Search if not contains in SOLR? - solr

I have a Some String in SOLR "Starting User","Ending User","Friend"
etc... I want to see the results no having user
I tried -t1:*User* but it is not bringing appropriate result.

If t1 is defined as type string, and you indexed the data "You are good boy", and you search with good/boy - you will not get any results. You have to use complete phrase
Solution is, use "text_general" for t1. So then when you index above phrase, it will be tokenized as you, are, good,boy etc and will return results when you search with good/boy
Please try to understand how analyzers, tokenizer and filters work during indexing and searching. happy Learning


Solr query string not working for full text searches

I'm following this tutorial on how to perform indexing on sample documents using Solr. The default collection is "gettingstarted" as shown. Now I'm trying to query it. There are 52 entries as shown:
However, when I replace the q argument with say electronics, it should return 14 results. However, I get nothing.
When I replace the query string q with cat:electronics, then I actually get the 14 results. But why is this the case? isn't q=word supposed to search for word wherever it appears?
No, it's not. Your assumption that:
isn't q=word supposed to search for word wherever it appears?
is wrong. If you're using word as your only query, and nothing more - you're searching for word in the default search field. It does not search all available fields in all available documents.
Also be aware that the default query parser assumes that your query is in the Lucene Query Syntax. To handle more "natural" querying, you can use the edismax query parser. This query parser supports the qf parameter that tells Solr which fields to search, instead of having to use the cat:electronics syntax. Your example would then be q=electronics&qf=cat.
In the example documents you've given, qf=series_t author name cat is probably a decent value to search all these fields for the given query. You can also append ^<weight> to a field name to give hits in the different fields different weights. qf=name^10 cat would give a hit in name ten times the weight of a hit in the cat field.

Solr OR query on a text field

How to perform a simple query on a text field with an OR condition? Something like name:ABC OR name:XYZ so the resulting set would contain only those docs where name is exactly "XYZ" or "ABC"
Dug tons of manuals, cannot figure this out.
I use Solr 5.5.0
Update: Upgraded to Solr 6.6.0, still cannot figure it out. Below are illustrations to demonstrate my issue:
This works:
This works too:
This still works:
But this does not! Omg why!?
There are many ways to perform OR query. Below I have listed some of them. You can select any of it.
[Simple Query]
q=name:(XYZ OR ABC)
[Lucene Query Parser]
q={!lucene q.op=OR df=name v="XYZ ABC"}
Your syntax is right, but what you're asking for isn't what text fields are made for. A text field is tokenized (split into multiple tokens), and each token is searched by itself. So if the text inserted is "ABC DEF GHI", it will be split into three separate tokens, namely "ABC", "DEF" and "GHI". So when you're searching field:ABC, you're really asking for any document that has the token "ABC" somewhere.
Since you want to perform an exact match, you want to query against a field that is defined as a string field, as this will keep the value verbatim (including casing, so the matching will be case sensitive). You can tell Solr to index the same content into multiple fields by adding a copyFile instruction, telling it to take the content submitted for field foo and also copying it into field bar, allowing you to perform both an exact match if needed and a more general search if necessary.
If you need to perform exact, but case insensitive, searches, you can use a KeywordTokenizer - the KeywordTokenizer does nothing, keeping the whole string as a single token, before allowing you to add filters to the analysis chain. By adding a LowercaseFilter you tell Solr to lowercase the string as well before storing it (or querying for it).
You can use the "Analysis" page under the Solr admin page to experiment and see how content for your field is being processed for each step.
After that querying as string_field:ABC OR string_field:XYZ should do what you want (or string_field:(ABC OR XYZ) or a few other ways to express the same.
A wacky workaround I've just come up with:

Using solr shingle filter at query time

I am trying to build a field in my Solr Schema which will be able to join words together at query time and then search for this new joined word in the index.
Lets say I have the word "bluetooth" in my index and I want this to come up in results when I search "blue tooth".
So far I have been unsuccessful in trying varying combinations of shinglefilterfactory and positionfilterfactory as well as keyword, standard and whitespace tokenizers.
I'm hoping someone might be able to point me in the right direction to solve this!
Your goal is looking obscure to me and strange a little bit. But for your specific use-case the following filter can be used:
It will make "blue tooth" to be replaced into "bluetooth". And also you can specify that field-analysis for query-time only.
But let me tell you that usually tokenization is used instead of concatenation. And let me also offer you the following filter - WordDelimiterFilter. In such case this guy can split "BlueTooth" into "blue" and "tooth" based on cases.

finding matches for part words in SOLR

I have a field with value of ""
I want get back this field If I search for "sible".
I use ngrams filter, which would help only if the string was ""
Which filters/tokenizers should I use for such a thing (pretty much the LIKE in sql).
EdgeNGramFilterFactory would help only if the string was "" but NGramFilterFactory will get what you want with "" too.

Solr query results using *

I want to provide for partial matching, so I am tacking on * to the end of search queries. What I've noticed is that a search query of gatorade will return 12 results whereas gatorade* returns 7. So * seems to be 1 or many as opposed to 0 or many ... how can I achieve this? Am I going about partial matching in Solr all wrong? Thanks.
First, I think Solr wildcards are better summarized by "0 or many" than "1 or many". I doubt that's the source of your problem. (For example, see the javadocs for WildcardQuery.)
Second, are you using stemming, because my first guess is that you're dealing with a stemming issue. Solr wildcards can behave kind of oddly with stemming. This is because wildcard expansion is based by searching through the list of terms stored in the inverted index; these terms are going to be in stemmed form (perhaps something like "gatorad"), rather than the words from the original source text (perhaps "gatorade" or "gatorades").
For example, suppose you have a stemmer that maps both "gatorade" and "gatorades" to the stem "gatorad". This means your inverted index will not contain either "gatorade" or "gatorades", only "gatorad". If you then issue the query gatorade*, Solr will walk the term index looking for all the stems beginning with "gatorade". But there are no such stems, so you won't get any matches. Similarly, if you searched gatorades*, Solr will look for all stems beginning with "gatorades". But there are no such stems, so you won't get any matches.
Third, for optimal help, I'd suggest posting some more information, in particular:
Some particular query URLs you are submitting to Solr
An excerpt from your schema.xml file. In particular, include A) the field elements for the fields you are having trouble with, and B) the field type definitions corresponding to those fields
so what I was looking for is to make the search term for 'gatorade' -> 'gatorade OR gatorade*' which will give me all the matches i'm looking for.
If you want a query to return all documents that match either a stemmed form of gatorade or words that begin with gatorade, you'll need to construct the query yourself: +(gatorade gatorade*). You could alternatively extend the SolrParser to do this, but that's more work.
Another alternative is to use NGrams and TokenFilterFactories, specifically the EdgeNGramFilterFactory. .
This will create indexes for ngrams or parts of words. Documents, with a min ngram size of 5 and max ngram size of 8, would index: Docum Docume Document Documents
There is a bit of a tradeoff for index size and time. One of the Solr books quotes as a rough guide: Indexing takes 10 times longer Uses 5 times more disk space Creates 6 times more distinct terms.
However, the EdgeNGram will do better than that.
You do need to make sure that you don't submit wildcard character in your queries. As you aren't doing a wildcard search, you are matching a search term on ngrams(parts of words).
My guess is the missing matches are "Gatorade" (with a capital 'G'), and you have a lowercase filter on your field. The idea is that you have filters in your schema.xml that preprocess the input data, but wildcard queries do not use them;
see this about how Solr deals with wildcard queries:
("Solr and wildcard handling").
From what I've read the wildcards only matched words with additional characters after the search term. "Gatorade*" would match Gatorades but not Gatorade itself. It appears there's been an update to Solr in version 3.6 that takes this into account by using the 'multiterm' field type instead of the 'text' field.
A better description is here:
