How to get a fixed columnwidth with ngtable? - angularjs

I am getting my head around the ngtable. Just one question, how can I make the columns fixed width? In this sample the account and adviser column have variable width when going to the next page.
This is the html:
<table ng-table="tableParams" template-pagination="custom/pager" class="table">
<tr ng-repeat="account in $data | filter:accountName | filter:key" class="orders tablerow">
<td data-title="'ID'" sortable="'account.accountId.key'">
<td data-title="'Account'" sortable="'account.accountName'">
<td data-title="'Adviser'" sortable="'account.adviser.key'">
<td data-title="'Product'" sortable="'account.productName'">
<td data-title="'Status'" sortable="'minOpenOrderState'">

just add css for "td"

Accepted answer is working perfectly, but it does not cover the case when most of the columns width does not matter, but 1-2 columns should have a fixed width (or at least not be squeezed)
One work-around is to force the width of a column by defining a fixed-width content. Something like this:
<td title="'TheTitle'" sortable="'PassedStr'">
<div style="width:120px">
<span ng-show="item.ErrorMessage">


How to bind table values using data-ng-start and end conditions in AngularJs

I need to bind data with row values to a table, when i'm using the data-ng-repeat-start and data-ng-repeat-end data is not binding correct format.
<table id="tbl">
<tr data-ng-repeat="data in RDetails" data-ng-if="Values(data)">
<td data-ng-repeat-start="d in data.Dtls" data-ng-if="d.IsQStart && ValuesBL(d)">
<td data-ng-if="d.IsQStart && ValuesBL(d)">
<td data-ng-if="ShowValuesBL(d)">
<td data-ng-repeat-end="d in data.Dtls" data-ng-if="Values(d)">
when I use the above condition table showing the same values how can i do this. Where i did mistake please help me on this Please see image here i am getting repeated values.
If I understand your problem correctly - just presenting content of every RDetails.Dtls element as a table row - here is solution:
<table id="tbl">
<tbody data-ng-repeat="data in RDetails">
<tr data-ng-repeat="d in data.Dtls" data-ng-if="Values(data)">
<td data-ng-if="d.IsQStart && ValuesBL(d)">
<td data-ng-if="d.IsQStart && ValuesBL(d)">
<td data-ng-if="ShowValuesBL(d)">
<td data-ng-if="Values(d)">

Ng-if to show and hide td data

Attached is my code, tried showing td data when the condtion of ng-if is true
<tr ng-repeat="fellow in fellowships">
<div ng-repeat="value in data_report"
ng-if="(fellow.F_Id==value.fellowship_id)? (show_row = true) : (show_row=false)">
<td ng-show="show_row">{{value.Completed}}</td>
<td ng-hide="show_row">0</td>
<td ng-show="show_row">{{value.Not_Updated}}</td>
<td ng-hide="show_row">0</td>
<td ng-show="show_row">{{value.Total_schedule}}</td>
<td ng-hide="show_row">0</td>
Its just giving 0 as result. Though data_report is having values
Tried adding span in td with conditions in td and result in span.
still the result is zero
May I know where the logic is going wrong and how it can be achieved?
Changed the code to
<tr ng-repeat="fellow in fellowships">
<span ng-repeat="value in data_report" ng-show ="fellow.F_Id==value.fellowship_id">{{value.Completed}}</span>
<span ng-repeat="value in data_report" ng-show="fellow.F_Id==value.fellowship_id">{{value.Not_Updated}}</span>
<span ng-repeat="value in data_report" ng-show="fellow.F_Id==value.fellowship_id">{{value.Total_schedule}}</span>
Here i am getting values but how can i set default value to zero if there are no values present?
In your case ng-if returns no boolean
The usage is (DOCs):
I think you dont need ng-if at all. You can write something like:
<tr ng-repeat="fellow in fellowships">
<div ng-repeat="value in data_report">
<td>{{(fellow.F_Id==value.fellowship_id) ? value.Completed: 0}}</td>
<td>{{(fellow.F_Id==value.fellowship_id) ? value.Not_Updated: 0}}</td>
<td>{{(fellow.F_Id==value.fellowship_id) ? value.Total_schedule: 0}}</td>
Its not best solution, in Javascript you can set for example value.Completed to be by default 0. It will help you to simplify your HTML

Show an image inside table with ng-if and ng-repeat

I would like to ask you a question.
My wish is to create a table composed by 4 columns and show on table-data (3rd and 4th column of each row) an image of green circle when a variable (blocco1 or blocco2) is true and an image of red circle when the same variable is false.
This is my code
<tr ng-repeat="data in elencoTransazioni">
<td class="i9fontPre text-center" header-class="'i9header'">{{::data.code}}</td>
<td class="i9fontPre text-center" header-class="'i9header'">{{::data.desc}}</td>
<td class="i9fontPre text-center" header-class="'i9header'">
<img ng-if="data.blocco1=='true'" src="/i9web/mock/circleGreen.png">
<img ng-if="data.blocco1=='false'" src="/i9web/mock/circleRed.png">
<td class="i9fontPre text-center" header-class="'i9header'">
<img ng-if="data.blocco2=='true'" src="/i9web/mock/circleGreen.png">
<img ng-if="data.blocco2=='false'" src="/i9web/mock/circleRed.png">
Can anyone could help me?
Thank you in advance
Try use ng-src.
<tr ng-repeat="data in elencoTransazioni">
<td class="i9fontPre text-center" header-class="'i9header'">{{::data.code}}</td>
<td class="i9fontPre text-center" header-class="'i9header'">{{::data.desc}}</td>
<td class="i9fontPre text-center" header-class="'i9header'">
<img ng-src="{{data.blocco2 ? '/i9web/mock/circleGreen.png'

AngularJS - information at mouse pointer after hover

In my AngularJS 1.3 application I have this calendar, the unique cells are clickable:
What I will do is that if mouse is over e.g. 12. April and of user 3 (Marktl) than
12. April 2017
should be shown next to the mouse pointer.
Is there a way of doing this (maybe with support of AngularJS)?
Here my html code of the calendar written by my own:
<table class="absenceOverviewTable tableShadow">
<tr class="first-header">
<th class="center first month-header" data-ng-repeat="value in vm.currentMonthNames track by $index">{{value}}</th>
<tr data-ng-repeat="scheduleAbsenceUserContainer in filtered = (institution.scheduleAbsenceUserContainers">
<div class="userNameColumn" title="{{scheduleAbsenceUserContainer.institutionUserRole.value | translate}}"></div>
<td data-ng-repeat="scheduleAbsenceMonthContainer in scheduleAbsenceUserContainer.scheduleAbsenceMonthContainers">
<table class="days-table">
<td data-ng-repeat="scheduleAbsenceDayContainer in scheduleAbsenceMonthContainer.scheduleAbsenceDayContainers track by $index">
<div class="data-table-pos border-color width-100">
It's not entirely clear from your original question exactly what behaviour you want.
If you want something to appear as a tooltip on hover of the cell, you could just use the regular html title attribute. Downside with that is it won't appear immediately, you have to hover for like 2 seconds.
If you want a tooltip to appear immediately, you could try something like Angular Material's tooltip:

How do I change the appearance of the selected button in a row of Material Design buttons?

I have a HTML table and in several rows I have a Material Design button in each cell, dynamically generated using AngularJS.
<table class="plans">
<td>Work Plans</td>
<td ng-click="pbmainController.selectPlan(plan.planName)"
ng-repeat="plan in pbmainController.planList">
<md-button class="md-raised">{{plan.planName}}</md-button>
Only one of button can be selected at a time (i.e. like a radio button).
How do I change the color of the selected button?
I got it to work by putting the ng-class on the button, using the ternary operator
<table class="plans">
<td>Work Plans</td>
<td ng-click="pbmainController.selectPlan(plan.planName)"
ng-repeat="plan in pbmainController.planList">
<md-button ng-class="plan.planName == selectedPlanName ? 'md-raised md-primary' : 'md-raised'">{{plan.planName}}</md-button>
A ng-class attribute will do the trick.
In your function selectPlan you probably save the name somewhere. Assuming this var is named selectedPlan, you can do something like this :
<table class="plans">
<td>Work Plans</td>
<td ng-click="pbmainController.selectPlan(plan.planName)"
ng-repeat="plan in pbmainController.planList">
<md-button ng-class="{'active' : plan.planName == selectedPlan}" class="md-raised">{{plan.planName}}</md-button>
ng-class will be apply your class (here active) only when the condition is true. So only when your plan is the selected one.
