="height:300px"></div></my-directive>');
element = compile(element)(scope);
console.log("#myid height: "+$("#myid").height());
it('second test', function () {
var scope = rootScope.$new();
var element = angular.element('<my-directive><div id="myid" style="height:400px"></div></my-directive>');
element = compile(element)(scope);
console.log("#myid height: "+$("#myid").height());
It pass the first test, but fail on second test. The second test will always return the height as being set in the first test. How can I reset it?
Since you are appending the element to the body, you need to manually remove it too.
Add this line to end of each test
and it should work.
Alternatively, you could use the afterEach() function available in Jasmine. It seems to be equivalent to tearDown() from Python's unittest module, in that afterEach() is executed after each test.
By using the afterEach() function, you only have to specify this clean up work once.
You can read more about afterEach() (as well as similar functions like beforeEach(), etc) on Jasmine's introduction documentation page.

AngularJs unit test - Check if "Init" function was called

I'm using jasmine as testframework and I've the following Controller I want to test. And I allways have a Init() function where I place my initialization calls for this Controller.
Now I want to test if the Init function was called when the controller was initialized.
function UnitTestsCtrl() {
var that = this;
UnitTestsCtrl.prototype.Init = function() {
var that = this;
//Some more Stuff
angular.module("unitTestsCtrl", [])
.controller("unitTestsCtrl", UnitTestsCtrl);
But I was not able to check if the Init function was called on controller creation. I know my example doesn't work because the spy is set on the Init function after creation.
describe('Tests Controller: "UnitTestsCtrl"', function() {
var ctrl;
beforeEach(function() {
inject(function ($controller) {
ctrl = $controller('unitTestsCtrl', {});
it('Init was called on Controller initialize', function () {
//thats not working
spyOn(ctrl, 'Init');
Create the spy on the Original Prototype in the beforeEach function
beforeEach(function() {
spyOn(UnitTestsCtrl.prototype, 'Init');
inject(function ($controller) {
ctrl = $controller('unitTestsCtrl', {});
it('Init was called on Controller initialize', function () {
The way it is, you cannot and you really do not need to as well. The reason you cannot is because you are calling init() on the controller constructor, i.e on instantiation, which happens when you call $controller service to instantiate the controller in your test. So you are setting up spy too late. You probably do not need to, because if the controller is instantiated init method would have been called for sure. But how ever if you are making any specific service/dependency calls inside init, you can spy on those mocks and set up expectations.
Your expectation says: Service Call executed so create a spy for that service and set up expectation.
var myService = jasmine.createSpyObj('myService', ['someCall']);
ctrl = $controller('unitTestsCtrl', {'myService':myService});
and set the expectation on the method someCall of myService.
If you really want to spy on init, then you would need to have access to UnitTestsCtrl constructor in the spec and you would need to set spy on its prototype method init before instantiating.

AngularJS - How to test if a function is called from within another function?

I'm trying to get started with karma-jasmine and I'm wondering why this test fails:
it("should call fakeFunction", function() {
spyOn(controller, 'addNew');
spyOn(controller, 'fakeFunction');
In my controller that I've previously set up for this test I have the following:
function addNew() {
function fakeFunction(number) {
return number;
both addNew and fakeFunction are exposed using:
vm.addNew = addNew;
vm.fakeFunction = fakeFunction;
The test, however, fails with the following:
Expected spy fakeFunction to have been called.
I can make the test pass if I call the function from within my test. I was hoping, however, I could test if fakeFunction was called by another function. What is the proper way to achieve this?
beforeEach(function() {
inject(function(_$rootScope_, $controller) {
$scope = _$rootScope_.$new();
controller = $controller("CreateInvoiceController", {$scope: $scope});
If I test something like:
it('should say hello', function() {
The test passes if I put the following in my controller:
var vm = this;
vm.message = 'Hello';
I just want to know how I can test if a public function was called from another function.
Your addNew method is calling fakeFunction. However, it is not calling controller.fakeFunction, which is what your expectation is.
You'll need to change your code to use your controller, rather than these independent functions.
EDIT: You also need to not spy on your addNew function. This is causing the function to be replaced with a spy. The other alternative is to change it to:
spyOn(controller, 'addNew').and.callThrough()
I just came across this problem myself. The previous answer by #Vadim has the right principles but I don't think everything was very clear. In my case, I am trying to call a public function on a service from within another function. Here are the relevant snippets:
angular.module('myApp').factory('myService', function() {
function doSomething() {
function publicMethod(){
// Do stuff
var service = {
publicMethod: publicMethod
return service;
it('calls the public method when doing something', function(){
spyOn(service, 'publicMethod');
// Run stuff to trigger doSomething()
The key here is that the function being tested needs to be calling the same reference as the public function that is being spy'd on.

Spy on scope function that executes when an angular controller is initialized

I want to test that the following function is in fact called upon the initialization of this controller using jasmine. It seems like using a spy is the way to go, It just isn't working as I'd expect when I put the expectation for it to have been called in an 'it' block. I'm wondering if there is a special way to check if something was called when it wasn't called within a scope function, but just in the controller itself.
App.controller('aCtrl', [ '$scope', function($scope){
$scope.loadResponses = function(){
//do something
//spec file
describe('test spec', function(){
//rootscope assigned to scope, scope injected into controller, controller instantiation.. the expected stuff
spyOn(scope, 'loadResponses');
it('should ensure that scope.loadResponses was called upon instantiation of the controller', function(){
You need to initialise the controller yourself with the scope you've created. The problem is, that you need to restructure your code. You can't spy on a non-existing function, but you need to spyOn before the function gets called.
$scope.loadResponses = function(){
//do something
// <-- You would need your spy attached here
Since you cannot do that, you need to make the $scope.loadResponses() call elsewhere.
The code that would successfully spy on a scoped function is this:
var scope;
beforeEach(inject(function($controller, $rootScope) {
scope = $rootScope.$new();
$controller('aCtrl', {$scope: scope});
it("should have been called", function() {
spyOn(scope, "loadResponses");
Setting the spy before controller instantiation (in the beforeEach) is the way to test controller functions that execute upon instantiation.
EDIT: There is more to it. As a comment points out, the function doesn't exist at the time of ctrl instantiation. To spy on that call you need to assign an arbitrary function to the variable (in this case you assign scope.getResponses to an empty function) in your setup block AFTER you have scope, but BEFORE you instantiate the controller. Then you need to write the spy (again in your setup block and BEFORE ctrl instantiation), and finally you can instantiate the controller and expect a call to have been made to that function. Sorry for the crappy answer initially
The only way I have found to test this type of scenarios is moving the method to be tested to a separate dependency, then inject it in the controller, and provide a fake in the tests instead.
Here is a very basic working example:
angular.module('test', [])
.factory('loadResponses', function() {
return function() {
//do something
.controller('aCtrl', ['$scope', 'loadResponses', function($scope, loadResponses) {
$scope.loadResponses = loadResponses;
describe('test spec', function(){
var scope;
var loadResponsesInvoked = false;
var fakeLoadResponses = function () {
loadResponsesInvoked = true;
beforeEach(function () {
module('test', function($provide) {
$provide.value('loadResponses', fakeLoadResponses)
inject(function($controller, $rootScope) {
scope = $rootScope.$new();
$controller('aCtrl', { $scope: scope });
it('should ensure that scope.loadResponses was called upon instantiation of the controller', function () {
For real world code you will probably need extra work (for example, you may not always want to fake the loadResponses method), but you get the idea.
Also, here is a nice article that explains how to create fake dependencies that actually use Jasmine spies: Mocking Dependencies in AngularJS Tests
EDIT: Here is an alternative way, that uses $provide.delegate and does not replace the original method:
describe('test spec', function(){
var scope, loadResponses;
var loadResponsesInvoked = false;
beforeEach(function () {
var loadResponsesDecorator = function ($delegate) {
loadResponsesInvoked = true;
return $delegate;
module('test', function($provide) {
$provide.decorator('loadResponses', loadResponsesDecorator);
inject(function($controller, $rootScope) {
scope = $rootScope.$new();
$controller('aCtrl', { $scope: scope });
it('should ensure that scope.loadResponses was called upon instantiation of the controller', function () {
I didn't quite understand any of the answers above.
the method I often use - don't test it, instead test the output it makes..
you have not specified what loadResponses actually does.. but lets say it puts something on scope - so test existence of that..
BTW - I myself asked a similar question but on an isolated scope
angular - how to test directive with isolatedScope load?
if you still want to spy - on an unisolated scope, you could definitely use a technique..
for example, change your code to be
if ( !$scope.loadResponses ){
$scope.loadResponses = function(){}
This way you will be able to define the spy before initializing the controller.
Another way, is like PSL suggested in the comments - move loadResponses to a service, spy on that and check it has been called.
However, as mentioned, this won't work on an isolated scope.. and so the method of testing the output of it is the only one I really recommend as it answers both scenarios.
