How to save image to Phone gallery from image URL in Ionic? - angularjs

I have build an App in AngularJS + Ionic.In this App there is an Image against each record and i want to give option to user to save that image to its Mobile Image Gallery.
Any idea how i can do this?


How to crop image in image picker before upload image in ReactJs

How to crop an image in image/file picker before upload image in ReactJs
I'm not sure if it is what you aim to achieve, but I implemented cropper.js framework to do so.

insert pdf file into mobile app development

I have a pdf file of a map of the building and I want to attach this map into the app. How can I do it? I try to convert the pdf file into the URL and use action event in the button but it didn't work. I also screenshot the map and attach the picture into the button but it is too large and I can't zoom in the detail in the map. Do you have any idea about this?
You can use an image an then place it with an ImageViewer. That allows pinch to zoom on the device so you can see the finer details.

I want to add caption on the image like whatsapp in my react native app

Right now I am able to click image from expo camera and able to view it and save it in my phone. I want to add caption on that Image in my App created by expo like we can do in Whatsapp. How can I do that?

How do I create video thumbnails in Codename one?

Is there a way to generate thumbnail like images from a stored video in codename one?
I have a codename list that uses the generic renderer and has a list of strings which are a local path to either a video or an image. Is there a way to display either the image or a thumbnail of the video on the multiButton icon?
You’ll need to use a native interface. Looks like both iOS and Android support thumbnails from video.
Getting a thumbnail from a video url or data in iPhone SDK
How to create video thumbnail from video file path in Android
You could also do it server-side and then load the thumbnails from your app. E.g. Cloudinary supports generating video thumbnails.
The Cloudinary cn1lib is available here:

upload progress bar with button click in angularjs?

I am working on image upload with image preview.I want to show the progress bar when the upload button is clicked and its upload status in progress bar with the help of angular. How can I do that?
Thanks in advance.
There are various plugins you can use for file upload with progress bar. I particularly like jquery.form.js.
I found a link with working example and its integration with angularjs.
