Why circle doesn't update? - angularjs

Why the circle doesn't change his radius?
plunker: [http://plnkr.co/edit/OlgflYVVXkPQPsbzc1q1?p=preview][1]

The problem is, that the angularjs-google-maps directives are not updating, even when the values of the radius attribute are changing. I guess you already took a look into the attributes as well and saw, that even when the radius was growing the entire <shape> wasn't updating its appearance.
Due to this question and answer How to re-render a template in an Angular directive? I was able to rerender the shapes with the help of that directive.
So wrapping the directive around the <shape></shape>
<div relink-event="radiusUpdated">
<shape name="circle" ng-repeat="post in posts" stroke-color="#FF0000" stroke-opacity="0.8" stroke-weight="1" fill-color="#FF0000" fill-opacity="0.35" center="{{post.location}}" radius="{{post.postRadius*1000}}">
And broadcasting the radiusUpdated in your $interval function now updates the shape in your map. I doubt that it is a very high performant way to do this (imagine to rerender hundreds of posts every two seconds), but maybe it is working in your case.
Here is a working Plnkr: http://plnkr.co/edit/j0nO6MUCpf0Px2QwkKD1?p=preview
Would be nice if you upvote the refered answer by SO user rob as well ;).


Why is my angular grid so slow?

So, I have made some custom directive which draws kind of a data-grid, based on floated divs (because nested flex implementation in FF sucks - but it's not the point).
How it works :
I pass some data collection to the directive via something like <the-grid data-list="parentController.displayedRows">
Inside this first directive, I have columns via something like <a-grid-column data-value="row.value"></a-grid-column> with many attributes I won't precise here.
The data-value value can be a direct expression, bound to the row on which the the-grid directive controller is ng-repeating in order to display each columns, or a function which have to be $eval-uated in order to display the intended value from the parentController.
In my <the-grid> directive controller, I have the rendering template of my grid which make a nested ng-repeat div (first one on the rows of the data-collection, second one on the columns, created in the directive), it looks like :
<div data-ng-repeat="row in list">
<div data-ng-repeat="cell in theGridColumns"
data-ng-bind-html="renderCell(row, cell)">
I have some keyboard nav in order to quickly select a row or navigate within pagination or many tabs, which does nothing more than applying some class on the selected row, in addition to update some "selectedRowIndex".
I'm using angular-vs-repeat in order to have the minimum of row divs in my DOM (because the app is running on slow computers). This works well.
The problem is that every time I'm hitting some "up" or "down" key on my keyboard, Angular is "redrawing" EVERY cells of the list.
So, let's suppose I've 200 rows in my data list, and 7 columns for each rows. First load of the page, it passes ~3000 times in the renderCell() function. Ok , let's accept that (don't really understand why, but ok).
I hit the down key in order to go to the second line of my list. It passes ~1100 times in the renderCell() function.
So yes, the result is very slow (imagine if I let the down arrow key pressed in order to quick navigate within my rows)... I can't accept that. If someone could explain that to me... Any help would be greatly accepted :)
If I make the same thing without a directive (direct DOM manipulation, with columns made by hand and not in a ng-repeat within a ng-repeat), every thing is smooth and clean.
Yes, I've look into every angular grid on the market. No one is satisfying me for my purpose, that's why I've decided to create my own one.
And no, I really can't give you some JSFiddle or anything for the moment. The whole app is really tentacular, isolating this is some kind of complicated).
Try to use bind once (angular 1.3+)
<div data-ng-repeat="row in ::list">
<div data-ng-repeat="cell in ::theGridColumns"
data-ng-bind-html="::(renderCell(row, cell))">

Show directive as result of a click

I want to show content that comes from a directive when the user clicks on a link.
<li>Show popup</li>
Obviously I'm new to angularjs. I know the approach above doesn't make sense really but I was also trying to imagine how this might be done with ng-if but not coming up with anything. Any ideas? Thanks!
Edit 1: The directive that I want to use is:
That's part of ngPopup.
Edit 2: This is now resolved. It turns out that in the case of ngPopup, you put the directive somewhere, then you open the dialog using the open method, so I really didn't take advantage of the solutions given here. Giving Martin credit because his solution solves problem originally stated. Thanks all.
Not exactly sure what you are looking for.
When you say, content from a directive, is this an existing directive, or do you think the content should come from a directive?
In your example where you have show popup, do you mean you would like to have a dialog displayed when you click the link?
Or do you just want something like the following example?
angular.module('app', []);
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.2.23/angular.min.js"></script>
<div ng-app=app>
<a href="#" ng-click='showMessage = true'>Click Here</a>
<div ng-show="showMessage">Your Message Here</div>
Try looking at using ng-if (AngularJS docs). You can use a boolean in your scope to that is toggled by the ng-click.

Smart admin with ng-repeat

I am using angularjs from 2 months but never comes to problem like this, so thought of sharing with you people and getting some good suggestion on that. Here I am trying to apply ul/nav-group element dynamic values. Everything is working fine means, if I see developer tools on browser it gets value and everything, but not the +/- sign. I search on google its saying that it loads after DOM creation so it is not showing that. But no buddy tells the solution for that.
Consider my code:
<nav:group ng-repeat="parentChild in parentChildList" title="{{parentChild.filterText}}">
<nav:item data-view="/ui/icons/fa" ng-repeat="childs in parentChild.childList" data-icon="fa fa-lg fa-fw fa-plane" title="{{childs.filterText}}" />
The value for particular fields are straight forward means its simple list.How the directive can solve this problem.
Appreciate any suggestions . Thanks.
Add an ng-cloak directive on the body tag of your app to prevent loading the element until angular has finished loading.
Your body tag would look like this:
<body ng-cloak>
You could also fix this by using promises in your services, that is definitely the best practice regardless, but ng-cloak is a quick and easy fix.
Hope that helps! If ng-cloak doesnt work for you post snippets of your controller and service and I will help you add promises.
Good Luck!

Detecting page scroll/ current section being viewed in AngularJs

My page is divided into sections : #page-1 and #page-2
See Plnkr: http://plnkr.co/edit/RZJLmsWDfs63dC0QuDJi
<section id="page-1">
This is page 1. It takes the whole height of the browser. User has to scroll down to see page-2.
<section id="page-2">
<span class="animated bounce">This is page 2 </span>
Animation classes are being applied to different elements in #page-2.
However by the time the user scrolls down to these elements, the animation has already finished. Hence they just look like static objects.
Is there anyway I can detect when #page-2 is currently being viewed and then call a function to addClass('animated bounce') to certain elements ?
I would like to achieve this in angularjs if possible
I have found a angularjs directive that is probably helpfull for you in this case. Inview tries to solve this exact problem by reporting to you if a dom element is visible on the screen. Unfortunately I have been unable to test my solution because I couldn't find a minified js file of Inview but I assembled some code that should work:
<section id="page-2" in-view="{$inview ? isFocused=true;}">
<div ng-class="{'animated bounce': isFocused}">This is page 2 </div>
The $inview is supposed to be true whenever the element is in visible in the browser. This leads to the scope variable isFocused being set to true and therefor the animation class is added to your div.
This should work as you have intended in your question, if it does not work for some reason please let me know so I can improve my answer.

toggle skips/misses 2nd sidebar

Today's bogglement! I have two sidebars and a main content area. When I click on a button to expand the page, the sidebars should go away and the main content area spreads to 100%. (I'm trying to do something like what quandl.com does in its api displays, which is totally nifty.)
This should be really simple! I just add a class of 'apponly', which set the main-content to 100% and the sidebars to display:none. In my controller, I've got:
$scope.toggle = function() {
$scope.displayed = !$scope.displayed;
and in my html, I've got basically:
<div class="sidebar left" ng-class="{'apponly' : displayed }">
--something something--
<div class="main-content" ng-class="{'apponly' : displayed }">
<button class="btn btn-info device" ng-click="toggle()">[icon]</button>
--something something--
<div class="sidebar right" ng-class="{'apponly' : displayed }">
--something something--
...but it consistently only applies the class 'apponly' to the first sidebar and main content, and leaves the second sidebar intact (wrapped around to the next line, but still right there, w/no class of 'apponly' applied).
I tried to set up a plnk (http://plnkr.co/edit/ER4TPGexGnZ8knb4ThXQ?p=preview) but it won't work at all [okay that was a stupid oversight, now it does work except now I'm even more confused]. What really simple obvious thing am I totally missing here?
many thanks in advance!
AS PSL said, juste update your plunkr to <body ng-app="app" ng-controller="mainController"> and it will work. It actually does what you were expecting, so the issue is probably somewhere else.
Welp, I might as well answer since I (sort of) figured it out, and you never know, I might not be the only one baffled by such behavior.
It's tied to the animation. If you take the animation away, then everything behaves. You add it back in, and things get wacky again.
Why is this? I have no idea. But when I took the animation off the sidebars (so they simply disappear immediately), then the right-hand sidebar doesn't get pushed to the next line and end up remaining despite the added-class that should make it disappear. From behavior at least, it seems that the browser is trying to render animation at the same time the css-class is trying to make the section disappear. Which doesn't make any sense, b/c this works fine in other places, but all I know is that if you leave the animation on the main (middle) part, and turn it off on the sidebars, then everything behaves properly.
I'm not counting this as an answer, though, since it's more of a "well, that fixed it, if inadequately," which is less of an answer and more of a workaround left here for posterity, the enlightenment of any confused devs behind me, and the entertainment of any senior devs wandering through.
