How to optimize large database requests - database

I am working with a database that contains information (measurements) about ships. The ships send an update with their position, fuel use, etc. So an entry in the database looks like this
| measurement_id | ship_id | timestamp | position | fuel_use |
| key | f_key | dd-mm-yy hh:ss| lat-lon | in l/km |
A new one of these entries gets added for every ship every second so the amount of entries in the database gets large very fast.
What I need for the application I am working on is not the information for one second but rather cumulative data for 1 minute, 1 day, or even 1 year. For example the total fuel use over a day, the distance traveled in a year, or the average fuel use per day over a month.
To get that and calculate that from this raw data is unfeasible, you would have to get 31,5 million records from the server to calculate the distance traveled in a year.
What I thought was the smart thing to do is combining entries into one bigger entry. For example get 60 measurements and combine them into 1 minute measurement entry in a separate table. By averaging the fuel use, and by summing the distance traveled between two entries. A minute entry would then look like this.
| min_measurement_id | ship_id | timestamp | position | distance_traveled | fuel_use |
| new key |same ship| dd-mm-yy hh| avg lat-lon | sum distance_traveled | avg fuel_use |
This process could then be repeated to work with hours, days, months, years. This way a query for a week could be done by requesting only 7 queries, or if I want hourly details 168 entries. Those look like way more usable numbers to me.
The new tables can be filled by querying the original database every 10 minutes, that data then fills the minute table, which in turn updates the hours table, etc.
However this seems to be a lot of management and duplication of almost the same data, with constantly the same operation being done.
So what I am interested in is if there is some way of structuring this data. Could it be sorted hierarchically (after all seconds, days, minutes are pretty hierarchical) or are there other ways to optimize this?
This is the first time I am using a database this size so I also did not really know what to look for on the internet.

Aggregates are common in data warehouses so your approach to group data is fine. Yes, you are duplicating some of the data, but you'll get the speed benefit.


How to deal with Variable data over time in associations

In linked models (let's say a drink transaction, a waiter, and a restaurant), when you want to display data, you look for informations in your linked content :
Where was that beer bought ?
Fetch Drink transaction => Fetch its Waiter => Fetch this waiter's Restaurant : this is where the beer was purchased
So at time T, when I display all transactions, I fetch my data following associations, thus I can display this :
TransactionID Waiter Restaurant
1 Julius Caesar's palace
2 Cleo Moe's tavern
Let's say now that my waiter is moved to another restaurant.
If I refresh this table, the result will be
TransactionID Waiter Restaurant
1 Julius Moe's tavern
2 Cleo Moe's tavern
But we know that the transaction n°1 was made in Caesar's palace !
Solution 1
Don't modify the waiter Julius, but clone it.
Upside : I keep an association between models, and still can filter with every field of every associated models.
Downside : Every modification on every model duplicates content, which can do a LOT when time passes.
Solution 2
Keep a copy of the current state of your associated models when you create the transaction.
Upside : I don't duplicate the contents.
Downside : You can't anymore use fields on your content to display, sort or filter them, as your original and real data is inside, let's say, a JSON field. So you have to, if you use MySQL, filter your data by makin plain-search queries in that field.
What is your solution ?
The problem goes further, as it's not only a matter when association changes : a simple modification on an associated model causes a problem too.
What I mean :
What's the amount of this order ?
Fetch Drink transaction => Fetch its product => Fetch this product's Price => Multiply by order quantity : this is the total amount of the order
So at time T, when I display all transactions, I fetch my data following associations, thus I can display this :
TransactionID Qty ProductId
1 2 1
ProductID Title Price
1 Beer 3
==> Amount of order n°1 : 6.
Let's say now that the beer costs 2,5.
If I refresh this table, the result will be
TransactionID Qty ProductId
1 2 1
ProductID Title Price
1 Beer 2,5
==> Amount of order n°1 : 5.
So, once again, the 2 solutions are available : do I clone the beer product when its price is changed ? Do I save a copy of beer in my order when the order is made ? Do you have any third solution ?
I can't just add an "amount" attribute on my orders : yes it can solve that problem (partially) but it's not a scalable solution as many other attributes will be in the same situation and I can't multiply attributes like this.
Event Sourcing
This is a good use case for Event Sourcing. Martin Fowler wrote a very good article about it, I advise you to read it.
there are times when we don't just want to see where we are, we also want to know how we got there.
The idea is to never overwrite data but instead create immutable transactions for everything you want to keep a history of. In your case you'll have WaiterRelocationEvents and PriceChangeEvents. You can recreate the status of any given time by applying every event in order.
If you don't use Event Sourcing, you lose information. Often it's acceptable to forget historic information, but sometimes it's not.
Lambda Architecture
As you don't want to recalculate everything on every single request, it's advisable to implement a Lambda Architecture. That architecture is often explained with BigData technology and frameworks, but you could implement it with Plain Old Java and CronJobs.
It consists of three parts: Batch Layer, Service Layer and Speed Layer.
The Batch Layer regularly calculates an aggregated version of the data, for example you'll calculate the monthly income once per day. So the current month's income will change every night until the month is over.
But now you want to know the income in real-time. Therefore you add a Speed Layer, which will apply all events of the current date immediately. Now if a request of the current month's income arrives, you'll add up the last result of the Batch Layer and the Speed Layer.
The Service Layer allows more advanced queries by combing multiple batch results and the Speed Layer results into one query. For example you can calculate the year's income by summing the monthly incomes.
But as said before, only use the Lambda approach if you need the data often and fast, because it adds extra complexity. Calculations which are rarely needed, should be run on-the-fly. For example: Which waiter creates the most income at Saturday evenings?
| Timestamp | Id | Name |
| ---------- | -- | --------------- |
| 2016-01-01 | 1 | Caesar's palace |
| 2016-11-01 | 2 | Moe's tavern |
| Timestamp | Id | Name | FirstRestaurant |
| ---------- | -- | -------- | --------------- |
| 2016-01-01 | 11 | Julius | 1 |
| 2016-11-01 | 12 | Cleo | 2 |
| Timestamp | WaiterId | RestaurantId |
| ---------- | -------- | ------------ |
| 2016-06-01 | 11 | 2 |
| Timestamp | Id | Name | FirstPrice |
| ---------- | -- | -------- | ---------- |
| 2016-01-01 | 21 | Beer | 3.00 |
| Timestamp | ProductId | NewPrice |
| ---------- | --------- | -------- |
| 2016-11-01 | 21 | 2.50 |
| Timestamp | Id | ProductId | Quantity | WaiterId |
| ---------- | -- | --------- | -------- | -------- |
| 2016-06-14 | 31 | 21 | 2 | 11 |
Now let's get all information about order 31.
get order 31
get price of product 21 at 2016-06-14
get last PriceChangeEvent before the date or use FirstPrice if none exists
calculate total price by multiplying retrieved price with quantity
get waiter 11
get waiter's restaurant at 2016-06-14
get last WaiterRelocationEvent before the date or use FirstRestaurant if none exists
get restaurant name by retrieved restaurant id of the waiter
As you can see it becomes complicated, therefore you should only keep history of useful data.
I wouldn't involve the relocation events in the calculation. They could be stored, but I would store the restaurant id and the waiter id in the order directly.
The price history on the other hand could be interesting to check if orders went down after a price change. Here you could use the Lambda Architecure to calculate a full order with prices from the raw order and the price history.
Decide of which data you want to keep the history.
Implement Event Sourcing for that data.
Use the Lambda Architecture to speed up commonly used queries.
I like the question as it raises something very straightforward and also something more subtle.
The common principle in both cases is that ‘History must not change’, meaning if we run a query over a specified past date range today the results are the same as when we run that same query at any point in the future.
Waiters Case
When a waiter changes restaurants we must not change the history of sales. If waiter Julius sells a drink yesterday in restaurant 1 then he switches to sell more drinks today in restaurant 2 we must retain those details.
Thus we want to be able to answer queries such as ‘how many drinks has Julius sold in restaurant 1’ and ‘how many drinks has Julius sold in all restaurants’.
To achieve this you have to abstract away from Julius as a waiter by bringing in a concept of staff. Julius is a member of staff. Staff work as waiters. When working in restaurant 1 Julius is waiter A and when he works in another restaurant he is waiter B, but always the same member of staff – Julius. With an entity ‘Staff’ the queries can be answered easily.
No loss of historic data or excessive duplications.
Downside New entity Staff must be managed. But waiter table content is reduced making net overhead of data storage is low.
In summary - abstract data subject to change into a new entity and refer back to it from transactions.
Value of Order Case
The extended use case regarding ‘what is the value of this order’ is more involved. I work in cross-currency transactions where value for the observer (user) in the price list changes from day to day as currency fluctuations occur.
But there are good reasons to lock the order value in place. For example invoice processing systems have tolerance for a small difference between their expected invoice value and that of the submitted invoice, but any large difference can lead to late payment whilst invoice handlers check the issue. Also, if customers run reports on their historic purchases then the values of those orders must remain consistent despite fluctuations in currency rates over time.
The solution is to save into the order line:
the value of product in the customers currency,
or the rate between custom and supplier currency,
but ideally do both to avoid rounding errors.
What this does is provide a statement that ‘on the date that this order was placed line 1 cost $44.56 at exchange rate 1.1 $/£’. Having this data locked in allows you to invoice to the customers expectation and provide consistent spend reports over time.
Upside: Consistent historic data. Fast database performance as no look-ups required against historic rate tables.
Downside: Some data duplication. However, trading off against overhead of storage and indexation for historic rate storage plus indexation then this is possibly an upside.
Regarding adding 'amount' to your order table - you have to do this if you want to achieve a consistent data history. If you only work in one currency then amount is the only additional storage concern. And by adding this one attribute you have protected history. Your other alternative is to store a historic cost table for drinks so you know in January beer was $1, in February it as $1.10 etc and then store the cost-table key in the transaction so that you can look up the cost if anyone asks about a historic order. But the overhead on storing the key PLUS the indexes needed to make this practicable will outweigh the storage cost of cloning 'amount' onto the order record.
In summary - clone cost data that will change over time.

Storing daily statistics in relational database

I'm creating a game that needs to save each players' statistics (games played, exp & gold gained, current gold) on a daily basis, as well as the all-time statistics.
My current approach is I have 3 tables:
table `stats_current` -> for storing player's stats on CURRENT DAY
player_id | games_played | gold_earned | current_gold
table `stats_all_time` -> player's stats accumulated from the very beginning
player_id | games_played | gold_earned | current_gold
table `stats_history` -> player's stats daily, one record for one day
player_id | date | games_played | gold_earned | current_gold
Each player has one record on stats_current, one record on stats_all_time, and limited records on stats_history table (for example, only last 30 days are recorded).
Then there's a daemon / cron job that do these operation on a daily basis:
For each players:
Search for its record on stats_current, get the values.
Insert new record to stats_history, values are from stats_current
Update record on stats_all_time, increment its values with values from stats_current
On stats_current, reset the values of games_played, gold_earned to 0. But leave the current_gold as it is.
Solutions for common tasks:
Get player X's current gold: retrieve current_gold from stats_current
Get player X's stats in last 7 days: select 6 records from stats_history, plus the today's record in stats_current
Get player X's total games played: retrieve values from stats_history
Is this a viable approach?
What are the weaknesses?
Is there any way to optimize this solution?
Your approach fails to take advantage of the power of SQL
To get today's stats, just use
SELECT * FROM stats_history WHERE Date = CURDATE() and PlayerId = PlayerId--Depending on your RDBMS you might need a different function to get the date.
To get all time stats just use
SELECT SUM(games_played) as games_played, SUM(gold_earned) as gold_earned FROM stats_history WHERE PlayerId = playerid
You could just pull current gold by selecting the top record from stats_history for that player, or by using any of a number of other RMDBS specific strategies (Over clause for SQL Server, Ordering the result set by date and adding current_gold for MySQL etc.)
Your approach is risky because if your Chron ever fails, the other two tables will be inaccurate. It's also uneccessary duplication of data.

How to store sets of objects that have occurred together during events?

I'm looking for an efficient way of storing sets of objects that have occurred together during events, in such a way that I can generate aggregate stats on them on a day-by-day basis.
To make up an example, let's imagine a system that keeps track of meetings in an office. For every meeting we record how many minutes long it was and in which room it took place.
I want to get stats broken down both by person as well as by room. I do not need to keep track of the individual meetings (so no meeting_id or anything like that), all I want to know is daily aggregate information. In my real application there are hundreds of thousands of events per day so storing each one individually is not feasible.
I'd like to be able to answer questions like:
In 2012, how many minutes did Bob, Sam, and Julie spend in each conference room (not necessarily together)?
Probably fine to do this with 3 queries:
>>> query(dates=2012, people=[Bob])
{Board-Room: 35, Auditorium: 279}
>>> query(dates=2012, people=[Sam])
{Board-Room: 790, Auditorium: 277, Broom-Closet: 71}
>>> query(dates=2012, people=[Julie])
{Board-Room: 190, Broom-Closet: 55}
In 2012, how many minutes did Sam and Julie spend MEETING TOGETHER in each conference room? What about Bob, Sam, and Julie all together?
>>> query(dates=2012, people=[Sam, Julie])
{Board-Room: 128, Broom-Closet: 55}
>>> query(dates=2012, people=[Bob, Sam, Julie])
{Board-Room: 22}
In 2012, how many minutes did each person spend in the Board-Room?
>>> query(dates=2012, rooms=[Board-Room])
{Bob: 35, Sam: 790, Julie: 190}
In 2012, how many minutes was the Board-Room in use?
This is actually pretty difficult since the naive strategy of summing up the number of minutes each person spent will result in serious over-counting. But we can probably solve this by storing the number separately as the meta-person Anyone:
>>> query(dates=2012, rooms=[Board-Room], people=[Anyone])
What are some good data structures or databases that I can use to enable this kind of querying? Since the rest of my application uses MySQL, I'm tempted to define a string column that holds the (sorted) ids of each person in the meeting, but the size of this table will grow pretty quickly:
2012-01-01 | "Bob" | "Board-Room" | 2
2012-01-01 | "Julie" | "Board-Room" | 4
2012-01-01 | "Sam" | "Board-Room" | 6
2012-01-01 | "Bob,Julie" | "Board-Room" | 2
2012-01-01 | "Bob,Sam" | "Board-Room" | 2
2012-01-01 | "Julie,Sam" | "Board-Room" | 3
2012-01-01 | "Bob,Julie,Sam" | "Board-Room" | 2
2012-01-01 | "Anyone" | "Board-Room" | 7
What else can I do?
Your question is a little unclear because you say you don't want to store each individual meeting, but then how are you getting the current meeting stats (dates)? In addition any table given the right indexes can be very fast even with alot of records.
You should be able to use a table like log_meeting. I imagine it could contain something like:
employee_id, room_id, date (as timestamp), time_in_meeting
Where foreign keys to employee id to employee table, and room id key to room table
If you index employee id, room id, and date you should have a pretty quick lookup as mysql multiple-column indexes go left to right such that you gain index on (employee id, employee id + room id, and employee id + room id + timestamp) when do searches. This is explained more in the multi-index part of:
By refusing to store meetings (and related objects) individually, you are loosing the original source of information.
You will not be able to compensate for this loss of data, unless you memorize on a regular basis the extensive list of all potential daily (or monthly or weekly or ...) aggregates that you might need to question later on!
Believe me, it's going to be a nightmare ...
If the number of people are constant and not very large you can then assign a column to each person for present or not and store the room, date and time in 3 more columns this can remove the string splitting problems.
Also by the nature of your question I feel first of all you need to assign Ids to everything rooms,people, etc. No need for long repetitive string in DB. Also try reducing any string operation and work using individual data in each column for better intersection performance. Also you can store a permutation all the people in a table and assign a id for them then use one of those ids in the actual date and time table. But all techniques will require that something be constant either people or rooms.
I do not understand whether you know all "questions" in design time or it's possible to add new ones during development/production time - this approach would require to keep all data all the time.
Well if you would know all your questions it seems like classic "banking system" which recalculates data on daily basis.
How I think about it.
Seems like you have limited number of rooms, people, days etc.
Gather logging data on daily basis, one table per day. Just one event, one database row, all information (field) what you need.
Start to analyse data using some crone script at "midnight".
Update stats for people, rooms, etc. Just increment number of hours spent by Bob in xyz room etc. All what your requirements need.
As analyzed data are limited and relatively small as you analyzed (compress) them, your system can contain also various queries as indexes would be relatively small etc.
You could be able to use scalable map/reduce algorithm.
You can't avoid storing the atomic facts as follows: (the meeting room, the people, the duration, the day), which is probably only a weak consolidation when the same people meet multiple times in the same room on the same day. Maybe that happens a lot in your office :).
Making groups comparable is an interesting problem, but as long as you always compose the member strings the same, you can probably do it with string comparisons. This is not "normal" however. To normalise you'll need a relation table (many to many) and compose a temporary table out of your query set so it joins quickly, or use an "IN" clause and a count aggregate to ensure everyone is there (you'll see what I mean when you try it).
I think you can derive the minutes the board room was in use as meetings shouldn't overlap, so a sum will work.
For storage efficiency, use integer keys for everything with lookup tables. Dereference the integers during the query parsing, or just use good old joins if you are feeling traditional.
That's how I would do it anyway :).
You'll probably have to store individual meetings to get the data you need anyway.
However you'll have to make sure you aggregate and anonymise it properly before creating your reports. Make sure to separate concerns and access levels to stay within the proper legal limits on data.

Cassandra data model for time series

I am working on a Cassandra data model for storing time series (I'm a Cassandra newbie).
I have two applications: intraday stock data and sensor data.
The stock data will be saved with a time resolution of one minute.
Seven datafields build one timeframe:
Symbol, Datetime, Open, High, Low, Close, Volume
I will query the data mostly by Symbol and Date. e.g. give me all data for AAPL between 2013-01-01 and 2013-01-31 ordered by Datetime.
The recommendation for cassandra queries is to query whole columns. So you could create five rows with the keys Open, High, Low, Close, Volume. And for each Symbol and Minute an own column. E.g. "AAPL:2013-01-04T130400Z".
This would result in a table of five rows and n*NT columns where n = number of symbols, nT = number of minutes.
Most of the time I will query date ranges. I.e. all minutes of a day. So I could rearrange the data to have columns named "AAPL:2013-01-04" and rows: OpenT130400Z, HighT130400Z, LowT130400Z, CloseT130400Z, VolumeT130400Z.
This would result in a table with n*nD columns (n: number of Symbols, nD: number of Days) and 5*nM rows (nM: number of minutes/entries per day).
To sum up: I have columns, which hold the information for a whole day for one symbol.
I have found a description how to deal with time series data in cassandra here
But I don't really get, if they use the hour (1332960000) as a column name or as a row key!?
I understood they use the hour as row key and have the small timesteps as columns. So they would have a fixed column number. But that would have disadvantages in reading because I would have to do a range query on keys! Am I right?
Second question:
If I have sensor data, which is much more fine grained than 1 minute stock data (let's say I have to save timesteps with a resolution of microseconds) how would I deal with this?
If I use columns for saving a composite of sensor channel and hours, and rows for microseconds since the last hour this would result in 3,600,000,000 rows and n*nH columns (n: number of sensors, nH: number of Hours).
I could not use the microseconds since last hour for columns because I have 3,6 billion points which is higher than the allowed number of 2 billion columns.
Did I get it?
What do you think about this problem? How to solve it?
Thank you!
So I have a suggestion for your first question about the stock data. A naive implementation might look like this:
Column Format:
Name: The current datetime granular to a minute
Value: a composite column of Open,High,Low,Close,Volume
So you would have something like
AAPL = [2013-05-02-15:38:00 | 441.78:448.59:440.63:15066146:445.52] ... [2013-05-02-15:39:00 | 441.78:448.59:440.63:15066146:445.52] ... [2013-05-02-15:40:00 | 441.78:448.59:440.63:15066146:445.52]
That would give you roughly half a million columns in one year so it might be ok for maybe 4 years. I wouldn't go and attempt to hit the 2 billion limit. What you could do is define a splitting factor on the row key. It all depends on your usage pattern, but a simple one might be on the year so the column family entry might look like this with a composite row key and that would guarantee that you always have less than a million columns per row.
AAPL:2013 = [05-02-15:38:00 | 441.78:448.59:440.63:15066146:445.52] ... [05-02-15:39:00 | 441.78:448.59:440.63:15066146:445.52] ... [05-02-15:40:00 | 441.78:448.59:440.63:15066146:445.52]

Large amount of timecourses in database

I have a rather large amount of data (~400 mio datapoints) which is organized in a set of ~100,000 timecourses. This data may change every day and for reasons of revision-safety has to be archived daily.
Obviously we are talking about way too much data to be handled efficiently, so I made some analysis on sample data. Approx. 60 to 80% of the courses do not change at all between two days and for the rest only a very limited amount of the elements changes. All in all I expect much less than 10 mio datapoints change.
The question is, how do I make use of this knowledge? I am aware of concepts like the Delta-Trees used by SVN and similar techniques, however I would prefer, if the database itself would be capable of handling such semantic compression. We are using Oracle 11g for storage and the question is, is there a better way than a homebrew solution?
I am talking about timecourses representing hourly energy-currents. Such a timecourse might start in the past (like 2005), contains 8760 elements per year and might end any time up to 2020 (currently). Each timecourse is identified by one unique string.
The courses themselves are more or less boring:
"Course_XXX: 1.1.2005 0:00 5; 1.1.2005 1:00 5;1.1.2005 2:00 7,5;..."
My task is making day-to-day changes in these courses visible and to do so, each day at a given time a snapshot has to be taken. My hope is, that some loss-free semantical compression will spare me from archiving ~20GB per day.
Basically my source data looks like this:
Key | Value0 | ... | Value23
to archive that data I need to add an additional dimension which directly or indirectly tells me the time at which the data was loaded from the source-system, so my archive-database is
Key | LoadID | Value0 | ... | Value23
Where LoadID is more or less the time the source-DB was accessed.
Now, compression in my scenario is easy. LoadIDs are growing with each run and I can give a range, i.e.
Key | LoadID1 | LoadID2 | Value0 | ... | Value23
Where LoadID1 gives me the ID of the first load where the 24 values where observed and LoadID2 gives me the ID of the last consecutive load where the 24 values where observed.
In my scenario, this reduces the amount of data stored in the database to 1/30th
