How to insert large string in SQL Server - sql-server

I'm trying to insert a large string into a nvarchar(max) column, but after inserting I found, that string was cut. There was only 43601 characters stored.
What is wrong?

It stores complete string but when you use select statement SQL interface display only certain number of can try reading thru .NET/java or try getting data thru SubString().. you should see complete data...

Usually you'll take warning text like 'string or binary will be truncated' in a case of truncation during insert. If you didn't have such warning, then likely You've inserted data successfully.
To check it, you can cast your field with large data to XML type and then open it to ensure what it's been stored well.
SELECT TOP 1000 [id]
,CAST([text] AS XML)
FROM [AnomalyDetection].[dbo].[TableA]
And finally, click on data to open it in the editor


Error converting nvarchar to numeric while inserting records

Good Day,
I am trying to insert records from csv file into my database table. Problem is in inserting alphanumeric values.
My column datatype is set to NUMERIC(19,0), in this column I am expecting some numeric values to be inserted from. For some specific reasons I am getting alphanumeric values in my csv file. For example:
I am getting value: GBS1182000945008.
My goal here is to remove those three characters and cast the remaining string as Numeric and get it inserted inside my table.
So far I have tried:
CAST((select substring(?,4,30)) AS NUMERIC)
But, I am still getting that annoying error, I cannot just ignore those values by using TRY_CONVERT as I do need those records in my database. What am I missing here?
Edit: I have tested this code separately and it is working as expected, only problem is in using it while inserting values. What I have done is that, I checked whether the given parameter is numeric or not, if it is I am just inserting the param if not then I am converting that param into numeric.
So here is my whole scenario:
// Just insert the parameter as:
Insert INTO table (NUMERIC_FIELD) VALUE(CAST((select substring(?,4,30)) AS NUMERIC))
Here ? represents the value from CSV.
Try AS NUMERIC(19,0) instead of AS NUMERIC
Also, please note you can have 30 digits in the extracted substring (it will not fit your 19 digis of the column datatype.

SQL Server: Error converting data type varchar to numeric (Strange Behaviour)

I'm working on a legacy system using SQL Server in 2000 compatibility mode. There's a stored procedure that selects from a query into a virtual table.
When I run the query, I get the following error:
Error converting data type varchar to numeric
which initially tells me that something stringy is trying to make its way into a numeric column.
To debug, I created the virtual table as a physical table and started eliminating each column.
The culprit column is called accnum (which stores a bank account number, which has a source data type of varchar(21)), which I'm trying to insert into a numeric(16,0) column, which obviously could cause issues.
So I made the accnum column varchar(21) as well in the physical table I created and it imports 100%. I also added an additional column called accnum2 and made it numeric(16,0).
After the data is imported, I proceeded to update accnum2 to the value of accnum. Lo and behold, it updates without an error, yet it wouldn't work with an insert query.
I have to work with the data types provided. Any ideas how I can get around this?
Can you try to use conversion in your insert statement like this:
SELECT [accnum] = CASE ISNUMERIC(accnum)
ELSE CAST(accnum AS NUMERIC(16, 0))

SQL Server System.OutOfMemoryException

I am generating XML from 60 tables, and storing this xml in a table.
Table Name : Final_XML_Table
PK FK XML_Content (type xml)
1 1 "XML that I am generating from 60 tables"
When I am running below query , it gives memory exception :
Select * from Final_XML_Table
Things I have tried :
1. Results to text : I am getting only few lines from XML as text in output window
2. Results to file : I am getting only few lines from XML in file.
Please suggest, and also if there is any change , will I have to do this on server's SQL server as well while deployment.
I have also set XML_Data to unlimited :
This is not an answer, but to much for a comment...
The fact, that you are able to store the XML, shows clearly, that the XML is not to big for the database.
The fact that you get an out-of-memory exception with Select * from Final_XML_Table shows clearly, that SSMS has a problem on reading/displaying your XML.
You might try to check the length like here:
INSERT INTO #tbl VALUES('<root><test>blah</test><test /><test2><x/></test2></root>');
SELECT * FROM #tbl; --This does not work for you
SELECT DATALENGTH(x) FROM #tbl; --This returns just "82" in this case
Might be, that due to a logical error in your XML's creation (a wrong join?) the XML contains multiple/repeated elements. You might try a query like this to get a count of nodes in order to check if this number is realistic:
SELECT x.value('count(//*)','int') FROM #tbl
For the exampe above this returns "5"
You might do the same with your original XML.
With a query like the following you can retrieve all node names of the first level, the second level and so on. You can check if this looks okay:
SELECT firstLevel.value('local-name(.)','varchar(max)') AS l1_node
,SecondLevel.value('local-name(.)','varchar(max)') AS l2_node
--add more
FROM #tbl
OUTER APPLY x.nodes('/*') AS A(firstLevel)
OUTER APPLY A.firstLevel.nodes('*') AS B(SecondLevel)
--add more
And - of course - you might open the ResourceMonitor to look at the actual usage of memory...
Come back with more details...
That error isn't a SQL Server error, it's from SSMS. It means that SSMS has run out of memory.
SSMS is only a 32bit application, so can only address 2GB of RAM. If it tries to address more than that, the error will occur. if you've had SSMS open and returned some very large datasets, that RAM is going to get used up.
In all honesty, if you're running a query like SELECT * FROM Final_XML_Table then I would hazard a guess that the dataset is huge. Add a WHERE clause, or don't return the dataset on screen. if you really need to view the data (all of it), export it to something else. But I very much doubt you need to look at every row, if you're returning around 2GB of data.

Dealing with &#x0D in SSIS

In SSIS, I have a package that deals with dumping data from one table to another. However after the package finishes executing I notice that my column has &#x0D in place of carriage returns.
Below is part of the query that handles this column.
(select cast((text) as varchar(max)) from [table]
where columna = x.columna for xml path (''), type)
Using the type keyword fixed this issue when I was testing this query on the SSMS.
I also encountered another error before then, where I got the message
Column "MyColumn" cannot convert between unicode and non-unicode string data types.
So I had to modify the affected column to output to Unicode Text Stream (DT_NTEXT) in order to avoid any errors (using Unicode String will cause truncation).
in SSIS package, i will assume that you are using OLEDB Source to read data from Sql server.
you can simply use the same sql query as datasource instead of using a Table name
Adding .value('.',nvarchar(max)') to the end of this statement removes all the &#x0D that appears in the result.
Final query should like the following:
(select cast((text) as varchar(max)) from [table1]
where columna = [table2].columna for xml path (''), type).value('.',nvarchar(max)')
This was to fix another issue I was having in SSIS when dealing with special characters and unicode.
The site containing the solution can be found here.

Sql Server XML-type column duplicate entry detection

In Sql Server I am using an XML type column to store a message. I do not want to store duplicate messages.
I only will have a few messages per user. I am currently querying the table for these messages, converting the XML to string in my C# code. I then compare the strings with what I am about to insert.
Unfortunately, Sql Server pretty-prints the data in the XML typed fields. What you store into the database is not necessarily exactly the same string as what you get back out later. It is functionally equivalent, but may have white space removed, etc.
Is there an efficient way to compare an XML string that I am considering inserting with those that are already in the database? As an aside, if I detect a duplicate I need to delete the older message then insert the replacement.
0 - Add a hash column to your table
1 - when you receive a new message, convert the whole XML to uppercase, remove all blanks and returns/linefeed, then compute the hash value of the normalized string.
2 - check if you already have a row with the resulting hash code in it.
If yes, this is duplicated, treat it
If not, store the original XML along with the hash in a new row
I'm not 100% sure on your exact implementation but here is something I played around with. The idea being a stored procedure would do the inserting. Inserting into the messages table does a basic check on existing messages (SQL 2008 syntax):
declare #messages table (msg xml)
insert into #messages values
('<message>You like oranges</message>')
,('<message>You like apples</message>')
declare #newMessage xml = '<message>You like apples</message>'
insert into #messages (msg)
select #newMessage
where #newMessage.value('(message)[1]', 'nvarchar(50)') not in (
select msg.value('(message)[1]', 'nvarchar(50)')
from #messages
One solution is to stop using the XML typed field. Store the XML string into a varchar typed field.
I don't really like this solution, but I don't really like p.marino's solution either. It doesn't seem right to store a hash of something that is already in the row in the table.
What if you use OPENXML on each row in the table and query the actual XML information for key nodes and/or key attributes? But then you need to do it row by row, I don't think OPENXML works with a whole set of table rows.
