Running two socket applications within one program - c

I have two C/C++ socket programs, say server and client, and both communicate to each other through read and write. The entire flow works fine (i.e., communication, read, write) when I run the two programs on two separate terminals in localhost. To avoid manually starting the client program, I use system(exec_cmd_to_run_client_program) in my server program. However, doing so doesn't give me the correct result as that of two separate terminals. I do see server and client running in the job monitor, but the communication in between seems never happens. What could be the problem?
Also I tried using ssh library libssh in the server program to open a new ssh session and send execution command to run the client program. Again I see the same result as system call. Both programs showed up in the job monitor but communication never happens. Did I miss something?


Handling multiple ptys from a single process without direct protocol I/O

I am considering writing a BBS-like program in C and thinking about exactly how the I/O architecture would work with such a program. I'm familiar with sockets programming already, more specifically the master/remote model (not sure if there's a more official name for it) where a master process running as a daemon runs the vast majority of the application in a main process. When remote TTYs connect, they do so in a separate process that communicates with the main process via a Unix domain socket, and there's a thread on the main process for each remote TTY's I/O. All the modules and functionality are running in the main process.
This works well for things like CLIs for some kind of process, but I don't think it's as well suited for a significantly richer/more interactive program, where I think it'd make much more sense for all the TTYs to be managed in the same process rather than communicating over a socket. For example, you can't run ncurses over a socket, since the termios that we care about is in that remote process, not in our main process or usable over the socket. So taking the master/remote model further, you'd need to move a lot of logic from the main program to the remote processes.
The problem I'm a little stuck on is exactly how you can have the main process handling all the TTYs without itself handling all of the network socket traffic. For example, say we want to allow telnet and SSH connections. With the master/remote model, it might look like this:
Inbound telnet connection
Telnet server launches /usr/sbin/remote_process (custom login shell)
remote_process (a C program, shell script, etc.) begins executing, communicating with main_process
Inbound SSH connection
SSH server launches /usr/sbin/remote_process (custom login shell)
remote_process (a C program, shell script, etc.) begins executing, communicating with main_process
Importantly, with the master/remote model we consider above, the telnet/SSH protocol is abstracted away from the program in question. It doesn't care if the incoming connection is from Telnet, SSH, a serial port, etc. We don't need to handle the details of these protocols ourselves.
Naively trying to apply this to the single-process model, handling all the TTYs directly, I would think the thing to do would be that step # 3/4 somehow needs to have the main process take over its terminal/PTY. main_process can't be called directly though, since it's already running, and I'm not sure if anything like that would be possible since somehow it would be moving the master/slave for the pty between processes, but the goal would be to have main_process doing everything remote_process was doing in the other model, directly handling the I/O from the Telnet server, SSH server, etc.
The standard way of doing this kind of thing seems to be having the main_process directly run its own listeners - that is, instead of listening for UNIX domain socket connections, directly accept Telnet/SSH traffic, etc. But then, the program is now responsible for handling the details of each individual protocol.
You can see an example of this with SyncrhonetBBS:
The BBS program itself has code to handle each supported protocol: SSH, TELNET, TELNETS, etc.
(I suppose there is a third model: have the main daemon process itself be quite minimal in what it does, and just have each individual TTY process contain the bulk of all the logic, and just use the daemon process for IPC between the TTYs... but then that gets tricky if you want to do stuff like dynamically loadable and unloadable modules that are really at a "system" level as opposed to per-TTY... so I'm not really considering this other extreme).
Is there any way to have the best of both worlds - be able to control all the different TTYs from a single process, but without having to directly implement protocol-specific handling? And if so, how does the TTY setup occur? I'm not looking for code examples here so much as a general high-level explanation/guidance of what this would likely look and how the different components - processes, sockets, TTYs - would interact.

Regarding SIgnals in C

I understand with the help of Signals, we can pass interrupts to the executing C programs, and direct them to behave according to the Handlers assigned. When ctrl+c is pressed, SIGINT is executed.
Currently I am running a setup, where in I have 2 systems. Both have servers(DiscoveryServers) capable of multicast extension(mDNS). I have made use of Signals like SIGHUP and SIGKILL.
I am trying to understand what SIGKILL and SIGHUP actually does here.
So in one of the systems, I have an extra server which registers to the local discovery server. This server is advertised throughout the network with the help of mDNS.
Now, through SIGHUP, i can see that the terminal close of the server is detected amd the corresponding handler is executed.
But when I shut the system down, both the server and the Discovery server of that system, should go off. But that is detected inconsistently( not always) through SIGHUP. I tried with SIGKILL and still the response is the same. It is very unclear as to why it is happening?
Is it because the mDNS is using UDP and the UDP is unreliable?
Eg: Consider A and B as two systemss. Both A and B have discoveryservers running (capable of mDNS: meaning they can advertise the server records throughout the network) which contains the list of servers running on their system respectively. An extra server (server E) running on A, registers to discovery server of A. Now the registered server records are also advertised. Because of mDNS, the discovery server in B also updates its cache with all the advertiesments from system A. B can be seen as a client, runs a particular API, to get the list of servers running on the netowrk. All of this works fine.
If i close the terminal of the extra server on purpose, SIGHUP handler works smoothly. I can see from logs of both the discovery servers that the extra server has been removed.
Now if i shutdown the system A unexpectedly, the terminals running the server applications should close. That can be achieved with SIGHUP handler. What i observe from the log of system B is that, sometimes there are clean removal of the servers, sometimes partial.
There is no clarity as to why it is happening.

C : how to to execute remotely a command line programm and interact with it from a server?

I made a simple tcp client in C (in windows I precise), which is controlled by netcat. I would like to be able to run a command line executable (such as Strings for example) remotely, and above all to be able to interact from netcat or my server with this programme.( (in order to perform actions on the remote computer in particular).
What would be the best solution to do that ?
edit : Here is an example : I want to run String programm on the remote computer. To do that, I can simply write "string" in netcat, this command would be interpreted by client, and this client execute strings binary. The output of strings should be displayed on netcat.
I precise that the binary of the programm can be on the remote computer, but it would be great if there is a way to execute it as a "real" remote programm, without need to get the executable on the remote machine.
First of all, your terminology is a bit off. You said you write a tcp client. But it seems you wrote a server. Because this programs should receive incoming tcp connection and request to then send responses.
In order to execute commands, you can use the exec* syscalls.
But then you would need to have the executables available in the machine.
Then you would need to build some for for loop around the tcp read that execute things for each line send, and a bit of setup to ensure that you redirect the output in the tcp connection. See the dupsyscall.
Ultimately, if you do not want to write a full shell-like program, you could just execthe system shell (cmd.exe on windows I think), and redirect all inputs/output to it.

Forwarding an established TCP connection to another process on another port?

On a Linux machine, you have a daemon that listens on TCP port A. However, it is usually stopped because it is rarely used and takes away a large amount of system resources. Instead, I want to do something like this:
Code an application that listens on port B and does the following as soon as a connection is established: If the daemon is stopped, start it and wait until it listens on port A. Now the difficult part: Connect the client to the daemon in a completely transparent way, i.e. without the client having to reconnect on port A. Also, but this is irrelevant for this question, the application will shut down the daemon when there are no connections for a certain amount of time.
Of course, I could have my application connect to the daemon and pipe all communication. I do not want that. I want some way to forward the established connection to the daemon and then get rid of the connected socket, while the client is now happily connected with the daemon. In some way, I want to give the daemon's process my already connected socket. Is there any way to do something like this?
I'm running Debian, if that's important. I would want to code the application in C/C++, and it's okay to have OS-specific solutions (i.e. use syscalls). Forgive me though, I am not much of a Linux coder, so I am not very familiar with Linux system programming. If there is some obvious way to do it, I simply didn't know.
Of course, I am open for any kind of suggestion.
This problem has a pre-existing standard solution, generically known as inetd. It has been around for a long time, first in Unix systems and then Linux.
The more modern implementation is xinetd

How to find where a process is stuck using DDD

I have a TCP Svr process written in C and running on CentOS 5.5. It acts as a TCP Server for external clients and also does some IPC communication with other processes in the system using Unix Domain Sockets it has establised. It's not a multi threaded process. It does one task at a time. There's an epoll_wait() I use to listen for requests on either the TCP socket or any of the IPC sockets it has established with internal processes. When the epoll_wait() function breaks,I process the request for whoever it is and then go back into epoll_wait()
I have a TCP Client that connects to this Process from outside (not IPC). It connects sucessfully, sends a request msg, gets a response back. I've put this in an infinite loop
just to test out its robustness etc.
After a while, the TCP Server stops responding to requests coming from TCP Client. The TCP client connects successfully, sends a request message, but it doesnt get any response msg back from the TCP server.
So I reckon the TCP server is stuck somewhere else, trying to do something and has not returned to the epoll_wait() to process
other requests coming in. I've tried to figure it out using logs, but thats not helping me understand where exactly the process is stuck.
So I wanted to use any debugger that can give me some information (function name would be great), as to what the process is doing. Putting breakpoints, is overwhelming cause the TCP Server process has tons of files and functions....
I'm trying to use DDD on CentOS 5.5, to figureout whats going on. I attach to the process successfully. Then I click on "Step" or "Stepi" or "Next" button....
but nothing happens....
btw when I use Eclipse for debugging, and attach to this process (or any process), I always get "__kernel_vsyscall()"....Does this mean, the program breaks by default at
whatever its doing? If thats the case, how do I come out of the __kernel_vsyscall() call, to continue within my program? If I press f8, it comes out, but then I dont know where it was, since I loose the stack trace....Like I said earlier. Since I cant figure where it was, I dont know where to put breakpoint....
In summary, I want to figureout where my process is stuck or what its doing and try to debug from that point on....
How do I go about this?
1) Attaching to a C process can often cause problems in itself, is there any way for you to start the process in the debugger?
2) Using the step functions of DDD need to be done after you've set a breakpoint and the program is stopped on a command. From reading your question, I'm not sure you've done that. You may not want to set many breakpoints, but is setting one or two in critical sections of code possible?
In summary, What I wanted to accomplish was to be able to find where my program is stuck, when it hangs. I figured it out - It was so simple. Create a configuration in Eclipse ...."Debug Configurations->C/C++ attach to application"...
Let the process run normally from shell (preferably with a terminal attached). When it hangs, open eclipse, click on the debug icon and run the configured process. It'll ask you to attach to a process. Look for your process name and attach to it.
Now, just look at the entire stack'll see some of your own function calls mixed with kernel function calls. That tells you where the program is stuck.
