I have custom objects Team member and Employment, and there's a lookup relationship from employment(many) to team member(one), plus another lookup record on team member called current employment.
The employment record may have attachments.
I want a SOQL query, to run in an APEX class, which will return attachments information for specific team members.
So far I have this:
SObject[] results = [select id,(select id,name from Attachments) from Employment__c where id in (select Current_Employment__c from Team_Member__c where id=:id)];
Wnen I run the query in the schema browser, it works OK and I'm able to drill-down to the attachments, but when I run it in Apex (Anonymous), the result set does not contain the attachments:
for (SObject result : results) {
I can only see the Employment id in the results.
How can I get attachments in APEX?
You do following to get list of attachment related to that object.
Employment__c[] results = [select id,(select id,name from Attachments) from Employment__c where id in (select Current_Employment__c from Team_Member__c where id=:id)];
for (Employment__c result : results) {
List<Attachment> AttachmentList=result.Attachments;
I have a custom Commission table which has a master detail relationship with contact. I have a List of AccountIds being passed into the function and then into the query. I'm getting the error: " Didn't understand relationship 'Contacts' in FROM part of query call" Any help would be great.
List<Commission__c> comList2 = [SELECT commission_amount__c, date_given__c,
(SELECT Id FROM Contacts WHERE AccountId in : accountIds)
FROM Commission__c];
SELECT commission_amount__c, date_given__c, Contact__r.Name, Contact__r.Email
FROM Commission__c
WHERE Contact__r.AccountId IN :accountIds
Given: A Salesforce user is viewing an account page.
Desired Output: All Emails of Contacts related to the Account currently viewed as a List object.
My code:
SELECT Email FROM Contact WHERE Id IN (SELECT ContactId FROM AccountContactRelation WHERE AccountId = ApexPages.CurrentPage.getParameters().get('id'))
This does not retrieve any results. When using a fixed number instead of ApexPages.CurrentPage.getParameters().get('id'), the Emails are correctly returned.
I'm sort of new to Apex. Could anyone point out what I am doing wrong?
To achieve the desired output you need to use SOQL variable injection.
You can do this by creating a variable first and then referencing the variable inside the SOQL using : and the variable name:
String theAccountId = ApexPages.CurrentPage.getParameters().get('id');
List<Contact> theContacts = [SELECT Email FROM Contact WHERE Id IN (SELECT ContactId FROM AccountContactRelation WHERE AccountId = :theAccountId)];
You can use a static query with a bind variable to retrieve the correct results.
Additionally, the Contact object contains an AccountId field of its own. Therefore, depending on your setup, you may be able to eliminate your subquery. You may also want to filter out Email fields that are empty, since Email is not a required field.
The complete result could look something like this:
String accountId = ApexPages.CurrentPage.getParameters().get('id');
List<Contact> accountContactsEmailList = [
Email != ''
AND AccountId = :accountId
for (Contact contact : accountContactsEmailList) {
I have a scenario where multiple loopings are causing the system resource error.
I need some help with map of map syntax or coding sample for this requirement.
Requirement is:
Account has 1 or more ReportCard records.
ReportCard has Account and Contact.
Now i need to get the list of ReportCards and filter by 1 per contact and recently created records only.
If ReportCard has 2 records with same contact, include only recently created.
// get list of unique accounts from the set
list<Account> accList = new list<Account >([SELECT Id,Average_of_Pulse_Check_Recommend_Score_N__c,Average_of_Recommend_Score_Lanyon_N__c,Average_of_Touchpoint_Recommend_Score_N__c,Average_of_Touch_Point_Satisfaction_N__c FROM Account WHERE Id in:AccIds]);
list<ReportCard__c> allRCList = new list<ReportCard__c>([SELECT Id,Net_Promoter_text__c,CreatedDate, Contact__c, Account__c, RecordTypeID, Touchpoint_Satisfaction_text__c FROM ReportCard__c WHERE Account__c in:accList Order By Account__c, CreatedDate Desc]);
List<ReportCard__c> rcListbyAccounts = new List<ReportCard__c>();
for(Account acc:accList)
Any help would be appreciated.
I'm not sure I understand your situation correctly. You've skipped the for loop - I strongly suspect any issues you have there sit in the loop rather than in the queries.
Looks like you should read about using relationship queries (salesforce versions of JOIN in regular database): http://www.salesforce.com/us/developer/docs/soql_sosl/Content/sforce_api_calls_soql_relationships.htm
Pay special attention to subqueries (which behave similar to how a related list behaves on record's detail page).
From what I see I'd say you don't need to query for Accounts at all, or at least not like that. This will work equally well:
SELECT Id,Net_Promoter_text__c,CreatedDate, Contact__c, Account__c, ...
FROM ReportCard__c
WHERE Account__c in:accIds
ORDER BY Account__c, CreatedDate Desc
Now lets attack this:
List of ReportCards and filter by 1 per contact and recently created
records only. If ReportCard has 2 records with same contact, include
only recently created.
I'd reverse it - I'd start the query from Contact level, go down to the related list of Report Cards and pick the latest one. That way it eliminates the issue with duplicate contacts for you. Something like this:
SELECT Id, Name, Email,
(SELECT Id, Net_Promoter_text__c, CreatedDate, Account__c, Account__r.Name, Account__r.Average_of_Pulse_Check_Recommend_Score_N__c
FROM ReportCards__r
WHERE Account__c IN :accIds
FROM Contact
WHERE AccountId IN :accIds
This goes from Contact "down" to Report Cards (via the relationship name ReportCards__r) and then "up" from Card to Account via Account__r.Name, Account__r.Average_of_Pulse_Check_Recommend_Score_N__c...
i have SOQL query which queries for some records based on a where condition.
select id, name,account.name ... <other fields> from opportunity where eventname__c='Test Event'
i also need to get the related contact details for the account in the opportunity. ie i need to add the email ids of contact who all are part of the account in the opportunity.
For each opportunity, i need to get all the contacts emailids who are associated with the account in opportunity.
I cant really figure out how to approach this.
referring the documentation i can get the contact info of a account using the query
FROM Contacts
FROM Account
How can i use this along with opportunity?
The problem is that you are trying to traverse up from opportunity to its parent (account) and then back down to the children (contacts).
I think you will have to do it in two stages, e.g. roughly like:
id[] accountids = new id[]{};
for (opportunity opp : [select accountid from opportunity where eventname__c='Test Event'])
accountids.add (opp.accountid);
account[] acclist = [select name, (select email from contacts) from account where id in :accountIds];
I'm having trouble getting the results I want from a Salesforce/Apex/SOQL query.
I want: A list of Contact objects containing only contacts who are CampaignMembers of a set of campaigns; and they should have the data from that Campaign member easily accessible.
(my eventual goal is a VF page with a list of all Contacts connected to any of these campaigns with a grid indicating their status for each campaign.)
These work:
Campaign[] cams = [SELECT id, name
FROM Campaign
WHERE parentid = '70170000000LRIe'];
// returns ~4 Campaign objects
CampaignMember[] cmembers = [SELECT id, status, contactid, campaignid
FROM CampaignMember
WHERE campaignid in :cams];
// returns about 40 CampaignMember objects.
Here's my problem:
Contact[] members = [SELECT id, firstname, lastname,
(SELECT id, status, comment__c, campaignid
FROM Contact.CampaignMembers
WHERE campaignid in :cams)
FROM Contact];
// contains ALL Contacts in the DB, but I wanted filtered results.
// this is a contact I've verified has a qualifying CampaignMember, but the list is empty.
// UPDATE: CampaignMembers are now being returned, not sure what changed...
Why aren't any CampaignMember objects being returned from the subquery?
Why isn't the Contact list being filtered? (well, obviously b/c there's no WHERE clause in it, but what WHERE clause provides what I want?)
I know I could do this by doing the CampaignMember query on its own and looping through it to prep a Contact query, but that seems like a lot of extra processing when a subquery should work.
The CampaignMember objects are now showing up - oddly - I must have fixed some small typo without noticing (and yes, they're returning multiple columns and that seems to be fine).
I still can't figure out how to filter the Contact query, though...
You could use a semi-join on contacts to filter the contacts to the set you want, something like this
[select id, firstname, lastname,
(select id, status, comment__c, campaignid from CampaignMembers)
from contact where id in
(select contactId from campaignMember where campaignId in :cams];
Another option would be to drive from campaignMmeber instead.
[select contact.id, contact.firstname, contact.lastname,
status, comment__c, campaignId from campaignMembers
where contactId !='' and campaignId in :cams];