Refreshing JWT in Express.js - angularjs

I'm using JWT for authentication in my Angular.js application, with Express.js on the server side.
Basically, when user logs in, a new token is created (using and send back to the client. If token is valid also on the client side (angular.js part, using, a new user is created and the token gets stored in a cookie.
So, each request to certain path on the server is protected by a token validation. However, my token has an expiration time. Now let's say for the sake of argument that expiration time is 30 seconds; user can actively use my application for 30 seconds and after that, he gets logged out. That's not exactly user friendly.
So what I did was that with each request to the server, I create a NEW token and send it back in the head of response. When I receive the response in my Angular.js client-side, I read the token and overwrite the token in the cookie. That way, as long as client is active (or rather, makes requests to the server side), the token gets refreshed.
Now I'd like to know the following:
Is such an approach correct? The downside is, that token gets created at each request and send back in each head of response. Cookies get overwritten quite often (performance issues?)
What would be the correct approach?
Is it OK that the token expires if there are no requests to the server? Client might still be using the application, however, if he's only writing on client side something (or reading), the token does not get refreshed.
Thanks for your time and responses!

Yes, that is a valid approach. It is the same approach many take,
including the popular Angular module ng-token-auth. You might
consider saving the tokens to local storage, with a fall back to
cookie storage if the browser doesn't support it (see for coverage).
I would do what you describe.
One solution is to use $interval to basically ping the API. All you need to do is send in a token a get a new one back (i.e., in headers like you are now). Keep track of how many "pings" you've sent. You can reset the number of "pings" upon certain actions like on ui-router's $stateChangeSuccess (i.e., navigating to a new view) or anything you like, including submitting a form or other non-ping requests. When the number of "pings" reaches your threshold, warn the user that their session is expiring, and after a delay, erase the stored token and log them out. Check your ping responses for authentication errors from the API, indicating that the user might need to be logged out and/or redirected.
Perhaps you just gave 30 seconds as an example token lifespan. I would recommend getting closer to the browsing session timeout that you want. As points of reference, consider that the Ruby gem devise_token_auth defaults to 2 weeks and that .NET defaults to 10 hours. Your needs may vary.

The problem is also addressed by using refresh tokens. Your access token has a short life and is verified by signature. The refresh token has a longer life and is used to get new access tokens.
When the refresh token is used to get a new access token, that is a good time to do extra checks: has the refresh token been revoked? Is this user account still valid?
Both tokens can be stored in secure cookies and supplied on every request. Doing this allows your server to transparently use the refresh token when needed and set new access tokens in cookie responses.
This is the approach we've taken for Express-Stormpath and is documented in our Authentication section of the documentation. If you'd like to offload your authentication layer, I'd suggest Stormpath. (Disclaimer: I work there, and wrote that module).


Best practices for refreshing JWT in SPA?

Hi I'm developing a React app that communicates with an Express API. I'm trying to implement JWT authentication but I don't know what should happen when the jwt expires. It not seems very user friendly if the user is logged out when the token expires.
Should I use refresh tokens? As it says in the node-jsonwebtoken package documentation (jsonwebtoken). This may not be the best approach.
Should I create a new jwt in every request to the server? If the user reads an article for a long time without doing any request, he is going to be logged out.
Maybe I'm wrong and the best practice is using a big expiration time and let the user be logged out. If this is the case what would be a reasonable time?
A pattern commonly used along with refresh tokens is to follow a workflow along the lines of:
Some API call / resource returns with a 401, alerting that the token has expired, this sometimes is accompanied by a reason, e.g. Expired token, invalid token
Create a reference to the API call that failed, to retry later
Attempt to refresh the token with the refresh_token
If the refresh works, go ahead and perform the queued API call again
If the refresh fails, the user will need to log in again
You can also use the above approach to queue multiple failed requests, in the event that multiple calls fails whilst a refresh is taking place.
Coupled with a decent expiry time, which really depends on your application, this has proven to be a robust solution in the past for me.
An alternative approach would be to implement a 'heartbeat' API call that updates the user's token periodically whilst they are on the site, however this may come with side effects that may not be desired.

Best Way For Token Validation in Angular

In a WebApp development with AngularJS which uses token validation for authentication purposes, what's the best way to do this validation? For example:
Validate the Token every time I have a route transition. For this I have to make a rest call for everytime I want to validate.
Validate the token just one time, with one rest call, and then store the token in local storage. (The token itself just have a boolean telling if it is authenticated or not)
My concern is to not make a rest call in every route transaction, I don't want to consume that much of http traffic. But, if there isn't another way, I will do that.
If we look into what a JSON Web Token (JWT) is (although you're not specifically referring to JWT, but simply to "token"), you will realize that once you got a JWT you do not need to validate it every time you make a transition in the client app (Angular). This is because JWT are usually signed, so the server can be sure the senders (in this case the Angular app) are who they say they are when they make a request.
What you need to do is to send the JWT on every request in a header to the API server every time you try to consume a resource. The server is in charge of checking that you are sending a valid JWT and to assign the proper permissions to that request in order to get access to the resources.
Concluding (and answering your questions)
1.Validate the Token every time I have a route transition. For this I
have to make a rest call for every time I want to validate.
No, this is useless, since the given token is already signed by the server. If the token is manipulated in the client in any way the resource server will know it and will answer with the proper HTTP Status Code (usually a 401 HTTP Status).
What you can do is, in case the server respond with a 401, you can use a Refresh Token (if the server provides it) in order to get a new access token and use it again on every request. This way the final user will never know what's going on behind scenes (and won't see a login form again) because you won't ask him/her again about the username and password.
2.Validate the token just one time, with one rest call, and then store the token in local storage. (The token itself just have a boolean
telling if it is authenticated or not)
This is a correct approach (and used by most people), this way you do not overload the traffic with unnecessary requests. Actually, when you get the access token, you do not need to validate it because as I said before the token itself is Self-contained (it contains all the required information about the user and other necessary data the token provider considers important).
If I were you I would read a lot about this since there is much more to get to know than what any answerer can put together in a single answer here on SO (I put some links to sources I've used and which describe pretty well these topics).
Bear in mind that all theses behaviors can be modified according to your needs and not all of them have to be the way I just described. I just put some examples of how it could be.
The image below will give you a big picture about all these matters I just described.

How should a JavaScript application validate an access_token issued by IdentityServer4?

For example, suppose I want to determine if a user is still "logged in"... AKA their token is not yet expired.
I store my JWT access_token in localStorage when I am first issued the access_token. I know it isn't enough to simply check the localStorage to see if the access_token is there or not. I read about the introspection end point but that seems like it is for API's - not JS clients. Is the best approach to use a client side library for JWT validation? I don't like this because there is a chance I may need to switch to reference tokens. I would like to make a call to the server side for this.
What is the correct way to validate an access_token with a JavaScript client?
Upon further investigation and with advice from leastprivilege I will be using the OIDC JavaScript client so I don't need to worry about this.
Client applications are not supposed to "decode" an access token. The exact format is an implementation detail between issuer and API.
When requesting an access token, the token response contains an 'expires_in' parameter that tell the client for how many seconds the token is valid.
Most jwt tokens come with an expiry date field for expiration time(depending on the server though). You can use a library like this to decode a JWT token before saving it into your local storage and then save the expiration time inside with the token so that you can just check the local storage and the expiry time and if the current day is grater than the expiry time, you discard the previous token and get a new one.
This library might be useful to you: oidc-client-js. Some documentation is available here.

How can you implement refresh tokens in a web app - angularjs

I am using token based security in my web app. The server side is wrote using c# and i am using openiddict for logging in and issuing tokens, found here. I am currencyly using Implict flow.
By default my tokens have a lifespan of 1 hour, after that you have to logging again. I have locked down my API to accept bearer tokens only and not cookies.
I wanted to implement refresh tokens but after reading many websites, it appears that implementing refresh tokens on a web app, is not a good way to go due to a hacker getting the refresh token. I know that to use refresh tokens, you must use code flow, instead of implict, which i can do.
How do people get round this situation in their web apps? I cant be the only one who wants a token to last longer than an hour in a web app?
The approach recommended by OpenID Connect is to send an authorization request in a hidden frame with the same parameters as the ones you use for the initial implicit flow request plus prompt=none and optionally, an id_token_hint corresponding to the id_token you extracted from the authorization response.
When using prompt=none, the identity provider won't display any consent form and will directly redirect the user agent to the redirect_uri you specify, with the new token appended to the URI fragment, just like for a classic implicit flow request. You can retrieve it by extracting it from the popup.location.hash property.
If the request cannot be processed (invalid request, unauthenticated user, invalid id_token_hint, consent required, etc.), an error is returned and the identity provider either redirects the user agent to the redirect_uri with an error parameter or stops processing the request.
Note that due to the same origin policy, you can't access popup.location.hash if the current location belongs to a different domain (e.g if the identity provider refuses to redirect the user agent to your client app): it will throw an access denied exception. In this case, it's always better to add a timeout to your "refresh" operation.
Sadly, there are very few libraries that can help you with this task. oidc-token-manager is one of them, but it has a few limitations that will prevent it from working OTB with OpenIddict: it doesn't support raw RSA keys (you have to explicitly use a X509 certificate in the OpenIddict options) and it doesn't send the id_token_hint parameter required by OpenIddict when sending a prompt=none request.

when using mirror api, how do i handle access token expiration

I am building a glass app using the PHP sample app as reference.
To my understanding, the glass app is a web app which is user facing. When the user visit the web app, they will authorize the web app (using oauth2) to access their resources, and once authorization succeeded the web app will get an access token, which is then saved in a sqlite database (there's this store_credentials() function which stores the access token).
So if I have 100 users who visit the web app and register, the database will hold 100 access tokens for these users. Let's say I have some backend code which pull from a RSS feed every hour, and whenever I find there's a new story I will push it to all registered users. Let's say I have a cron job which does this, when when this job is triggered, I will find all the access tokens in the database and use them to make mirror API calls to insert cards. But what if some of the access token is expired when I am trying to make the mirror API call? It seems I will need to ask user to re-authorized, but at this point I am not interacting with the user. If I have a refresh token, I may be able to call oauth again to get a new access token.
You pretty much answered your own question - when you request permission using OAuth, you should also request "offline" access. The first time you do this for each user it will give you a refresh token along with your access token, and you should store both. If you did not request offline access initially, you will need to revoke the tokens that have been granted and re-grant them with offline access.
If the sample app you're referring to is the one at, all this should be done for you already with the libraries included. The credentials returned from $client->getAccessToken() in oauth2callback.php should include both the access and refresh tokens, and these are saved in that same file by calling store_credentials(). The client libraries should check if the access token has expired and, if so, it gets a new one with the refresh token before making the call.
You may want to take a look at the contents of the credentials object at these various points and make sure there is a refresh token. If not, try revoking all the tokens and starting again, since it sounds like the first time you authorized the client you did so without requesting offline access.
If you are doing this yourself, best practice is to either refresh the access token if it has expired or is about to expire (since there may be some delay) before use, or (even better) attempt to make the call with an access token and, if it fails with an authentication error, get a new access token via the refresh token and try again.
