we are building an application which has a requirement to use GraphDB. We have built the prototype with MySQL but considering usage of graphdb will ease out our efforts. Following is one of the scenarios we have in our application:
A user can make posts to the application. A post can be tagged [upto 3 tags are allowed per post]. Tags has to be a separate node since we need to retrieve the top tags used by a given user.
So we will have 3 nodes: User, Post and Tags. User and Post are connected by an edge [say 'writes' ie User writes Post]. Post and Tags are connected by an edge [say 'has' ie Post has Tags]. And User and Tags are connected by an edge [Say 'uses' ie User uses Tags].
Since a user can write many posts and these posts may share same tags, I want to maintain a count of number of times a tag is used by the user. And I want to maintain that count on the edge 'Uses'. Is this a preferred approach or would you recommend fetching counts using real-time query?
I want users to follow posts containing specific tags instead of following users. So is it possible to follow an edge ie maintain follow/unfollow list on the edges ?
I am considering OrientDB for this implementation since Neo4j is expensive.
I'm managing a company website, where we have to display our products. We however do not want to handle the admin edit for this CPT, nor offer the ability to access to the form. But we have to read some product data form the admin edit page. All has to be created or updated via our CRM platform automatically.
For this matter, I already setup a CPT (wprc_pr) and registered 6 custom hierarchical terms: 1 generic for the types (wprc_pr_type) and 5 targeting each types available: wprc_pr_rb, wprc_pr_sp, wprc_pr_pe, wprc_pr_ce and wprc_pr_pr. All those taxonomies are required for filtering purposes (was the old way of working, maybe not the best, opened to suggestions here). We happen to come out with archive pages links looking like site.tld/generic/specific-parent/specific-child/ which is what is desired here.
I have a internal tool, nodeJS based, to batch create products from our CRM. The job is simple: get all products not yet pushed to the website, format a new post, push it to the WP REST API, wait for response, updated CRM data in consequence, and proceed to next product. Handle about 1600 products today on trialn each gone fine
The issue for now is that in order for me to put the correct terms to the new post, I have to compute for each product the generic type and specific type children.
I handled that by creating 6 files, one for each taxonomy. Each file is basically a giant JS object with the id from the CRM as a key, and the term id as a value. My script handles the category assertion like that:
wp_taxonomy = [jsTaxonomyMapper[crm_id1][crm_id2]] // or [] if not found
I have to say it is working pretty well, and that I could stop here. But I will have to take that computing to the wp_after_insert_post hook, in order to reaffect the post to the desired category on updated if something changed on the CRM.
Not quite difficult, but if I happen to add category on the CRM, I'll have to manually edit my mappers to add the new terms, and believe me that's a hassle.
Not waiting for a full solution here, but a way to work the thing. Maybe a way to computed those mappers and store their values in the options table maybe, or have a mapper class, I don't know at all.
Additional information:
Data from the CRM comes as integers (ids corresponding to a label) and the mappers today consist of 6 arrays (nested or not), about 600 total entries.
If you have something for me, or even suggestions to simplify the process, I'll go with it.
Went with another approach, see comment below.
I'm developing an app in which I need to show come "coupons" I get from the API. I also have a "liked coupons" page where I need to show the ones the user has liked. I'm facing 2 problems here:
1- I don't know how to store likes, should I implement a local database for everything or should I ask our back-end team to save the liked/not liked state on the server?
2- I have a model class for coupons, and I have a coupon_list widget which is a horizontal listview.builder(). the problem is that some coupons are being showed in 2 or 3 different lists and I need them to all turn to liked when user likes an instance from a single list. how can I do that? (I want to do something like working with pointers in c++, passing the ACTUAL variable instead of it's value so it changes globally)
I would like to suggest you to store it in server as well. (Ask to your back-end team to add parameter) So that if user logout or sign in from different device "liked coupons" data will be available in all cases.
And for 2) multiple coupon entry you have to manage it via unique id. Like every coupon has its unique series no / pattern num. So you can put condition on that. i.e. Add "unique_no" to liked_list from all available list of coupon
Use Shared Preferences! This is something like a database on the device you are currently running. So if the user makes a like you can save that on their device!
To add Shared Preferences to your app look this video
Hope it helps!
I have the following challenge:
I have a Moodle system and would like to track visitor activity in the courses via Matomo.
The problem is that one course has several activities, but they are found under a different URL structure.
Example: My course has the URL /course/view=1 and also has a few activities that can be found under three completely different URLs (e.g. /mod/forum/view=20, /mod/feedback/view=7 and so on).
Now I would like to have a common tracking for a course room and the activities in it.
Is this possible? Are there any direct solutions for Moodle? Or how could I do this manually in Matomo?
It's possible to set a custom URL in Matomo by using the following code in the page:
_paq.push(['setCustomUrl', 'https://yourdomain.com/your-new-page-url']);
You could perhaps do this for all the pages within a "Course" in order to track all of the actions taken in one logical "Page", but this may affect some of the reports for that page (For example page overlay might be broken)
An alternate way of tracking all of the actions would be to set the Page Title that Matomo tracks using:
_paq.push(['setCustomTitle', 'Your Page Title Here'])
This will allow you to group all of the actions under one logical Page Title under the Page Titles report.
I want to make a search into google patent using the following URL which is obsolete
It gives me limited number of records per page.
But at the end of the JSON it also returns the cursor which has start and label keys. So my question is that how can I use that cursor to show all the records in my search. Like if there are 8 pages and each page contains 4 records so I want to show all 32 records on my UI.
How can I achieve that?
And second question that is there REST APi for google patent search? If yes then how can I search the patent using REST API and how can I get all the records on one page?
It looks like the API is restricted to a maximum of 8 results per request (you can increase your current 4 results to 8 by using the query param rsz=8.
So I guess the only way to get all results is by performing multiple requests. So if the current page info data is...
You would make 5 requests chaining the start param start=0, start=8 ... and so on, extracting the results and pushing to an array store. If you're not already I recommend using something like Restangular, as it would make this process much easier.
Depending on how your UI is set out, it would be nice maybe to do this with some lazy loading as the user is scrolling through the list?
I would like to ask you guys if you could review my database design. I think it is quite self-explanatory, but to be absolutely clear:
My goal is to make an application which has a super flexible user management (which is why the groups are in tree-form and the groups and users have a habtm relationship) and a super modular way to build pages (which is why the pages consist of widget-blocks).
The reason I made users and profiles separate is because the users table will not change and is only needed for authentication and authorization. However, the profiles table will change according to the wishes of the client. So it might not have a signature, but an avatar field instead. Or maybe it will be completely empty / not exist at all.
A widget could be anything, it could be a poll, it could be a piece of content, it could be a navigation, it could be a collection of comments, whatever.
The reason I chose to make subdomains, locales and layouts separate tables instead of just putting the names into pages is because I want to limit the options that are available to the client. Just because I have a three-columns.ctp in my layouts folder doesn't necessarily mean I want the client to be able to choose it.
Same goes for the widgets. And besides limiting choice, not every plugin, controller and action in my plugins-folder is a widget, so I need a table to clarify which are.
A block is a widget on a page which sits in a container (e.g. the right column in a 3 column layout) at a particular position which is decided by the index (lower index means higher).
So that's my explanation, what do you guys think? Is this as good as it can be? Or do you have (a) suggestion(s) to make it even more flexible and modular.
[edit] Oh and to be clear, the widgets will of course have their own tables to store the information they need to store.
Well, I think that everything is great except "profiles".
When you try to get data from a logged user:
I don't think that you will get data about "profiles" so you will have to find profile by $this->Auth->user('id') etc. I think that you should merge "profiles" and "users" tables into "users" table.
So when you want to save, let's say, "signature" you should just put it in $this->request->data; and call $this->User->save($this->request->data); and the signature will be updated.
You can leave it the way it is but, to get other data than user, you will have to put:
$id = $this->Auth->user('id');
$current_user = $this->User->findById($id);