JFreecharts Demo Code does not build? - jfreechart

I purchased the Docs/support from ObjectRefinery for JFreeCharts. When running ant the following occurs:
$ cd ant && ant
/shared/jfreechart-1.0.19-demo/ant/build.xml:66: Warning: Could not find file
/shared/jfreechart-1.0.19-demo/source/demo/orsoncharts/iStock_000003105870Small.jpg to copy.
Actually that file does not exist anywhere in the project -or any jpg for that matter:
freechart-1.0.19-demo $find . -name \*.jpg
<no results>
So how to build this demo code?

There are two files missing from the ZIP file which prevent the demo jar files from being rebuilt using the included Ant script. This has been corrected and a new ZIP file uploaded to our server. Additionally, your purchase has been refunded.

is pervasive and broken within the build.xml and within the source code . The way to handle this is to:
remove the couple dozen or so references to orsoncharts from that build file
remove orson java sources
remove references and usages of orson from demo/SuperDemo.java
and then do
ant -f ant/build.xml all
Guess what? That is not enough. Now we get a supposedly unlicensed distro.
So we still can not work with the source code. This whole ant-based mashup is a broken hack.
At this point the answer would be "Will the distributors put together a real buildable source distro (without Orson Charts) or not."


How to archive new build files in jenkins -pipeline script in groovy ReactJS

trying to archive all the files into a zip file that is formed in the workspace in jenkins pipeline script. I tried using this
archiveArtifacts 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins\jobs\pipeline CI_MS\workspace'
but error was shown as "file not found"
Thanks for any help
Do you really want to archive everything in the entire workspace? Hardcoding the path like that is a bad idea. The workspace moves, and if you are using a more recent version of Jenkins (that wasn't upgraded from an old version), you are probably not even looking in the right space.
Use this:
archiveArtifacts "${WORKSPACE}"
Add to the end of the path if you want to archive files in subdirectories.

touch .gitignore not creating file

I'm trying to set up a React dev environment, and one instruction I've been given is to enter my directory in Terminal and type this code:
touch .gitignore
The touch command works fine when I'm making a file with a name and extension (e.g. index.html) but since this appears to be only an extension, nothing is happening.
Apparently it's an important file regarding uploading to GitHub - can anyone help?
Update: I created x.gitignore, and then tried deleting the x, and it OSX throws up a dialog saying:
You can’t use a name that begins with a dot “.”, because these names are reserved for the system. Please choose another name.
You can see all of the visible files within a folder by typing
into your terminal (assuming OSX from your comment). However, you will only see a list of the non-hidden files. You can see all files by typing
ls -a
Your .gitignore file basically tells git which folders and files to disregard when packaging everything up to be stored. For example, in ReactJS projects you are probably going to be using a lot of NPM packages and you wouldn't want to include them in your git repository. So, in your .gitignore file, you would include a line that says
and then none of the files or folders within node_modules would be included when you push to Github (or Bitbucket or wherever).
If you are having trouble finding the .gitignore file, first run the ls -a and make sure that you see the file listed. After that, if you are having trouble seeing the file in your text editor, you may want to check the preferences in the text editor.
In Atom, you need to unselect "View VCS Ignored Paths" to see the "ignored" files.
type in terminal
npx touch .gitignore

NSIS simple copy one file from another folder in program files directory to installation dir not working

I tried to create an installer to install a application.
The basic stuff works fine, but I have problems, when it comes up to simply copy an existing files, which is located in some subfolder of Program Files folder.
The scenario behind this, is that the application has different versions and a license file.
When the app gets installed, the installer looks for an existing file, and if exists, should just copy that license file to the $INSTDIR/license folder.
C:\Program Files (x86)\MyApp\Ver1.0\license\ // here's the location of old license file
C:\Program Files (x86)\MyApp\Ver2.0\license\ // here to put the old license file
Following section is condensed to the relevant stuff:
Section "License of other Version"
IfFileExists '$PROGRAMFILES\MyApp\Ver1.0\license\some_license.slc' beginLicense endLicense
Goto endLicense
MessageBox MB_OK "We have found an old license file. Do you wanna to use it for current installation ?"
CreateDirectory "$INSTDIR\license"
CopyFiles "$PROGRAMFILES\MyApp\Ver1.0\license\some_license.slc" $INSTDIR/license/some_license.slc"
MessageBox MB_OK "There were no license found."
The compiling runs fine, but the installation process denotes an error when trying to copy the file. But it gives no further explanation, why it failed.
I tried also using the File directive, but that produced other errors, because of using the constants in file directive (file not found, and that sort of errors) and even the script cannot compile.
I tried also using a macro, mentioned here in another question of stackoverflow (sry, didnt have the link anymore), but it didnt worked for me, too.
What am I doing wrong, is it not allowed to use constants in CopyFile directive ?
Any help is appreciated.
You need to change:
CopyFiles "$PROGRAMFILES\MyApp\Ver1.0\license\some_license.slc" $INSTDIR/license/some_license.slc"
CopyFiles "$PROGRAMFILES\MyApp\Ver1.0\license\some_license.slc" $INSTDIR\license\some_license.slc"
NSIS is not a fan of / slashes. While most of the low-level kernel32 functions can handle them, not all things in the shell can and that probably includes SHFileOperation used by CopyFiles. Even if that was not the case, internal path processing in NSIS tends to eat / slashes...

vim cannot connect to cscope database

I have opensuse 11.4 installed. Vim is version 7. Now I normally use it to browse the linux kernel source. So I generated the cscope database inside a directory within my home folder i.e. /home/aijazbaig1/cscope_DB/ and I got 3 files viz. cscope.out, cscope.po.out and cscope.in.out besides the cscope.files file which contains a list of all the relevant files which I want to search.
Additionally I have added the following to my .bashrc:
export CSCOPE_DB
But when I do a :cscope show from within vim it says there are no connections. Can anyone please let me know what is going wrong.
Keen to hear from you,
This is mentioned in the comments above, but I want to make sure it's preserved in an answer.
The issue that came up for me was that vim didn't know where to look for the cscope database. When I added
cs add $CSCOPE_DB
to my .vimrc. Everything came out fine.
I figure since I've made the visit, I would try responding.
I was getting this error when searching using ctrl-space s (or any search for that matter):
E567: no cscope connections
I finally found the full solution at http://cscope.sourceforge.net/cscope_vim_tutorial.html, Step 11.
The idea is that you create a list of source files to be included in the view of cscope, generate the cscope.out in the same location, and update the export path accordingly:
find /my/project/dir -name '*.c' -o -name '*.h' > /foo/cscope.files
cscope -R -b (this may take a while depending on the size of your source)
export CSCOPE_DB=/foo/cscope.out (put this in your .bashrc/.zshrc/other-starting-script if you don't want to repeat this every time you log into the terminal)
You need to add a "cscope connection", like this in vim:
:cscope add $PATH_TO_CSCOPE.out
See :help cs for more examples.
Here's how I explore linux kernel source using cscope:
I use vim as my editor.
While standing inside the kernel source root directory, run cscope in interactive mode while recursively going through subdirectories during search for source files:
cscope -R
When run for the first time, it will generate the database file with the name: cscope.out inside the current directory. Any subsequent runs will use the already generated database.
Search for anything or any file and open it.
Set cscope tags in vim to make the :tag and CTRL-] commands search through cscope first and then ctags' tags:
:set cscopetag
Set cscope database inside current VIM session:
:cs add cscope.out
Now you can use CTRL-] and CTRL-t as you would do in ctags to navigate around! :)
I have the same issue on my PC. For now, to solve the issue:
On terminal execute: which is cscope
Open .vimrc file to edit: set csprg=/usr/bin/cscope
I ran into a similar problem with no cscope connections on ubuntu 18.04, then I discovered my .vimrc file does not load the CSCOPE_DB variable. Looked a little around and found a solution.
You can just copy this directly in to your .vimrc file.
Part of the code loads your cscope file from your directory. The keybinds are just a nice bonus.
Hope this helps.

aspnet_compiler ASPParse Could Not Load Type

I am unable to build my Web Application (not Web Site) in our build environement. We use DMAKE in our build environment (this unfortunately is non negotiable, therefore using MSBUILD is not permitted ) and when invoking the asp.net precompiler through
C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\aspnet_compiler -d -nologo -p Site -f -fixednames -errorstack -v / Debug
We get the following error
error ASPPARSE: Could not load type 'X.Y.Admin.Site.Global
If I compile from the ide it is successful. If i then compile with aspnet_compilier it is successful. So i only get a successful compile with aspnet_compiler when the target dll i am trying to compile is in the bin of the web application i am compiling.
I keep running into postings that talk about solutions using MSBUILD which unfortunately I cant try.
Any help would be appreciated
We had the same problem on our web application:
error ASPPARSE: Could not load type '...'
The problem was that we had the file on disk (on the project folder) but it wasn't included in our application project (in the .csproj file). We solved the problem by including the file in the project :)
I ran into a similar problem using NANT. The trick was to compile the web applications code files into a dll then include that when using aspnet_compiler.
use the command line compiler,either csc.exe (c#) or vbc.exe (visual basic), to compile your web application with an output of type library. This will create a dll that you can use in your aspnet_compiler task
Have you tried specifying the path using -p? Sounds to me like it can't find that type / assembly.
For web applications, you have to build the .vb files into a dll and put that in the bin folder before you run the aspnet compiler. Check the output window in visual studio and you'll see the command line for the VB compiler. Run that first before you run the aspnet compiler, and the asp pages should be able to find the missing types.
This problem was resolved for me by simply deleting all bin and obj folders. Seems like they were in a bad state somehow. I also deleted the the .sou file, but I don't think that was the issue.
I received the same problem.
I fixed it by copying my webapp's DLL from the OBJ/DEBUG folder to the BIN folder.
I just had this error and found 2 ways to fix it, either:
Change the Codebehind attribute in the global.asax file to CodeFile and add "partial" to the class declaration
In the deployment project's property pages, set "Version output assemblies" and provide a version number
I don't really know why either worked, but it did.
solution :
-p Site path must have the directory path of .csproj file location.
ex :-
aspnet_compiler -p D:\Projects\MGM\mgm\mgm -v / D:\Projects\MGM-deploy\mgm_compiled
