Select distinct rows from different servers table - sql-server

I am facing an issue. The issue is as follows:
I have an employee table in 2 servers where empid and username are different from server to server though the employee is same employee.
Table fields name (partials)
empId(pk),username,password,FirstName,LastName,supervisorId,photo etc. There is no SSN field. supervisorid, photo could be null.
How can i retrieve distinct records where same employee in multiple servers?
Is there any way to distinguished whether it is same employee or not?
Any hints/idea will be more appreciable. I am totally stuck to find a solution.

UNION the tables together and use that query as a subquery of your SELECT DISTINCT. Use the username or FirstName and LastName as your HAVING COUNT fields.


Why doesn't this "not in" clause do what I expect?

I'm writing what I think should be a simple query using the "not in" operator, and it's not doing what I expect.
I have two tables, Contact and Company.
Contact includes columns ContactID (person's identity) and CompanyID (which company they work for)
CompanyID values are expected to be equivalent to the CompanyIDs in the Company table
I want to write a query that checks how many people from the Contact table that have an "invalid" CompanyID (i.e., listed as working for a Company that isn't in the Company table)
I have a working query that does this:
Contact left join Company on Contact.CompanyID = Company.CompanyID
Company.CompanyID is null;
This query returns the value 2725538, which I believe to be the correct answer (I've done some simple "show me the top 10 rows" debugging, and it appears to be counting the right rows).
I wrote a second query which I expected to return the same result:
CompanyID not in
However, this query instead returns 0.
To help me debug this, I checked two additional queries.
First, I tried commenting out the WHERE clause, which should give me all of the ContactIDs, regardless of whether they work for an invalid company:
This query returns 29722995.
Second, I tried removing the NOT from my query, which should give me the inverse of what I'm looking for (i.e., it should count the Contacts who work for valid companies):
CompanyID in
This query returns 26997457.
Notably, these two numbers differ by exactly 2725538, the number returned by the first, working query. This is what I would expect if my second query was working. The total number of Contacts, minus the number of Contacts whose CompanyIDs are in the Company table, should equal the number of Contacts whose CompanyIDs are not in the Company table, shouldn't it?
So, why is the "not in" version of the query returning 0 instead of the correct answer?
the only issue could be of NULL CompanyID. Not In doesn't work with NULLs because of non-comparability of NULL.
try the following:
CompanyID not in
you can see the example in db<>fiddle here.
Please find more details HERE.

SQL Query Help on separating return result

Example: On the phone table, someone has two phone number SQL would give me the a second row of the same person with different phone number instead of second column. What query do I use to check if person_id appears more than once insert second row of data in a separate column?
I hope this make sense. Thanks in advance!
Try something like this:
SELECT person_id, COUNT(person_id) AS 'PersonIDCount' FROM phone_table
GROUP BY person_id
HAVING COUNT(person_id) > 1
The query will return all records where the same person_id key was inserted more than once.

Reports based on multiple tables MSAccess

I designed a report(salary slip) with many controls(text boxes) in MSAccess 2016.
There are 2 tables Employee details and salary details.
Some controls that need data from employee details table and some from salary table.
I have 2 primary keys
Employee id
for both the tables.
and I have connected the employee id through relationship.
How to specify the expression in the text boxes so that i get the record that matches both the table?
Use a query as record source of your report instead of a table. Then you don't need any expressions in the textboxes, just the column names. I usually give the query the same name as the report but with another prefix. E.g. for report rptSalary the query is named qrptSalary.
Employee E
LEFT JOIN SalaryDetails S
ON E.EmployeeID = S.EmployeeID
In the report, you can insert group headers and footers. You would use EmployeeID as grouping column. Then you can place the employee fields in the employee group header, the salary details in the details section and any sums in the group footer.

SQL SERVER - Retrieve Last Entered Data

I've searched for long time for getting last entered data in a table. But I got same answer.
SELECT TOP 1 CustomerName FROM Customers
My scenario is, how to get last data if that Customers table is having CustomerName column only? No other columns such as ID or createdDate I entered four names in following order.
Now I want to select last entered CustomerName, i.e., Bryen. How can I get it..?
If the table is not properly designed (IDENTITY, TIMESTAMP, identifier generated using SEQUENCE etc.), INSERT order is not kept by SQL Server. So, "last" record is meaningless without some criteria to use for ordering.
One possible workaround is if, by chance, records in this table are linked to some other table records (FKs, 1:1 or 1:n connection) and that table has a timestamp or something similar and you can deduct insertion order.
More details about "ordering without criteria" can be found here and here.
; with cte_new as (
select *,row_number() over(order by(select 1000)) as new from tablename
select * from cte_new where new=4

table relationships, SQL 2005

Ok I have a question and it is probably very easy but I can not find the solution.
I have 3 tables plus one main tbl.
tbl_1 - tbl_1Name_id
tbl_2- tbl_2Name_id
tbl_3 - tbl_3Name_id
I want to connect the Name_id fields to the main tbl fields below.
Main tbl has a Unique Key for these fields and in the other table, fields they are normal fields NOT NULL.
What I would like to do is that any time when the record is entered in tbl_1, tbl_2 or tbl_3, the value from the main table shows in that field, or other way.
Also I have the relationship Many to one, one being the main tbl of course.
I have a feeling this should be very simple but can not get it to work.
Take a look at SQL Server triggers. This will allow you to perform an action when a record is inserted into any one of those tables.
If you provide some more information like:
An example of an insert
The resulting change you would like
to see as a result of that insert
I can try and give you some more details.
Based on your new comments I suspect that you are working with a denormalized database schema. Below is how I would suggest you structure your tables in the Employee-Medical visit scenario you discussed:
Some important things:
Note that I am not entering the
employees name into the
EmployeeMedicalVisit table, just the EmployeeId. This
helps to maintain data integrity and
complies with First Normal Form
You should read up on 1st, 2nd and
3rd normal forms. Database
normalization is a very imporant
subject and it will make your life
easier if you can grasp them.
With the above structure, when an employee visited a medical office you would insert a record into EmployeeMedicalVisit. To select all medical visits for an employee you would use the query below:
SELECT e.fName, e.lName
FROM Employee e
INNER JOIN EmployeeMedicalVisit as emv
ON e.EployeeId = emv.EmployeeId
Hope this helps!
Here is a sample trigger that may show you waht you need to have:
Create trigger mytabletrigger ON mytable
INSERT MYOTHERTABLE (MytableId, insertdate)
select mytableid, getdate() from inserted
In a trigger you have two psuedotables available, inserted and deleted. The inserted table constains the data that is being inserted into the table you have the trigger on including any autogenerated id. That is how you get the data to the other table assuming you don't need other data at the same time. YOu can get other data from system stored procuders or joins to other tables but not from a form in the application.
If you do need other data that isn't available in a trigger (such as other values from a form, then you need to write a sttored procedure to insert to one table and return the id value through an output clause or using scope_identity() and then use that data to build the insert for the next table.
