AngularJS UI Router creates no href - angularjs

I am new to AngularJS and i am playing a bit with the routes. But the UI Router does not "convert" my URL to he correct href Attribute.
My View:
<a ui-sref="music.detail({postID:})" class="text-ellipsis">{{post.first_name}}</a>
And this is from my router.js
.state('music.detail', {
url: '/{postId}',
templateUrl: 'tpl/music.detail.html'
But the HTML Output is still without the ID. {{}} is working fine and returns the ID of the JSON Object.
<a ui-sref="music.detail({postID:})" class="text-ellipsis ng-binding" href="#/music/">Tremaine Stehr</a>
Am i something missing here?

check your html
<a ui-sref="music.detail({postId:})" class="text-ellipsis ng-binding" >Tremaine Stehr</a>


Angularjs, Redirect views from controller

I'm new to angularJS. I'm using angularjs to implement a website. The website has two pages. The first page list all items and if user click on it, it will redirect to detail information page.
I have my routes configure as below:
var app = angular.module('myApp', ["ngRoute"]);
app.config(function($routeProvider) {
.when("/list", {
templateUrl : "list.html",
controller : "listCtrl"
templateUrl : "detail.html"
In the list.html. I use ng-repeat to display a list of items and a listener on to listen mouse click.
<ul class="list-group">
<li class="list-group-item" ng-repeat="i in items">{{}}
<a href="#" ng-click="goToEdit($index)">
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-pencil"></span>
I want to redirect view to detail information in the ng-click function.
I tried $location.path() but it not working.
$scope.goToEdit = function(index){
$location.path("/detail/" + index);
This way won't work.
Even though the second log on console show location.path() has been changed to " /detail/id".
If I add $scope.$apply() after $location.path(); Then I will get a action already in progress error.
Do you have any solution???
It might have something to do with use href="#" which is not good when using hash based routing
You could just set the href yourself and don't really need the controller function or ng-click
<a ng-href="#/detail/{{$index}}" >
Note that you should really give each item a unique identifier as $index could change due to using filters in ng-repeat or removing data from array
Also you don't have a controller identified for your second route

ng-route I want to be redirect to the server when route is missing from $routeProvider

I've got an MVC application and I'm trying to apply mini-spas
My angular js setp:
appNg.config(function ($routeProvider, $locationProvider) {
.when("/AccountManager/UserLogin", {
templateUrl: "/App_ng/AccountManager/Views/AccountManagerUserLoginView.html",
controller: "accountManagerUserLoginController",
.when("/AccountManager/UserSignup", {
templateUrl: "/App_ng/AccountManager/Views/AccountManagerUserSignupView.html",
controller: "accountManagerUserSignupController",
console.log("Config.Complete: appNg");
my baseref in _layoutpage in head tag (at the top)
<base href="/" />
my links on layoutpage:
<i class="fa fa-sign-in"></i> <span>ng UserSignup</span>
<i class="fa fa-sign-in"></i> <span>ng UserLogin</span>
<i class="fa fa-sign-in"></i> <span>CNN.COM</span>
<i class="fa fa-sign-in"></i> <span>ng About2</span>
The first 3 links work as expected, but the last link does not, the address in the browser url bar changes, but the page stays the same.
I want angular to ignore the route and let me call the server to get a new page, so that I can load the new page with embedded the mini-spa related to the new address. Since the address that is not working is not present in the $routeProvider routes, I was hoping that angular would have not filtered the address. How can I solve the issue?
Yes, I know I can use target _blank on the a tag but this can't be done (from my trials), since this will create issues with links that should be filtered by angular when in a specific mini-spa.
I've also read AngularJS - How can I do a redirect with a full page load? without any success.
This one bites me pretty frequently. We use ui-router, but I think ngRoute is the same. Try target="_self" in your anchor tag.
<a target="_"self" href="/AngTestRoute/about2"><i class="fa fa-sign-in"></i> <span>ng About2</span></a>
Glancing at some of my own projects, I think I also use the fully qualified url, and not just the path. So maybe
<a target="_"self" href="http://myserver/mybasepath/AngTestRoute/about2"><i class="fa fa-sign-in"></i> <span>ng About2</span></a>

How to compile template directives with ui-rout and AngularJS

I have the following state.
.state('categories', {
url: '/categories',
templateUrl: 'categories',
controller: 'CategoriesController',
And template url loads:
<a ui-sref="categories.bob">my link text</a>
But ui-sref isn't compiled. How is the right way to slove this case ?
I mean html loaded form template is not compiled by AnulgarJS. For example
<a ui-sref="categories.bob">my link text</a>
should be
<a ui-sref="categories.bob" href="#/categories/bob">my link text</a>
I assume you want to pass bob as an optional parameter? If that is the case try the following:
Defining a new state:
.state('', {
url: '/:name',
templateUrl: 'subcategorytemplate',
controller: 'SubCategoryController',
The route:
<a ui-sref="{name:"bob"})">my link text</a>
You will find your route parameter in ui-router's $stateParams service by calling $ For further information look here.
In fact i found my problem. My nasted state url's was wrong.
.state('categories.category', {
url: '/:category',
templateUrl: function($params) {
return 'categories/' + $params.category;
But I still don't understend how and why <a ui-sref="someUrl"> are rendered like <a ui-sref="someUrl" href="#>someUrl"> buy if I load html with templateUrl no href attribute is generated. So is there a way to make it generate href attribute too ?
How to load my nested view in parent ui-view ?

Updating url on transition from child to parent state in UI router

I have an Angular (1.2.1) app running UI-router (0.2.13), and the following state structure:
$stateProvider.state('home', {
template: "<div home></div>",
url: '/'
}).state('home.geo', {
Transitioning from parent to child or between children with different {geo} parameter values works as expected. Transitioning from child to parent works - i.e. the contents of the template and $state.current change as expected - but the URL does not update in the browser.
To be clear, an example: I'm in /geo/california and I click a button with ui-sref='home'. I've confirmed that the correct href='#/' has been placed on the button, and clicking it causes the $state to transition back to the home state, but /geo/california remains in my address bar.
What am I missing here?
Update in respose to #UlukBiy's comment: No, home does not have a ui-view in its template. The ui-view is in the template of it's parent: The overall structure is:
<div app-nav></div>
<div ui-view></div>
So the home directive gets inserted into the ui-view, but it contains no ui-views of its own. Is that my problem? I'm new to UI-router, and assumed there was some low-level misunderstanding about the role of states vs. directives when I posted this. If so, please help me correct it.
This scenario should be working. There is a working example (click the blue button right-top to run example in separate window, showing the address bar)
I updated your state def a bit:
.state('home', {
url: "/",
template: 'Home view <hr /> Geo view: <div ui-view></div>',
.state('home.geo', {
templateUrl: 'tpl.html',
All these links do work as expected:
<a href="#/home">
<a href="#/geo/california">
<a href="#/geo/czechia">
<a ui-sref="home">
<a ui-sref="home.geo({geo:'california'})">
<a ui-sref="home.geo({geo:'czech'})">
So, the most important change here is that for a child state we should use this url:
instead of the url:'/geo/{geo}'. Check the doc:
Absolute Routes (^)
If you want to have absolute url matching, then you need to prefix your url string with a special symbol '^'.
Check the working example here

ui-router does not work with parameters in route

For some reason it does not work as expected for routes with parameters. It does not even render src attribute for such anchors. I made a simple plunk to demonstrate this and here is the code:
<body ng-controller="MainCtrl">
<a ui-sref="categories/foo">category</a>
<a ui-sref="blah">blah</a>
and routes:
.state 'blah',
url: 'blah'
.state 'categories',
url: "categories/:name"
First work fine, second - not. Why this happening? What am I doing wrong?
to Navigate to state, with params
ui-sref also takes an state name as function like syntax with object of params(you want to pass to state) as an argument
So replace
<a ui-sref="categories/foo">category</a>
<a ui-sref="categories({name:'foo'})">category</a>
you can specify params like this (using the routes you have defined):
<a ui-sref="categories({name:'foo'})">category</a>
