Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers.
Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question.
Closed 7 years ago.
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I honestly have no idea how the following even happens. Here is the code:
char** line = read_command();
char* command = line[0];
char** parameters = malloc(100);
int i;
for(i = 0; i < pNum; i++) // pNum is a global var containing the number of words read from read_command()
parameters[i] = line[i];
printf("%i: %s", i, parameters[i]);
printf("%s\n", parameters[0]);
parameters[0] = "/usr/bin/";
strcat(parameters[0], command);
printf("%s\n", command);
printf("%s\n", parameters[0]);
if(fork() != 0)
waitpid(1, &status, 0);
execve(parameters[0], parameters, NULL);
read_command() returns a char** that is basically an "array" to the string that was entered, and each char* contains a word. Like if I enter "hello people of earth" the result would be ["hello", "people", "of", "earth"]. This fucntion always works.
upon the first iteration everything works just as expected. example, when I type "date" the output is as follows:
0: date
and then the date is displayed
but upon the second iteration if i use "date" as the input again the output is as follows:
and the date command is not issued
the second printf statement always prints "e" after the first iteration even if I print a constant string like "hello". and then the parameters[0] somehow has 2 "date" in it even though the command pointer has only 1 "date".
And after the third iteration the program does not wait for user input, it just loops non stop and displays "PM: warning, process table is full!"
What could possibly cause this?
I am working in MINIX 3.1.0 with the cc compiler for C
the read_command():
char* line = malloc(), * linep = line;
size_t lenmax = 100, len = lenmax;
int c;
int currPos = 0;
int currParam = 0;
int i;
char** parameters = malloc(100);
if(line == NULL)
return NULL;
c = fgetc(stdin);
if(c == EOF) || c == '\n')
if(--len == 0)
char* linen = realloc(linep, lenmax *= 2);
len = lenmax;
if(linen == NULL)
return NULL;
line = linen + (line - linep);
linep = linen;
if((*line++ = c) == '\n')
*line = '\0'; // everything up to this point i got from this link:
parameters[currentParam] = malloc(100);
for(i = 0; i < strlen(linep); i++);
if(isspace(linep[i]) || line[i] == EOF)
parameters[currParam][currPos] = '\0;
currPos = 0;
parameters[++currParam] = malloc(100);
parameters[currParam][currPos++] = line[i];
parameters[currParam][currPos] = '\0';
pNum = currParam + 1;
return parameters;
It sure is interesting that those people who learn by reading reputable resources, such as the tried and tested for decades K&R tend to have these issues far less frequently than those who don't...
char** parameters = malloc(100); is attempting to allocate 100 bytes. realloc behaves similarly, so I won't mention this again. Perhaps you meant to allocate 100 lots of char *? It'd make even more sense to allocate pNum lots of char *: char **parameters = malloc(pNum * sizeof *parameters);... char* linen = realloc(linep, (lenmax *= 2) * sizeof *linep);...
strcat doesn't allocate memory; the only functions that allocate memory are malloc, calloc and realloc.
When you call strcat(foo, bar); you're asking strcat to append the string pointed to by bar onto the end of the string pointed to by foo. In your code, you're attempting to modify a string literal. Undefined behaviour, and typically a segfault.
Even your modified attempt is wrong. In parameters[0] = "/usr/bin/";, you're not copying a string into parameters[0]; you're assigning parameters[0] to point to the string (which is typically in immutable memory, as I mentioned earlier). You really need to narrow down the source of your undefined behaviour by creating an MCVE...
In the first line of your read_command() function, char* line = malloc(), * linep = line;, you have called malloc without providing an argument. That's a constraint violation. Your compiler should be issuing you with an error. Perhaps you've forgotten to #include <stdlib.h>, and so malloc is missing its prototype? Please provide an MCVE so we don't have to make guesses like this.
There's another constraint violation at if(c == EOF) || c == '\n')... Even if we were to fill in the blanks to produce an MCVE for you (which we shouldn't have to do, because it's your work and you're asking us for help), this code would not compile. Perhaps that's what's causing your crashes? Always check the messages that your compiler gives you. Don't ignore warnings... and definitely don't ignore error messages.
I compared the code that you claimed came from this answer, and it is quite different. The code at that answer compiles, for one. Nonetheless, is that your way to establish trust with the people who are trying to help you... by lying?
You don't need so much dynamic allocation, and normally I would go out of my way and explain how you can do this the best way possible, but the lies have put me off. I have one more point to make: Make sure parameters is terminated by a null pointer (similarly to how strings are terminated by a null character), as it is required to be by the manual.
I'm trying to implement a C function char* strShiftLeft(char* str, int n) that takes in a string (str) and an int n, which represents how many chars to shift str to the left. For example, if we call it as strShiftLeft("Thomas", 2), the function should return a char pointer pointing to a string "omasTh" as we append the first 2 (n) chars to the end of string and shift every char 2 slots to the left.
However, for some reason, when I compile my program, it compiles fine but when I run it on my mac, my terminal keeps showing me:
zsh: bus error ./a.out
Here's my code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
char* strShiftLeft(char* str, int n)
// If the passed in string is NULL, return NULL
if (str == NULL)
return NULL;
// Get the length of the string
int len = 0;
char* counter_ptr = str;
while (*counter_ptr != '\0')
printf("len: %d\n", len);
// If the integer is longer than the string, return back NULL
if (n > len)
printf("n too big!\n");
return NULL;
// Create a temp char array to store 1st n chars to append to the end of string later
char temp_arr[n];
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
*(temp_arr + i) = *(str + i);
printf("temp_arr = %s\n", temp_arr);
printf("str is still: %s\n", str);
// So far so good
char* temp = str + n;
printf("len - n = %d\n", len - n);
// Update first (len - n) characters of the string (e.g. n = 2, "Thomas" -> "omasas")
for (int i = 0; i < (len - n); i++)
printf("*temp = %c\n", *temp);
printf("*(temp - n) = %c\n", *(temp - n));
temp = str + (len - n);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
*(temp + i) = *(temp_arr+i); // THIS LINE ALSO SEEMS TO BE CAUSING ERRORS
return str;
int main()
char* str = strShiftLeft("Thomas", 2);
printf("%s\n", str); // Should print out "omasTh"
return 0;
I used a lot of printf()s to try to find out what went wrong. I noticed two particular lines of code seem to be causing some errors, namely:
*(temp - n) = *(temp);
*(temp + i) = *(temp_arr+i);
What I'm trying to do with these 2 lines of code is that I want to update the values of certain elements in the string with values from other elements in the string.
Although my code compiles, when I run it, it shows "zsh: bus error ./a.out". I tried using some online compiler. When I ran my code, I got seg fault.
I don't know what mistakes I've made.
Would be much appreciated if someone can help me identify the mistakes I've made.
Note that, I'm not allowed to use dynamic memory allocation, bracket operator for dereferencing pointers, or any functions from the C library such as strlen(), strcpy() etc. Thanks!
I've used printf() to pinpoint which lines are causing errors, but I don't understand why they're causing errors.
When you invoke strShiftLeft("Thomas", 2); you are passing strShiftLeft() the address of a string literal.
strShiftLeft() then proceeds to try and modify in-place the string that you passed to it, which means that it tries to modify a string literal.
Modifying a string literal in C is "undefined behavior", which means that anything may happen.
Anything includes:
Nothing. This will happen if you are running in some environment which happens to be storing C string literals in read-write memory. (And is treacherous, because it might give you the impression that your program works, while it doesn't.)
Bowls of petunias and sperm whales fall from the sky. (Mandatory HGGTG reference.)
More likely: Your program gets terminated due to a segmentation fault (segfault) because the string literal was stored in read-only memory and your program attempted to write to that memory.
However, this is not what is happening in your case, because you are not receiving a segfault, you are receiving a bus error. A bus error means that your program did not just attempt to write to read-only memory; it means that it attempted to address memory which cannot even be addressed.
What is causing your bus error is most probably the following:
printf("temp_arr = %s\n", temp_arr);
What happens is that you forgot to null-terminate your temp_arr, so the printf() function prints whatever temp_arr contains and then continues printing after the end of temp_arr. Since temp_arr is in the stack, printf() attempts to read from memory past the end of the stack, which is in all likelihood some invalid page.
This is one more reason to start using a debugger and stop using printf() statements.
I started learning C and I had this exercise from the book "Prentice Hall - The C Programming Language".
Chapter 5 Exercise 3:
Write a pointer version of the fuction strcat that we showed in Chapter 2. strcat(s, t) copies the string t to the end of s.
I did the exercise but the first method that came up to my mind was:
void stringcat(char *s, char *t){
int i,j;
i = j = 0;
while(*(s+i) != '\0'){
printf("%d", i);
while ( (*(t+j)) != '\0'){
*(s+i) = *(t+j);
In main I had:
int main(){
char s[] = "Hola";
char t[] = "lala";
printf("%s\n", s);
At first sight I thought it was right but the actual output was Holalalaa.
Of course it was not the output that I expected, but then I coded this:
void stringcat(char *s, char *t){
int i,j;
i = j = 0;
while(*(s+i) != '\0'){
printf("%d", i);
while((*(s+i) = *(t+j)) != '\0'){
And the output was right.
But then I was thinking a lot about the first code because it's very similar to the second one but why the first output was wrong?. Is it something related with the while statement? or something with pointers?. I found it really hard to understand because you can't see what's happening in the array.
Thanks a lot.
Your code has more than the one problem that you found, but let's start with it.
Actually you are asking why
/* ... */
while ((*(t+j)) != '\0') {
*(s+i) = *(t+j);
/* ... */
works differently than
/* ... */
while ((*(s+i) = *(t+j)) != '\0') {
/* ... */
I hope you see it already, now that both cases stand side by side, actually vertically ;-). In the first case the value of t[j] is compared before it is copied to s[i]. In the second case the comparison is done after the copy. That's why the second case copies the terminating '\0' to the target string, and the first case does not.
The output you get works accidentally, it is Undefined Behavior, since you are writing beyond the border of the target array. Fortunately for you, both strings are laying in sequence in the memory, and you are overwriting the source string with its own characters.
Because your first case does not copy the '\0', the final printf() outputs more characters until a '\0' is encountered. By chance this is the last 'a'.
As others commented, the target string has not enough space for the concatenated string. Provide some more space like this:
char s[10] = "Hola"; /* 10 is enough for both strings and the terminating '\0'. */
However, if you had done this already, the error would have not been revealed, because the last 6 characters of s are initialized with '\0'. Not copying the terminating '\0' makes no difference. You can see this if you use
char s[10] = "Hola\0xxxx";
I don't think that your solution is the expected one. Instead of s[i] you are using *(s + i), which is essentially the same, accessing an array. Consider changing s (and in the course, t) in the function and use just *s.
Side note: The printf() in the function is most probably a leftover from debugging. But I'm sure you know.
As a part in my process to learn C I am developing a couple of functions for string manipulations. One of these has the function of replacing substrings within a string, and is raising some questions. I am working in C99; compiling on Mac OS Sierra and FreeBSD.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
char *repstr(char input[], char rep[], char new[]) {
char *output = malloc(strlen(input)*5); // <- Question 2
int replen = strlen(rep);
int newlen = strlen(new);
int a, b, c = 0;
// printf("input: %ld\t%s\n", strlen(input), input); // <- Question 1
while(input[a]) {
if(input[(a+b)] == rep[b]) {
if(b == replen - 1) {
strcat(output, new);
a += replen;
c += newlen;
else b++;
} else {
output[c] = input[a];
return output;
int main() {
char buffer[] = "This is the test string test string test test string!";
char rep[] = "test";
char new[] = "tested";
int len = strlen(buffer);
char output[len+5];
printf("input: %d\t%s\n", len, buffer); // <- Question 1
strcpy(output, repstr(buffer, rep, new));
printf("output: %ld\t%s\n", strlen(output), output);
return 0;
Question 1: When this line is executed in main() it causes a segfault. However, when executed within the function everything seems to work fine. Why?
Question 2: I have realized that I need a pretty large piece of memory allocated for the output to look as expected. strlen(input)*5 is an arbitrary number which seems to work, but why do I get seemingly 'random' errors when lowering the number?
NB! As this is a part of my process to learn coding in C I am not primarily interested in (more efficient) pre-fab solutions for solving the problem (already have them), but to explain the two questions listed - so that I can solve the problem myself.
Also; this is my first post in the SO forums. Hello.
Question 1: When this line is executed in main() it causes a segfault.
However, when executed within the function everything seems to work
fine. Why?
No, printf("input: %d\t%s\n", len, buffer); // <- Question 1 is not the cause of your segfault.
printf("output: %ld\t%s\n", strlen(output), output);
This part is, strlen doesn't return int but it returns size_t. As noted in the comments, use %zu to print it out.
Also, while(input[a]) will stop at the NULL terminator which means that your output will never hold a terminator and thus printf will keep on reading, you should add it at the end:
output[c] = '\0';
Also, as noted by #LPs in the comments, you should zero initialize the variables you work with :
int a = 0, b = 0, c = 0;
Question 2: I have realized that I need a pretty large piece of memory
allocated for the output to look as expected. strlen(input)*5 is an
arbitrary number which seems to work, but why do I get seemingly
'random' errors when lowering the number?
Probably because you haven't allocated enough memory. Because the string length depends on runtime factors there's no way to know the exact memory needed you should allocate the maximum amount required:
char *output = malloc(strlen(input) * strlen(new) + 1);
I seem to have some trouble getting my string to terminate with a \0. I'm not sure if this the problem, so I decided to make a post.
First of all, I declared my strings as:
char *input2[5];
Later in the program, I added this line of code to convert all remaining unused slots to become \0, changing them all to become null terminators. Could've done with a for loop, but yea.
while (c != 4) {
input2[c] = '\0';
In Eclipse when in debug mode, I see that the empty slots now contain 0x0, not \0. Are these the same things? The other string where I declared it as
char input[15] = "";
shows \000 when in debug mode though.
My problem is that I am getting segmentation faults (on Debian VM. Works on my Linux 12.04 though). My GUESS is that because the string hasn't really been terminated, the compiler doesn't know when it stops and thus continues to try to access memory in the array when it is clearly already out of bound.
Edit: I will try to answer all other questions soon, but when I change my string declaration to the other suggested one, my program crashes. There is a strtok() function, used to chop my fgets input into strings and then putting them into my input2 array.
input1[0] = 'l'
input1[1] = 's'
input1[2] = '\n'
input2[0] = "ls".
This is a shell simulating program with fork and execvp. I will post more code soon.
Regarding the suggestion:
char *input2[5]; This is a perfectly legal declaration, but it
defined input2 as an array of pointers. To contain a string, it needs
to be an array of char.
I will try that change again. I did try that earlier, but I remember it giving me another run-time error (seg fault?). I think it is because of the way I implemented my strtok() function though. I will check it out again. Thanks!
EDIT 2: I added a response below to update my progress so far. Thanks for all the help!
It is here.
You code should rather look like this:
char input2[5];
for (int c=0; c < 4; c++) {
input2[c] = '\0';
0x0 and \0 are different representation of the same value 0;
Response 1:
Thanks for all the answers!
I made some changes from the responses, but I reverted the char suggestion (or correct string declaration) because like someone pointed out, I have a strtok function. Strtok requires me to send in a char *, so I reverted back to what I originally had (char * input[5]). I posted my code up to strtok below. My problem is that the program works fine in my Ubuntu 12.04, but gives me a segfault error when I try to run it on the Debian VM.
I am pretty confused as I originally thought the error was because the compiler was trying to access an array index that is already out of bound. That doesn't seem like the problem because a lot of people mentioned that 0x0 is just another way of writing \000. I have posted my debug window's variable section below. Everything seems right though as far as I can see.. hmm..
Input2[0] and input[0], input[1 ] are the focus points.
Here is my code up to the strtok function. The rest is just fork and then execvp call:
int flag = 0;
int i = 0;
int status;
char *s; //for strchr, strtok
char input[15] = "";
char *input2[5];
//char input2[5];
printf("Please enter prompt:\n");
//Reads in input
fgets(input, 100, stdin);
//Remove \n
int len = strlen(input);
if (len > 0 && input[len-1] == '\n')
input[len-1] = ' ';
//At end of string (numb of args), add \0
//Check for & via strchr
s = strchr (input, '&');
if (s != NULL) { //If there is a &
printf("'&' detected. Program not waiting.\n");
//printf ("'&' Found at %s\n", s);
flag = 1;
//Now for strtok
input2[i] = strtok(input, " "); //strtok: returns a pointer to the last token found in string, so must declare
//input2 as char * I believe
while(input2[i] != NULL)
input2[++i] = strtok( NULL, " ");
if (flag == 1) {
i = i - 1; //Removes & from total number of arguments
//Sets null terminator for unused slots. (Is this step necessary? Does the C compiler know when to stop?)
int c = i;
while (c < 5) {
input2[c] = '\0';
Q: Why didn't you declare your string char input[5];? Do you really need the extra level of indirection?
Q: while (c < 4) is safer. And be sure to initialize "c"!
And yes, "0x0" in the debugger and '\0' in your source code are "the same thing".
char input2[5];
c = 0;
while (c < 4) {
input2[c] = '\0';
This will almost certainly fix your segmentation violation.
char *input2[5];
This is a perfectly legal declaration, but it defined input2 as an array of pointers. To contain a string, it needs to be an array of char.
while (c != 4) {
input2[c] = '\0';
Again, this is legal, but since input2 is an array of pointers, input2[c] is a pointer (of type char*). The rules for null pointer constants are such that '\0' is a valid null pointer constant. The assignment is equivalent to:
input2[c] = NULL;
I don't know what you're trying to do with input2. If you pass it to a function expecting a char* that points to a string, your code won't compile -- or at least you'll get a warning.
But if you want input2 to hold a string, it needs to be defined as:
char input2[5];
It's just unfortunate that the error you made happens to be one that a C compiler doesn't necessarily diagnose. (There are too many different flavors of "zero" in C, and they're often quietly interchangeable.)
char sentence2[10];
strncpy(sentence2, second, sizeof(sentence2)); //shouldn't I specify the sizeof(source) instead of sizeof(destination)?
sentence2[10] = '\0'; //Is this okay since strncpy does not provide the null character.
char *pointer = first;
for(int i =0; i < 500; i++) //Why does it crashes without this meaningless loop?!
printf("%c", *pointer);
if(*pointer == '\n')
So here's the problem. When I run the first part of this code, the program crashes.
However, when I add the for loop that just prints garbage values in memory locations, it does not crash but still won't strcpy properly.
Second, when using strncpy, shouldn't I specify the sizeof(source) instead of sizeof(destination) since I'm moving the bytes of the source ?
Third, It makes sense to me to add the the null terminating character after strncpy, since I've read that it doesn't add the null character on its own, but I get a warning that it's a possible out of bounds store from my pelles c IDE.
fourth and most importantly, why doesn't the simply strcpy work ?!?!
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
void main3(void)
puts("\n\n-----main3 reporting for duty!------\n");
char *first = "Metal Gear";
char *second = "Suikoden";
printf("strcmp(first, first) = %d\n", strcmp(first, first)); //returns 0 when both strings are identical.
printf("strcmp(first, second) = %d\n", strcmp(first, second)); //returns a negative when the first differenet char is less in first string. (M=77 S=83)
printf("strcmp(second, first) = %d\n", strcmp(second, first)); //returns a positive when the first different char is greater in first string.(M=77 S=83)
char sentence1[10];
strcpy(sentence1, first);
char sentence2[10];
strncpy(sentence2, second, 10); //shouldn't I specify the sizeof(source) instead of sizeof(destination).
sentence2[9] = '\0'; //Is this okay since strncpy does not provide the null character.
char *pointer = first;
for(int i =0; i < 500; i++) //Why does it crashes without this nonsensical loop?!
printf("%c", *pointer);
if(*pointer == '\n')
This is how I teach myself to program. I write code and comment all I know about it so that
the next time I need to look up something, I just look at my own code in my files. In this one, I'm trying to learn the string library in c.
char *first = "Metal Gear";
char sentence1[10];
strcpy(sentence1, first);
This doesn't work because first has 11 characters: the ten in the string, plus the null terminator. So you would need char sentence1[11]; or more.
strncpy(sentence2, second, sizeof(sentence2));
//shouldn't I specify the sizeof(source) instead of sizeof(destination)?
No. The third argument to strncpy is supposed to be the size of the destination. The strncpy function will always write exactly that many bytes.
If you want to use strncpy you must also put a null terminator on (and there must be enough space for that terminator), unless you are sure that strlen(second) < sizeof sentence2.
Generally speaking, strncpy is almost never a good idea. If you want to put a null-terminated string into a buffer that might be too small, use snprintf.
This is how I teach myself to program.
Learning C by trial and error is not good. The problem is that if you write bad code, you may never know. It might appear to work , and then fail later on. For example it depends on what lies in memory after sentence1 as to whether your strcpy would step on any other variable's toes or not.
Learning from a book is by far and away the best idea. K&R 2 is a decent starting place if you don't have any other.
If you don't have a book, do look up online documentation for standard functions anyway. You could have learnt all this about strcpy and strncpy by reading their man pages, or their definitions in a C standard draft, etc.
Your problems start from here:
char sentence1[10];
strcpy(sentence1, first);
The number of characters in first, excluding the terminating null character, is 10. The space allocated for sentence1 has to be at least 11 for the program to behave in a predictable way. Since you have already used memory that you are not supposed to use, expecting anything to behave after that is not right.
You can fix this problem by changing
char sentence1[10];
char sentence1[N]; // where N > 10.
But then, you have to ask yourself. What are you trying to accomplish by allocating memory on the stack that's on the edge of being wrong? Are you trying to learn how things behave at the boundary of being wrong/right? If the answer to the second question is yes, hopefully you learned from it. If not, I hope you learned how to allocate adequate memory.
this is an array bounds write error. The indices are only 0-9
sentence2[10] = '\0';
it should be
sentence2[9] = '\0';
second, you're protecting the destination from buffer overflow, so specifying its size is appropriate.
Lastly, in this amazingly bad piece of code, which really isn't worth mentioning, is relevant to neither strcpy() nor strncpy(), yet seems to have earned me the disfavor of #nonsensicke, who seems to write very verbose and thoughtful posts... there are the following:
char *pointer = first;
for(int i =0; i < 500; i++)
printf("%c", *pointer);
if(*pointer == '\n')
Your use of int i=0 in the for loop is C99 specific. Depending on your compiler and compiler arguments, it can result in a compilation error.
for(int i =0; i < 500; i++)
int i = 0;
You neglect to check the return code of printf or indicate that you are deliberately ignoring it. I/O can fail after all...
printf("%c", *pointer);
int n = 0;
n = printf("%c", *pointer);
if(n!=1) { // error! }
(void) printf("%c", *pointer);
some folks will get onto you for not using {} with your if statements
if(*pointer == '\n') putchar('\n');
if(*pointer == '\n') {
but wait there's more... you didn't check the return code of putchar()... dang
unsigned char c = 0x00;
if(*pointer == '\n') {
c = putchar('\n');
if(c!=*pointer) // error
and lastly, with this nasty little loop you're basically romping through memory like a Kiwi in a Tulip field and lucky if you hit a newline. Depending on the OS (if you even have an OS), you might actually encounter some type of fault, e.g. outside your process space, maybe outside addressable RAM, etc. There's just not enough info provided to say actually, but it could happen.
My recommendation, beyond the absurdity of actually performing some type of detailed analysis on the rest of that code, would be to just remove it altogether.