Angular ui-bootstrap typeahead suggestion - scroll - angularjs

According to this link :
up/down arrow key issue with typeahead control (angular bootstrap UI)
i have added these line in my js:
.directive('shouldFocus', function(){
return {
restrict: 'A',
link: function(scope,element,attrs){
while scrolling, we get some more disturb, scroll was not smoothy.
Before adding this code, scroll was normal and smoothy.
Please anyone help me?

Hi here is another code only for keyup event to adjust the scroll height while up/down keypress
you need to add a function only to keyup in the typeahead directive in angular ui
search directive('typeahead' in the angular ui js file
find fireRecalculating function before it paste the following function
function makeSureVisible(){
$el = popUpEl.find('.active');
var elTop, elBottom, nodeScrollTop, nodeHeight;
elTop = $el.position().top;
elBottom = elTop + $el.outerHeight(true);
nodeScrollTop = popUpEl.scrollTop();
nodeHeight = popUpEl.height() + parseInt(popUpEl.css("paddingTop"), 10) + parseInt(popUpEl.css("paddingBottom"), 10);
if (elTop < 0) {
popUpEl.scrollTop(nodeScrollTop + elTop);
} else if (nodeHeight < elBottom) {
popUpEl.scrollTop(nodeScrollTop + (elBottom - nodeHeight));
now find keyup function attached. call the above function
element.bind('keydown', function(evt) {
//typeahead is open and an "interesting" key was pressed
if (scope.matches.length === 0 || HOT_KEYS.indexOf(evt.which) === -1) {
// if there's nothing selected (i.e. focusFirst) and enter or tab is hit, clear the results
if (scope.activeIdx === -1 && (evt.which === 9 || evt.which === 13)) {
if (evt.which === 40) {
scope.activeIdx = (scope.activeIdx + 1) % scope.matches.length;
} else if (evt.which === 38) {
scope.activeIdx = (scope.activeIdx > 0 ? scope.activeIdx : scope.matches.length) - 1;
} else if (evt.which === 13 || evt.which === 9) {
scope.$apply(function () {;
} else if (evt.which === 27) {

function makeSureVisible() {
$timeout(function () {
$el = popUpEl[0].querySelector('.active');
if ($el) {
var elTop, elBottom, nodeScrollTop, nodeHeight;
elTop = $el.offsetTop;
elBottom = elTop + $el.offsetHeight;
nodeScrollTop = popUpEl[0].scrollTop;
nodeHeight = popUpEl[0].offsetHeight - (parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(popUpEl[0], null).getPropertyValue('padding-top')) + parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(popUpEl[0], null).getPropertyValue('padding-bottom')));
if (elTop < nodeScrollTop) {
popUpEl[0].scrollTop = elTop;
} else if (nodeHeight < elBottom) {
popUpEl[0].scrollTop = nodeScrollTop + elBottom - nodeHeight;
I bumped into the same issue with latest version of angular bootstrap 0.14.3 as of 27/11/2015.
I placed the function in the element.bind("keydown") since it didn't work where you suggested. (function wasn't in proper scope and was undefined)
The first "if" wasn't triggered for me so i changed the logic a bit. When user reaches the end the dropdown scrolls to top properly in my case.
Modified it to work for plain javascript.
Thank you for your solution!

I had previously resolved this issue using the "shouldFocus" directive but I had to make more tweaks to get this to work. Perhaps this version will work for you.
.directive('shouldFocus', function () {
return {
restrict: 'A',
link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
scope.$watch(attrs.shouldFocus, function (newVal, oldVal) {
if (newVal && element.prop("class").indexOf("active")) {
var par = element.parent("ul");
var cellHeight = element.children().innerHeight();
var maxHeight = par.height();
var startIndex = Math.floor(maxHeight / cellHeight);
if (scope.$index > startIndex) {
var scroll = (scope.$index - startIndex) * cellHeight;
if (scope.$index === 0) {
Here is the modified template for those who don't know where to add the directive:
angular.module("template/typeahead/typeahead-popup.html", []).run(["$templateCache", function($templateCache) {
"<ul class=\"dropdown-menu\" ng-show=\"isOpen() && !moveInProgress\" ng-style=\"{top: position().top+'px', left: position().left+'px'}\" style=\"display: block;\" role=\"listbox\" aria-hidden=\"{{!isOpen()}}\">\n" +
" <li ng-repeat=\"match in matches track by $index\" should-focus=\"isActive($index)\" ng-class=\"{active: isActive($index) }\" ng-click=\"selectMatch($index)\" role=\"option\" id=\"{{}}\">\n" +
" <div typeahead-match index=\"$index\" match=\"match\" query=\"query\" template-url=\"templateUrl\"></div>\n" +
" </li>\n" +
"</ul>\n" +


AngularJS: Cursor is moving to last position when model is transformed

I am using zipcode directive which is accepting 9 digit US zip code and formatting it.
app.directive('formatZipCode', function () {
return {
require: 'ngModel',
link: function (scope, element, attr, ngModelCtrl) {
function fromUser(text) {
if (text) {
var transformedInput = text.replace(/[^0-9]/g, '');
if (transformedInput.length > 9) {
transformedInput = transformedInput.slice(0, 9);
if (transformedInput.length > 5) {
transformedInput = transformedInput.slice(0, 5) + "-" + transformedInput.slice(5);
if (transformedInput !== text) {
return transformedInput;
return undefined;
when I am removing any number from zipcode, cursor position moves back to last position.
When I delete third number cursor moves to last number
How to retain the cursor position?
Your best option is to use ng-model-options to change when the input updates (and thus runs your formatter).
This is a case where you will sacrifice live reformatting in favor of form usability.
Either use
<input type="text" ng-model="zipcode" ng-model-options="{ updateOn: 'blur' }" format-zip-code />
to update when the user leaves the field, or
<input type="text" ng-model="zipcode" ng-model-options="{ debounce: 1000 }" format-zip-code />
to update after 1s. This option will still show the cursor moving to the end of the input after the update, but not instantly.
I have resolved this by using caret position. Remember the caret position and after formatting input assign the caret position again.
app.directive('formatZipCode', function () {
return {
require: 'ngModel',
link: function (scope, element, attr, ngModelCtrl) {
function fromUser(text) {
if (text) {
var transformedInput = text.replace(/[^0-9]/g, '');
if (transformedInput.length > 9) {
transformedInput = transformedInput.slice(0, 9);
var caretPosition = element[0].selectionStart || undefined;
if (transformedInput.length > 5) {
var realposition = caretPosition == 6 ? caretPosition + 1 : caretPosition;
transformedInput = transformedInput.slice(0, 5) + "-" + transformedInput.slice(5);
if (transformedInput !== text) {
if (typeof caretPosition === 'number') {
element[0].selectionStart = element[0].selectionEnd = realposition || caretPosition;
else {
element[0].selectionStart = element[0].selectionEnd = 0;
return transformedInput;
return undefined;

directive that controlls upvotes and downvotes

I'm developing a upvote/downvote controlling system for a dynamic bunch of cards.
I can controll if I click to the img the checked = true and checked = false value but The problem I've found and because my code doesn't work as expected is I can't update my value in the ng-model, so the next time the function is called I receive the same value. As well, I can't update and show correctly the new value. As well, the only card that works is the first one (it's not dynamic)
All in which I've been working can be found in this plunk.
As a very new angular guy, I tried to investigate and read as much as possible but I'm not even 100% sure this is the right way, so I'm totally open for other ways of doing this, attending to performance and clean code. Here bellow I paste what I've actually achieved:
<card-interactions class="card-element" ng-repeat="element in myIndex.feed">
<label class="rating-upvote">
<input type="checkbox" ng-click="rate('upvote', u[])" ng-true-value="1" ng-false-value="0" ng-model="u[]" ng-init="element.user_actions.voted === 'upvoted' ? u[] = 1 : u[] = 0" />
<ng-include src="'upvote.svg'"></ng-include>
{{ element.upvotes + u[1] }}
<label class="rating-downvote">
<input type="checkbox" ng-click="rate('downvote', d[])" ng-model="d[]" ng-true-value="1" ng-false-value="0" ng-init="element.user_actions.voted === 'downvoted' ? d[] = 1 : d[] = 0" />
<ng-include src="'downvote.svg'"></ng-include>
{{ element.downvotes + d[1] }}
'use strict';
var index = angular.module('app.index', ['index.factory']);
index.controller('indexController', ['indexFactory', function (indexFactory) {
var data = this;
data.functions = {
getFeed: function () {
indexFactory.getJSON(function (response) {
data.feed = response.index;
index.directive('cardInteractions', [ function () {
return {
restrict: 'E',
link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
scope.rate = function(action, value) {
var check_up = element.find('input')[0];
var check_down = element.find('input')[1];
if (action === 'upvote') {
if (check_down.checked === true) {
check_down.checked = false;
} else {
if (action === 'downvote') {
if (check_up.checked === true) {
check_up.checked = false;
Hope you guys can help me with this.
Every contribution is appreciated.
Thanks in advice.
I have updated your directive in this plunker,
index.directive('cardInteractions', [ function () {
return {
restrict: 'E',
scope: {
vote: '='
templateUrl: 'vote.html',
link: function (scope, element, attrs) { = = 0;
if( {
switch( {
case 'upvoted': = 1;
case 'downvoted': = 1;
scope.upVote = function() {
if( === 1) { = 0;;
if( === 1) {;
} else {;
scope.downVote = function() {
if( === 1) { = 0;;
if( === 1) {;
} else {;

Angular.js multiple attribute directives working independently

I have a directive, which I'm using as an attribute. The directive adds and removes a class, which triggers a css animation to fade the div in and out. I have this in multiple locations on my page; however, once the first div picks up the value, the rest of the divs(which are out of view), pick up the value as well. How would I make these directives work independently?
.directive("scroll", function ($window) {
return function (scope, element, attrs) {
function getScrollOffsets(w) {
// Use the specified window or the current window if no argument
w = w || window;
// This works for all browsers except IE versions 8 and before
if (w.pageXOffset != null) return {
x: w.pageXOffset,
y: w.pageYOffset
angular.element($window).bind("scroll", function (e) {
var offset = getScrollOffsets($window);
if (offset.y >= 10) {
} else {
<div class="sidebar col-md-4" scroll>
<div class="sidebar col-md-4" scroll>
<h1>More Content</h1>
You should check if the element is visible in viewport by
function isElementInViewport (el) {
//special bonus for those using jQuery
if (typeof jQuery === "function" && el instanceof jQuery) {
el = el[0];
var rect = el.getBoundingClientRect();
return ( >= 0 &&
rect.left >= 0 &&
rect.bottom <= (window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight) && /*or $(window).height() */
rect.right <= (window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth) /*or $(window).width() */
as How to tell if a DOM element is visible in the current viewport?
so that
angular.element($window).bind("scroll", function (e) {
if (isElementInViewport(element)) {
} else {
Here is my final solution thanks to #kwan, I tweaked it a bit.
.directive("scroll", function ($window) {
link: function (scope, el, attrs) {
function isElementInViewport (el) {
//special bonus for those using jQuery
if (typeof jQuery === "function" && el instanceof jQuery) {
el = el[0];
var height = $(el).height();
var rect = el.getBoundingClientRect();
return ( >= -(height / 1.25) &&
rect.left >= 0 &&
rect.bottom <= (window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight)+ (height / 1.25) && /*or $(window).height() */
rect.right <= (window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth) /*or $(window).width() */
angular.element($window).bind("scroll", function (e) {
if (isElementInViewport(el)) {
} else {

angularjs : how to restrict input type number to allow only even number with min and max limit as well as steps to increase

I am working on one requirement where I want to allow only even numbers to text box or number box(input type number). with minimum and maximum limit like from 4 to 14 and it should only increase by step of 2 if we have number box.
I tried with HTML input type number with min max and step attributes it's working fine but we can edit the text box with any number so to restrict I tried using directive but it's not working out for me. I will be glad if anyone can help me out with this.
<body ng-controller="ctrl">
new : <number-only-input step="2" min="4" max="14" input-value="wks.number" input-name="" >
Script :
var app = angular.module('app', []);
app.controller('ctrl', function($scope){
$ = 'Samir Shah';
$scope.price = -10;
$scope.wks = {number: '', name: 'testing'};
app.directive('numberOnlyInput', function () {
return {
restrict: 'EA',
template: '<input type="text" name="{{inputName}}" ng-model="inputValue" />',
scope: {
inputValue: '=',
inputName: '=',
min: '#',
max: '#',
step: '#'
link: function (scope) {
scope.$watch('inputValue', function(newValue,oldValue) {
var arr = String(newValue).split("");
if (arr.length === 0) return;
if (arr.length === 1 && (arr[0] == '-' || arr[0] === '.' )) return;
if (arr.length === 2 && newValue === '-.') return;
if (isNaN(newValue)) {
scope.inputValue = oldValue;
if(newValue < parseInt(scope.min) || newValue > parseInt(scope.max)){
scope.inputValue = oldValue;
<form name="testForm">
<div ng-controller="MyCtrl">
<input type="text" name="testInput" ng-model="number" ng-min="2" ng-max="14" required="required" numbers-only="numbers-only" />
<div ng-show="testForm.testInput.$error.nonnumeric" style="color: red;">
Numeric input only.
<div ng-show="testForm.testInput.$error.belowminimum" style="color: red;">
Number is too small.
<div ng-show="testForm.testInput.$error.abovemaximum" style="color: red;">
Number is too big.
<div ng-show="testForm.testInput.$error.odd" style="color: red;">
Numeric is odd.
angular.module('myApp', []).directive('numbersOnly', function () {
return {
require: 'ngModel',
link: function (scope, element, attrs, modelCtrl) {
element.bind('blur', function () {
if (parseInt(element.val(), 10) < attrs.ngMin) {
modelCtrl.$setValidity('belowminimum', false);
scope.$apply(function () {
modelCtrl.$parsers.push(function (inputValue) {
// this next if is necessary for when using ng-required on your input.
// In such cases, when a letter is typed first, this parser will be called
// again, and the 2nd time, the value will be undefined
if (inputValue == undefined) return ''
var transformedInput = inputValue.replace(/[^0-9]/g, '');
if (transformedInput != inputValue || (parseInt(transformedInput, 10) < parseInt(attrs.ngMin, 10) && transformedInput !== '1') || parseInt(transformedInput, 10) > parseInt(attrs.ngMax, 10) || (transformedInput % 2 !== 0 && transformedInput !== '1')) {
if (transformedInput != inputValue) {
modelCtrl.$setValidity('nonnumeric', false);
} else {
modelCtrl.$setValidity('nonnumeric', true);
if (parseInt(transformedInput, 10) < parseInt(attrs.ngMin, 10) && transformedInput !== '1') {
modelCtrl.$setValidity('belowminimum', false);
} else {
modelCtrl.$setValidity('belowminimum', true);
if (parseInt(transformedInput, 10) > parseInt(attrs.ngMax, 10)) {
modelCtrl.$setValidity('abovemaximum', false);
} else {
modelCtrl.$setValidity('abovemaximum', true);
if (transformedInput % 2 !== 0 && transformedInput !== '1') {
modelCtrl.$setValidity('odd', false);
} else {
modelCtrl.$setValidity('odd', true);
transformedInput = '';
return transformedInput;
modelCtrl.$setValidity('nonnumeric', true);
modelCtrl.$setValidity('belowminimum', true);
modelCtrl.$setValidity('abovemaximum', true);
modelCtrl.$setValidity('odd', true);
return transformedInput;
Active fiddle
You could define a property with getter and setter to process the entered value. If the value does not match the requrements display messages but not accept new value.
Using this method you could apply any validation logic, the second field editValue is needed because otherwise you could not enter an invalid number. Therefore editValue alows to enter numbers with numerous digits which will be partially invalid during entering the value.
// Property used to bind input containing validation
Object.defineProperty($scope, "number", {
get: function() {
return $scope.editValue;
set: function(value) {
value = parseInt(value);
$scope.editValue = value;
var isValid = true;
// Min?
if (value < parseInt($scope.min)) {
$scope.toSmall = true;
isValid = false;
} else {
$scope.toSmall = false;
// Max?
if (value > parseInt($scope.max)) {
$scope.toBig = true;
isValid = false;
} else {
$scope.toBig = false;
// Step not valid
if (value % parseInt($scope.step) > 0) {
$scope.stepNotValid = true;
isValid = false;
} else {
$scope.stepNotValid = false;
$scope.isValid = isValid;
if (isValid) {
$scope.value = value;
Working example
Below you can find a complete working example directive containing the property described above including increase/decrease buttons:
var app = angular.module('myApp', []);
app.directive('numberOnlyInput', function() {
return {
restrict: 'E',
template: '<input type="text" ng-model="number" ng-class="{\'error\': !isValid}"/><button ng-click="increase()">+</button><button ng-click="decrease()">-</button> Value: {{value}} {{stepNotValid ? (" value must be in steps of " + step) : ""}} {{toSmall ? " value must be greater or equal to " + min : ""}} {{toBig ? " value must be smaler or equal to " + max : ""}}',
scope: {
value: '=value',
min: '#',
max: '#',
step: '#'
link: function($scope) {
// Increase value
$scope.increase = function() {
var newValue = parseInt($scope.value) + parseInt($scope.step);
if (newValue <= $scope.max) {
$scope.number = newValue;
$scope.editValue = $scope.number;
// Decrease value
$scope.decrease = function() {
var newValue = parseInt($scope.value) - parseInt($scope.step);
if (newValue >= $scope.min) {
$scope.number = newValue;
$scope.editValue = $scope.number;
// Property used to bind input containing validation
Object.defineProperty($scope, "number", {
get: function() {
return $scope.editValue;
set: function(value) {
value = parseInt(value);
$scope.editValue = value;
var isValid = true;
// Min?
if (value < parseInt($scope.min)) {
$scope.toSmall = true;
isValid = false;
} else {
$scope.toSmall = false;
// Max?
if (value > parseInt($scope.max)) {
$scope.toBig = true;
isValid = false;
} else {
$scope.toBig = false;
// Step not valid
if (value % parseInt($scope.step) > 0) {
$scope.stepNotValid = true;
isValid = false;
} else {
$scope.stepNotValid = false;
$scope.isValid = isValid;
if (isValid) {
$scope.value = value;
// Init actual Value of the input element
$scope.number = parseInt($scope.value);
$scope.editValue = parseInt($scope.value);
app.controller('controller', function($scope) {
$scope.value = 10;
.error {
color: red;
<script src=""></script>
<div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="controller">
<number-only-input min="4" max="14" step="2" value="value"></number-only-input>
Why are you doing too much of work of a simple thing. Max length will not work with <input type="number" the best way I know is to use oninput event to limit the maxlength. Please see the below code, Its a generic solution work with all the Javascript framework.
<input name="somename"
oninput="javascript: if (this.value.length > this.maxLength) this.value = this.value.slice(0, this.maxLength);"
type = "number"
maxlength = "6"

What is the easiest way to delay loading of images in Angular

I have an app that allows paginating through a large text dataset via the keyboard's right/left arrow keys. The data that is displayed, also contains images.
I would like to delay the loading of these images for 1-2 seconds while the user is paginating through the data quickly.
As soon as the user stops at a certain page, all images should be "lazily" loaded.
I tried to adapt this fiddle to my app without success (see below).
my controller code
$scope.delay_images = function() {
$timeout(function() {
return true;
}, 2000);
view code
<td style='text-align:left;padding-right:40px; height:250px;width:{{100 / panel.size}}%' ng-repeat="event in data| slice:panel.offset:panel.offset+panel.size">
<h4>{{event._source.Price}} {{event._source.Currency}}</h4>
<img ng-show="delay_images" ng-animate="{show: 'show'}" style='height:100px' ng-src="/img/{{event._source.image_paths}}"/><br /><h6>{{event._source.Title}}</h6>
<button ng-click="build_search(event._source)" ng-show='event._source.ClusterID' type="button" class="btn btn-primary">More like this</button>
I am fairly new to angular.js so any tips that can guide me into the right direction are greatly appreciated.
This is a partially working code based on the accepted answer. BTW, it also implements a delay for the keydownevent.
Right now the code uses ng-show to hide and show images. I realized that this approach is problematic because it triggers a lot of image resource requests in the background while the user is paging.
So the best would be to combine the current solution somehow with the second solution replacing the src= attribute.
How would I go about that? I am catching the keydownevent from a surrounding div, so I have no direct handle to the images. Is there a way to access a class of elements with angular js? Just like with a jquery selector?
var lastFire = 0;
$scope.changeIndex = function($event) {
if($event.keyCode == 37 || $event.keyCode == 39){
var cFire = new Date();
// cancel old timeout
if ($scope.panel.timeoutId) {
// $event.keyCode...
if ((cFire - lastFire) / 1000 > 0.3){
// hide images to start with
$scope.panel.imagesVisible = false;
if ($event.keyCode == 37 && $scope.panel.offset > 0){
$scope.panel.offset = $scope.panel.offset - 10;
lastFire = cFire;
$scope.panel.timeoutId = $timeout(function() {
$scope.panel.imagesVisible = true;
$scope.panel.timeoutId = undefined;
}, 1000);
if ($event.keyCode == 39 && $scope.panel.offset < $ - 10){
$scope.panel.offset = $scope.panel.offset + 10;
lastFire = cFire;
$scope.panel.timeoutId = $timeout(function() {
$scope.panel.imagesVisible = true;
$scope.panel.timeoutId = undefined;
}, 1000);
$scope.panel.timeoutId = $timeout(function() {
$scope.panel.imagesVisible = true;
$scope.panel.timeoutId = undefined;
}, 1000);
I'd make a custom directive. This is off the top of my head, untested, but something like this should work:
myApp.directive('ngSlowSrc', function($timeout){
restrict: 'A',
link: function(scope, element, attrs){
$timeout(function() {
element.src = attrs.ngSlowSrc;
}, 2000);
now just make your image calls like this: <img ng-slow-src="myimage.jpg" >
The way this works is it just waits 2 seconds to set the src of your image.
I think the simplest thing would be to handle it when you are paging. Let's say this is the function you call to page:
$scope.changeOffset = function(offset) {
$scope.panel.offset = offset;
// cancel old timeout
if ($scope.panel.timeoutId) {
// hide images to start with
$scope.panel.imagesVisible = false;
$scope.panel.timeoutId = $timeout(function() {
$scope.panel.imagesVisible = true;
$scope.panel.timeoutId = undefined;
}, 2000);
Then all images on the page can use the flag:
<img ng-show="panel.imagesVisible" ...
Working solution...
used the element method from angular which wraps jquery.
Also included the apply method in between the timeouts to make the ui experience smoother.
Thanks for your input guys.
var lastFire = 0;
$scope.changeIndex = function($event) {
if($event.keyCode == 37 || $event.keyCode == 39){
var cFire = new Date();
// cancel old timeout
if ($scope.panel.timeoutId) {
// $event.keyCode...
if ((cFire - lastFire) / 1000 > 0.5){
if ($event.keyCode == 37 && $scope.panel.offset > 0){
$scope.panel.offset = $scope.panel.offset - 10;
lastFire = cFire;
$scope.panel.timeoutId = $timeout(function() {
$scope.$apply(function () {
angular.forEach(angular.element('.productImage'), function(value, key){
var elem = angular.element(value);
$scope.panel.timeoutId = undefined;
}, 1000);
if ($event.keyCode == 39 && $scope.panel.offset < $ - 10){
$scope.panel.offset = $scope.panel.offset + 10;
lastFire = cFire;
$scope.panel.timeoutId = $timeout(function() {
$scope.$apply(function () {
angular.forEach(angular.element('.productImage'), function(value, key){
var elem = angular.element(value);
$scope.panel.timeoutId = undefined;
}, 1000);
$scope.panel.timeoutId = $timeout(function() {
$scope.$apply(function () {
angular.forEach(angular.element('.productImage'), function(value, key){
var elem = angular.element(value);
$scope.panel.timeoutId = undefined;
}, 1000);
