Chrome Packaged App: Retrieving FileEntry in Dart from command line (LaunchData) parameter - file

Similarly to another post on this topic, I've been attempting to run my app from the command line with the file path of a local XML file so that my main.dart can parse this file in order to extract information relevant to program operation from it. I've been stumped as to how to appropriately access the FileEntry reference included in launchData -- the parameter for the onLaunched event.
Here's what I currently have:
"permissions": [
"file_handlers" : {
"any" : {
"types" : [ "*" ]
background.js: {
function(createdWindow) {
createdWindow.contentWindow.launchData = launchData;
At this point, I can't access launchData from main.dart because trying to do
FileEntry entry = ( as chrome.LaunchData).items.elementAt(0).entry;
to get the FileEntry results in an error for accessing launchData. I'm really confused about how I'm supposed to access the FileEntry that I want from my Dart code as a result.

I ended up with this as my solution:
"file_handlers": {
"any": {
"extensions": [
background.js: {
id: 'mainWindow',
state: "fullscreen"
function(createdWindow) {
if(launchData.items !== undefined) {
function(result) {
var reader = new FileReader();
var XML;
reader.onloadend = function(){
XML = reader.result;{'XML': XML});
console.log("Error reading XML file");
} else {
console.log("No file was detected.");
The dart code to retrieve the XML was simply:
String text = (await'XML'))['XML'];


Nativescript Class constructor Observable cannot be invoked without 'new'

I'm trying to upload a multipart form in nativescript and I'm using http-background. I keep getting the error Class constructor Observable cannot be invoked without 'new'. I've tried changing the compilerOptions target to es5 and es2017, but nothing changed.
Here's all my code from the component.
public onSelectSingleTap() {
this.isSingleMode = true;
let context = imagepicker.create({
mode: "single"
private startSelection(context) {
let that = this;
.then(() => {
that.imageAssets = [];
that.imageSrc = null;
return context.present();
.then((selection) => {
console.log("Selection done: " + JSON.stringify(selection));
this.file = selection[0]._android;
that.imageSrc = that.isSingleMode && selection.length > 0 ? selection[0] : null;
// set the images to be loaded from the assets with optimal sizes (optimize memory usage)
selection.forEach(function (element) {
element.options.width = that.isSingleMode ? that.previewSize : that.thumbSize;
element.options.height = that.isSingleMode ? that.previewSize : that.thumbSize;
that.imageAssets = selection;
}).catch(function (e) {
// proccess image function
proccessImageUpload(fileUri) {
var backgroundHttp = require("nativescript-background-http");
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// body...
var request = {
url: '',
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/octet-stream",
"user_id": "<user_id>"
description: 'Uploading profile image..',
androidAutoDeleteAfterUpload: false,
androidNotificationTitle: 'Profile image'
var params = [
{ name: "title", value: "test" },
{ name: "content", value: "test" },
{ name: "fileToUpload", filename: fileUri, mimeType: "image/jpeg" }
var backgroundSession = backgroundHttp.session('image-upload');
var task = backgroundSession.uploadFile(fileUri, request);
task.on("progress", (e) => {
// console log data
console.log(`uploading... ${e.currentBytes} / ${e.totalBytes}`);
task.on("error", (e) => {
// console log data
console.log(`Error processing upload ${e.responseCode} code.`);
reject(`Error uploading image!`);
task.on("responded", (e) => {
// console log data
console.log(`received ${e.responseCode} code. Server sent: ${}`);
// var uploaded_response = JSON.parse(;
task.on("complete", (e) => {
// console log data
console.log(`upload complete!`);
console.log(`received ${e.responseCode} code`);
// console.log(;
I know the issue is coming from this line.
var task = backgroundSession.uploadFile(fileUri, request);
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
You use old version if nativescript-background-http plugin
You have to install latest version
tns plugin add #nativescript/background-http
I was able to get this working by installing tns version 6.
I had exactly the same problem. I got this from, compliments Chris Vietor
"tns plugin add nativescript-background-http" works with nativescript 6.
"tns plugin add #nativescript/background-http" works with nativescript 7.

Angular 5 display result from JSON response

I am trying to access the "list" parameter in the following data set received from [Open weather map][1]. I basically need to access the list layer in the below set where I can get the temp parameter.
"description":"clear sky",
"dt_txt":"2018-02-08 09:00:00"
"description":"scattered clouds",
"dt_txt":"2018-02-08 12:00:00"
"description":"scattered clouds",
"dt_txt":"2018-02-08 15:00:00"
I am not sure as to how to go about it. I keep on getting this error "ERROR Error: Cannot find a differ supporting object"
I tried looping through it like below
this.http.get('').subscribe(data => {
this.items = JSON.stringify(data);
for(var i = 0; i < this.items.length; i++){
this.min = this.items[i].dt;
Try this. Make sure you import following import on top of the component
import 'rxjs/Rx';
import 'rxjs/add/operator/map'
.map(res=>res.json()).subscribe(data => {
this.items = data;
for(var i = 0; i < this.items.list.length; i++){
this.min = this.items.list[i].main;
Do console.log(data); and check what kind of data you are getting from API.
If you are getting JSON data from API, then do not do JSON.stringify(data);
If you are getting JSON contained in string then do JSON.parse();
After this you will get JSON in a variable and you can iterate it as follows
Also, do not post your api key in question , others can hit API using your api key
.subscribe(data => {
var res = JSON.parse(data); //if you are getting JSON in a string, else do res = data;
for(var i = 0; i < res.list.length; i++){
Considering you are correctly getting json response:=>
One way is :
if you know response in advance and its basic structure is always same then:
you can create a model object similar to the json response and assign the json response to that object and access any values.
export class TopLayer{
fieldName1: dataType;
fieldName2: Array<SecondLayer>;
export class SecondLayer{
fieldName1: datatype;
fieldName2: ThirdLayer;
export class ThirdLayer{
fieldName: datatype
another is: assign your json response to a var variable then access what you need:
var x = response;
var list = x.list;
We can also do:
for (let key in response) {
if (response.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
let element = response[key];
let singleData = {id:, value: element.value};
When the response is like [{}, {}, ...]

Cordova/Ionic - How to remove external storage file and directory

I have tried to delete the whole directory(the folder + files under the folder) which files were downloaded into the external storage base directory: cordova.file.externalDataDirectory(like"file///storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.yourapp/files").
But when I tried to remove the directory recursively by $cordovaFile,like below:
var baseDirectory = cordova.file.externalDataDirectory + 'attachments';
console.log('Clear success');
While I check the folder permission, I do have the write/execute right. Any one has any idea why this happens?
BTW, I have also tried the window.requestFileSystem, unfortunately, still don't work out.Since the filesystem is local file system, I tried to change the entry to external file system like
entry.nativeURL = cordova.file.externalDataDirectory;
But I guess it won't work since the reader has nothing there. So anyone has any suggestions on how to remove the whole directory?
Thanks in advance!
window.requestFileSystem(LocalFileSystem.PERSISTENT, 0, onFileSystemSuccess, fail);
function fail(evt) {
console.log("FILE SYSTEM FAILURE" +;
function onFileSystemSuccess(fileSystem) {
{create : true, exclusive : false},
function(entry) {
entry.nativeURL = cordova.file.externalDataDirectory;
var reader = entry.createReader();
entry.removeRecursively(function() {
console.log('CLEAR success');
}, fail);
}, fail);
In case you are using Android Marshmallow, ensure to use latest version of cordova file plugin (4.2.0) as it has issues fixes related to permissions. The code snippet for directory deletion is as follows,
function clearDirectory() {
if (ionic.Platform.isAndroid()) {
window.resolveLocalFileSystemURL(cordova.file.externalRootDirectory, onFileSystemDirSuccess, fail);
} else {
window.requestFileSystem(LocalFileSystem.PERSISTENT, 0, onFileSystemDirSuccess, fail);
function onFileSystemDirSuccess(fileSystem) {
var entry = "";
if (ionic.Platform.isAndroid()) {
entry = fileSystem;
} else {
entry = fileSystem.root;
entry.getDirectory("DIRECTORY_TO_DELETE", {
create: true,
exclusive: false
function(entry) {
entry.removeRecursively(function() {
console.log("Remove Recursively Succeeded");
}, fail);
}, getDirFail);
function getDirFail(error) {
function fail(error) {

Angular Resource update method with an array as a parameter

I have been googleing this for a few weeks with no real resolution.
I am sure someone will mark this a duplicate, but I am not sure it really is, maybe I am just being too specific, anyway here goes.
I am using angular in a node-webkit app that I am building. I have an api built in express and I am using MongoDB (#mongolab) with Mongoose for the DB.
I had this working fine as long as all of the data types were simple strings and numbers. but I had to restructure the data to use arrays and complex objects. After restructuring the data I was able to get post API calls to work fine, but I cannot get my PUT calls to work at all.
The data looks like this:
itemRoles was an array, but I thought it was throwing the error I am getting now, so I converted it back to a string.
itemStats is causing the problem. Angular is looking for an object, but itemStats is an array (I think anyway). itemStats used to be a string as well, but its easier to work with in my view if it is an array of objects with key:value pairs, which is why I altered it.
I should note I am new to MongoDB as well, first time using it.
"_id": {
"$oid": "55a10b9c7bb9ac5832d88bd8"
"itemRoles": "healer,dps",
"itemRating": 192,
"itemName": "Advanced Resolve Armoring 37",
"itemClass": "consular",
"itemLevel": 69,
"itemStats": [
"name": "Endurance",
"value": 104,
"_id": {
"$oid": "55a10b9c7bb9ac5832d88bda"
"name": "Willpower",
"value": 124,
"_id": {
"$oid": "55a10b9c7bb9ac5832d88bd9"
"__v": 0
The Mongoose Schema looks like this:
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var Schema = mongoose.Schema;
//var stats = new Schema({
//name: String,
//value: Number
var armoringSchema = new Schema({
itemType: String,
itemClass: String,
itemRoles: String,
itemLevel: Number,
itemName: String,
itemRating: Number,
itemStats: [{ name:String, value:Number}]
module.exports = mongoose.model('Armor', armoringSchema);
Express API Route:
/ on routes that end in /armors/:id
// ----------------------------------------------------
// get method omitted
// update the armoring with specified id (accessed at PUT http://localhost:8080/api/armors/:id)
.put(function(req, res) {
// use our armor model to find the armor we want
Armoring.findById({_id:}, function(err, armor) {
if (err) {
return res.send(err);
for(prop in req.body) {
armor[prop] = req.body[prop];
// save the armor {
if (err) {
return res.send(err);
res.json({success:true, message: 'Armor updated!' });
Resource Factory:
swtorGear.factory('armoringFactory', ['$resource', function ($resource) {
return $resource('http://localhost:8080/api/armors/:id', {}, {
update: { method: 'PUT', params: {id: '#_id'}},
delete: { method: 'DELETE', headers: {'Content-type': 'application/json'}, params: {id: '#_id'}}
Route for editing:
.when('/edit/armor/id/:id', {
templateUrl: 'views/modelViews/newArmor.html',
controller: 'editArmorCtrl',
resolve: {
armoring: ['$route', 'armoringFactory', function($route, armoringFactory){
return armoringFactory.get({ id: $}).$promise;
Contoller (just the save method, the first part of the controller populates the form with existing data):
$ = function(id) {
$scope.armor.itemStats = [
$scope.armor.itemRoles = '';
if($scope.armor.role.tank) {
$scope.armor.itemRoles += 'tank';
if($scope.armor.role.healer) {
if($scope.armor.itemRoles != '') {
$scope.armor.itemRoles += ',healer';
} else {
$scope.armor.itemRoles += 'healer';
if($scope.armor.role.dps) {
if($scope.armor.itemRoles != '') {
$scope.armor.itemRoles += ',dps';
} else {
$scope.armor.itemRoles += 'dps';
.then(function(resp) {
if(resp.success) {
var message = resp.message;
Flash.create('success', message, 'item-success');
$scope.armors = armoringFactory.query();
} else {
var message = resp.message;
Flash.create('success', message, 'item-success');
Formatted data being sent via PUT method (from console.log($scope.armor) ):
Error on save:
I haven't seen nesting schemas in the way that you're doing it. Here's something to try (hard to say if this is it for sure, there's a lot going on):
var armoringSchema = new Schema({
itemType: String,
itemClass: String,
itemRoles: String,
itemLevel: Number,
itemName: String,
itemRating: Number,
itemStats: [{
name: String,
value: Number
Also we need to pass in an object to $update instead of just a number. Change $scope.armor.$update(id) to $scope.armor.$update({id: id}).

Unable to Get Contacts on FirefoxOS

I have a FirefoxOS device and I am trying to create an application to manage the contacts. I am unable to get the contacts both from the Device and the Simulator (both have 1.3 version)
Following is my code (taken from the help):
var cursor = navigator.mozContacts.getAll({});
cursor.onsuccess = function() {
if (cursor.result) {
console.log("Got contact with name: " +" "));
} else {
cursor.onerror = function() {
alert("Error getting contacts");
console.log( cursor );
Following is the segment from my manifest file:
"permissions": {
"storage": {
"description": "Required for storing data"
"contacts": {
"description": "Needed to access the contacts",
"access": "readonly"
It always falls to the onerror function. Need help.
Did you set in the manifest:
"type": "privileged",
Otherwise please post the the value of cursor.error when it fails.
