I have a groovy program with code as below:
String[] conceptArray = conceptList.toArray()
I am trying to insert conceptArray into Oracle table like below
sql.execute("insert into OFFICE.PERSON(CONCEPT) values (?)",[conceptArray]);
But the above code is not inserting values into the table Person. Please help me to correct the above code.
Use the groovy.sql.Sql class:
def sql=new groovy.sql.Sql(...)
String insert="insert into OFFICE.PERSON values (${conceptList.collect{'?'}.join(','})"
The SQL prepared statement (which is created with the GString and ? syntax) is expecting a string to insert where the ? is, but you are passing it a List. You will need to turn the list of values into a String, which you could do this way:
String conceptsString = conceptList.join(',')
sql.execute("insert into OFFICE.PERSON(CONCEPT) values (?)", [conceptsString])
I have a GeoDataFrame that looks like this:
id name theoretica descriptio geometry
0 1 AIS Télécom Bretagne SRID=4326;POLYGON((-4.57083333333333 48.385326... None POINT (-4.57008 48.35877)
I am trying to insert it into a mongo database. I am using insert_many but it doesn't seem like to work. A snippet of my code is this:
my_dataframe = gpd.GeoDataFrame(df)
db = client['Marine_Database']
Is there any way I can insert this dataframe in my database?
Thank you in advance
You can insert your DataFrame in Mongo, but you have to convert your shapely object 'POINT' to a geojson point object first.
You can do this thanks to :
my_dataframe['geometry']= my_dataframe['geometry'].apply(lambda x:shapely.geometry.mapping(x))
There is a good example on how to insert your data in a database here :
SPLIT_PART function used in a select statement in Snowflake Stored procedure returns null value.
var stmt5 = snowflake.CreateStatement({sqltext:`Select SPLIT_PART(SPLIT_PART(:1,''/'',2),''.gz'',1)`,binds:[stagename]});
var queryText=stmt5.getSqlText();
var x=stmt5.execute();
stagename is retrieved from the List #my_stage command result and the result of the Split Part is used in the Copy Command for inserting records into a snowflake table.
If somebody responds will share the code thru an email to help me fix the issue. Thanks in advance.
You're using JavaScript with backticks, so there's no need to escape the single quotes. By doing so, it actually looks like an empty string. This is how it would look in your SQL history tab:
Select SPLIT_PART(SPLIT_PART(:1,''/'',2),''.gz'',1)
If you put a file name in and try that:
Select SPLIT_PART(SPLIT_PART('mypath/myfile.gz',''/'',2),''.gz'',1)
This doesn't actually return a null value. It's a syntax error, so maybe this execute call is in a try/catch block. That would return a null value when you try to use .next(),
Try it with the quotes single:
var stmt5 = snowflake.CreateStatement({sqltext:`Select SPLIT_PART(SPLIT_PART(:1,'/',2),'.gz',1)`,binds:[stagename]});
I have model I created on the fly for peewee. Something like this:
class TestTable(PeeweeBaseModel):
whencreated_dt = DateTimeField(null=True)
whenchanged = CharField(max_length=50, null=True)
I load data from a text file to a table using peewee, the column "whenchanged" contains all dates in a format of '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' as varchar column. Now I want to convert the text field "whenchanged" into a datetime format in "whencreated_dt".
I tried several things... I ended up with this:
# Initialize table to TestTable
to_execute = "table.update({table.%s : datetime.strptime(table.%s, '%%Y-%%m-%%d %%H:%%M:%%S')}).execute()" % ('whencreated_dt', 'whencreated')
which fails with a "TypeError: strptime() argument 1 must be str, not CharField": I'm trying to convert "whencreated" to datetime and then assign it to "whencreated_dt".
I tried a variation... following e.g. works without a hitch:
# Initialize table to TestTable
to_execute = "table.update({table.%s : datetime.now()}).execute()" % (self.name)
But this is of course just the current datetime, and not another field.
Anyone knows a solution to this?
Edit... I did find a workaround eventually... but I'm still looking for a better solution... The workaround:
all_objects = table.select()
for o in all_objects:
datetime_str = getattr( o, 'whencreated' )
setattr(o, 'whencreated_dt', datetime.strptime(datetime_str, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))
Loop over all rows in the table, get the "whencreated". Convert "whencreated" to a datetime, put it in "whencreated_dt", and save each row.
Your example:
to_execute = "table.update({table.%s : datetime.strptime(table.%s, '%%Y-%%m-%%d %%H:%%M:%%S')}).execute()" % ('whencreated_dt', 'whencreated')
Will not work. Why? Because datetime.strptime is a Python function and operates in Python. An UPDATE query works in database-land. How the hell is the database going to magically pass row values into "datetime.strptime"? How would the db even know how to call such a function?
Instead you need to use a SQL function -- a function that is executed by the database. For example, Postgres:
This is the equivalent SQL:
UPDATE test_table SET whencreated_dt = CAST(whenchanged AS timestamp);
That should populate the column for you using the correct data type. For other databases, consult their manuals. Note that SQLite does not have a dedicated date/time data type, and the datetime functionality uses strings in the Y-m-d H:M:S format.
I know how to update a record and replace a sub string in another string:
update(conn,'tableName',{'columnName'},{'value'},'where columName=xx') %update record in database
modifiedStr = strrep(origStr, oldSubstr, newSubstr) %replaces substring with new string in another string.
Now i want to mix these two and change substring of a record in the database. How can we do that? I want a query to do this. Can we mix the two by any chance?
You don't need the {} brackets if you deal with only one column.
If you have a the column name and hold it in a variable columnName, you can try something similar:
columnName = 'product_id';
whereClause = ['where ',columName,'=',origStr];
modifiedStr = strrep(origStr, oldSubstr, newSubstr);
Of course you don't need to use the variables you can just replace the desired string inside the update function, but I did it for clarification.
I understand that in Postgres pure, you can pass an integer array into a function but that this isn't supported in the .NET data provider Npgsql.
I currently have a DbCommand into which I load a call to a stored proc, add in a parameter and execute scalar to get back an Id to populate an object with.
This now needs to take n integers as arguments. These are used to create child records linking the newly created record by it's id to the integer arguments.
Ideally I'd rather not have to make multiple ExecuteNonQuery calls on my DbCommand for each of the integers, so I'm about to build a csv string as a parameter that will be split on the database side.
I normally live in LINQ 2 SQL savouring the Db abstraction, working on this project with manual data access it's all just getting a bit dirty, how do people usually go about passing these kinds of parameters into postgres?
See: http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.1/static/arrays.html
If your non-native driver still does not allow you to pass arrays, then you can:
pass a string representation of an array (which your stored procedure can then parse into an array -- see string_to_array)
ids INT[];
ids = string_to_array($1,',');
END $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
SELECT my_method(:1)
with :1 = '1,2,3,4'
rely on Postgres itself to cast from a string to an array
END $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
SELECT my_method('{1,2,3,4}')
choose not to use bind variables and issue an explicit command string with all parameters spelled out instead (make sure to validate or escape all parameters coming from outside to avoid SQL injection attacks.)
END $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
SELECT my_method(ARRAY [1,2,3,4])
I realize this is an old question, but it took me several hours to find a good solution and thought I'd pass on what I learned here and save someone else the trouble. Try, for example,
SELECT * FROM some_table WHERE id_column = ANY(#id_list)
where #id_list is bound to an int[] parameter by way of
command.Parameters.Add("#id_list", NpgsqlDbType.Array|NpgsqlDbType.Integer).Value = my_id_list;
where command is a NpgsqlCommand (using C# and Npgsql in Visual Studio).
You can always use a properly formatted string. The trick is the formatting.
command.Parameters.Add("#array_parameter", string.Format("{{{0}}}", string.Join(",", array));
Note that if your array is an array of strings, then you'll need to use array.Select(value => string.Format("\"{0}\", value)) or the equivalent. I use this style for an array of an enumerated type in PostgreSQL, because there's no automatic conversion from the array.
In my case, my enumerated type has some values like 'value1', 'value2', 'value3', and my C# enumeration has matching values. In my case, the final SQL query ends up looking something like (E'{"value1","value2"}'), and this works.
Full Coding Structure
postgresql function
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION admin.usp_itemdisplayid_byitemhead_select(
item_head_list int[])
RETURNS TABLE(item_display_id integer)
COST 100
ROWS 1000
SELECT vii.item_display_id from admin.view_item_information as vii
where vii.item_head_id = ANY(item_head_list);
public class CampaignCreator
public int item_display_id { get; set; }
public List<int> pitem_head_id { get; set; }
.NET CORE function
DynamicParameters _parameter = new DynamicParameters();
string sql = "select * from admin.usp_itemdisplayid_byitemhead_select(#item_head_list)";
response.data = await _connection.QueryAsync<CampaignCreator>(sql, _parameter);