Validation isn't triggered though attributes are set - angularjs

My directive looks as follows:
directive('setAttribute', function () {
return {
restrict: 'A',
require: 'ngModel',
link: function ($scope, element, attrs, ctrl) {
var prop = $scope.$eval(attrs.setAttribute);
prop.validationRulesToApply.forEach(function (rule) {
attrs.$set(, rule.val);
As you can this one is for setting attributes dynamically. In spite of attributes are set properly(i can see them in final HTML) no validation is triggered. When i output $error object with curly braces - it is empty! Do i miss something important when setting attributes?

Are these validation rules you are trying to add in setAttribute directive?
If it so, you are doing in wrong way. When you use $set, it just adds attribute to HTMl, but doesnot compile them.
Hence, you won't get results as you are seeking.
You need to add it to pre compile
I think this solution may help you.
Add directives from directive in AngularJS


Passing all arbitrary attributes from html definition to a template element

I'm making a number of form directives with angular to reuse and I'd like to pass all attributes put on my directive to the input tag in my template.
So if they wrote:
<jays-input required class="well"></jays-input>
Even though my directive doesn't formally take the attributes required or class, it would transfer them to the "input" part of my template. So my template would be something like:
<input placeholder="jays input" {{$all_attributes}} />
...Where $all_attributes would be 'required class="well"'. Even better would be just the attributes that don't match what the directive expects.
While writing this I realized I could just parse the $attrs array my self, but I wonder if there is a shorthand or something. I feel like it would be common to make a directive that merely wraps html around a specific element and in that case you'd want to transfer all attributes to the focal element.
In your directive definition's compile function, add the attributes using jQuery:
app.directive('jaysInput', function() {
return {
restrict: 'E',
compile: function(element, attr) {
$('input', element).each(function(){
for (var i in attr)
$(this).attr(i, attr[i]);
return function(scope, element, attr) {
// return link function

AngularJS: Retrieve Element Name from Directive

I have spent some time looking for this but I haven't found anything.
I have the following
HTML file:
<my-directive name="someName" id="someId" method="somemethod">
My directive:
app.directive('myDirective', function() {
return {
restrict: 'EA',
templateUrl: "example.html",
transclude: true,
link: function(scope, element, attrs)
alert(; //Used for testing, Not working
I am trying to access the element parameters in the directive (name, method, id) but I am unable to figure out how.
Thanks in advance.
Please have a look at this Plnkr
You have the attrs as parameter inside the link function. Use that instead of the element.
link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
scope.result = attrs['name'];
You are also using transclusion, but you haven't defined a "ng-transclude" attribute in the template.
Using an alert for testing is very bad practice. You should be writing an assertion that specifically looks for the attribute you want (name in this case) and verifying that it is what you expect it to be. As commenter doodeec above said, you'll find the value you need under References to the element may also need to be element[0] to ensure that you do not get an undefined or null value. Lastly, you have your directive binding to both element and attribute, which seems to be a less than optimal situation. Were I you, I would bind to one or the other, but not both. It'll make for cleaner code in both places and remove some spaghetti.

Selectize & AngularJS not playing along with Select box (Multiple options)

I've been trying to implement Selectize with AngularJS (1.2.4). I'm using this directive to interface with the plugin and everything is working smoothly until now. When using the ngModel from a normal select box It works fine, and returns the expected object but when I try to use it with the multiple attribute, it won't set the model.
I've inspected the DOM and appears the script removes unselected options from the hidden select and that might be messing with the angular binding.
I've created a Plunkr to demonstrate the behaviour.
As mentioned in the comments above, your directive must listen to changes in the selectize plugin and then inform angular of what happened via ng-model.
First, your directive needs to ask for an optional reference to the ngModel controller with the following:
require: '?ngModel'.
It is injected into your link function as an argument in the 4th position:
Then, you must listen for changes in selectize with
and inform ngModel with ngModel.$setViewValue(value)
Here is a modified version of your directive. It should get you started.
angular.module('angular-selectize').directive('selectize', function($timeout) {
return {
// Restrict it to be an attribute in this case
restrict: 'A',
// optionally hook-in to ngModel's API
require: '?ngModel',
// responsible for registering DOM listeners as well as updating the DOM
link: function(scope, element, attrs, ngModel) {
var $element;
$timeout(function() {
$element = $(element).selectize(scope.$eval(attrs.selectize));
if(!ngModel){ return; }//below this we interact with ngModel's controller
//update ngModel when selectize changes
var newValue = $(element).selectize().val();
angular docs for ngModelController

Angular Directive Passing Template Name in as an attribute

if I wanted to pass into angular an attribute which is a template name stored on the templateCache, would doing something like the following be a good approach?
app.directive('myPopup', function() {
var directive = {
link: link,
scope {
'template': '#'
template: $templateCache.get(template);
restrict: 'E'
return directive;
function link(scope, element, attrs) {
Or should it be done on the compile statement, I guess so for performace??
I'm looking to ultimately wrap a bootstrap popover and then be able to provided html content through a template attribute allowing me to reuse popovers by providing different templates.
Can anyone offer any suggestions for the best course of action?

wrapping inputs in directives in angular

I had the idea to wrap inputs into custom directives to guarantee a consistent look and behavior through out my site. I also want to wrap bootstrap ui's datepicker and dropdown. Also, the directive should handle validation and display tooltips.
The HTML should look something like this:
<my-input required max-length='5' model='text' placeholder='text' name='text'/>
<my-datepicker required model='start' placeholder='start' name='start'/>
in the directives i want to create a dom structure like:
<div>..</div> //display validation in here
<div>..</div> //add button to toggle datepicker (or other stuff) in here
<div>..</div> //add input field in here
I tried various ways to achieve this but always came across some tradeoffs:
using transclude and replace to insert the input into the directives dom structure (in this case the directive would be restricted to 'A' not 'E' like in the example above). The problem here is, that there is no easy way to access the transcluded element as I want to add custom attributes in case of datepicker. I could use the transclude function and then recompile the template in the link function, but this seems a bit complex for this task. This also leads to problems with the transcluded scope and the toggle state for the datepicker (one is in the directives scope, the other in the transcluded scope).
using replace only. In this case, all attributes are applied to the outermost div (even if I generate the template dom structure in the compile function). If I use just the input as template, then the attributes are on the input, but I need to generate the template in the link function an then recompile it. As far as I understand the phase model of angular, I would like to avoid recompiling and changing the template dom in the link function (although I've seen many people doing this).
Currently I'm working with the second approach and generating the template in the link function, but I was wondering if someone had some better ideas!
Here's what I believe is the proper way to do this. Like the OP I wanted to be able to use an attribute directive to wrapper an input. But I also wanted it to work with ng-if and such without leaking any elements. As #jantimon pointed out, if you don't cleanup your wrapper elements they will linger after ng-if destroys the original element.
app.directive("checkboxWrapper", [function() {
return {
restrict: "A",
link: function(scope, element, attrs, ctrl, transclude) {
var wrapper = angular.element('<div class="wrapper">This input is wrappered</div>');
scope.$on("$destroy", function() {
And here's a plunker you can play with.
IMPORTANT: scope vs element $destroy. You must put your cleanup in scope.$on("$destroy") and not in element.on("$destroy") (which is what I was originally attempting). If you do it in the latter (element) then an "ngIf end" comment tag will get leaked. This is due to how Angular's ngIf goes about cleaning up its end comment tag when it does its falsey logic. By putting your directive's cleanup code in the scope $destroy you can put the DOM back like it was before you wrappered the input and so ng-if's cleanup code is happy. By the time element.on("$destroy") is called, it is too late in the ng-if falsey flow to unwrap the original element without causing a comment tag leak.
Why not doing a directive like that?
myApp.directive('wrapForm', function(){
return {
restrict: 'AC',
link: function(scope, inputElement, attributes){
var overallWrap = angular.element('<div />');
var validation = angular.element('<div />').appendTo(overallWrap);
var button = angular.element('<div />').appendTo(overallWrap);
var inputWrap = angular.element('<div />').appendTo(overallWrap);
inputElement.on('keyup', function(){
if (inputElement.val()) {
validation.text('Just empty fields are valid!');
} else {
Basically you take the original input field (which is, by the way, also an angularjs directive) and build the wrappings seperately. In this example I simply build the DIVs manually. For more complex stuff, you could also use a template which get $compile(d) by angularjs.
The advantage using this class or html attribute "wrapForm": You may use the same directive for several form input types.
Why not wrap the input in the compile function?
The advantage is that you will not have to copy attributes and will not have to cleanup in the scope destroy function.
Notice that you have to remove the directive attribute though to prevent circular execution.
angular.module('directives').directive('wrappedWithDiv', [
function() {
var definition = {
restrict: 'A',
compile: function(element, attrs) {
element.replaceWith("<div style='border:2px solid blue'>" +
element[0].outerHTML + "</div>")
return definition;
Based on this:
This directive does transclusion, but the transcluded stuff uses the parent scope, so all bindings work as if the transcluded content was in the original scope where the wrapper is used. This of course includes ng-model, also min/max and other validation directives/attributes. Should work for any content. I'm not using the ng-transclude directive because I'm manually cloning the elements and supplying the parent(controller's) scope to them. "my-transclude" is used instead of ng-transclude to specify where to insert the transcluded content.
Too bad ng-transclude does not have a setting to control the scoping. It would make all this clunkyness unnecessary.
And it looks like they won't fix it:
controlsModule.directive('myWrapper', function () {
return {
restrict: 'E',
transclude: true,
scope: {
label: '#',
labelClass: '#',
hint: '#'
link: link,
'<div class="form-group" title="{{hint}}"> \
<label class="{{labelClass}} control-label">{{label}}</label> \
<my-transclude></my-transclude> \
function link(scope, iElement, iAttrs, ctrl, transclude) {
function (clone, scope) {
scope.$on("$destroy", function () {
