Modify struct array and return struct array - arrays

I have a struct array: a 1x10 struct array with fields: N, t, q, r, T, each of which is a vector of type double.
The 10 array entries each represent the outcome of a testing condition in an experiment. I would like to be able to make a function that takes two indices, index1 and index2, and modifies the constituent N, t, q, r vectors (T is a single number) so that they become length index1:index2. Something like
function sa = modifier(struct_array, index1, index2)
sa = structfun(#(x) x(index1:index2), struct_array, 'UniformOutput', false)
Now, where stuff is, I've tried using structfun and cellfun, see here except that those return a struct and a cell array, respectively, whereas I need to return a struct array.
The purpose of this is to be able to get certain sections of the experimental results, e.g. maybe the first five entries in each vector inside each cell correspond to the initial cycles of the experiment.
Please let me know if this is possible, and how I might go about it!

You can try this:
From this question's answer, I figured out how to loop through struct fields. I modified the code to address your question by extracting a subsample from each field that goes through the for loop and then copy the desired subset of that data into a new struct array with identically named fields.
% Define indexes for extraction
fieldsToTrim = {'a' 'b'};
idx = 2:3; % Create index vector for extracting selected data range
% Define test struct to be read
teststruct.a = [1 2 3];
teststruct.b = [4 5 6];
teststruct.c = [7 8 9];
% Get names of struct fields
fields = fieldnames(teststruct);
% Loop through each field and extract the subset
for i = 1:numel(fields)
if max(strcmp(fields{i},fieldsToTrim)) > 0
% If current matches one of the fields selected for extraction
% extract subset
teststructResults.(fields{i}) = teststruct.(fields{i})(idx);
% Else, copy all contents on field to resulting struct
teststructResults.(fields{i}) = teststruct.(fields{i});
Finally, to turn this into a function, you can modify the above code to this:
function teststructResults = extractSubsetFromStruct(teststruct,fieldsToTrim,idx1, idx2)
% idx1 and idx2 are the start and end indicies of the desired range
% fieldsToTrim is a string array of the field names you want
% included in the trimming, all other fields will be fully copied
% teststruct is your input structure which you are extracting the
% subset from
% teststructResults is the output containing identically named
% struct fields to the input, but only containing data from the selected range
idx = idx1:idx2; % Create index vector for extracting selected data range
% Get names of struct fields
fields = fieldnames(teststruct);
% Loop through each field and extract the subset
for i = 1:numel(fields)
if max(strcmp(fields{i},fieldsToTrim)) > 0
% If current matches one of the fields selected for extraction
% extract subset
temp = teststruct.(fields{i});
teststructResults.(fields{i}) = temp(idx);
% Else, copy all contents on field to resulting struct
teststructResults.(fields{i}) = teststruct.(fields{i});
I successfully ran the function like this:
teststruct =
a: [1 2 3]
b: [4 5 6]
c: [7 8 9]
>> extractSubsetFromStruct(teststruct,{'a' 'b'},2,3)
ans =
a: [2 3]
b: [5 6]
c: [7 8 9]


In MATLAB how can I write out a multidimensional array as a string that looks like a raw numpy array?

The Goal
(Forgive me for length of this, it's mostly background and detail.)
I'm contributing to a TOML encoder/decoder for MATLAB and I'm working with numerical arrays right now. I want to input (and then be able to write out) the numerical array in the same format. This format is the nested square-bracket format that is used by numpy.array. For example, to make multi-dimensional arrays in numpy:
The following is in python, just to be clear. It is a useful example though my work is in MATLAB.
2D arrays
>> x = np.array([1,2])
>> x
array([1, 2])
>> x = np.array([[1],[2]])
>> x
3D array
>> x = np.array([[[1,2],[3,4]],[[5,6],[7,8]]])
>> x
array([[[1, 2],
[3, 4]],
[[5, 6],
[7, 8]]])
4D array
>> x = np.array([[[[1,2],[3,4]],[[5,6],[7,8]]],[[[9,10],[11,12]],[[13,14],[15,16]]]])
>> x
array([[[[ 1, 2],
[ 3, 4]],
[[ 5, 6],
[ 7, 8]]],
[[[ 9, 10],
[11, 12]],
[[13, 14],
[15, 16]]]])
The input is a logical construction of the dimensions by nested brackets. Turns out this works pretty well with the TOML array structure. I can already successfully parse and decode any size/any dimension numeric array with this format from TOML to MATLAB numerical array data type.
Now, I want to encode that MATLAB numerical array back into this char/string structure to write back out to TOML (or whatever string).
So I have the following 4D array in MATLAB (same 4D array as with numpy):
>> x = permute(reshape([1:16],2,2,2,2),[2,1,3,4])
x(:,:,1,1) =
1 2
3 4
x(:,:,2,1) =
5 6
7 8
x(:,:,1,2) =
9 10
11 12
x(:,:,2,2) =
13 14
15 16
And I want to turn that into a string that has the same format as the 4D numpy input (with some function named bracketarray or something):
>> str = bracketarray(x)
str =
I can then write out the string to a file.
EDIT: I should add, that the function numpy.array2string() basically does exactly what I want, though it adds some other whitespace characters. But I can't use that as part of the solution, though it is basically the functionality I'm looking for.
The Problem
Here's my problem. I have successfully solved this problem for up to 3 dimensions using the following function, but I cannot for the life of me figure out how to extend it to N-dimensions. I feel like it's an issue of the right kind of counting for each dimension, making sure to not skip any and to nest the brackets correctly.
Current bracketarray.m that works up to 3D
function out = bracketarray(in, internal)
in_size = size(in);
in_dims = ndims(in);
% if array has only 2 dimensions, create the string
if in_dims == 2
storage = cell(in_size(1), 1);
for jj = 1:in_size(1)
storage{jj} = strcat('[', strjoin(split(num2str(in(jj, :)))', ','), ']');
if exist('internal', 'var') || in_size(1) > 1 || (in_size(1) == 1 && in_dims >= 3)
out = {strcat('[', strjoin(storage, ','), ']')};
out = storage;
% if array has more than 2 dimensions, recursively send planes of 2 dimensions for encoding
out = cell(in_size(end), 1);
for ii = 1:in_size(end) %<--- this doesn't track dimensions or counts of them
out(ii) = bracketarray(in(:,:,ii), 'internal'); %<--- this is limited to 3 dimensions atm. and out(indexing) need help
% bracket the final bit together
if in_size(1) > 1 || (in_size(1) == 1 && in_dims >= 3)
out = {strcat('[', strjoin(out, ','), ']')};
Help me Obi-wan Kenobis, y'all are my only hope!
EDIT 2: Added test suite below and modified current code a bit.
Test Suite
Here is a test suite to use to see if the output is what it should be. Basically just copy and paste it into the MATLAB command window. For my current posted code, they all return true except the ones more than 3D. My current code outputs as a cell. If your solution output differently (like a string), then you'll have to remove the curly brackets from the test suite.
isequal(bracketarray(ones(1,1)), {'[1]'})
isequal(bracketarray(ones(2,1)), {'[[1],[1]]'})
isequal(bracketarray(ones(1,2)), {'[1,1]'})
isequal(bracketarray(ones(2,2)), {'[[1,1],[1,1]]'})
isequal(bracketarray(ones(3,2)), {'[[1,1],[1,1],[1,1]]'})
isequal(bracketarray(ones(2,3)), {'[[1,1,1],[1,1,1]]'})
isequal(bracketarray(ones(1,1,2)), {'[[[1]],[[1]]]'})
isequal(bracketarray(ones(2,1,2)), {'[[[1],[1]],[[1],[1]]]'})
isequal(bracketarray(ones(1,2,2)), {'[[[1,1]],[[1,1]]]'})
isequal(bracketarray(ones(2,2,2)), {'[[[1,1],[1,1]],[[1,1],[1,1]]]'})
isequal(bracketarray(ones(1,1,1,2)), {'[[[[1]]],[[[1]]]]'})
isequal(bracketarray(ones(2,1,1,2)), {'[[[[1],[1]]],[[[1],[1]]]]'})
isequal(bracketarray(ones(1,2,1,2)), {'[[[[1,1]]],[[[1,1]]]]'})
isequal(bracketarray(ones(1,1,2,2)), {'[[[[1]],[[1]]],[[[1]],[[1]]]]'})
isequal(bracketarray(ones(2,1,2,2)), {'[[[[1],[1]],[[1],[1]]],[[[1],[1]],[[1],[1]]]]'})
isequal(bracketarray(ones(1,2,2,2)), {'[[[[1,1]],[[1,1]]],[[[1,1]],[[1,1]]]]'})
isequal(bracketarray(ones(2,2,2,2)), {'[[[[1,1],[1,1]],[[1,1],[1,1]]],[[[1,1],[1,1]],[[1,1],[1,1]]]]'})
isequal(bracketarray(permute(reshape([1:16],2,2,2,2),[2,1,3,4])), {'[[[[1,2],[3,4]],[[5,6],[7,8]]],[[[9,10],[11,12]],[[13,14],[15,16]]]]'})
isequal(bracketarray(ones(1,1,1,1,2)), {'[[[[[1]]]],[[[[1]]]]]'})
I think it would be easier to just loop and use join. Your test cases pass.
function out = bracketarray_matlabbit(in)
out = permute(in, [2 1 3:ndims(in)]);
out = string(out);
dimsToCat = ndims(out);
if iscolumn(out)
dimsToCat = dimsToCat-1;
for i = 1:dimsToCat
out = "[" + join(out, ",", i) + "]";
This also seems to be faster than the route you were pursing:
>> x = permute(reshape([1:16],2,2,2,2),[2,1,3,4]);
>> tic; for i = 1:1e4; bracketarray_matlabbit(x); end; toc
Elapsed time is 0.187955 seconds.
>> tic; for i = 1:1e4; bracketarray_cris_luengo(x); end; toc
Elapsed time is 5.859952 seconds.
The recursive function is almost complete. What is missing is a way to index the last dimension. There are several ways to do this, the neatest, I find, is as follows:
n = ndims(x);
index = cell(n-1, 1);
index(:) = {':'};
y = x(index{:}, ii);
It's a little tricky at first, but this is what happens: index is a set of n-1 strings ':'. index{:} is a comma-separated list of these strings. When we index x(index{:},ii) we actually do x(:,:,:,ii) (if n is 4).
The completed recursive function is:
function out = bracketarray(in)
n = ndims(in);
if n == 2
% Fill in your n==2 code here
% if array has more than 2 dimensions, recursively send planes of 2 dimensions for encoding
index = cell(n-1, 1);
index(:) = {':'};
storage = cell(size(in, n), 1);
for ii = 1:size(in, n)
storage(ii) = bracketarray(in(index{:}, ii)); % last dimension automatically removed
out = { strcat('[', strjoin(storage, ','), ']') };
Note that I have preallocated the storage cell array, to prevent it from being resized in every loop iteration. You should do the same in your 2D case code. Preallocating is important in MATLAB for performance reasons, and the MATLAB Editor should warm you about this too.

Given two arrays A and B, how to get B values which are the closest to A

Suppose I have two arrays ordered in an ascending order, i.e.:
A = [1 5 7], B = [1 2 3 6 9 10]
I would like to create from B a new vector B', which contains only the closest values to A values (one for each).
I also need the indexes. So, in my example I would like to get:
B' = [1 6 9], Idx = [1 4 5]
Note that the third value is 9. Indeed 6 is closer to 7 but it is already 'taken' since it is close to 4.
Any idea for a suitable code?
Note: my true arrays are much larger and contain real (not int) values
Also, it is given that B is longer then A
Assuming you want to minimize the overall discrepancies between elements of A and matched elements in B, the problem can be written as an assignment problem of assigning to every row (element of A) a column (element of B) given a cost matrix C. The Hungarian (or Munkres') algorithm solves the assignment problem.
I assume that you want to minimize cumulative squared distance between A and matched elements in B, and use the function [assignment,cost] = munkres(costMat) by Yi Cao from
A = [1 5 7];
B = [1 2 3 6 9 10];
[Bprime,matches] = matching(A,B)
function [Bprime,matches] = matching(A,B)
C = (repmat(A',1,length(B)) - repmat(B,length(A),1)).^2;
[matches,~] = munkres(C);
Bprime = B(matches);
Assuming instead you want to find matches recursively, as suggested by your question, you could either walk through A, for each element in A find the closest remaining element in B and discard it (sortedmatching below); or you could iteratively form and discard the distance-minimizing match between remaining elements in A and B until all elements in A are matched (greedymatching):
A = [1 5 7];
B = [1 2 3 6 9 10];
[~,~,Bprime,matches] = sortedmatching(A,B,[],[])
[~,~,Bprime,matches] = greedymatching(A,B,[],[])
function [A,B,Bprime,matches] = sortedmatching(A,B,Bprime,matches)
[~,ix] = min((A(1) - B).^2);
matches = [matches ix];
Bprime = [Bprime B(ix)];
A = A(2:end);
B(ix) = Inf;
[A,B,Bprime,matches] = sortedmatching(A,B,Bprime,matches);
function [A,B,Bprime,matches] = greedymatching(A,B,Bprime,matches)
C = (repmat(A',1,length(B)) - repmat(B,length(A),1)).^2;
[minrows,ixrows] = min(C);
[~,ixcol] = min(minrows);
ixrow = ixrows(ixcol);
matches(ixrow) = ixcol;
Bprime(ixrow) = B(ixcol);
A(ixrow) = -Inf;
B(ixcol) = Inf;
if(max(A) > -Inf)
[A,B,Bprime,matches] = greedymatching(A,B,Bprime,matches);
While producing the same results in your example, all three methods potentially give different answers on the same data.
Normally I would run screaming from for and while loops in Matlab, but in this case I cannot see how the solution could be vectorized. At least it is O(N) (or near enough, depending on how many equally-close matches to each A(i) there are in B). It would be pretty simple to code the following in C and compile it into a mex file, to make it run at optimal speed, but here's a pure-Matlab solution:
function [out, ind] = greedy_nearest(A, B)
if nargin < 1, A = [1 5 7]; end
if nargin < 2, B = [1 2 3 6 9 10]; end
ind = A * 0;
walk = 1;
for i = 1:numel(A)
match = 0;
lastDelta = inf;
while walk < numel(B)
delta = abs(B(walk) - A(i));
if delta < lastDelta, match = walk; end
if delta > lastDelta, break, end
lastDelta = delta;
walk = walk + 1;
ind(i) = match;
walk = match + 1;
out = B(ind);
You could first get the absolute distance from each value in A to each value in B, sort them and then get the first unique value to a sequence when looking down in each column.
% Get distance from each value in A to each value in B
[~, minIdx] = sort(abs(bsxfun(#minus, A,B.')));
% Get first unique sequence looking down each column
idx = zeros(size(A));
for iCol = 1:numel(A)
for iRow = 1:iCol
if ~ismember(idx, minIdx(iRow,iCol))
idx(iCol) = minIdx(iRow,iCol);
The result when applying idx to B
>> idx
1 4 5
>> B(idx)
1 6 9

MATLAB Array of structures assignment

I have an array of structures. Lets say
s(1).value, ... , s(5).value.
I have a vector of values, lets say vals = [1 2 3 4 5], that i want to assign to the array of structures. So written in pseudocode i want: s(:).value = vals.
As shown below there is a know solution. But is it really not possible to do this assignment in 1 line as in the pseudocode?
% Vector of values
vals = [1 2 3 4 5];
n = length(vals);
% Initialize struct
s(n).values = 0;
% Put vals into my struct.values
[s(1:n).values] = ???
% Known solution that i am not satisfied with:
vals_c = num2cell(vals);
[s(1:n).values] = vals_c{:};
Best regards, Jonas
It's possible to do this in one line using cell2struct in conjuction with num2cell.
% Vector of values
vals = [1 2 3 4 5];
n = length(vals);
% Put vals into my struct.values
s = cell2struct(num2cell(vals), 'values', 1)
% transpose if orientation is important
s = s.';
it's not pretty, but it does do it in one line. cell2struct supports multiple entries so you may be able to populate many fields.
The big downside is that it creates the struct from scratch, so you'd have to do a struct merge if you need to add this data to an existing struct.
Having recently gone through the same phase I thought I'd answer this one.
To create a new structure with one field:
field = 'f';
value = {'some text';
[10, 20, 30];
s = struct(field,value)
Create a nonscalar structure with several fields:
field1 = 'f1'; value1 = zeros(1,10);
field2 = 'f2'; value2 = {'a', 'b'};
field3 = 'f3'; value3 = {pi, pi.^2};
field4 = 'f4'; value4 = {'fourth'};
s = struct(field1,value1,field2,value2,field3,value3,field4,value4)
Also, as I'd always suggest, going over the documentation a few times is quite necessary and useful, so there you go.

Finding an element of a structure based on a field value

I have a 1x10 structure array with plenty of fields and I would like to remove from the struct array the element with a specific value on one of the field variables.
I know the value im looking for and the field I should be looking for and I also know how to delete the element from the struct array once I find it. Question is how(if possible) to elegantly identify it without going through a brute force solution ie a for-loop that goes through elements of the struct array to compare with the value I m looking for.
Sample code: buyers as 1x10 struct array with fields:
and the variable to find in the id values like id_test = 12
You can use the fact that if you have an array of structs, and you use the dot referencing, this creates a comma-separated list. If you enclose this in [] it will attempt to create an array and if you enclose it in {} it will be coerced into a cell array.
a(1).value = 1;
a(2).value = 2;
a(3).value = 3;
% Into an array
% 1 2 3
% Into a cell array
% [1] [2] [3]
So to do your comparison, you can convert the field you care about into either an array of cell array to do the comparison. This comparison will then yield a logical array which you can use to index into the original structure.
For example
% Some example data
s = struct('id', {1, 2, 3}, 'n', {'a', 'b', 'c'}, 'Budget', {100, 200, 300});
% Remove all entries with id == 2
s = s([] ~= 2);
% Remove entries that have an id of 2 or 3
s = s(~ismember([], [2 3]));
% Find ones with an `n` of 'a' (uses a cell array since it's strings)
s = s(ismember({}, 'a'));

vectorize data from struct in matlab

I have created a struct by:
a(1).x = {[1.1 5 8], [3 5 6]};
a(2).x = {[3.1 0 4], [9 8 7]};
and wish to obtain an array with value [1.1 3.1].
I have tried:
Field reference for multiple structure elements that is
followed by more reference blocks is an error.
Any ideas please?
The syntax error tells that you cannot further sub-reference inside multiple struct elements. So, the obvious one-liner—much slower than a for loop—that saves memory would be:
arrayfun(#(y) y.x{1}(1), a)
Just for you to compare performance, the loop-based version
function A = my_extractor(S)
A = zeros(size(S));
N = numel(S);
for k = 1:N
A(k) = S(k).x{1}(1);
If your .x field will always have the same dimensions then you could try
A = vertcat(a.x);
X = vertcat(A{:,1});
