SISS Oracle to SQL Server 2008 Unicode Conversion - sql-server

Before you close me for a duplicate. I know there is a work around for this at the link below.
My question is: why is this "suddenly" happening? I work at company and we have probably 40+ dts packages running regularly. None have ever had this issue when going between our Oracle and SQL Server 2008 platforms.
I suspect it is because of some update to one of the platforms, or because we migrated to a new server for SQL Server.
Does anyone know what setting this would be that needs to be changed in order to avoid this?
Additionally, every package we create / edit throws warnings for this, however, every legacy package works just fine.
SSIS Package: convert between unicode and non-unicode string data types

You mention that you migrated to new SQL Server. I suspect that you also change architecture from 32-bit to 64-bit which can cause your problems.
To determine this is your case run your DTS/SSIS from command line using default dtexec from Program Files\...\Binn and second from Program Files(x86)\...\Binn.
Second you mentioned that your legacy dts works fine, try to delete their source adapter and recreate it and check if it'll cause your problem.
Possible solution: install 32-bit Oracle drivers and use them
from SQL Server Agent Job in tab Execution Options set Use 32 bit Runtime
Read carefully 64 bit Considerations for Integration Services

To fix this issue I used the connection type:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Oracle.
Note I did not have to install any special version
This alone did not fix the issue, I also had to edit my OLE DB Souce connection properties. Under Custom Properties is the choice for AlwaysUseDefaultCodePage. This is by default set to false, when I set it to true this fixed my issue. I have not seen this error come back since.


SSIS to Oracle "Could not create a managed connection manager."

I'm trying to use SSIS to load some data from Oracle database to MSSQL database.
I created the project and used the ADO.Net source and was able to create a connection to Oracle and run queries and view results.
However when I actually run the package I get the following error:
Error: 0xC0208449 at Data Flow Task, ADO NET Source 2: ADO NET Source has failed to acquire the connection {EECB236A-59EA-475E-AE82-52871D15952D} with the following error message: "Could not create a managed connection manager.".
It seems similar to the issue here
And I did find that I have two oracle clients version installed "11.1" and "12.2".
One is used by PL/SQL and the other by other entity framework project.
If this is the issue I just wanted a way to tell the SSIS to pick-up the correct one.
I tried adding Entry in machine.config for "oracle.manageddataaccess.client" section with the desired version.
I also tried using other types of data sources but couldn't even create a successful connection
I tried changing the Run64bitRuntime property in the project to False
Note: I don't have SSIS installed on my machine.
Eventually, I just had to remove the entries related to 11.1 in path variable then restarted my machine.
Also I switched to "dotConnectForOracle" for connection and now it seems to be working fine.
I'm expecting issues related to other applications that might still be using the 11.1 version, but that will be a problem for another day.
Always make sure to write the user (oracle schema) in uppercase and some special characters [in my case it was $] in the password needs escape character even if you're using the wizard not the cmd
I still don't understand the whole issue but I hope this helps someone some day.

Connect to a Postgresql database using power query in Excel

I am struggling with the above - I've installed PowerQuery (64 bit Excel 2013 setup) and under the database connection options, despite following the instructions here to download the Ngpsql data provider for PostgreSQL:
I can still only see a limited set of options under under the database list, which do not include a PostgreSQL database. Now having hunted around on the web I found this thread:
Which seems to suggest that the reason I cannot see the Postgresql option is that I am not using an OfficePro installation (think it was home edition).
Does anyone have any pointers - any workaround for this? Or do I really have to get a different version of office to get data from a Postgresql db, short of converting the database into Access or something? Thanks
[I have Office 2013 Pro.]
I had to do this in addition to installing "PowerQuery_2.44.4675.281 (64-bit) [en-us].msi" (I ticked GAC installation on the installation dialog) and "Npgsql-3.2.3.msi". Also, rebooted the machine.
Everything then started to work connection-wise.
But when returning large amounts of data into Excel with Powerquery at times I would get "type cast" errors - I could not map it down to NULLs or anything easy to determine. Powerquery seems a fine tool for some usages and I am sure this error can be fixed with data transformation steps.
If you just want to get the postgres data - you can use VBA + ADO. I have just finished setting it up and it works.
Install "psqlodbc_x64.msi".
Add references to your vba project.
Finally I created the connection with this connecton string (no windows DSN setup required - modify the string below as per your setup):
cnn.Open "Driver={PostgreSQL Unicode(x64)};Server=;Port=xxxx;UID=postgres;PWD=postgres; Database=db_name;"
I could also successfully add it as a data source using the same connection string.

Password trouble in SSIS using Oracle Provider for OLE DB

This is my first time trying to extract data from an Oracle database and push it into a Microsoft SQL database, and I'm running into an issue I cannot find a way around. I've installed ODAC, Oracle Client, on the SSIS machine and am able to see and use the Oracle Provider for OLE DB Connection manager just fine. I put in the Oracle server name, login, PW, test the connection, works fine. I can even run the SOURCE query and load it into our SQL database just fine. But if I try and deploy the package, or open up the connection manager again, everything fails because the password isn't saved, despite the obvious "save password" checkbox being checked.
After some searching, it appears that checkbox just doesn't do anything, and I've tried the following workarounds with no success:
Configuration Files. Set up the package to use a configuration file, tried to hard-code the password into that, both on its own and/or included in the connection string line. The package just ignores the password in either case.
Expressions. I've tried using the expression in this format: "Data source=SERVER;"+ "user id = USERID; " + "password = PASSWORD; " + "Provider = OraOLEDBOracle.1; " + "persisit security info = true;", which fails (connection manager always switches to "offline" mode and doesn't seem to process the expression), and also tried to just use the expression for "password" which... sort of worked one time, inside SSIS (it seems to run and looks OK inside the data flow but on the control flow the Connection Manager shows as offline again) but fails when deployed.
In all cases, I've tried using various ProtectionLevel settings: DontSaveSensitive, EncryptSensitiveWithUserKey, EncryptSensitiveWithPassword (and then adding the password to the execution of the package in the SSMS job manager). None have worked any different than the others.
I've tried this both on our actual server where our SQL DBs and SSIS server live, and on my local machine to test out the same settings to ensure it's not machine-specific. I've uninstalled and reinstalled Oracle and the ODAC on both at least once now.
At this point I can't find any other suggestions, it seems like one of those setups has worked for everyone eventually after installing everything properly. And again, the package WORKS as long as I set the password IN the connection manager and run the package manually inside SSIS, but not under any circumstances outside SSIS.
I've spent more than 2 straight days trying to troubleshoot this and am beginning to lose my mind. Aside from the obvious complaint of "What the hell is that save password checkbox even for then" I dunno what to try at this point. I really really want to use the Oracle Provider because some of this data is using complicated queries and even the smallest one is 200K+ rows, and hitting the corporate "warehouse" so it's essential to be as efficient as possible. If there's no other alternative I could try the older OLE DB Connections but that's an absolute last resort at this point.
Other info I can think of: Using Visual Studio 2010 (tried both free and professional versions), tried running both 32bit and 64bit runtime on packages (runs fine either way in SSIS but neither way in SSMS because... no password), and I have no control over the Oracle server/DBs and there's 0 chance of getting a no-password account for access (nor should I need to frankly)
Thank you for any assistance or tips!

SSIS cannot convert between unicode and non-unicode

I've an SSIS package which works perfectly on various server but doesn't on 2 newly added server.
It uses OLEDB (64bit, I've certified that) to get data from an ORACLE DB from a table with 3 VARCHAR2 columns and upsert the rows to a SQL 2012 table with 3 nvarchar columns, with the same size.
The package was working flawlessly in all the servers we deployed it. We recently added 2 new servers, with hopefully (I personally checked the possible major culprit: ODAC, dtexec version, tns names ) the same software with the same versions but the package is not working anymore. It gives us the famous error:
Description: Column "C_CODE" cannot convert between unicode and non-unicode s
tring data types.
End Error
Error: 2016-08-26 08:33:26.20
Code: 0xC02020F6
Source: Upsert Lines OLE DB Source [87]
Description: Column "S_DESC" cannot convert between unicode and non-unicode s
tring data types.
End Error
Warning: 2016-08-26 08:33:26.20
Code: 0x800470C8
Source: Upsert Lines OLE DB Source [87]
Description: The external columns for OLE DB Source are out of synchronizatio
n with the data source columns. The external column "C_CODE" needs to be updated
The external column "S_DESC" needs to be updated.
End Warning
The first warning I got was the "Cannot read the code page from Oracle server" so I tried to put the "use the default one every time" in combination with ANSI or UTF-8 code pages ( used this website to get the codepages: ).
The only way I made it work was to manually modify the OLE DB Source block into the package by changing the external columns to ansi strings, making it not compilable in the dev environment, then put a data transform that would change the exernal columns to utf-8 string again.
This way it doesn't work in the other servers but does flawlessly in the "faulty" servers.
I was thinking that the fact the package cannot read the code page from Oracle server is the culprit but I couldn't figure out how to fix it.
The problem is not like the million of questions about this issue you can find anywhere. The error being given is from the OLE DB Source block. I know about the data conversion.
Thanks in advance
The issue was the NLS_LANG registry key's value, it was set to an incorrect value.
I solved by deleting the said key, all worked fine.
Just come across this post (and many others about this issue) and believe I have found the underlying cause. On my servers at least, the 64bit version of the Windows Oracle drivers has a bug in the install process. I have checked the 32bit version and this bug is not there which explains the behaviour.
It appears that the 64bit version creates the NLS_LANG registry key in the wrong location. By default the 64bit driver create it here - "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ORACLE"
I manually created it here - "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ORACLE\KEY_OraClient12Home1" which cured my issue. For reference my NLS_LANG key is set to "ENGLISH_UNITED KINGDOM.WE8MSWIN1252". I just created it as a copy of the string in the branch above.
I hope this helps others.
We use 32 bit SSIS with Oracle instant client, I need to add entry in this registration location
The “NLS_LANG” value is “AMERICAN_AMERICA.WE8MSWIN1252”. This solved my problem.

How to resolve the error loading SSIS packages using 32-bit dtexec on a x64 machine?

I have Integration Services packages that need to work with Excel files (shudder) and also need to execute on x64. I have a handle on the whole SSIS x64 vs. 32-bit issue, so I am scheduling these problem-child packages using MS suggested technique of using SQL Agent job step type Operating System / CMDExec, with a command line string that explicitly calls the 32-bit dtexec. So far so good.
Here's the issue: the packages still fail to load, and complain about failing to load not the Excel bits, but instead my handy Log Provider that logs to SQL Server. This is the error message, edited for object names:
Started: 2:33:01 PM
Error: 2009-07-24 14:33:06.51
Code: 0xC0010018
Error loading value "<DTS:ConnectionManager xmlns:DTS=""><DTS:Property DTS:Name="DelayValidation">0</DTS:Property><DTS:Property DTS:Name="ObjectName">My_LogCon</DTS:Property><DTS:Property DTS:Name="DTSID">{86320FE6-AEFD-4A58-9277-84685B9B9" from node "DTS:ConnectionManager".
End Error Could not load package "c:\folder\mypkg.dtsx" because of error 0xC0010014.
Description: The package failed to load due to error 0xC0010014 "One or more error occurred. There should be more specific errors preceding this one that explains the details of the errors. This message is used as a return value from functions that encounter errors.". This occurs when CPackage::LoadFromXML fails. ... Process Exit Code 5. The step failed.
The packages run perfectly in 32-bit Visual Studio/debug. Anyone seen this type of thing?
From the 70-488 book:
Dtexec, dtutil, and the SQL Server Import and Export Wizard have both
a 64-bit and a 32-bit application. Be sure to note that if you develop
a package in a 32-bit environment and want to run the package in a
64-bit environment, the connection managers need to be 64-bit
compliant. Some connection managers such as Excel work in a 32-bit
environment only.
I do not think this is Excel related. Your error message clearly states:
Could not load package "c:\folder\mypkg.dtsx"
More detailed error message might help. Also curious to know, are there a lot of processes after the Excel file loads? I am faced with the same scenario and it is shame having to run the whole process in 32 bit.
I might have a work around that will allow you to use Excel files as source, but still configure it to run as a SSIS job, not CmdExec. Will share details once I test this.
Check the following Microsoft knowledge base article. There seems to be a different reason for your issue.
You receive an error message when you try to load an SSIS package that contains a DateTime type variable in SQL Server 2005
