For Angular js ui grid remove right and bottom scrolling boarders - angularjs

In Angular js ui rid, how can I remove vertical and horizontal scrollbars ?
And also for each column heading I am getting a little carrot icon by default, which shows sort ascend, sort descent, Hide column. I want to remove this also from my column headings.
Instead .table-striped which comes by default for ui grid, I want to use .table-bordered. Is there any place to set these parameters to ui grid?

enableHorizontalScrollbar : 0,
enableVerticalScrollbar : 0,
enableSorting : false,
enableColumnMenus : false;

Good answer from #Asqan answering the first part of your question. For the second part:
Instead .table-striped which comes by default for ui grid, I want to use .table-bordered. Is there any place to set these parameters to ui grid?
I'm thinking you mean you want the look in this plunker I created.
You can solve these css issues in one of two general ways.
1) Customize the ui-grid css
2) Leave the original ui-grid css then override it in your own css file
I've shows the first option to solve your "stripped" issue and the second option to implement your desired border. I have done both for example only so you can see both options - I recommend choosing and using consistently one method or the other.
The ui-grid sets the ".table-striped" look to which you are referring in the css. You can override this either in you own css file or using the customizer tool and setting the #rowcoloreven and #rowcolorodd fields to the hex code for white #ffffff. This will update the ui-grid css to contain the below:
.ui-grid-row:nth-child(odd) .ui-grid-cell {
background-color: #ffffff;
.ui-grid-row:nth-child(even) .ui-grid-cell {
background-color: #ffffff;
For ".table-bordered" see specifically in the style.css file these added lines
.ui-grid-cell {
border-style: solid;
border-bottom: 1px #ff0000;


React.js - Material-ui DataGrid disable row width

Is it possible to change the width of a row? I have some rows with JSON data. It would be best to display them in a <pre> tag so that the user can view it naturally, but this seems to be impossible.
So now I'm wondering is it possible to remove the default overflow-x: hidden? And to just let the user scroll to the end of a row? Instead of the text just having 3 dots at the end, because there's a max-width.
In the data-grid css api they show the necessary classes which could be overridden, and at the end they say:
You can override the style of the component thanks to one of these customization points
So you could add the following style rule to override the default one :
.MuiDataGrid-root .MuiDataGrid-cell {
text-overflow: initial;
overflow-x: auto;

ExtJS 4 form textfield and color (background)

There is simple form and some textfields on this form. I have to set colors
(background and font) in two of them on runtime.
I tried to do it two ways:
1) fieldInstance.addClass('aaa') with css like this
.aaa .x-form-field {
background-color: black;
color: red;
2) fieldInstance.setFieldStyle('font-weight: bold;color: red;background-color: black;');
both methods are working because I see the bottom age of both is
fields is thick in black color, and both fields are working the same (almost) way.
Before enter and after exit background color is white.
When I start to edit this fields, background of first
is always white, background of the second is black until
I leave the field.
Could you explain me whats wrong?
For <input> element applied many classes beside x-form-field, like x-form-text and some of them define color and background-color aswell. So I guess that some of that classes may be more specific than .aaa .x-form-field. Try to use !important within your CSS rules:
.aaa .x-form-field {
background-color: black !important;
color: red !important;
I think that the 1st function append a class to the Others already presents.
In the second case you replace values of style already setted.
Maybe to have the same issue you need to modify the x-form-field fields, instead of append Others.
I Always use the second option if i have to modify style on Runtime.
maybe posting other code i can see better where the problem could present

Column header wrapping when using Angular ui-grid

I have upgraded my AngularJS SPA application from ng-grid v2.0.7 to ui-grid v3 and my column headers no longer wrap around. My column headers are now single lined and show an ellipsis ... when the column header doesn't fit.
Has this feature been removed or is had it been superseded by a different method?
I believe I have found a way of wrapping text in the header columns by overriding the ui-grid-cell-contents CSS class.
.ui-grid-header-cell .ui-grid-cell-contents {
height: 48px;
white-space: normal;
-ms-text-overflow: clip;
-o-text-overflow: clip;
text-overflow: clip;
overflow: visible;
Adding this to my site.css I find the column names are now wrapping onto the next line as expected.
Works in Chrome (v41) and Firefox (v35).
I added the following css to get mine to work. The line height auto adjusts when depending on the number of lines needed. When scrolling horizontally, it will change to number of lines based on what is visible.
.ui-grid-header-cell-label {

Override Bootstrap Accordion colors in bootstrap for angularjs

I'm new at angularjs/bootstrap and I'm trying to create a SPA that uses bootstrap accordion lists. I'm trying to change the color of the whole entire accordion tab, however, it's only changes part of the accordion space. I looked online and this question (Add class to accordion heading using angualr ui bootstrap?) and it's Jsfiddle ( represent my problem perfectly, but does not explain the solution.
I tried using firebug to find out what's going on behind the scenes, and it says the whole entire accordion tab is "". I have a css class that overwrites that style, but for some reason, something is overriding it.
.panel-heading {
background-color: red;
This website has a tutorial on accordions and its css simply overwrote it ( I tried doing the same but it did not work, please help :/
The reason why your override doesn't work is because of CSS Specificity. Since the Bootstrap style is more specific than yours, it is the one that's being applied. You'll need to override as follows
.panel-default >.panel-heading {
background-color: red;
Here is the JSFiddle for reference.
You should use scss in this case.
<div class="custom">
In css you will need to define.
.custom {
.panel-heading: {
background-color: red !important;
Since I couldn't add a comment to #AdityaSethi in #BartJedrocha's answer I will put an answer here since I think that it is useful.
.panel-default >.panel-heading {
background-color: red;
worked for me where
.custom {
.panel-heading: {
background-color: red !important;
Did not. Perhaps it is the use of SCSS? I read somewhere that SCSS uses the extension .scss. I didn't have the patience to change my stylesheet extension or create a new one. Sooo I tried the 2nd answer.
My comment however is more toward the #AdityaSethi comment that noted the issue of that solution affecting the entire app since panel classes are widely used. Understandable. I figure though the easy solution to that is:
div.custom .panel-default>.panel-heading {
background-color: red;
And that did the trick for far as still changing the styles. The rest of my bootstrap page must not have had other panels in use because nothing else was change before I added div.custom to the CSS. But I imagine that with what little logic occurs in CSS, no other panels outside of div.custom should be affected. :)

Styling two separate grid cells with different styles after rendering the table in extjs

I'm having troubles giving some cells some styling in ExtJS 5.
I have two style rules in the index page:
.yellow-cell .x-grid-cell{
font-weight: bold;
background-color: yellow;
.red-cell .x-grid-cell{
background-color: red;
On select event, the cell selected should be colored with yellow-cell rule. and the cell before it needed to be colored with the other rule red-cell, the rest of the table is just defaults.
var gridTable = Ext.getCmp('gridTable');
gridTable.on("select",function(obj, record, index, eOpts){
gridTable.getView().addItemCls(record, 'yellow-cell');
and on deselect I use removeItemCls() then addItemCls() to add the red-cell styling.
Any chance there is a proper way to do this? because my code just color the whole row, and I want to color just the selected/deselected cells.
I'm really stuck here, any help will be highly appreciated.
Also you could try console.log(record) to find the right div name and do the following:
