cannot get input value of Struts 2 file selector with Angular - angularjs

I am using Angular and I want to get access to the file input field's file name attributes and display it in another input box.
This is the file upload field:
<div class="btn btn-orange btn-file col-sm-3" >
<s:text name="expedientes.btn.seleccionar.fichero" />
<s:file name="form.filesUpload" multiple="multiple" ng-model="filesUploadModel" id="filesUploadId"/>
And the input box to show file name:
<input type="text" class="form-control"
id="fileNameId" name="fileName"
ng-model="fileNameModel" ng-disabled="true"
ng-init="" ng-bind="fileNameModel = filesUploadModel">
But the ng-bind is not working.
I also tried to define $watch for the file input field like this:
$scope.$watch(function() {
$scope.files = angular.element(document.querySelector('#filesUploadId'));
return files;
function(newValue, oldValue) {
to watch if the <input type="file" id="filesUploadId"> has changed, select this element and return it as files, and let the element with id fileNameId's value equals to files.files[0].name, because the file upload input has an attribute named files with all the files I upload, and their file names files[i].name.
But FF tells me files is undefined and no avail. It's not working.
Am I doing something wrong here? Please help and thanks!!
Edit: I am using this and no error, but no result either:
if (!angular.equals(document.getElementById("filesUploadId"), null)) {
$scope.$watch(function() {
var myFiles = document.getElementById("filesUploadId");
return myFiles;
function(newValue, oldValue) {
$( "#fileNameId" ).val(function(){
var result = null;
result = name + this.attr(files).attr(name);
return result;

I solved it with pure JavaScript, enlighted by another question here:
AngularJs: How to check for changes in file input fields?
Actually, I find it impossible to use onchange() when the function I want to call is wrapped in angular module, except in the way in above answer:
And in my script I only use pure JavaScript, except for the definition of the function:
angular.module('').controller('PanelMandarCorreoCtrl', function ($scope, $modalInstance) {
....(other functions)
$scope.setFileName = function() {
var result = "";
var adjuntos = document.getElementById("filesUploadId").files;
for (i = 0; i < adjuntos.length; i++){
result = result + adjuntos[i].name + "\r\n";
document.getElementById("fileNameId").value = result;
$scope.btnClean = function() {
document.getElementById("filesUploadId").value = "";
document.getElementById("fileNameId").value = "";
And in my jsp page, finally I have my file upload button and a clean button like this:
<div class="btn btn-orange btn-file col-sm-3" >
<s:text name="expedientes.btn.seleccionar.fichero" />
<s:file name="correoForm.filesUpload" id="filesUploadId" multiple="multiple" ng-model="filesUploadModel"
<div class="col-sm-2">
<button class="btn btn-default btn-normal" type="button" ng-click="btnClean()">
<s:text name="expedientes.btn.quitar.fichero" />
I have a <textarea> to display all the file names:
<textarea class="form-control" ng-model="fileNameModel"
name="fileName" id="fileNameId"
Clear button is not working in IE8 because it is not permitted in IE8 to set "" value to a file input field. My guess is, I can remove this file input field and copy a new one, with same style but no file is selected. But I have found a good question who has amounts of answers here:
Also, I heard that in IE8 onchange() event will not be triggered if you only select a file, you must add this.blur() after selecting a file. Regarding this issue, IE is following strictly the spec, but FF is not. But in my case, the event is actually triggered. Maybe because I am testing under IE 11 using Developing Tools' emulator for IE8.


angular file upload in ng-repeat with preview input bind

I'm working on an angular 1.6 based image upload with ng-repeat, note the input is not multi, but there are multiple ng-repeated inputs, I have the image preview working as well as adding lines / removing lines, the only thing that seems to not be working is if I remove an item the file inputs do not update (I have code that does properly update the previews). Here is what I am working with:
<div ng-repeat="item in data.items track by $index">
<input ng-model="item.fileinput" type="file" name="image_{{$index}}" id="image_{{$index}}" onchange="angular.element(this).scope().imageChoose(this)"/><i ng-click="removeEvent($index)" class="fa fa-trash fa-lg"></i>
<img ng-if="!item.thumb" class="preview-image-small" ng-src="/images/general/placeholder.jpg"</img>
<img ng-if="item.thumb" class="preview-image-small" ng-src="{{item.thumb}}"</img>
Then in my controller I handle the imageChoose as follows:
$scope.imageChoose = function (data) {
var id ="_");
id = id[id.length-1];
var elem = document.getElementById(;
if (typeof (FileReader) != "undefined") {
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = function (e) {
$scope.$apply(function() {
$[id].thumb =;
} else {
alert("This browser does not support FileReader.");
This properly sets the image previews and when I run a remove on a line they re-order correctly due to the ng-src of event.thumb. The problem is the actual file input does not bind or update, here is the code for removing a line:
$scope.removeEvent = function (index) {
$, 1);
I'm hoping there is a relatively simple way to bind the input or handle the remove so that the inputs stay correct. Thanks in advance for any ideas.
Your removeEvent method is not working because of using track by $index together with ng-repeat. This is a known side effect. Try removing it/using different track by expressions.

Angular: get file length from file input

I have input like this: <input id="file" name="someFile" type="file" ng-model="userInfo.someFile" /> . How can I get file length in js code using Angular?
Something like this don't work:
var fileLen = $('#file').files[0].length;
if (fileLen == 0) {
//some code
What exactly do you mean by file length? I am assuming you are asking the number of files selected? If not let me know and I can update the answer. But the below will show you how to get access to the $event object which has the file(s) properties.
<input ng-change="add_files($event)" type="file" multiple>
in your controller:
$scope.add_files = function($event){
//this will give you the $event object details
//from that object you should be able to determine file name(s) / size(s)
//I believe this will give you the file size

can i paste text input value on-keyup in angular?

using angularJS 1.5.0-beta2
I'm wondering if its possible to paste the text input value using onkeyup.
for example:
<input type="text" id="foo" on-keyup="doit(<text-input-value>)" />
so in the doit function i need to paste the value of the text input.
any ideas?
If you just want the one key that was pressed then use String.fromCharCode() to find which key it is from the event keyCode.
$scope.showKey = function(event){
var pressedKey = String.fromCharCode(event.keyCode);
If you want to get all of the contents of the text input it would be better to use ng-model and ng-change together.
<input type="text" id="foo" ng-model="myInputValue" ng-change="doSomething()"></input>
var doSomething = function(){

Angular-UI typeahead show on certain character

I would like to use Angular-UI typeahead directive to do something like Twitter's Tweet composer: show it only when the user inputs a certain character, like # or {, and when a match is selected, append only the selected value, not replace the entire model.
Is it possible with the current Angular-UI implementation?
This is what I achieved using a custom directive:
All you need to do is:
<input type="text" ng-model="model"
typeahead-on="{" typeahead-append="}"
typeahead="suggestion for suggestion in ['second', 'minute', 'hour', 'day','week', 'month', 'year']" />
I don't think this is available out the box but the typeahead API allows custom get and format functions to be specified.
Here is a Plunker loosely based on the async example in the angular-ui documentation. My version only kicks in when an # symbol is present in the input value. A custom search is then carried out using the substring after the # sign.
<input type="text" ng-model="selected" typeahead="address for address in getLocation($viewValue)" typeahead-input-formatter="formatResult($model)" class="form-control">
var prefix = "";
$scope.getLocation = function(val) {
var pos = val.indexOf("#");
if(pos <=0 || pos == val.length-1) {
return [];
prefix = val.substr(0,pos); //cache the prefix
var search = val.substr(pos+1); //get the search string
//filter the results
return $filter('filter')(states, search)
$scope.formatResult = function(model) {
if(!model) {
return prefix;
return prefix + "#"+model;
Updated plunk which allows multiple tokens. You can use whatever token matching scheme you want here. This is just an example:

ng repeat not updating

Hi I am a newbie to angular js and I am hoping someone can help me out with the following problem.
I have a numeric field called numAdults and I need to show a set of field (such as name, address, telephone etc ) numAdult times to get those information for each of those person.
Here is the jsfiddle for the problem jsfiddle link
Here is also an overview of code of the controller
function bookingController($scope){
$scope.numAdults = 1;
$scope.personLoop = function(){
console.log('personLoop called')
return new Array($scope.numAdults);
//return new Array(2);
the html
<label for="book_num_adults">Number of adults:</label>
<input id="book_num_adults" type="text" ng-model="numAdults">
<div class="row" ng-repeat="t in personLoop()" style="border:2px solid red;margin-top:10px">
<h4>Person {{$index+1}}</h4>
<input placeholder="name"><br>
<input placeholder="address"><br>
<input placeholder="telephone"><br>
Can you also help me with how to transform this as an module ( not just a controller based )
Thank you in advance!
Your Fiddle was riddled with errors...
Under Frameworks & Extensions, you need to change the 2nd dropdown from "onLoad" to one of the "No wrap" options
Your controller definition is mangled. It's supposed to be: .controller('name', ['depname', function (depname) { })]); -- you had your closing array misplaced.
You should really use semi-colons.
You don't create an array of 5 items in JavaScript like this: var a = new Array(5), that creates an array that contains a 5. Instead, you should do var a = []; a.length = 5;
