Solr: To get all records - solr

I am trying to upgrade my Solr 4.x version to 5.2.1 Solrcloud implementation. I had written following code to get all the results from Sorl query which works well in Solr single instance mode.
SolrQuery query = new SolrQuery();
query.addSort("agent_status", ORDER.desc);
query.addFilterQuery("account_id:\"" + accountId + "\"");
query.set("rows", Integer.MAX_VALUE);
But code will not work well in SolrCloud implemenation.It throws following exception.
2015-08-14 16:44:45,648 ERROR [solr.core.SolrCore] - [http-8080-8] : java.lang.NegativeArraySizeException
at org.apache.lucene.util.PriorityQueue.<init>(
at org.apache.lucene.util.PriorityQueue.<init>(
at org.apache.solr.handler.component.ShardFieldSortedHitQueue.<init>(
at org.apache.solr.handler.component.QueryComponent.mergeIds(
at org.apache.solr.handler.component.QueryComponent.handleRegularResponses(
at org.apache.solr.handler.component.QueryComponent.handleResponses(
at org.apache.solr.handler.component.SearchHandler.handleRequestBody(
at org.apache.solr.handler.RequestHandlerBase.handleRequest(
I found that it is failing because of query.set("rows", Integer.MAX_VALUE) statement.People suggested me to use pagination.
But, I can not afford doing pagination as there will be too many changes at UI side.
There is one more way where I can first query with some small number & get total number of documents using response.getResults().getNumFound() method & try setting that value to setRows method.But this approach will increase one more call to server.
Is there any other way I can solve this problem?

You can always set your rows to be a large value that would encompass your results. Integer.MAX_VALUE will not work due to the size limits of Java Arrays (see here) and the Lucene Priority Queue (see lines 42 - 58).
Solr-534 requested to have essentially what your asking for; there is some good conversation about why and why-not such a feature would be good.
A better question might be how many documents can the UI hold without becoming unusable? However many documents that is, would be a good value for your query to return.


OR search in solr

I have a situation where I have to search a document in Solr with multiple OR keywords. Now the number of keywords may lead up to 5000 which is resulting in a awfully large query with 5000 OR conditions. This is resulting in the Solr server to hang. Is there any other way I can design the query to work. Short sample of the query is given below
tweet_id:337931022601699328 OR 337931064293081089 OR 337931089538584576 OR 337931098761871361 OR 337931138851016704 OR 337931143099854848 OR 337931160082591745 OR 337931163857453056 OR 337931230819516416 OR 337931239996665857 OR 337931287518126080 OR 337931322850951168 OR 337931325648535553 OR 337931331398934528 OR 337931413057830912 OR 337931442363441152 OR 337931448629731329 OR 337931453344129025 OR 337931465016877056 OR 337931482066726912 OR 337931514388029442 OR 337931533149155328 OR 337931645527130114 OR 337931704935256064 OR 337931784459268096 OR 337931845545103360 OR 337931889086185472 OR 337931892668108801 OR 337931963983855617 OR 337932154212319233 OR 337932176454721536 OR 337932193198374912 OR 337932229659459584 OR 337932437290090496 OR 337932436807749632 OR 337932436828725250 OR 337932437449474048 OR 337932448518250496 OR 337932458832035843 OR 337932458634915840 OR 337932458278387712 OR 337932474246119425 OR 337932476209041409 OR 337932477408620544 OR 337932480478842880 OR 337932478775959554 OR 337932480566931456 OR 337932478763376640 OR 337932481841999872 OR 337932479337992192 OR 337932479296045057 OR 337932479333797889 OR 337932484614434816 OR 337932484606038017 OR 337932482777317376 OR 337932484664758272 OR 337932482785718273 OR 337932484589273088 OR 337932487399444481 OR 337932489031032833 OR 337932489114923008 OR 337932486573166592 OR 337932490704560130 OR 337932489144270848 OR 337932488762601472 OR 337932492097069056 OR 337932497780355072 OR 337932498900230144 OR 337932499722321921 OR 337932514431729665 OR 337932561806409731 OR 337932567284154368 OR 337932567300935680 OR 337932574603214848 OR 337932571134533632 OR 337932574674518016 OR 337932575484026881 OR 337932578206121984 OR 337932582215892994 OR 337932586653454336 OR 337932584917024768 OR 337932592986865664 OR 337932597017587712 ....
I intend to facet the result based on a few fields.
I'm not sure whether this solution would help you or not, but tried something for your problem.
Whatever the query you provide to Solr, first it parses that query to it's understandable format. Then Solr executes that for result. You have to do some calculations before querying to Solr. Let's take the following scenario to solve your use case.
Suppose You have total 5000 tweet_id. You have to do an OR query on around 4000 tweet_id. In this type of scenario, it's better to query on other (5000-4000=1000) 1000 tweet_id with negation AND query. So, your query will have less values passed.
So, try querying with rest of the tweet_id with negation AND query instead of OR query.
If I were you, I'd create a new field denoting this custom_list_id .. Whenever you generate a new list, index the new data then query by the list I'd.

How to make datastore keys mapreduce-friendly(-er)?

Edit: See my answer. Problem was in our code. MR works fine, it may have a status reporting problem, but at least the input readers work fine.
I ran an experiment several times now and I am now sure that mapreduce (or DatastoreInputReader) has odd behavior. I suspect this might have something to do with key ranges and splitting them, but that is just my guess.
Anyway, here's the setup we have:
we have an NDB model called "AdGroup", when creating new entities
of this model - we use the same id returned from AdWords (it's an
integer), but we use it as string: AdGroup(id=str(adgroupId))
we have 1,163,871 of these entities in our datastore (that's what
the "Datastore Admin" page tells us - I know it's not entirely
accurate number, but we don't create/delete adgroups very often, so
we can say for sure, that the number is 1.1 million or more).
mapreduce is started (from another pipeline) like this:
yield mapreduce_pipeline.MapreducePipeline(
'entity_kind': 'model.AdGroup',
'shard_count': 120,
'processing_rate': 500,
'batch_size': 20,
So, I've tried to run this mapreduce several times today without changing anything in the code and without making changes to the datastore. Every time I ran it, mapper-calls counter had a different value ranging from 450,000 to 550,000.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but considering that I use the very basic DatastoreInputReader - mapper-calls should be equal to the number of entities. So it should be 1.1 million or more.
Note: the reason why I noticed this issue in the first place is because our marketing guys started complaining that "it's been 4 days after we added new adgroups and they still don't show up in your app!".
Right now, I can think of only one workaround - write all keys of all adgroups into a blobstore file (one per line) and then use BlobstoreLineInputReader. The writing to blob part would have to be written in a way that does not utilize DatastoreInputReader, of course. Should I go with this for now, or can you suggest something better?
Note: I have also tried using DatastoreKeyInputReader with the same code - the results were similar - mapper-calls were between 450,000 and 550,000.
So, finally questions. Is it important how you generate ids for your entities? Is it better to use int ids instead of str ids? In general, what can I do to make it easier for mapreduce to find all of my entities mapping them?
PS: I'm still in the process of experimenting with this, I might add more details later.
After further investigation we have found that the error was actually in our code. So, mapreduce actually works as expected (mapper is called for every single datastore entity).
Our code was calling some google services functions that were sometimes failing (the wonderful cryptic ApplicationError messages). Due to these failures, MR tasks were being retried. However, we have set a limit on taskqueue retries. MR did not detect nor report this in any way - MR was still showing "success" in the status page for all shards. That is why we thought that everything is fine with our code and that there is something wrong with the input reader.

How to get all results from solr query?

I executed some query like "Address:Jack*". It show numFound = 5214 and display 100 documents in results page(I changed default display results from 10 to 100).
How can I get all documents.
I remember myself doing &rows=2147483647
2,147,483,647 is integer's maximum value. I recall using a number bigger than that once and having a NumberFormatException because it couldn't be parsed into an int. I don't know if they use Long nowadays, but 2 billion rows is normally more than enough.
Small note:
Be careful if you are planning to do this in production. If you do a query like * : * and your index is big, you could transferring a couple of gigabytes in that query.
If you know you won't have many docs, go ahead and use integer's max value.
On the other hand, if you are doing a one-time script and just need to dump all results (for example document ID's) then this approach is valid, if you don't mind waiting 3-5 minutes for a query to return.
Don't use &rows=2147483647
Don't use Integer.MAX_VALUE(2147483647) as value of rows in production. This will heavily slow down your query even if you have a small resultset, because solr preallocates a queue in this size. see
I strongly suggest to use Exporting Result Sets
It’s possible to export fully sorted result sets using a special rank query parser and response writer specifically designed to work together to handle scenarios that involve sorting and exporting millions of records.
Or I suggest to use Deep Paging.
Simple Pagination is a easy thing when you have few documents to read and all you have to do is play with start and rows parameters. But this is not a feasible way when you have many documents, I mean hundreds of thousands or even millions.
This is the kind of thing that could bring your Solr server to their knees.
For typical applications displaying search results to a human user,
this tends to not be much of an issue since most users don’t care
about drilling down past the first handful of pages of search results
— but for automated systems that want to crunch data about all of the
documents matching a query, it can be seriously prohibitive.
This means that if you have a website and are paging search results, a real user do not go so further but consider on the other hand what can happen if a spider or a scraper try to read all the website pages.
Now we are talking of Deep Paging.
I’ll suggest to read this amazing post:
And take a look at this document page:
And here is an example that try to explain how to paginate using the cursors.
SolrQuery solrQuery = new SolrQuery();
solrQuery.addSort("id", ORDER.asc); // Pay attention to this line
String cursorMark = CursorMarkParams.CURSOR_MARK_START;
boolean done = false;
while (!done) {
solrQuery.set(CursorMarkParams.CURSOR_MARK_PARAM, cursorMark);
QueryResponse rsp = solrClient.query(solrQuery);
String nextCursorMark = rsp.getNextCursorMark();
for (SolrDocument d : rsp.getResults()) {
if (cursorMark.equals(nextCursorMark)) {
done = true;
cursorMark = nextCursorMark;
Returning all the results is never a good option as It would be very slow in performance.
Can you mention your use case ?
Also, Solr rows parameter helps you to tune the number of the results to be returned.
However, I don't think there is a way to tune rows to return all results. It doesn't take a -1 as value.
So you would need to set a high value for all the results to be returned.
What you should do is to first create a SolrQuery shown below and set the number of documents you want to fetch in a batch.
int lastResult=0; //this is for processing the future batch
String query = "id:[ lastResult TO *]"; // just considering id for the sake of simplicity
SolrQuery solrQuery = new SolrQuery(query).setRows(500); //setRows will set the required batch, you can change this to whatever size you want.
SolrDocumentList results = solrClient.query(solrQuery).getResults(); //execute this statement
Here I am considering an example of search by id, you can replace it with any of your parameter to search upon.
The "lastResult" is the variable you can change after execution of the first 500 records(500 is the batch size) and set it to the last id got from the results.
This will help you execute the next batch starting with last result from previous batch.
Hope this helps. Shoot up a comment below if you need any clarification.
For selecting all documents in dismax/edismax via Solarium php client, the normal query syntax : does not work. To select all documents set the default query value in solarium query to empty string. This is required as the default query in Solarium is :. Also set the alternative query to :. Dismax/eDismax normal query syntax does not support :, but the alternative query syntax does.
For more details following book can be referred
As the other answers pointed out, you can configure the rows to be max integer to yield back all the results for a query.
I would recommend though to use Solr feature of pagination, and build a function that will return for you all the results using the cursorMark API. The gist of it is you set the cursorMark parameter to '*', you set the page size(rows parameter), and on each result you'll get a cursorMark for the next page, so you execute the same query only with the cursorMark given from the last result. This way you'll have more flexibility on how much of the results you want back, in a much more performant way.
The way I dealt with the problem is by running the query twice:
// Start with your (usually small) default page size
QueryResponse response = solrResponse(query);
if (response.getResults().getNumFound() > 50) {
response = solrResponse(query);
It makes a call twice to Solr, but gets you all matching records....with the small performance penalty.
works for me!!

Solr Custom RequestHandler - optimizing results

Yet another potentially embarrassing question. Please feel free to point any obvious solution that may have been overlooked - I have searched for solutions previously and found nothing, but sometimes it's a matter of choosing the wrong keywords to search for.
Here's the situation: coded my own RequestHandler a few months ago for an enterprise-y system, in order to inject a few necessary security parameters as an extra filter in all queries made to the solr core. Everything runs smoothly until the part where the docs resulting from a query to the index are collected and then returned to the user.
Basically after the filter is created and the query is executed we get a set of document ids (and scores), but then we have to iterate through the ids in order to build the result set, one hit at a time - which is a good 10x slower that querying the standard requesthandler, and only bound to get worse as the number of results increase. Even worse, since our schema heavily relies on dynamic fields for flexibility, there is no way (that I know of) of previously retrieving the list of fields to retrieve per document, other than testing all possible combinations per doc.
The code below is a simplified version of the one running in production, for querying the SolrIndexSearcher and building the response.
Without further ado, my questions are:
is there any way of retrieving all results at once, instead of building a response document by document?
is there any possibility of getting the list of fields on each result, instead of testing all possible combinations?
any particular WTFs in this code that I should be aware of? Feel free to kick me!
//function that queries index and handles results
private void searchCore(SolrIndexSearcher searcher, Query query,
Filter filter, int num, SolrDocumentList results) {
//Executes the query
TopDocs col =,filter, num);
ScoreDoc[] docs = col.scoreDocs;
//iterate & build documents
for (ScoreDoc hit : docs) {
Document doc = reader.document(hit.doc);
SolrDocument sdoc = new SolrDocument();
for(Object f : doc.getFields()) {
Field fd = ((Field) f);
if (fd.isStored() && (fd.stringValue() != null))
sdoc.addField(, fd.stringValue());
else if(fd.isStored()) {
//Dynamic Longs
if (".*_l") ) {
ByteBuffer a = ByteBuffer.wrap(fd.getBinaryValue(),
fd.getBinaryOffset(), fd.getBinaryLength());
long testLong = a.getLong(0);
sdoc.addField(, testLong );
//Dynamic Dates
else if(".*_dt")) {
ByteBuffer a = ByteBuffer.wrap(fd.getBinaryValue(),
fd.getBinaryOffset(), fd.getBinaryLength());
Date dt = new Date(a.getLong());
sdoc.addField(, dt );
Per OPs request:
Although this doesn't answer your specific question, I would suggest another option to solve your problem.
To add a Filter to all queries, you can add an "appends" section to the StandardRequestHandler in the SolrConfig.xml file. Add a "fl" (stands for filter) section and add your filter. Every request piped through the StandardRequestHandler will have the filter appended to it automatically.
This filter is treated like any other, so it is cached in the FilterCache. The result is fairly fast filtering (through docIds) at query time. This may allow you to avoid having to pull the individual documents in your solution to apply the filtering criteria.

What's your experience developing on Google App Engine?

Is GQL easy to learn for someone who knows SQL? How is Django/Python? Does App Engine really make scaling easy? Is there any built-in protection against "GQL Injections"? And so on...
I'd love to hear the not-so-obvious ups and downs of using app engine.
My experience with google app engine has been great, and the 1000 result limit has been removed, here is a link to the release notes:
app-engine release notes
No more 1000 result limit - That's
right: with addition of Cursors and
the culmination of many smaller
Datastore stability and performance
improvements over the last few months,
we're now confident enough to remove
the maximum result limit altogether.
Whether you're doing a fetch,
iterating, or using a Cursor, there's
no limits on the number of results.
The most glaring and frustrating issue is the datastore api, which looks great and is very well thought out and easy to work with if you are used to SQL, but has a 1000 row limit across all query resultsets, and you can't access counts or offsets beyond that. I've run into weirder issues, with not actually being able to add or access data for a model once it goes beyond 1000 rows.
See the Stack Overflow discussion about the 1000 row limit
Aral Balkan wrote a really good summary of this and other problems
Having said that, app engine is a really great tool to have at ones disposal, and I really enjoy working with it. It's perfect for deploying micro web services (eg: json api's) to use in other apps.
GQL is extremely simple - it's a subset of the SQL 'SELECT' statement, nothing more. It's only a convenience layer over the top of the lower-level APIs, though, and all the parsing is done in Python.
Instead, I recommend using the Query API, which is procedural, requires no run-time parsing, and makes 'GQL injection' vulnerabilities totally impossible (though they are impossible in properly written GQL anyway). The Query API is very simple: Call .all() on a Model class, or call db.Query(modelname). The Query object has .filter(field_and_operator, value), .order(field_and_direction) and .ancestor(entity) methods, in addition to all the facilities GQL objects have (.get(), .fetch(), .count()), etc.) Each of the Query methods returns the Query object itself for convenience, so you can chain them:
results = MyModel.all().filter("foo =", 5).order("-bar").fetch(10)
Is equivalent to:
results = MyModel.gql("WHERE foo = 5 ORDER BY bar DESC LIMIT 10").fetch()
A major downside when working with AppEngine was the 1k query limit, which has been mentioned in the comments already. What I haven't seen mentioned though is the fact that there is a built-in sortable order, with which you can work around this issue.
From the appengine cookbook:
def deepFetch(queryGen,key=None,batchSize = 100):
"""Iterator that yields an entity in batches.
queryGen: should return a Query object
key: used to .filter() for __key__
batchSize: how many entities to retrieve in one datastore call
Retrieved from (AppEngine cookbook).
from google.appengine.ext import db
# AppEngine will not fetch more than 1000 results
batchSize = min(batchSize,1000)
query = None
done = False
count = 0
if key:
key = db.Key(key)
while not done:
print count
query = queryGen()
if key:
query.filter("__key__ > ",key)
results = query.fetch(batchSize)
for result in results:
count += 1
yield result
if batchSize > len(results):
done = True
key = results[-1].key()
The above code together with Remote API (see this article) allows you to retrieve as many entities as you need.
You can use the above code like this:
def allMyModel():
q = MyModel.all()
myModels = deepFetch(allMyModel)
At first I had the same experience as others who transitioned from SQL to GQL -- kind of weird to not be able to do JOINs, count more than 1000 rows, etc. Now that I've worked with it for a few months I absolutely love the app engine. I'm porting all of my old projects onto it.
I use it to host several high-traffic web applications (at peak time one of them gets 50k hits a minute.)
Google App Engine doesn't use an actual database, and apparently uses some sort of distributed hash map. This will lend itself to some different behaviors that people who are accustomed to SQL just aren't going to see at first. So for example getting a COUNT of items in regular SQL is expected to be a fast operation, but with GQL it's just not going to work the same way.
Here are some more issues:
In my personal experience, it's an adjustment, but the learning curve is fine.
