i am confused with the code below. why does the input overwrite the elements in the stack.
for example i enter "abc" first
then the stack will be "123"
but when i enter another string, let's say "234"
the stack will be "234" "234"
but when i used int data type instead of char for my input, there's no error.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
struct node{
char* info;
struct node *ptr;
int count = 0;
/* Push data into stack */
void pushy(char* data){
if (top == NULL)
top =(struct node *)malloc(1*sizeof(struct node));
top->ptr = NULL;
strcpy(top->info, data);
temp =(struct node *)malloc(1*sizeof(struct node));
temp->ptr = top;
strcpy(temp->info, data);
top = temp;
/* Display stack elements */
void display(){
top1 = top;
if (top1 == NULL)
printf("Stack is empty");
while (top1 != NULL)
printf("%s ", top1->info);
top1 = top1->ptr;
/* Pop Operation on stack */
void pop(){
top1 = top;
if (top1 == NULL)
printf("\n Error : Trying to pop from empty stack");
top1 = top1->ptr;
printf("\n Popped value : %s", top->info);
top = top1;
/* Return top element */
char* topelement(){
int main()
int ch=0;
printf("\n 1 - Push");
printf("\n 2 - Pop");
printf("\n 3 - Top");
printf("\n 4 - Display");
printf("\n 5 - Exit");
top = NULL;
while (1)
char no[10]={NULL};
char* e;
printf("\n Enter choice : ");
scanf("%d", &ch);
printf("Enter data : ");
scanf("\n\n%s", &no);
else if(ch==2){
else if(ch==3){
if (top == NULL)
printf("No elements in stack");
e = topelement();
printf("\n Top element : %d", e);
else if(ch==4)
else if(ch==5)
At least function pushy has undefined behaviour beacuse it tries to overwrite memory that was not allocated by the function
void pushy(char* data){
if (top == NULL)
top =(struct node *)malloc(1*sizeof(struct node));
top->ptr = NULL;
strcpy(top->info, data);
You should at first allocate memory that will be pointed to by data member top->info where you are going to copy the string pointed to by parameter data
For example
void pushy(char* data){
if (top == NULL)
top =(struct node *)malloc(1*sizeof(struct node));
top->ptr = NULL;
top->info = malloc( ( strlen( data ) + 1 ) * sizeof( char ) );
strcpy(top->info, data);
The function could be written the following way
void pushy( const char* data )
temp = ( struct node * )malloc( sizeof( struct node ) );
temp->ptr = top;
temp->info = ( char * )malloc( ( strlen( data ) + 1 ) * sizeof( char ) );
strcpy( temp->info, data );
top = temp;
Of cpurse you have to free also the memory allocated for top->info when you will free the node itself in function pop().
Take into account that there is no need to declare variables top1 and temp like global.
Also in this call
scanf("\n\n%s", &no);
the second argument shall be specified simply like no instead of &no
And in this call
printf("\n Top element : %d", e);
you have to use format specifier %s instead of %d
scanf("\n\n%s", &no);
Remove '&' from the above statement.
Also, as per you code better to take info as char array instead of char *
struct node{
char info[20];
struct node *ptr;
No memory is being allocated for the string in the node:
top =(struct node *)malloc(1*sizeof(struct node));
top->ptr = NULL;
strcpy(top->info, data);
When strcpy is called top->info pointer is invalid. You will have to allocate the memory, assing it to the pointer top->info and then copy the string into that memory.
Don't forget to free the memory held my info pointer before you free the entire node.
i guess this is question is as custom as it can get because i haven't found anything like it online.
i am doing a homework for school where i am supposed to create a program that takes as input a file of type csv containing student information(first name, last name , phone number, class, etc ), creates and fills up a chained list from the info in that file, sorts it using a column of the user's choice, then displays the sorted list.
i got the program to work, but the part where the user can choose a sort column i haven't written it yet; right now, the sort parameter is injected inside the sort function.
i need your help to find out how i can take the input of the user and get it inside the sort function..
which data type points to the sort column inside the linked list? i tried pointers but i got nowhere..
here is the code:
// ============================
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <string.h>
// ============================
#define FILE_TO_READ "TPP_TP_Data_2019_base.csv"
// ============================
typedef struct node
char Lastname[50];
char Firstname[50];
char Initials[50];
char Mobile[50];
char Class[50];
char InitialSort[50];
char RandomSort[50];
struct node *next;
} node;
node *HEAD=NULL;
// ============================
node * Read();
void Display(node *);
void Sort();
void InsertionSort(node **);
void sortedInsert(node** ,node*);
// ============================
int main()
return 0;
// ============================
node * Read()
FILE *fPointer;
fPointer = fopen(FILE_TO_READ,"r");
if (fPointer == NULL)
printf("\nCould not open file %s",FILE_TO_READ);
//reading the file and creating liked list
char parsedLine[100];
node *head = NULL;
node *p = NULL;
while(fgets(parsedLine, 100, fPointer) != NULL)
node * temp=malloc(sizeof(node));
char *getNom = strtok(parsedLine, ";");
strcpy(temp->Lastname, getNom);
char *getPrenom = strtok(NULL, ";");
strcpy(temp->Firstname, getPrenom);
char *getInitials = strtok(NULL, ";");
strcpy(temp->Initials, getInitials);
char *getMobile = strtok(NULL, ";");
strcpy(temp->Mobile, getMobile);
char *getClasse = strtok(NULL, ";");
strcpy(temp->Class, getClasse);
char *getTriInitial = strtok(NULL, ";");
strcpy(temp->InitialSort, getTriInitial);
char *getTriAleatoire = strtok(NULL, ";");
strcpy(temp->RandomSort, getTriAleatoire);
temp->next = NULL;
if(head == NULL) // if first is empty, then make temp the first node
head = temp;
while(p->next != NULL)
return head;
void Display(node * head) // prints out the contents of the linked list // done
node *temp=head;
printf("%s %s %s %s %s %s %s \n",temp->Lastname,temp->Firstname,temp->Initials,temp->Mobile,temp->Class,temp->InitialSort,temp->RandomSort);
temp = temp->next;
void Sort()
char SortParameter;
// declare SortChoice here;
printf("\n Enter sort Parameter : ");
printf("\n P - Firstname");
printf("\n N - Lastname");
printf("\n I - Initials");
printf("\n M - Mobile");
printf("\n C - Class");
printf("\n X - Tri Initial");
printf("\n Z - Tri Aleatoire");
printf("\n Your Choice : ");
case 'P': SortChoice = ;
case 'N': SortChoice = ;
case 'I': SortChoice = ;
case 'M': SortChoice = ;
case 'C': SortChoice = ;
case 'X': SortChoice = ;
case 'Z': SortChoice = ;
printf("\n Sorting done, Here is the Sorted list : \n");
void InsertionSort(node **head_ref) // function to sort a singly linked list using insertion sort
// Initialize sorted linked list
node *sorted = NULL;
// Traverse the given linked list and insert every node to sorted
node *current = *head_ref;
while (current != NULL)
// Store next for next iteration
node *next = current->next;
// insert current in sorted linked list
sortedInsert(&sorted, current);
// Update current
current = next;
// Update head_ref to point to sorted linked list
*head_ref = sorted;
void sortedInsert(node** head_ref,node* new_node)
node* current;
// Special case for the head end
if (*head_ref == NULL || (*head_ref)->Firstname >= new_node->Firstname)
new_node->next = *head_ref;
*head_ref = new_node;
// Locate the node before the point of insertion
current = *head_ref;
while (current->next!=NULL && strcmp(current->next->Firstname, new_node->Firstname)<0 )
current = current->next;
new_node->next = current->next;
current->next = new_node;
My goal is to create a linked list and store elements inside that list.
struct node
int a;
struct node *b;
} p,*temp,*head;
void create ( struct node *temp)
char c;
temp = malloc (sizeof(struct node));
printf("enter data\n");
scanf(" %d",&temp->a);
printf("do you want to insert another node y/n\n");
scanf("%s", &c);
if (c=='y')
else if ( c=='n')
temp->b= NULL;
void traverse ( struct node *head)
while(head != NULL)
printf("%d ",head->a);
int main ()
int i,j,k,l,m,n;
printf("enter data\n");
create (p.b);
else if ( i==2)
I can't recover the elements once i've stored them. When I try to traverse the list, it only gives me the first element of the list and nothing else.
In main
do {
else if ( i==2)
must be something like
do {
if (scanf("%d", &i) != 1)
else if ( i==2)
to know what the user want (i not initialized in your code)
in create
scanf("%s", &c);
is wrong because c is a char rather than a string
Do not mix read of int and char because you will read newline and space when reading a character, so read a string for c, for instance
char c[2];
scanf("%1s", &c);
if (*c == 'y')
else if (c == 'n')
the return in else branch is useless, and in case the answer is not 'y' or 'n' you do nothing so you do not set temps, probably you have to just check if 'y' and all other answers must be considered to be 'n', or you need to ask again for the choice
in create you assign the local variable temps, that has no effect on p.b in main, you need to get a node** for instance
in main temp is used but never set elsewhere, and the variables j,k,l,m,n are useless. You also ask for the data in main while you also do in create, must not be done in main. The way you manage your variables do not allow you to modify/print the list
I encourage you to not use global variables the must you can, and to not use the same name for a global and local variable like you do for temp and head because that do not help the reader of your code
A proposal solving the problems :
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
struct node
int a;
struct node * b;
/* flush input up to the end of the line */
void flush()
int c;
while ((c = getchar()) != '\n') {
if (c == EOF)
void create (struct node ** l)
/* go to the end of the list */
while (*l != NULL)
l = &(*l)->b;
for (;;) {
char c[2];
int v;
printf("enter data\n");
if (scanf("%d", &v) != 1) {
puts("invalid value");
else {
*l = malloc (sizeof(struct node));
(*l)->a = v;
(*l)->b = NULL;
l = &(*l)->b;
for (;;) {
printf("do you want to insert another node y/n\n");
scanf("%1s", c);
if (*c == 'y')
else if (*c == 'n')
void traverse ( struct node *head)
while(head != NULL)
printf("%d ",head->a);
head = head->b;
int main ()
int i;
struct node *head = NULL;
for (;;) {
puts("enter choice : 1 to create new node, 2 to print list, 3 to exit");
if (scanf("%d", &i) != 1)
switch(i) {
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
return 0;
Compilation and execution :
/tmp % gcc -pedantic -Wextra -Wall t.c
/tmp % ./a.out
enter choice : 1 to create new node, 2 to print list, 3 to exit
enter choice : 1 to create new node, 2 to print list, 3 to exit
enter data
do you want to insert another node y/n
enter data
do you want to insert another node y/n
enter choice : 1 to create new node, 2 to print list, 3 to exit
11 22
enter choice : 1 to create new node, 2 to print list, 3 to exit
enter data
do you want to insert another node y/n
enter choice : 1 to create new node, 2 to print list, 3 to exit
11 22 3
enter choice : 1 to create new node, 2 to print list, 3 to exit
enter choice : 1 to create new node, 2 to print list, 3 to exit
I encourage you to add the free of the list
There are several issues here:
struct node
int a;
struct node *b;
} p,*temp,*head;
Why do you declare global variables and use it as function parameters ? Global variables are available globally, there is no need to pass them into functions. On the other hand, global variables should be avoided and used with care, so it would be better to create local variables (e.g. in main function) and pass them as parameters into next functions.
void create ( struct node *temp)
char c;
temp = malloc (sizeof(struct node));
printf("enter data\n");
scanf(" %d",&temp->a);
printf("do you want to insert another node y/n\n");
scanf("%s", &c);
if (c=='y')
else if ( c=='n')
temp->b= NULL;
This function looks wrong. temp function parameter is actually an internal function's variable, that is not an in/out parameter. In that case you can assign to the temp variable, but it will not for a list. Also temp function parameter shadows temp global variable. It is also a good think to return status of operation, usually '0' means no error, any other error value.
Another thing is to keep things as simple as possible. This will allow for more reuseability and goes with single responsibility principle. If function actually performs two tasks it should be split into two functions.
One more thing, you allocate memory dynamically but never free the memory. This will lead into memory losses.
A possible implementation of your list could be:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
typedef struct _node_t
int a;
struct _node_t * next;
} node_t;
static node_t * head = NULL;
static node_t * tail = NULL;
node_t * create(void)
node_t * temp = malloc(sizeof(node_t));
if (NULL == temp)
return NULL;
printf("Enter data\n");
scanf("%d", & temp->a);
return temp;
void append(node_t * data)
if (NULL == head)
head = tail = data;
tail->next = data;
tail = tail->next;
tail->next = NULL;
int add_data(void)
node_t * data = NULL;
char answer = 'y';
data = create();
if (NULL == data)
return 1;
return 0;
void traverse(void)
node_t * current = NULL;
for (current = head; current != NULL; current = current->next)
printf("%d ", current->a);
void cleanup(void)
node_t * current = head;
while (NULL != current)
head = head->next;
current = head;
int main(int argc, char ** argv)
int option = 3;
printf("Enter option:\n 1 - add data\n 2 - traverse list\n 3 - exit\n\n");
scanf("%i", & option);
switch (option)
case 1:
if (0 != add_data())
printf("ERROR:: Cannot allocate memory.\n");
return 1;
case 2:
if (option > 3)
printf("ERROR:: Improper option, try again.\n");
while (option != 3);
return 0;
I tried making it as simple as possible and keeping your logic there.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
struct node
int data;
struct node *next;
// create a new node
struct node* create(int data)
struct node *n = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
n->data = data;
n->next = NULL; // by default its not NULL, so we must set it
return n;
void traverse(struct node *head)
struct node *tmp = head;
while(tmp != NULL)
tmp = tmp->next;
void cleanup(struct node *head)
struct node *cur = head;
struct node *next;
while(cur != NULL)
next = cur->next;
cur = next;
int main ()
int data;
struct node *head, *tmp;
// head node is always created
printf("enter data\n");
head = tmp = create(data);
if(head == NULL) return -1;
// now we loop until we don't want to create any more nodes
char another;
printf("do you want to insert another node y/n\n");
scanf(" %c", &another); // ignore all the previous whitespace
if(another == 'y')
printf("enter data\n");
tmp->next = create(data);
tmp = tmp->next;
else break;
// anything but 'y' breaks the loop, but it can be set to continue if neither 'y' nor 'n' was read:
else if(another == 'n') break;
else continue;
EDIT: as #Diodacus stated, i added cleanup and checking if malloc returned NULL
I'm trying to write a program that enqueue, dequeue, delete a chosen number and print the list. I have problems with the dequeue that i think is because of the menu part when you write a number, I've tried to fix it but the it removes the last number and not the first. The print shows the wrong number and when I tried to solve that problem I got the same problem as I had in dequeue. It's sometinhg wrong in delete but i cant figure it out.
I appreciate all the help i can get
I've changed it a lot and now everything else works except delete. I want delete to find the number i enter and delete it.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
struct node
int info;
struct node *ptr;
int next;
}*first, *last, *temp, *first1;
void enq(int data);
void deq();
void empty();
void display();
void create();
void delete_queue();
int count = 0;
void main()
int no, ch;
printf("\n 1 - Enqueue");
printf("\n 2 - Dequeue");
printf("\n 3 - Delete");
printf("\n 4 - Display");
printf("\n 5 - Exit");
while (1)
printf("\n Enter choice : ");
scanf_s("%d", &ch);
switch (ch)
case 1:
printf("Enter data : ");
scanf_s("%d", &no);
case 2:
case 3:
printf("Enter data : ");
scanf_s("%d", &no);
case 4:
case 5:
printf("Wrong choice, Please enter correct choice ");
void create()
first = last = NULL;
void enq(int data)
if (last == NULL)
last = (struct node *)malloc(1 * sizeof(struct node));
last->ptr = NULL;
last->info = data;
first = last;
temp = (struct node *)malloc(1 * sizeof(struct node));
last->ptr = temp;
temp->info = data;
temp->ptr = NULL;
last = temp;
void display()
first1 = first;
if ((first1 == NULL) && (last == NULL))
printf("Queue is empty");
while (first1 != last)
printf("%d ", first1->info);
first1 = first1->ptr;
if (first1 == last)
printf("%d", first1->info);
void deq()
first1 = first;
if (first1 == NULL)
printf("\n Error: Trying to display elements from empty queue");
if (first1->ptr != NULL)
first1 = first1->ptr;
printf("\n Dequed value : %d", first->info);
first = first1;
printf("\n Dequed value : %d", first->info);
first = NULL;
last = NULL;
void delete_queue()
int retval = -1;
if (first)
struct node *temp = first;
first = first->next;
if (!first) { last = first; }
retval = temp->next;
return retval;
void empty()
if ((first == NULL) && (last == NULL))
printf("\n Queue empty");
printf("Queue not empty");
Let me start with a few points of advice about design and style:
I do not recommend this:
typedef struct node {
int data;
struct node *next;
} node;
you are typedefing struct node to node. while it is not illegal, it is confusing. I would recommend
typedef struct _node {
int data;
struct _node *next;
} node;
Additionally, I do not recommend use of global variable with static storage class to keep track of your queue, instead you should create a queue in your main. Use global variables only when you have compelling reasons to do so.
Do remember that when you get rid of your global variable, you will need to rewrite your enqueue dequeue delete etc... functions to take in a queue_c * as parameter (because it wont have access to queueref any more)
Now for the reason that your code is not working properly and #Weather Vane alluded to:
you have a big problem in your delete function.
int delete(int data)
int result = 0;
node *curr_ptr; //pointer just created and not initialized
node *prev_ptr; //not initialized
node *temp_ptr; //not initialized
while (curr_ptr != NULL)
//curr_ptr was just created, where is it pointing? fatal error here
//inside this block lets imagine curr_ptr is pointing to a valid
//node in the global queue
if (curr_ptr->data == data)
result = 1;
if (curr_ptr->next != NULL)
temp_ptr = curr_ptr;
//both pointers point to the same thing
//now you just destroyed both nodes
prev_ptr->next = curr_ptr->next;
//the first time this block runs prev_ptr is uninitialized
//so prev_ptr->next will most likely seg fault
//this happens for example if you call this function
//for the first time with a long queue
temp_ptr = curr_ptr;
queueref.last = prev_ptr;
prev_ptr->next = NULL;
//again you are destroying both curr_ptr and temp_ptr
curr_ptr = curr_ptr->next;
prev_ptr = prev_ptr->next;
return result;
Perhaps it would be better if you think edge cases very carefully and rethink some of the logic from scratch. (test edge cases as you go)
code print elements after store them :
void print(struct node* root)
while ( c != NULL )
printf( "\n%d ", c->line1);
printf( "%s", c->curr );
c = c->next;
print method
Just looking at the code, this line seems like a potential issue:
It looks like all the nodes .curr will get set = current_input. I'm guessing you need to do something like:
temp->curr = malloc(1 + strlen(current_input));
strcpy(tmp->curr, current_input);
Use strcpy_s if strcpy causes a warning.
First you should realize a list consists of nodes, which contain pieces of your data — so you need to allocate a new node for each piece of data you want to store in a list.
Then you insert each newly created node into the list and finally print the list when done.
Additionaly remember that data need to be either copied into the node (like line1) or copied somewhere else, for example onto the heap, and then linked to the node with a pointer, like curr (see the answer by #rcgldr).
struct node *root = NULL;
struct node *createnode(int line, const char *input)
struct node *n = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
if(n != NULL)
n->line1 = line;
n->curr = input;
n->next = NULL;
return n;
void insertnode(struct node* n)
n->next = root;
root = n;
void printlist(struct node* n)
for( ; n != NULL; n = n->next)
printf( "%d: %s\n", n->line1, n->curr);
int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
char *input;
struct node *temp;
type t;
t=getword(); //call to get the type of t
switch (t)
case number:
case keyword:
input = strdup(current_input); // make a copy of user input
if(input != NULL)
temp = createnode(line, input);
if(temp != NULL) // created?
insertnode(temp); // insert into the list
free(input); // free unused input copy
t = EOF; // make the loop terminate
else // user input copy failed
t = EOF; // make the loop terminate
while (t != EOF);
return 0;
I'm quite new to C and I'm trying to implement a binary tree in C which will store a number and a string and then print them off e.g.
1 : Bread
2 : WashingUpLiquid
The code I have so far is:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define LENGTH 300
struct node {
int data;
char * definition;
struct node *left;
struct node *right;
struct node *node_insert(struct node *p, int value, char * word);
void print_preorder(struct node *p);
int main(void) {
int i = 0;
int d = 0;
char def[LENGTH];
struct node *root = NULL;
for(i = 0; i < 2; i++)
printf("Please enter a number: \n");
scanf("%d", &d);
printf("Please enter a definition for this word:\n");
scanf("%s", def);
root = node_insert(root, d, def);
printf("%s\n", def);
printf("preorder : ");
return 0;
struct node *node_insert(struct node *p, int value, char * word) {
struct node *tmp_one = NULL;
struct node *tmp_two = NULL;
if(p == NULL) {
p = (struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node));
p->data = value;
p->definition = word;
p->left = p->right = NULL;
else {
tmp_one = p;
while(tmp_one != NULL) {
tmp_two = tmp_one;
if(tmp_one->data > value)
tmp_one = tmp_one->left;
tmp_one = tmp_one->right;
if(tmp_two->data > value) {
tmp_two->left = (struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node));
tmp_two = tmp_two->left;
tmp_two->data = value;
tmp_two->definition = word;
tmp_two->left = tmp_two->right = NULL;
else {
tmp_two->right = (struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node));
tmp_two = tmp_two->right;
tmp_two->data = value;
tmp_two->definition = word;
tmp_two->left = tmp_two->right = NULL;
void print_preorder(struct node *p) {
if(p != NULL) {
printf("%d : %s\n", p->data, p->definition);
At the moment it seems to work for the ints but the description part only prints out for the last one entered. I assume it has something to do with pointers on the char array but I had no luck getting it to work. Any ideas or advice?
You're always doing a scanf into def and then passing that to your insert routine which just saves the pointer to def. So, since all of your entries point to the def buffer, they all point to whatever was the last string you stored in that buffer.
You need to copy your string and place a pointer to the copy into the binary tree node.
The problem is that you're using the same buffer for the string. Notice your struct is holding a pointer to a char, and you are passing the same char array as that pointer each time.
When you call scanf on the buffer, you are changing the data it points to, not the pointer itself.
To fix this, before assigning it over to a struct, you can use strdup. So the lines of code would become
tmp_*->definition = strdup(word);
Keep in mind that the char array returned by strdup must be freed once you are done with it, otherwise you'll have a leak.