Access a Google Compute Engine instance exclusively from Google App Engine? - google-app-engine

The current setup,
Google Compute Engine running Windows Server 2012 (GCE Server 2012)
Google Compute Engine running Debian Wheezy (GCE Server Wheezy)
GCE Server 2012 has one open port, tcp 3389 to GCE Server Wheezy
GCE Server Wheezy is running Guacamole with NLA enabled and Tomcat 7 and is working off x.x.x.x:8080/guacamole/
So I have, what I hope, is a secure connection between GCE Server 2012 and GCE Server Wheezy. Now I want to be able to access x.x.x.x:8080/guacamole/ securely, but the setup with SSL has been difficult.
What I want to know is if it's possible to access GCE Server Wheezy through Google App Engine, which already has great SSL protection. Essentially, I would like to be able to open one port and IP address (range) and/or some sort of internal connection between a GCE website and GAE, and then access everything through GAE. My assumption is that since traffic from GCE and GAE never leave Google's internal infrastructure and they are tied only to each other, this would be an easy and affordable way to add powerful SSL encryption to my Guacamole/Tomcat setup.
Alternative ideas to easily add SSL to my setup would also be greatly appreciated.

Setup the HTTP Load balancer and you're set in a few mouse clicks...
HTTP/HTTPS load balancing provides global load balancing for incoming
HTTP or HTTPS requests, allowing these requests to be sent to
different sets of backends based on patterns in the URL. HTTP requests
can be load balanced based on port 80 or port 8080. HTTPS requests can
be load balanced on port 443. HTTPS load balancing also supports SPDY
and HTTP/2. HTTP/HTTPS load balancing does not support WebSocket.


Accessing files on FTP server through custom VPN from app deployed on App Engine Flex: doable?

I have the following use case:
Application is deployed on App Engine Flex environment.
Application fetches data from an FTP server on API request.
FTP server can only be accessed through a custom VPN.
Can I access the FTP server from an App Engine Flex environment? If so, what would I need?
Apologies if this is not clear, I am not a network/devOps person.
As a solution, you can connect your on-premises network and application deployed to App Engine Flex via Google Cloud VPN:
Cloud VPN securely connects your peer network to your Google
Cloud (GCP) Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) network through an
IPsec VPN connection. Traffic traveling between the two
networks is encrypted by one VPN gateway, then decrypted by the other
VPN gateway. This protects your data as it travels over the internet.
You can also connect two instances of Cloud VPN to each other.
App Engine Flexible Environment is based on Google Compute Engine and consequently can connect to your remote network via Cloud VPNs. As described in the documentation Configuring your App with app.yaml, you can specify network settings in your app.yaml configuration file:
... app in App Engine is configured using an app.yaml file, that
contains CPU, memory, network and disk resources, scaling, and other
general settings including environment variables.

Separate SQL server speed too slow in Google Cloud

I was moving all website to google cloud and encounter a performance problem.
I set up a VM instance on Compute Engine and a Cloud SQL server.
And connect the Joomla website from VM to Cloud SQL server using provided IP address. (Seems public IP)
The performance is really slow compared to the website using local database inside the VM itself.
So, my question is, is there a way to find local IP to connect to Cloud SQL since our web server is also on the Google Cloud infra itself.
Or, the only way is to stick with the database inside VM?
I set up the Cloud proxy using this guide.
Can connect to mysql prompt with the proxy now.
But still cannot find a way to let joomla use this cloud proxy to connect to the database.
The fastest, easiest, and most secure way to connect to your Cloud SQL instance from your Compute instance is by using the Cloud SQL Proxy. There are multiple reasons for this, but here are the main ones:
Secure connections: The proxy automatically encrypts traffic to and from the database using TLS 1.2 with a 128-bit AES cipher; SSL certificates are used to verify client and server identities.
Easier connection management: The proxy handles authentication with Google Cloud SQL, removing the need to provide static IP addresses.
There's also the fact that you only need a static and small number of instances (1 in your case) connecting to the database, so you don't really need to overcomplicate your setup, you can just drop this binary into your instance, run it as a daemon, and instantly have a fast lane to your Cloud SQL instance (I use "fast lane" here because the traffic will go through Google Cloud's internal network).
Setting up the Cloud SQL Proxy comes down to enabling the Cloud SQL API, giving the service account of your intance access to the Cloud SQL API, making sure the binary has execution permissions (chmod +x), and giving it the connection string to the Cloud SQL instance. You seem to be having issues using the Proxy, so if you need more troubleshooting ideas, you can find them in the documentation. The tutorial you've followed should have detailed instructions on how to do these steps.
After all of that and after making sure the Proxy is running, connecting Joomla to the database should be similar to how you do it via the MySQL client. You should point your Joomla installation to localhost (or, give it a set of credentials to access the database itself (you can create database users via the Console), give your Joomla database's name, and that should be it!
Don't forget that the Proxy needs to be running in TCP mode! That should be as simple as adding =tcp:LOCAL_PORT_TO_LISTEN_ON to the connection string parameter you're passing to the Proxy. Here's an example of how to run the Proxy:
./cloud_sql_proxy -instances=<INSTANCE_CONNECTION_NAME>=tcp:3306
Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) helps to increase the performance.
Private Google access enables virtual machine (VM) instances on a subnetwork to reach Google APIs and Services using an internal IP address rather than an external IP address. You can use Private Google access to allow VMs without Internet access to reach Google services.
Here you get more details:

Google App Engine .Net Core 2.0 app can't access Google Cloud SQL database

I have a dotnet core 2.0 application running in Google App Engine Flexible Environment. Within the same Google project I have a Cloud SQL - MySQL database. On the Cloud SQL Instance details page, under the Authorizations tab, it states
Apps in this project: All authorized.
However, I cannot access the database from my application unless I add the route to the Authorized networks section.
What can I do to give my application db access without opening my database to the world?
Update 2018-05-21 from Jeffery Rennie (accepted answer)
App Engine now supports connecting to a Cloud SQL instance using a port number instead of a unix domain socket. So now, you can add something like this to your app.yaml:
cloud_sql_instances: "your-project-id:us-central1:instance-name=tcp:5432"
And specify Host=cloudsql in your connection string in your appsettings.json:
"ConnectionString": "Uid=aspnetuser;Pwd=;Host=cloudsql;Database=visitors"
In the sample above, the port is 5432, which is the default port for a PostgreSQL database. For a MySQL database, use port 3306.
A full example with instructions for deploying to App Engine can be found here:
The ideal solution is to use a unix domain socket to connect from your app engine instance to Cloud SQL. That's how other programming languages like Python and PHP do it. Unfortunately, the MySQL connector does not work with domain sockets. I see no reason why it can't, but it doesn't. I hope they fix that issue soon.
As described in,
Note that using static IP address filtering is not considered a safe
and effective means of protection. For example, an attacker could set
up a malicious App Engine app which could share the same IP address
range as your application. Instead, we suggest that you take a defense
in depth approach using OAuth and Certs.
If certificates are not sufficient to protect your application, then the only remaining option I see today is to build a custom runtime that runs the Cloud SQL Proxy. The proxy can forward a local ip port number to a unix domain socket. If you have built a docker image or two, then it's not too bad.
I will update this answer as the situation improves.
Update 2018-05-21
App Engine now supports connecting to a Cloud SQL instance using a port number instead of a unix domain socket. So now, you can add something like this to your app.yaml:
cloud_sql_instances: "your-project-id:us-central1:instance-name=tcp:5432"
And specify Host=cloudsql in your connection string in your appsettings.json:
"ConnectionString": "Uid=aspnetuser;Pwd=;Host=cloudsql;Database=visitors"
In the sample above, the port is 5432, which is the default port for a PostgreSQL database. For a MySQL database, use port 3306.
A full example with instructions for deploying to App Engine can be found here:
While you are not wrong that "apps in this this project: All authorized" seems to suggest you can out-of-the-box just use your App Engine app with Cloud SQL, but there are limitations.
First of all, your Cloud SQL needs to be a 2nd generation instance, and secondly, there are specific instructions that's dependent on the language you use and the App Engine type (standard or flex).
If your situation fit all the requirements, it should work.
For your specific use case, you need the .Net instructions, it does say you need to add a network with access and an user account. The user authentication + SSL should provide the security you need.

Connect App-Engine app to other Google Cloud Instances - VPN or similar needed? / DNS possible?

We plan to use Appengine for our Node.JS REST-API which will serve content for our customers. The data will come from a MOngoDB Cluster (or Replicaset), which will also be hosted on Google Cloud Services. Some of the contents might be cached using the Memcache of AppEngine.
Now my question. Is it neccessary to setup a kind of VLAN or similar, to connect to the DB server? How can we assure that the DB server is connected with a good bandwidth / latency to the AppEngine instances? Or is this no matter of concern at all?
Another question, does Google Cloud have a kind of internal DNS, which can be used? So for example that we have a domainname like "ourmongodb.internal" which can be used in connection string of our REST API? Or how is the most recent approach to connect to our DB server instance?
If you use app engine flex you can setup your nodejs app engine server and the GCE VMs that run the mogoDB cluster in the same network and than connect them both in the internal IP space.

instead of using cloudSQL we will use compute engine to install other database server

I would like ask if a created google compute engine (vm) can be part of our local area network in our site and serves as our database server where every client can connect through our internet server?
instead of using cloudSQL we will use compute engine to install other database server.
I don't think you can assign a GCE VM to directly have an IP address from your local network, but if you run your own DNS in your network, you could add an entry to point your database server name at the Google IP, and you could configure routes on your network to go through your Internet server to get to that address. Alternately, if you have VPN IPSEC hardware at your site, you could use Cloud VPN to setup a tunnel from your site to your GCE project.
