How to read AD user groups from LotusScript in IBM Notes - active-directory

Is there any way to read all groups for an Active Directory user from LotusScript or #Formula in IBM Notes, if the Active Directory was added to Directory Assistance DB on the Domino server?

Assuming that your code will be running on a Windows machine, you can use ADODB.Connection as described in the answer to a previous question. And as described on this TechNet page, the filter you are going to need to issue will look something like this:
(member:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:=cn=Jim Smith,ou=West,dc=Domain,dc=com)
The sequence of numbers is explained on this page. It is what will give you a recursive search through nested groups.
The baseDN in the LDAP URL in your ADODV.Command call will be the root of your groups in AD, and the scope will be ?sub for a subtree search. That's explained in this answer to yet another question. And here's some documentation of LDAP URL format to help you put this all together.


Get Distinguished Name from Active Directory Users GUI

I've been working on a Ruby on Rails application that uses devise and ldap against an AD-server. The server requires an authenticated user in order to list users. I have access to the AD GUI and can use ldapsearch to test queries against it. However, it took me hours to figure out the correct Distinguished Name string for the admin-user used to look up users and the string for the group base in where to look for users.
Example string for service "CN=service_app,OU=Services,OU=Accounts,DC=ad,DC=hello,DC=world,DC=com"
Example string for group base
My question is, is there a quick way to get/translate these strings from the GUI? For instance, I can see that the user "test.user" is in the folder structure > Users, but I can not find the info in "string" format in the GUI. I also see others struggle with this so any tip would be very welcome.

In Active Directory, how do you select specific Organizational Units?

For example the below will give me a certain things such as Security Groups, and Distribute Groups etc.
OU=Domain Controllers,DC=abc,DC=local OU=Distribution
Groups,OU=MyBusiness,DC=abc,DC=local OU=Security
OU=Microsoft Exchange Security Groups,DC=abc,DC=local
But I want specifically just users that are enabled and have a Job title.
I've tried looking for this type of information, but have some up with mostly other formats which I don't know how to translate to the above examples. I.e. this works as
Well, in Microsoft Active Directory, you do not. At least not in a single LDAP Query.
There is an ExtensibleMatch search filter that can allow this, but at least the last time I checked, it is NOT supported by Microsoft Active Directory
You will need to perform a search to each OU and combine the results within "Code".

Generalise LDAP query for groups

I use the following query to find the groups each user is a member of:
This query works and runs using the following Base DN:
I have few problems with the query:
I don't like having to use the OR operator to find Service Account users and BTLY users.
I don't want to hard-code the BTLY site, there are others, too.
Ideally, I'd just like to have the query as:
This way, I don't care whether the user account is a service account nor which site the account belongs to. Unfortunately, that query doesn't work.
Can someone please help me generalise the LDAP query? I'm a bit of a newbie, so I'm most likely missing something completely obvious!
Thanks for the reply. What you've said makes sense, but it doesn't help me, unfortunately. We're using GlassFish (a Java app server), and have configured it to point to the local AD server. Normally, a person can tell GlassFish how to retrieve users, eg
and GlassFish will pick up all the groups (perhaps by using the memberOf attribute).
This time round we're using a different AD server which hosts a different directory of users. GlassFish isn't able to retrieve the groups by itself. So, there is a field where we can give GlassFish a custom query to find groups. In this field, I've put the query I've posted which works, but is ugly and verbose.
What I'd love to be able to do is:
but this doesn't work.
Is there anyway to do this?
My guess is that using this technique is not possible. You would need to use wildcard here:
and this is not acceptable for DN attributes (like the one stored in 'member' property):
My suggestion here would be: use some tool to generate 'ugly' query for you (using syntax mentioned above) and "feed" your tool with end result. Can't see any option, sorry...
I just try to reformulate your question, but it's to much text for a comment.
You are trying to find all the groups the user CN=UID belongs to begining from the nod OU=MC,DC=ads,DC=myCompany,DC=com,DC=au.
This can be done by retreiving the memberOf attribute of the user itself. The only problem (perhaps not in your case) is that the primary group is not in this list of DN, it's coded appart using primaryGroupId attribute.
Will do the job test :
ldifde -f t.ldf -D "OU=MC,DC=ads,DC=myCompany,DC=com,DC=au" -r "(&(objectCategory=user)(CN=UID))" -l memberof
Remark : samAccountName or userPrincipalName are attributes you can rely on for uniqueness of the entry in Active-Directory, that is not the case of CN (an admin can change it)

Documentum user creation using Active Directory

Is there any way that we can programatically create a Documentum user by using Active Directory information? (I have very little knowledge on ADT and know that it stores user info thats all.)
In Documentum Administrator you can sync the ActiveDirectory Users by running the Job dm_LDAPSynchronization. This should do.
Hope this helps,
edit: You can also create a User using DFC-Methods:
IDfUser newUser = (IDfUser) session.newObject("dm_user");
newUser.setUserName("New User");
newUser.setString("user_source","inline password");
Instead of putting inline_password as the user_source, you probably can choose LDAP and remove the user_password. This most probably needs more information, but I don't have the DFC Documentation with me at the moment. I could look it up in the evening, but for now this should give you a good point to start.
You could also make a Server Method out of it and assign it to a custom Job.
BUT: I don't think that you can CREATE new LDAP-Users from Documentum...they need to be present in the ActiveDirectory when you import them into Documentum!
You can configure LDAP through DA and set all the connection info, user id password and than configure the ldapsync job to do this ,whenever a new user is added into ldap,it will be imported into documentum by that job and deactivated if user is removed from ldap.
Thats the best way to avoid any programming .
The LDAP synchronization is quite limited and shortsighted. You can concatenate two LDAP attributes for a user like this : ${sn}_${givenname} You can also substring, starting from left to a given number. Thats it. No more. I wonder why they bothered.
A proper solution would have been standarsing on a expression language - all from XQuery to RegEx. There are lots to choose from.

What is the NativeGuid in DirectoryEntry when querying via the WinNT provider?

I'm writing an application which I want to work with both Active Directory and local users and groups. I thought I could use the NativeGuid property of a DirectoryEntry as a unique identifier which was retrieved using the WinNT provider against LocalHost. However, using the following code in LinqPad I get the same NativeGuid for both entries. Querying Active Dirctory with the LDAP provider appears to yield unique results, but now I'm unsure.
System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry localuserde =
new System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry("WinNT://localhost/localuser");
localuserde.NativeGuid.Dump("localUser Guid");
System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry adminde =
new System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry("WinNT://localhost/administrator");
adminde.NativeGuid.Dump("administrator Guid");
Can someone please explain what the NativeGuid represents when using the WinNT provider, and is there a good alternative for a uniqueId or is the SID a better choice?
To run the above in LinqPad hit F4 and add System.DirectoryServices.dll to the list of assemblies. Then make sure that localuser either exists or change the name to a local user on the system. Then hit F5.
Shane Holder
I would think the SID is probably your best bet in any user- and group-related scenario here. There's really no other unique identifier - especially not with the WinNT provider.
For more info on the WinNT vs. LDAP discussion and for great reference Excel sheets on what properties each of those providers really expose (and what their names are), visit Richard Mueller's Hilltop Lab. Richard is an ADSI MVP and has excellent contents for anyone interested in Active Directory and LDAP.
This other question says not to use NativeGuid. I would use the "SID" instead.
