Ckeckbox marked angularjs - angularjs

I have an HTML structure mounted within a ng-repeat with ckeckboxes horizontally and vertically is a multidimensional array . When I click on one, I have to save to the database. So far so good , the problem being to bring these checkbox marked because the method that I bring the results , the model of the array of myself as undefined. Follow the link codes :

The issue lies here:
the model of the array of myself as undefined
Investigate why that's undefined (e.g. F12 your code, put debugger, write to console) - you won't get anything from model by binding to an undefined object.


Why using the this.$(selector).method() syntax with backbone?

I have seen this bunch of code in a tutorial:
var searchTerm = this.$('#searchTerm').val().trim();
I would like to understand the utility of the this. in front of the selector, it's the first time i see that.
In a Backbone.View, this.$ gives a scoped version of jQuery. It is in fact equivalent to using this.$el.find which is in turn equivalent to using $(this.el).find.
Anyhow, the reason it is a good idea to use it is that it will only access html elements from within the view's element/rendered template. Thus, you don't have to worry about the rest of the html page and you will always select the element you expect to.
Imagine that you have a view that spawns sub-views and that each of these have an editable field. If you don't use the scoped version of jQuery to get the right editable field, you will have to give a unique id to each of these html elements to make sure you will select the right one when retrieving it's content. On the other hand, if you use the scoped version, you will just have to give this editable field a class attribute and selecting this class will give you a unique element, the right one.
This is the same query as this.$el.find('#searchTerm').val().trim();
You haven't given any context to that code, but assuming it's a method inside a View, this refers to the View object.
this.$ is a shortcut to access jQuery from the View object, and is equivalent to the method this.$el.find.

Backbone Marionette redisplaying (showing) a nested layout fails due to 'undefined' region

I have a App with nested layouts. The top level layout being at the App level and the second level at one of its region. When I show the second level layout I trigger an event to show the regions of the second level layout. This works fine the first time but when I swap the second level layout with some other view or layout and display it again it fails. The problem is recreated at
In the screen click on "Content1" followed by "Content 2". You'll see the second level layout's region displayed ("This is the actual region1 content" & "This is the actual region2 content"). Now click on "Content1" followed by "Content 2" again.. this time the actual content is not displayed but just the placeholders. During the second time the "thisView.region1" is undefined.
Any idea what is causing the region to get undefined ?
There are two problems with the code.
First, you should be using MyApp.vent.bindTo() instead of MyApp.vetn.bind() to ensure proper management of the event.
Second, you need to unbind from the event when the layout view is closed. What's happening now is that, because you don't unbind, you end up with a closed view (the first instance) still trying to access its region elements, which no longer exist.
In the future, you can detect this by appending this.cid to your console.log statement. For instance:
console.log('Responding to an event.', this.cid);
I tweaked your code to make it work, with two changes mentioned above:

How to pass var from controller into a different view with Cakephp

I am new to Cakephp and indeed OOP, so forgive me if i haven't fully grasped the MVC concept yet. I have search a lot but cannot find an answer - perhaps my way of working below is not correct. I hope you can help.
I am building a site which will have many elements relating to their tables and data. I intend to use a view to pick and choose the relevant elements and any parameters needed.
For example, the homepage of my site will have two elements - a latestusers element and a latestscores element. I am trying to use a view not related to either the users or scores models/controllers, stored in 'other/index.ctp'.
I have tried using set() to pass a variable from the users controller (latestusers action) into the other/index.ctp view, but the viewVars remain empty. Could this be due to scope of the variable (i think it is fine for a view in the users folder, i.e. a view specific to the users controller).
I could achieve what i want to do by using global variables, but i think this is missing the point of MVC/OOP. Would be grateful for any suggestions.
I can include code if need be - it is fairly basic at this stage - but i feel my problem lies with how i am going about things, not the code itself.
Yes, the issue is with the scope. If you're going to use variables in the element you'll need to pass them in from your view. So the flow would look something like this
Controller $this->set()s the variable into your current view/layout
Your view/layout calls $this->element with the current element path.
Your element uses those variables.
In number 2 you need to pass your variables as an array of data. This section on the cookbook gives more information :
<?php echo$this->element('helpbox',
array("helptext" => "Oh, this text is very helpful."));?>
Note - I didn't understand part of the question. Just want to make sure you are passing data to the correct view. You should not be calling the view of another controller in your active controller.
Your other/index.ctp should be an element and that element should be called from your layout.

Ext JS ComboBox Dynamic Behaviour

I am trying to load/show completely different set of values in a combobox(this one resides as a editor within an EditorGridPanel) based on the valueField of another combobox(this one resides outside the grid in top bar). I have already seen a tutorial( wherein ALL the values for the secondary object are stored locally and then filtered however, I have already created a link which will supply me with json data based on the valuefield, so I would like to use this url to keep the code efficient.
I have also tried to refresh the datastore but its simply not being reflected on the combobox.
Please advise
Found the solution, loading values from a url is straightforward.. if you want to manipulate the query(like I wanted), you would have to strip url off the dynamic parameters and assign them to baseParams of the store and then call store.load()
It worked for me!!

How to get a value from a combobox in a form after the field is populated by the database

I have a formPanel with two of the form items as comboboxes with their stores populated by the database. The value from comboBoxA needs to be used to get the value for comboBoxB however comboBoxA.getValue() (as well as getRawValue()) are returning undefined.
var comboBoxA = Ext.getCmp(comboBoxAID);
storeB.baseParams.UserID = comboBoxA.getValue();
As noted in the docs, store loading is asynchronous, so you have to do your additional processing within the appropriate callback:
storeA.on('load', function(){
var comboBoxA = Ext.getCmp(comboBoxAID);
storeB.baseParams.UserID = comboBoxA.getValue();
Loading a ComboBoxes store does not actually select a value. Try making a selection first (or loading a record into the form, etc). It sounds like your trying to link the 2 combos. If thats the case, search around for a tutorial, there are few out there. This should get you started, Linked Combos.
You might want to try this. It might be exactly what you are looking for. It also has a demo on the same page. The page is in german but the demo is predictable and the code is in english so test this.
