Fortran array Index - c

I am migrating the Fortran code to C. I would like to know what will be the C equivalent for the following statements
T is a 2d array of dimension (B,B) and T_indices is an array of indices in T , T_indices(E) where E < B. Ai and Bi are variables.
T(T_indices(:),:) = 1/(Ai/Bi)*T(T_indices(:),:)
T(:,T_indices(:)) = 1/(Ai/Bi)*T(:,T_indices(:))
My proposed C translation:
for (i=0 ; i < E ; i++){
for (j=0 ; j< B ; j++){
T[(T_indices[i]-1) * B + j] = 1/(Ai/Bi)* T[(T_indices[i]-1) * B + j];
T[j * B + (T_indices[i]-1)] = 1/(Ai/Bi)* T[j * B + (T_indices[i]-1)];
Is this a correct translation?


How to use MPI and OpenMP to run a parallel loop

I need to use MPI and OpenMP (2 different problems) to parallelize a code from Sbac-Pad marathon (reference: I am working on the himeno benchmark. I believe the only part of this code that is worth parallellizing is the jacobi function:
#define MR(mt,n,r,c,d) mt->m[(n) * mt->mrows * mt->mcols * mt->mdeps + (r) * mt->mcols* mt->mdeps + (c) * mt->mdeps + (d)]
struct Matrix {
float* m;
int mnums;
int mrows;
int mcols;
int mdeps;
jacobi(int nn, Matrix* a,Matrix* b,Matrix* c,
Matrix* p,Matrix* bnd,Matrix* wrk1,Matrix* wrk2)
int i,j,k,n,imax,jmax,kmax;
float gosa,s0,ss;
imax= p->mrows-1;
jmax= p->mcols-1;
kmax= p->mdeps-1;
for(n=0 ; n<nn ; n++){
gosa = 0.0;
for(i=1 ; i<imax; i++)
for(j=1 ; j<jmax ; j++)
for(k=1 ; k<kmax ; k++){
s0= MR(a,0,i,j,k)*MR(p,0,i+1,j, k)
+ MR(a,1,i,j,k)*MR(p,0,i, j+1,k)
+ MR(a,2,i,j,k)*MR(p,0,i, j, k+1)
+ MR(b,0,i,j,k)
*( MR(p,0,i+1,j+1,k) - MR(p,0,i+1,j-1,k)
- MR(p,0,i-1,j+1,k) + MR(p,0,i-1,j-1,k) )
+ MR(b,1,i,j,k)
*( MR(p,0,i,j+1,k+1) - MR(p,0,i,j-1,k+1)
- MR(p,0,i,j+1,k-1) + MR(p,0,i,j-1,k-1) )
+ MR(b,2,i,j,k)
*( MR(p,0,i+1,j,k+1) - MR(p,0,i-1,j,k+1)
- MR(p,0,i+1,j,k-1) + MR(p,0,i-1,j,k-1) )
+ MR(c,0,i,j,k) * MR(p,0,i-1,j, k)
+ MR(c,1,i,j,k) * MR(p,0,i, j-1,k)
+ MR(c,2,i,j,k) * MR(p,0,i, j, k-1)
+ MR(wrk1,0,i,j,k);
ss= (s0*MR(a,3,i,j,k) - MR(p,0,i,j,k))*MR(bnd,0,i,j,k);
gosa+= ss*ss;
MR(wrk2,0,i,j,k)= MR(p,0,i,j,k) + omega*ss;
for(i=1 ; i<imax ; i++)
for(j=1 ; j<jmax ; j++)
for(k=1 ; k<kmax ; k++)
MR(p,0,i,j,k)= MR(wrk2,0,i,j,k);
} /* end n loop */
The problem is, this function seems to have a sequential nature, since every iteration of nn is dependant on the last one. What I tried, using MPI, was making an auxiliar variable for gosa (auxgosa), and using MPI_REDUCE after the i j k for loops, like the following (root process is rank = 0):
//rank is the current process
//size is the total amount of processes
int start = ((imax+1)/size)*rank;
int stop = ((imax+1)/size)*(rank+1)-1;
if(rank == 0){start++;}
for(n=0 ; n<nn ; n++){
gosa = 0.0;
auxgosa = 0.0;
for(i=start ; i<stop; i++)
for(j=1 ; j<jmax ; j++)
for(k=1 ; k<kmax ; k++){
s0= MR(aa,0,i,j,k)*MR(pp,0,i+1,j,k)
+ MR(aa,1,i,j,k)*MR(pp,0,i, j+1,k)
+ MR(aa,2,i,j,k)*MR(pp,0,i, j, k+1)
+ MR(bb,0,i,j,k)
*( MR(pp,0,i+1,j+1,k) - MR(pp,0,i+1,j-1,k)
- MR(pp,0,i-1,j+1,k) + MR(pp,0,i-1,j-1,k) )
+ MR(bb,1,i,j,k)
*( MR(pp,0,i,j+1,k+1) - MR(pp,0,i,j-1,k+1)
- MR(pp,0,i,j+1,k-1) + MR(pp,0,i,j-1,k-1) )
+ MR(bb,2,i,j,k)
*( MR(pp,0,i+1,j,k+1) - MR(pp,0,i-1,j,k+1)
- MR(pp,0,i+1,j,k-1) + MR(pp,0,i-1,j,k-1) )
+ MR(cc,0,i,j,k) * MR(pp,0,i-1,j, k)
+ MR(cc,1,i,j,k) * MR(pp,0,i, j-1,k)
+ MR(cc,2,i,j,k) * MR(pp,0,i, j, k-1)
+ MR(awrk1,0,i,j,k);
ss= (s0*MR(aa,3,i,j,k) - MR(pp,0,i,j,k))*MR(abnd,0,i,j,k);
auxgosa+= ss*ss;
MR(awrk2,0,i,j,k)= MR(pp,0,i,j,k) + omega*ss;
for(i=1 ; i<imax ; i++)
for(j=1 ; j<jmax ; j++)
for(k=1 ; k<kmax ; k++)
MR(pp,0,i,j,k)= MR(awrk2,0,i,j,k);
} /* end n loop */
Unfortunately, this didn't work. Could anyone give me some insight about this? I plan using a similar strategy with OpenMP.
If awrk2 is different from a, p, b, c and wrk1, then there is no loop carried dependence.
A simple google search will point you to parallelized versions of the Himeno benchmark (MPI, OpenMP and hybrid MPI+OpenMP versions are available).

Accurate method for finding the time complexity of a function

How to find the time complexity of this function:
void f(int n)
for(int i=0; i<n; ++i)
for(int j=0; j<i; ++j)
for(int k=i*j; k>0; k/=2)
I took an educated guess of (n^2)*log(n) based on intuition and it turned out to be correct.
But I can't seem to find an accurate explanation for it.
For every value of i, i>0, there will be i-1 values of the inner loop, each of them for k starting respectively at:
i*1, i*2, ..., i(i-1)
Since k is divided by 2 until it reaches 0, each of these inner-inner loops require lg(k) steps. Hence
lg(i*1) + lg(i*2) + ... + lg(i(i-1)) = lg(i) + lg(i) + lg(2) + ... + lg(i) + lg(i-1)
= (i-1)lg(i) + lg(2) + ... + lg(i-1)
Therefore the total would be
f(n) ::= sum_{i=1}^{n-1} i*lg(i) + lg(2) + ... + lg(i-1)
Let's now bound f(n+1) from above:
f(n+1) <= sum_{i-1}^n i*lg(i) + (i-1)lg(i-1)
<= 2*sum_{i-1}^n i*lg(i)
<= C*integral_0^n x(ln x) ; integral bound, some constant C
= C/2(n^2(ln n) - n^2/2) ; integral x*ln(x) = x^2/2*ln(x) - x^2/4
= O(n^2*lg(n))
If we now bound f(n+1) from below:
f(n+1) >= sum_{i=1}^n i*lg(i)
>= C*integral_0^n x(ln x) ; integral bound
= C*(n^2*ln(n)/2 - n^2/4) ; integral x*ln(x) = x^2/2*ln(x) - x^2/4
>= C/4(n^2*ln(n))
= O(n^2*lg(n))

Break or merge loops over arrays in C?

Let's say I have 3 arrays image, blur and out, all of dimensions M×N×3.
I want to compute the bilateral gradient of each pixel in the array image (current_pixel - (previous_previous + next_pixel) / 2) over x and y dimensions, divide it by some floats, then add the value of the corresponding pixel from the array blur and finally put the result into the array out.
My question is, in C, what is the most efficient way to do it (regarding the memory access speed and computing efficiency) :
One loop indexing the 3 arrays at once :
for (i = 0, j = 0, k = 0 ; i < M-1, j < N-1, k < 3 ; i++, j++, k++):
out[i][j][k] = (2 * image[i][j][k] - image[i+1][j][k] - image[i][j+1][k]) / 2. + lambda * blur[i][j][k]
Two loops indexing only two arrays :
for (i = 0, j = 0, k = 0 ; i < M-1, j < N-1, k < 3 ; i++, j++, k++):
out[i][j][k] = (2 * image[i][j][k] - image[i+1][j][k] - image[i][j+1][k]) / 2.
for (i = 0, j = 0, k = 0 ; i < M-1, j < N-1, k < 3 ; i++, j++, k++):
out[i][j][k] += lambda * blur[i][j][k]
(for readability, I only wrote a simple forward gradient, but the complete formula is given above).
Or is there another faster way ? I'm programming for x86_64 CPUs.
One loop indexing the 3 arrays at once will be slightly easier for compiler to optimize. But you can quite likely check it and tested it.

Indexes 2d array to 1d

I want to transform 2d array to 1d. I put the most important part of my code.
int mask[3][3] = {{0, -1, 0}, {-1, 4, -1}, {0, -1, 0}};
for (i = 1; i < rows - 1; i++) {
for (j = 1; j < cols - 1;j++) {
int s;
s = mask[0][0] * image[i-1][j-1]
+ mask[0][1] * image[i-1][j]
+ mask[0][2] * image[i-1][j+1]
+ mask[1][0] * image[i][j-1]
+ mask[1][1] * image[i][j]
+ mask[1][2] * image[i][j+1]
+ mask[2][0] * image[i+1][j-1]
+ mask[2][1] * image[i+1][j]
+ mask[2][2] * image[i+1][j+1];
my 1d array
for (k = rows + 1; k < (cols * rows) / 2; k++) {
int s;
s = 0 * image_in[k-rows-1]
- 1 * image_in[k-rows]
+ 0 * image_in[k-rows+1]
- 1 * image_in[k-1]
+ 4 * image_in[k]
- 1 * image_in[k+1]
+ 0 * image_in[k+rows-1]
- 1 * image_in[k+rows]
+ 0 * image_in[k+rows+1];
That should be the same but I don't know if I correctly doing transformations. Can someone tell me if that is ok?
First of all: Why do you want to get away with the 2D array? You think that 2D array dimensions must be constant? Well, in that case I have good news for you: You are wrong. This code should work perfectly:
int width = ..., height = ...;
//Create a 2D array on the heap with dynamic sizes:
int (*image_in)[width] = malloc(height * sizeof(*image_in));
//initialize the array
for(int i = 0; i < height; i++) {
for(int j = 0; j < width; j++) {
image_in[i][j] = ...;
You see, apart from the somewhat cryptic declaration of the array pointer, the indexing remains exactly the same as with an automatic 2D array on the stack.
Within your given loop, you want to address the cells relative to the center cell. This is easiest done by actually addressing relative to that cell:
for (i = 1; i < rows - 1; i++) {
for (j = 1; j < cols - 1;j++) {
int* center = &image_in[i][j];
int s = mask[0][0] * center[-width - 1]
+ mask[0][1] * center[-width]
+ mask[0][2] * center[-width + 1]
+ mask[1][0] * center[-1]
+ mask[1][1] * center[0]
+ mask[1][2] * center[1]
+ mask[2][0] * center[width - 1]
+ mask[2][1] * center[width]
+ mask[2][2] * center[width + 1];
This works because the 2D array has the same memory layout as your 1D array (this is guaranteed by the C standard).
The edge handling in a 1D loop is always wrong: It will execute the body of the loop for the first and last cells of each line. This cannot be fixed without introducing some if() statements into the loop which will significantly slow things down.
This may be ignored if the consequences are proven to be irrelevant (you still need to exclude the first and last lines plus a cell). However, the edge handling is much easier if you stick to a 2D array.
If the first part of your code gives you expected result, then you can do the same with 1d array this way :
for (i = 1; i < rows - 1; i++) {
for (j = 1; j < cols - 1;j++) {
int s;
s = mask[0][0] * image_in[i-1+rows*(j-1)]
+ mask[0][1] * image_in[i-1+rows*j]
+ mask[0][2] * image_in[i-1+rows*(j+1)]
+ mask[1][0] * image_in[i+rows*(j-1)]
+ mask[1][1] * image_in[i+rows*j]
+ mask[1][2] * image_in[i+rows*(j+1)]
+ mask[2][0] * image_in[i+1+rows*(j-1)]
+ mask[2][1] * image_in[i+1+rows*j]
+ mask[2][2] * image_in[i+1+rows*(j+1)];
This way, if you are good with 2d arrays, you can do the same without error with 1d array as if they were 2d.

Array subscript is not an integer

following this previous question Malloc Memory Corruption in C, now i have another problem.
I have the same code. Now I am trying to multiply the values contained in the arrays A * vc
and store in res. Then A is set to zero and i do a second multiplication with res and vc and i store the values in A. (A and Q are square matrices and mc and vc are N lines two columns matrices or arrays).
Here is my code :
int jacobi_gpu(double A[], double Q[],
double tol, long int dim){
int nrot, p, q, k, tid;
double c, s;
double *mc, *vc, *res;
int i,kc;
double vc1, vc2;
mc = (double *)malloc(2 * dim * sizeof(double));
vc = (double *)malloc(2 * dim * sizeof(double));
vc = (double *)malloc(dim * dim * sizeof(double));
if( mc == NULL || vc == NULL){
fprintf(stderr, "pb allocation matricre\n");
nrot = 0;
for(k = 0; k < dim - 1; k++){
eye(mc, dim);
eye(vc, dim);
for(tid = 0; tid < floor(dim /2); tid++){
p = (tid + k)%(dim - 1);
if(tid != 0)
q = (dim - tid + k - 1)%(dim - 1);
q = dim - 1;
printf("p = %d | q = %d\n", p, q);
if(fabs(A[p + q*dim]) > tol){
symschur2(A, dim, p, q, &c, &s);
mc[2*tid] = p; vc[2 * tid] = c;
mc[2*tid + 1] = q; vc[2*tid + 1] = -s;
mc[2*tid + 2*(dim - 2*tid) - 2] = p; vc[2*tid + 2*(dim - 2*tid) - 2 ] = s;
mc[2*tid + 2*(dim - 2*tid) - 1] = q; vc[2 * tid + 2*(dim - 2*tid) - 1 ] = c;
for( i = 0; i< dim; i++){
for(kc=0; kc < dim; kc++){
if( kc < floor(dim/2)) {
vc1 = vc[2*kc + i*dim];
vc2 = vc[2*kc + 2*(dim - 2*kc) - 2];
}else {
vc1 = vc[2*kc+1 + i*dim];
vc2 = vc[2*kc - 2*(dim - 2*kc) - 1];
res[kc + i*dim] = A[mc[2*kc] + i*dim]*vc1 + A[mc[2*kc + 1] + i*dim]*vc2;
zero(A, dim);
for( i = 0; i< dim; i++){
for(kc=0; kc < dim; k++){
if( k < floor(dim/2)){
vc1 = vc[2*kc + i*dim];
vc2 = vc[2*kc + 2*(dim - 2*kc) - 2];
}else {
vc1 = vc[2*kc+1 + i*dim];
vc2 = vc[2*kc - 2*(dim - 2*kc) - 1];
A[kc + i*dim] = res[mc[2*kc] + i*dim]*vc1 + res[mc[2*kc + 1] + i*dim]*vc2;
affiche(mc,dim,2,"Matrice creuse");
affiche(vc,dim,2,"Valeur creuse");
return nrot;
When i try to compile, i have this error :
jacobi_gpu.c: In function ‘jacobi_gpu’:
jacobi_gpu.c:103: error: array subscript is not an integer
jacobi_gpu.c:103: error: array subscript is not an integer
jacobi_gpu.c:118: error: array subscript is not an integer
jacobi_gpu.c:118: error: array subscript is not an integer
make: *** [jacobi_gpu.o] Erreur 1
The corresponding lines are where I store the results in res and A :
res[kc + i*dim] = A[mc[2*kc] + i*dim]*vc1 + A[mc[2*kc + 1] + i*dim]*vc2;
A[kc + i*dim] = res[mc[2*kc] + i*dim]*vc1 + res[mc[2*kc + 1] + i*dim]*vc2;
Can someone explain me what is this error and how can i correct it?
Thanks for your help. ;)
mc is of type double. It has to be integral type
mc is pointer to double.
A[mc[2*kc + 1]
In above, you are indexing A with a value in mc (double array). And, there are other similar cases. If you are sure of the values, cast to int
Your declaration of mc:
mc = (double *)malloc(2 * dim * sizeof(double));
And then you use mc multiple times in your array access. For example:
A[mc[2*kc + 1] ...]
Can you change mc to be an int array instead of a double?
Looks like you're using entries in mc, which are doubles, as a part of array subscripts, thus making the entire subscript a double.
If you meant to do this, try casting back to an integer. I don't know what the context of this problem is, but I'd take a real good look at what you're doing to ensure you really want to use the contents of mc as a subscript.
The compiler is complaining because the expression you use as an array index evaluates to type double.
In other words, the expression:
mc[2*kc] + i*dim
...will give you a result which is of type double. You may want to look into the rules for usual arithmetic type conversions in C if you don't understand why this expression evaluates to a double.
The problem is that array indices must be integral types, like int or long. This is because the array subscript operator in C is basically shorthand for pointer arithmetic. In other words, saying array[N] is the same as saying *(array + N). But you can't do pointer arithmetic with non-integral types like float or double, so of course the array subscript operator won't work that way either.
To fix this, you'll need to cast the result of your array-indexing expression to an integral type.
mc is an array of doubles, and floating point values cannot be used to index arrays. I notice that nowhere in your code do you assign anything other than integers to mc. You should consider changing mc's type to an array of integers.
