SQL Export Data from a Query to Use Tilde (~) - sql-server
I have a basic Select query which brings me back a set of results (roughly around 100,000 records) which I currently have to export to .CSV Format , issue is I then have to remove the commas out of the results and replace it with a (~). Which I do using a file format application that I got off the web.
But I'm trying to go about making this automated (if possible) to save time. Like e.g run off a stored procedure that can do this for me export the file in a (~) format.
Does anyone have any tips how this stored procedure can be written or an pointers would be appreciated.
p.s I have tried to use the export wizard but it just just crashes due to too many records.
Expected Result
(sql Script which I am running)
'SPK' as [AGENCY_CODE], -- should be set to SPK
'OBCALL' as [MEDIA_CODE], -- should be set to OBCALL
isnull(c.salutation,'') as [TITLE],
isnull(c.otherName,'') as [FORENAME],
isnull(c.name,'') as [SURNAME],
isnull(c.attTXT64,'') as [STANDARDISED_NAME],
replace(isnull(c.addr1, ''), ',', '.') AS [BEST_ADDRESS_LINE_1],
replace(isnull(c.addr2, ''), ',', '.') AS [BEST_ADDRESS_LINE_2],
replace(isnull(c.addr3, ''), ',', '.') AS [BEST_ADDRESS_LINE_3],
replace(isnull(c.addr4, ''), ',', '.') AS [BEST_ADDRESS_LINE_4],
isnull(c.postCode,'') as [BEST_POSTCODE],
--'0' + isnull(c.phone1,'') as [TELEPHONE_N2O],-- should be populated with the spare field ORIG_TEL .
RIGHT('0' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(11), c.phone1), 11) as [TELEPHONE_NO],-- should be populated with the spare field ORIG_TEL .
convert(varchar(100),c.attDT03,120) as [DATE_TIMESTAMP],
isnull(c.attTXT10,'') as [SM_CONTACT_KEY],
isnull(c.attTXT89,'') as [ SM_ADDRESS_KEY],
isnull(c.attTXT11,'') as [ CAMPAIGN_IDENTIFIER],
isnull(c.attTXT12,'') as [ WAVE_ID],
isnull(c.attTXT13,'') as [OLDSTACK_NEWSTACK_FLAG],
isnull(c.attTXT14,'') as [MARKET_3_FLAG],
isnull(c.attTXT15,'') as [ADSL_2_FLAG],
isnull(c.attTXT16,'') as [FIBRE_FLAG],
isnull(c.attTXT17,'') as [LOAD_ID],
isnull(c.attTXT18,'') as [CONTACT_POINT_KEY],
isnull(c.attTXT19,'') as [DATA_POOL_URN],
isnull(c.attTXT20,'') as [EVENT_KEY],
isnull(c.attTXT21,'') as [BILLING_ACCOUNT_KEY] ,
isnull(c.attTXT22,'') as [CAMPAIGN_SOURCE] ,
isnull(c.attTXT23,'') as [CAMPAIGN_CODE] ,
isnull(c.attTXT24,'') as [ CMT_ROLE_KEY],
isnull(c.attTXT25,'') as [ CMT_LOCATION_KEY],
isnull(c.attTXT26,'') as [BILL_ACCNT_NUM],
isnull(c.attTXT27,'') as [BILLING_ACCOUNT_TYPE],
--All other fields are as per the import record values
CASE WHEN dx.datetime IS NULL THEN convert(varchar,getdate(),120) ELSE CONVERT(varchar, dx.datetime, 120) END
Case when uc.campaignid = 3 then 'CT001' when uc.campaignid = 22 then 'CT001' when uc.campaignid = 18 then 'CT011'
when uc.campaignid = 26 then 'CT013'
end as [CAMPAIGN_TYPE], -- map to BT/DATA/10.CAMPAIGN_Code (return CAMPAIGN_TYPE)
WHEN dx.[Abandon] = 1 THEN 'OC039'
ELSE d.code END),'OC042')
AS [OUTCOME_CODE], -- populate with (OC001-OCxxx)
isnull(c.email,'') as [EMAIL_ADDRESS], -- populate with EMAIL_ADDRESS
'' as [EMAIL_CONSENT], --= populate with EMAIL_CONSENT ***************
'' as [INBOUND_TELEPHONE_NUMBER], --*****************
'' as [COMPETITOR_SUPPLIER_1], -- CONT CONTRACT_END_DATE_SUPPLIER3 – poplulate ***********
'' as [PRODUCT_FROM_SUPPLIER1], -- populate ************
'' as [COMPETITOR_SUPPLIER2], --****
'' as [PRODUCT_FROM_SUPPLIER2], --****
'' as [COMPETITOR_SUPPLIER3],-- ****
isnull(c.attTXT02,'') as [ORDER_NUM], -- Captured by Operator
isnull(dx.duration,0) as [CALL_DURATION],
-------------dxi.talk as [CALL_DURATION], -- populate difference start/end time (seconds)******
isnull(c.attTXT09,'') as [WARMTH_RATING_NOW], -- captured by agent
isnull(c.attTXT80,'') as [WARMTH_RATING_FUTURE_CAMPAIGNS], -- captured by agent
isnull(dx.callid,'') [SOURCE_INTERACTION_ID],
-------------isnull(a.id,'') as [SOURCE_INTERACTION_ID], -- Tpoints unique call Identifier --- Activity ID *******
isnull(uc.callcount,'') as [NUMBER_OF_CALLS_MADE],
(select left(ethnicOrigin, 1)) as [CALL_CONSENT_VALIDATE_FLG], -- ******** gift aid status - first byte only
(select left(nationality, 5)) as [CALL_CONSENT_OUTCOME_CD], -- ******** nationality - first 5 bytes only
isnull(c.attTXT56,'') as [QUESTION_1], -- populate from SPARE_FIELD_28
isnull(c.attTXT51,'') as [ANSWER_1], -- captured by the agent if SPARE_FIELD_1 populated
isnull(c.attTXT29,'') as [QUESTION_2], -- poaddingpulate from SPARE_FIELD_28
isnull(c.attTXT67,'') as [ANSWER_2], -- captured by the agent if SPARE_FIELD_2 populated
isnull(c.attTXT37,'') as [QUESTION_3], -- populate from SPARE_FIELD_28
isnull(c.attTXT58,'') as [ANSWER_3] -- captured by the agent if SPARE_FIELD_3 populated
--isnull(c.attdt18,GETDATE()) as [Export_Date]
u_contact c with (nolock)
inner join u_campaigncontact uc with (nolock) on uc.contactid = c.id
inner join u_dispcode d with (nolock) on d.id = uc.resultcodeid
outer apply (select top 1 duration, callid,
case when outcome = 113 then 1 else 0 end [Abandon], [datetime] from dxi_cdrlog cdr where cdr.urn = c.id order by callid desc) dx
uc.campaignid in (3, 18, 22, 26) and d.dmc = 1 and c.created between DATEADD(week, -1, getdate()) AND getdate()
and c.importid > 0
Since you are using SQL-Server you could use the command line tool sqlcmd which comes with the package. You might have to re-run the installation of the SSMS to acticvate the option.
Open cmd.exe. When you use the sqlcmd command with the options
sqlcmd -S host -d dbname -U username -P password -W -s ~ -h -1 -Q "SET NOCOUNT ON;SELECT 1,'hello world'"
It should get you
1~hello world
-W removes blanks between the columns, -s ~ sets ~ as the column separator, -h -1 removes the header line at the top and -Q then expects the actual query statement as the next argument.
Obviously for the actual job you need to call your SELECt statement. It might be a good idea to define a view (myview) for the job and in the sqlcmd just do a SELECT * FROM myview since writing a multiline SQL command within a cmd environment is not so much fun .... Of course it is possible but it is not really worth the hassle.
The command should then redirect its output directly into a file like
set scmd=sqlcmd -S host -d dbname -U username -P password -W -s ~ -h -1 -Q
%scmd% "%sql" > exportfile.csv
How to export Sybase table contents to a text file?
I want to export the tables with contents from a Sybase database to a text file. I am using Sybase ASE 15.5 and that can't be changed/upgraded. I have tried using sp_tables and different Select commands, but they don't give the result I'm looking for. The output format I'm looking for is something like this: FIRST_TABLE Column_1 Column_2 Column_3 Roger Male 51 Anne Female 46 SECOND_TABLE Column_1 Column_2 Column_3 BMW German Car Schwinn American Bicycles etc.etc.
Create a view that generates the output you want and use bcp to copy the data from the view. Consider the following table, view and data: create table t1 ( k int not null, v varchar(255) null) go create view v1 as select 'k' as k, 'v' as v union all select convert(varchar, k), v from t1 go insert into t1 (k, v) values (1, 'Line_1') insert into t1 (k, v) values (2, 'Line_2') insert into t1 (k, v) values (3, 'Line_3') go Check the data returned from the view, notice the column names are in the result set. They need to here. Ideally you would query against syscolumns, but there is no pivot statement in ASE, so you need to know the names in advance :-( select * from v1 go k v 1 Line_1 2 Line_2 3 Line_3 (4 rows affected) Now copy the data from the view into the text file: $ bcp <db_name>..v1 out v1.txt -c -U login_name -S server_name Password: Starting copy... 4 rows copied. Network packet size (bytes): 4096 Clock Time (ms.) Total : 1 Average : (4000.0 rows per sec.) $ cat v1.txt k v 1 Line_1 2 Line_2 3 Line_3
Without using BCP declare cur cursor for select sc.name from sysobjects so, syscolumns sc where so.id = sc.id and so.name = 'FIRST_TABLE' order by sc.colid go declare #l_name varchar(30), #l_sql varchar(2000) begin open cur fetch cur into #l_name while ##sqlstatus = 0 begin set #l_sql = #l_sql + '''' + #l_name + ''',' fetch cur into #l_name end close cur deallocate cur set #l_sql = 'select ' + substring(#l_sql,1,len(#l_sql)-1) set #l_sql = #l_sql + ' union all select * from FIRST_TABLE' exec (#l_sql) end go
Use findstr to replace null values with empty strings from sqlcmd command
I have an sqlcmd command which generates a csv file from a view. Is it possible to replace the NULL values to empty string using the findstr command? Here is what I tried. sqlcmd -S . -d SAMPLEDB -U sa -P pass -s"|" -W -Q "SET NOCOUNT ON SET ANSI_WARNINGS OFF select * from view_Table" > Sample.csv -h -1 | findstr /v /c:"NULL"
You can easily build the extraction SQL for each view using the system management views. This simple query: SELECT v.[name] ,c.[name] ,c.[column_id] ,c.[is_nullable] FROM sys.views V INNER JOIN sys.columns C ON V.[object_id] = C.[object_id]; will return everything we need to perform the task: the view name the column name the column order if the column is nullable So, we need only to build the extraction SQL statements: SELECT v.[name] ,'SELECT ' + DS.[definition] + ' FROM ' + v.[name] FROM sys.views V CROSS APPLY ( SELECT STUFF ( ( SELECT ',' + CASE WHEN c.[is_nullable] = 1 THEN 'ISNULL(' + c.[name] + ','''')' ELSE c.[name] END FROM sys.columns C WHERE V.[object_id] = C.[object_id] ORDER BY c.[column_id] FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE ).value('.', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)') ,1 ,1 ,'' ) ) DS ([definition]); Depending on your SQL version you can reduce the code above - for example using IIF or STRING_AGG. Also, you can add WHERE clause to filter the query for specific views.
Change the sql in the command string to select fields individually and do an ISNULL on them select * from view_Table To select ISNULL([FIELD_1],''''),ISNULL([FIELD_2],'''') from view_Table in you calling string use the following code to build it and check to see the final statement runs DECLARE #Temp VARCHAR(MAX) SET #Temp = 'SELECT ISNULL([FIELD_1],''''),ISNULL([FIELD_2],'''') FROM view_Table' SELECT #Temp
SQL string before and after certain characters
SELECT NAME FROM SERVERS returns: SDACR.hello.com SDACR SDACR\AIR SDACR.hello.com\WATER I need the SELECT query for below result: SDACR SDACR SDACR\AIR SDACR\WATER Kindly help ! I tried using LEFT and RIGHT functions as below, but not able to get combined output correctly: SELECT LEFT(Name, CHARINDEX('.', Name) - 1) FROM SERVERS SELECT RIGHT(Name, LEN(Name) - CHARINDEX('\', Name)) FROM SERVERS
It looks like you're just trying to REPLACE a substring of characters in your column. You should try this: SELECT REPLACE(Name,'.hello.com','') AS ReplacementName FROM SERVERS
In tsql, you can concatenate values with CONCAT(), or you can simply add strings together with +. SELECT LEFT(Name, CHARINDEX('.',Name)-1) + RIGHT(Name,LEN(Name)-CHARINDEX('\',Name)) from SERVERS Also, be careful with doing arithmetic with CHARINDEX(). A value without a '.' or a '\' will return a NULL and you will get an error.
You can use LEFT for this to select everything up to the first period (dot) and add on everything after the last \ declare #servers table ([NAME] varchar(64)) insert into #servers values ('SDACR.hello.com '), ('SDACR'), ('SDACR\AIR'), ('SDACR.hello.com\WATER') select left([NAME],case when charindex('.',[NAME]) = 0 then len([NAME]) else charindex('.',[NAME]) -1 end) + case when charindex('\',left([NAME],case when charindex('.',[NAME]) = 0 then len([NAME]) else charindex('.',[NAME]) -1 end)) = 0 then right([NAME],charindex('\',reverse([NAME]))) else '' end from #servers
Throwing my hat in.... Showing how to use Values and APPLY for cleaner code. -- sample data in an easily consumable format declare #yourdata table (txt varchar(100)); insert #yourdata values ('SDACR.hello.com'), ('SDACR'), ('SDACR\AIR'), ('SDACR.hello.com\WATER'); -- solution select txt, newTxt = case when loc.dot = 0 then txt when loc.dot > 0 and loc.slash = 0 then substring(txt, 1, loc.dot-1) else substring(txt, 1, loc.dot-1) + substring(txt, loc.slash, 100) end from #yourdata cross apply (values (charindex('.',txt), (charindex('\',txt)))) loc(dot,slash); Results txt newTxt ------------------------------ -------------------- SDACR.hello.com SDACR SDACR SDACR SDACR\AIR SDACR\AIR SDACR.hello.com\WATER SDACR\WATER
bcp append a line at the end of file
I am trying to export a .txt file with bcp: EXEC xp_CMDSHELL 'BCP "SELECT v.ItemId , v.InventLocationId , CAST(v.AvailPhysical AS int) FROM D_R1.dbo.vwStockOnHand AS v JOIN D_R1.DBO.vwProducts AS m ON v.ItemId = m.ITEMID WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM D_R1.DBO.ExportExcludedFamilies AS magExport WHERE magExport.REFRECID = m.FamilyRecId) AND AVAILPHYSICAL > 0 AND v.PICKFROMZ = 1 ORDER BY v.InventLocationId, v.ITEMID" queryout "C:\temp\1.txt" -c -t"|" -T -S D_R1' All good, but i would need a last line in the file like "END OF FILE" and i am not able to figure it out .. Can someone give me a hint on this?
1) First solution SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(11), v.ItemId) AS ItemId , v.InventLocationId , CAST(v.AvailPhysical AS int) , 1 AS Priority FROM ... UNION ALL SELECT 'End of export file', NULL, NULL, 2 AS Priority ORDER BY Priority, InventLocationId, ItemID or SELECT... ; SELECT 'End of report' ; or SELECT... ; PRINT 'End of report' ; 2) Second solution bcp "the same SQL query", ... echo End of export echo command
Extract Substring from text in SQL sever
I capture MDX statements fired on the SSAS Cube using a SQL profiler into a table. What I want to do is to extract the Cube name from the MDX statement. The problem I have is the fact that the MDX statements are pretty huge and random (Users connect to the Cube and create Adhoc reports) and have multiple Sub Cubes constructed making it difficult to fetch the Cube Name. I was able to figure out a pattern for search. First string: 'FROM [' Second string: ']' I need to now pickup a substring from the variable. Example below: DECLARE #TEXT varchar(max) = 'SELECT NON EMPTY (((( [[ XXXXX ]] }) ON ROWS FROM (SELECT ({XXXXXXXX }) ON COLUMNS FROM [Sales Reporting])) WHERE XXXXX ))' DECLARE #FirstPosition int = (SELECT CHARINDEX('FROM [',#TEXT)+5) DECLARE #SecondPosition int = (SELECT CHARINDEX(']',#TEXT,#FirstPosition)) SELECT #FirstPosition, #SecondPosition SELECT SUBSTRING(#TEXT,CHARINDEX('FROM [',#TEXT)+5,(CHARINDEX(']',#TEXT,#FirstPosition)-CHARINDEX('[',#TEXT))-1) Desired Result = Sales Reporting
Got the solution turned out to be simple than I expected. DECLARE #TEXT varchar(max) = 'SELECT NON EMPTY (((( [[ XXXXX ]] }) ON ROWS FROM (SELECT ({XXXXXXXX }) ON COLUMNS FROM [Sales Reporting])) WHERE XXXXX ))' DECLARE #FirstPosition int = (SELECT CHARINDEX('FROM [',#TEXT)+5) DECLARE #ExtractString nvarchar(max) = (SELECT SUBSTRING(#TEXT,#FirstPosition, LEN(#Text))) DECLARE #SecondPosition int = (SELECT CHARINDEX(']',#ExtractString)) SELECT SUBSTRING(#ExtractString,CHARINDEX('[',#ExtractString)+1,(CHARINDEX(']',#ExtractString)-CHARINDEX('[',#ExtractString))-1) AS CubeName