Adding Geo-IP data to Query in Access SQL - sql-server

Ok this sounds like a problem that someone else should have solved already, but I can't find any help on it, just that their should be a better way of doing it than using an unequal join.
I have a log file of session info with a Source IP, and I am trying to create a query, that actually runs, to combine the Log file with Geo-IP data to tell the DB where users are connecting from. my first attempt came to this:-
SELECT coco, region, city
WHERE (IP_Start <= [IntIP] AND IP_End >=[IntIP])
it seemed to run quite quick and returns the correct record for a given IP. but when I tried to combine it with the log data, like this:-
SELECT T.IP,G.coco,G.region,
FROM GT_Geo_IP as G, Log_Table as T
WHERE G.IP_Start <= T.IntIP AND G.IP_End >= T.IntIP
it locks access for over 45 mins (pegging one of my cpu cores) before i finally decide i need some CPU back or i should actually have a go at something else. From hunting around and this is actually slower than i realize, I found this article and indexed both IP_Start and IP_End to optimize the Search, and based on it came up with this:-
SELECT TOP 1 coco, region, city
WHERE G.IP_Start >= [IntIP]
But with my SQL skills i cant work out how to combine it with my log data.
Basically the question is how do i use the better method with my log data to get the required result? or is there a better way to do it?
The GeoIP data is from IP2Location's LITE-DB3
I have thought about nested queries, but i couldn't work out how to construct it, I thought about using VBA, but i'm not sure it will be any quicker

Please try this SQL statement.
CONCAT(coco, ', ', region, ', ', city)
IP_Start >= L.intIP ORDER BY IP_Start
) AS Location
Log_Table AS L;


Snowflake JSON unknown keyword error when trying to get distinct values

I have a table in Snowflake where one of the fields, called 'value' is sometimes plain text sometimes JSON, this field is stored as string in Snowflake
I created this view to get only the rows where there is a Json format
SELECT PARSE_JSON(value) as json_data,
FROM SessionEvent
WHERE session_event_type_id=7;
Then I flatten the rows to create a new field
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW tmp_events_step2 AS
json_data:meta:selected::string AS choice
from tmp_events ,
LATERAL FLATTEN(input => tmp_events.json_data)
Everything runs fine until now, I can preview data from these two views, no error and I get the results I was expecting.
The error comes when I try to get distinct values from choice
SELECT DISTINCT choice from tmp_events_step2;
Error parsing JSON: unknown keyword "brain", pos 6
This name Brain seems to come from my initial table without the WHERE statement.
If I run the query without DISTINCT there is no error.
Weird thing I noticed while trying to debug: when I put a limit in tmp_events_step2, the code works fine again, even though I put a limit that's bigger than the number of rows in the table
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW tmp_events_step2 AS
json_data:meta:selected::string AS choice
from tmp_events ,
LATERAL FLATTEN(input => tmp_events.json_data)
LIMIT 10000000;
SELECT DISTINCT choice from tmp_events_step2;
What's the catch? Why does it work only with the limit?
The very simple answer to this is the built-in function TRY_PARSE_JSON()
Er, not. You seem to have problems with the Query optimizer that may do incorrect predicate pushdowns. One way to prevent the optimizer from doing this is to use the secure view option:
CREATE SECURE VIEW tmp_events_step2 ...
and file a support ticket...
We reported this error two years ago and they said they where not going to fix, because by hoisting the JSON access prior to running the filters in the WHERE clause that makes the cast valid/safe, impacted performance.
create table variant_cast_bug(num number, var variant);
insert into variant_cast_bug
select column1 as num, parse_json(column2) as var
from values (1, '{"id": 1}'),
(1, '{"id": 2}'),
(2, '{"id": "text"}')
select * from variant_cast_bug;
select var:id from variant_cast_bug;
select var:id from variant_cast_bug where num = 1;
select var:id::number from variant_cast_bug where num = 1; -- <- broken
select TRY_TO_NUMBER(var:id) from variant_cast_bug where num = 1; -- <- works
Sometimes you can nest the select and it will work, and then you can add another SELECT layer around it, and do some aggregation and the cost explodes again.
The only two safe solutions are SERCURE VIEW as Hans mentions, but that is a performance nightmare.
Or to understand this problem and use TRY_TO_NUMBER or it's friends.
At the time this was made bad worse because JSON boolean values where not valid values to pass to TRY_TO_BOOLEAN..
One of the times we got burnt by this was after a snowflake release when code that had been running for a year, started getting this error, because it was complex enough the hoisting did not impact, and then after release it did. This is where Snowflake are rather responsive, and then rolled the release back, and we put TRY_TO on a chunk of already working SQL just to play it safe.
Please submit a support case for this issue.

increase performance of a linq query using contains

I have a winforms app where I have a Telerik dropdownchecklist that lets the user select a group of state names.
Using EF and the database is stored in Azure SQL.
The code then hits a database of about 17,000 records and filters the results to only include states that are checked.
Works fine. I am wanting to update a count on the screen whenever they change the list box.
This is the code, in the itemCheckChanged event:
var states = stateDropDownList.CheckedItems.Select(i => i.Value.ToString()).ToList();
var filteredStops = (from stop in aDb.Stop_address_details where states.Contains(stop.Stop_state) select stop).ToArray();
ExportInfo_tb.Text = "Current Stop Count: " + filteredStops.Count();
It works, but it is slow.
I tried to load everything into a memory variable then querying that vs the database but can't seem to figure out how to do that.
Any suggestions?
I picked up a noticeable improvement by limiting the amount of data coming down by:
var filteredStops = (from stop in aDb.Stop_address_details where states.Contains(stop.Stop_state) select stop.Stop_state).ToList();
And better yet --
int count = (from stop in aDb.Stop_address_details where
select stop).Count();
ExportInfo_tb.Text = "Current Stop Count: " + count.ToString();
The performance of you query, actually, has nothing to do with Contiains, in this case. Contains is pretty performant. The problem, as you picked up on in your third solution, is that you are pulling far more data over the network than required.
In your first solution you are pulling back all of the rows from the server with the matching stop state and performing the count locally. This is the worst possible approach. You are pulling back data just to count it and you are pulling back far more data than you need.
In your second solution you limited the data coming back to a single field which is why the performance improved. This could have resulted in a significant improvement if your table is really wide. The problem with this is that you are still pulling back all the data just to count it locally.
In your third solution EF will translate the .Count() method into a query that performs the count for you. So the count will happen on the server and the only data returned is a single value; the result of count. Since network latency CAN often be (but is not always) the longest step when performing a query, returning less data can often result in significant gains in query speed.
The query translation of your final solution should look something like this:
SELECT COUNT(*) AS [value]
FROM [Stop_address_details] AS [t0]
WHERE [t0].[Stop_state] IN (#p0)

Entity Framework: Max. number of "subqueries"?

My data model has an entity Person with 3 related (1:N) entities Jobs, Tasks and Dates.
My query looks like
var persons = (from x in context.Persons
select new {
PersonId = x.Id,
JobNames = x.Jobs.Select(y => y.Name),
TaskDates = x.Tasks.Select(y => y.Date),
DateInfos = x.Dates.Select(y => y.Info)
Everything seems to work fine, but the lists JobNames, TaskDates and DateInfos are not all filled.
For example, TaskDates and DateInfos have the correct values, but JobNames stays empty. But when I remove TaskDates from the query, then JobNames is correctly filled.
So it seems that EF can only handle a limited number of these "subqueries"? Is this correct? If so, what is the max. number of these "subqueries" for a single statement? Is there a way to work around these issue without having to make more than one call to the database?
(ps: I'm not entirely sure, but I seem to remember that this query worked in LINQ2SQL - could it be?)
I'm getting crazy about this. I tried to repro the issue from ground up using a fresh, simple project (to post the entire piece of code here, not only an oversimplified example) - and I found I wasn't able to repro it. It still happens within our existing code base (apparently there's more behind this problem, but I cannot share this closed code base, unfortunately).
After hours and hours of playing around I found the weirdest behavior:
It works great when I don't SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL READ UNCOMMITTED; before calling the LINQ statement
It also works great (independent of the above) when I don't use a .Take() to only get the first X rows
It also works great when I add an additional .Where() statements to cut the the number of rows returned from SQL Server
I didn't find any comprehensible reason why I see this behavior, but I started to look at the SQL: Although EF generates the exact same SQL, the execution plan is different when I use READ UNCOMMITTED. It returns more rows on a specific index in the middle of the execution plan, which curiously ends in less rows returned for the entire SQL statement - which in turn results in the missing data, that is the reason for my question to begin with.
This sounds very confusing and unbelievable, I know, but this is the behavior I see. I don't know what else to do, I don't even know what to google for at this point ;-).
I can fix my problem (just don't use READ UNCOMMITTED), but I have no idea why it occurs and if it is a bug or something I don't know about SQL Server. Maybe there's some "magic max number of allowed results in sub-queries" in SQL Server? At least: As far as I can see, it's not an issue with EF itself.
A little late, but does calling ToList() on each subquery produce the required effect?
var persons = (from x in context.Persons
select new {
PersonId = x.Id,
JobNames = x.Jobs.Select(y => y.Name.ToList()),
TaskDates = x.Tasks.Select(y => y.Date).ToList(),
DateInfos = x.Dates.Select(y => y.Info).ToList()

Query Performance in Access 2007 - drawing on a SQL Server Express backend

I've been banging my head on this issue for a little while now, and decided I should ask for help. I have a table which holds temperature/humidity chart recorder data (currently over 775,000 records) from which I am trying to run a statistical query against it. The problem is that this often will take up to two minutes, and sometimes will not come back at all - causing me to force close the program (Control-Alt-Delete). At first, I didn't have as much of a problem - it was only after I hit the magical 500k records mark that I started getting serious slowdowns, getting progressively worse as more data was compiled and imported into the table.
Here is the query (pass-through):
SELECT dbo.tblRecorderLogs.strAreaAssigned, Min(dbo.tblRecorderLogs.datDateRecorded) AS FirstRecorderDate, Max(dbo.tblRecorderLogs.datDateRecorded) AS LastRecordedDate,
Round(Avg(dbo.tblRecorderLogs.intTempCelsius),2) AS AverageTempC,
Round(Avg(dbo.tblRecorderLogs.intRHRecorded),2) AS AverageRH,
Count(dbo.tblRecorderLogs.strAreaAssigned) AS Records
FROM dbo.tblRecorderLogs
GROUP BY dbo.tblRecorderLogs.strAreaAssigned
ORDER BY dbo.tblRecorderLogs.strAreaAssigned;
Here is the table structure in which the chart data is stored:
idRecorderDataID Number Primary Key
datDateEntered Date/Time (indexed, duplicates OK)
datTimeEntered Date/Time
intTempCelcius Number
intDewPointCelcius Number
intWetBulbCelcius Number
intMixingGPP Number
intRHRecorded Number
strAssetRecorder Text (indexed, duplicates OK)
strAreaAssigned Text (indexed, duplicates OK)
I am trying to write a program which will allow people to pull data from this table based on Area Assigned, as well as start and end dates. With the dataset size I currently have, this kind of report is simply too much for it to handle (it seems) and the machine doesn't ever return an answer. I've had to extend the ODBC timeout to almost 180 seconds in any queries dealing with this table, simply because of the size. I could use some serious help, if people have some. Thank you in advance!
-- Edited 08/13/2012 # 1050 hours --
I have not been able to test the query on the SQL Server due to the fact that the IT department has taken control of the machine in question, and has someone logged into it full-time using the remote management console. I have tried an interim step to lessen the impact of the performance issue, but I am still looking for a permanent solution to this issue.
Interim step:
I created a local table mirroring the structure of the dbo.tblRecorderLogs SQL Server table, to which I do a INSERT INTO using the former SELECT statement as it's subquery. Then any subsequent statistical analysis is drawn from this 'temporary' local table. After the process is complete, the local table is truncated.
-- Edited 08/13/2012 # 1217 hours --
Ran the shown query on the SQL Server Management Console, took 1 minute 38 seconds to complete according to the query timer provided by the console.
-- Edit 08/15/2012 # 1531 hours --
Tried to run query as VBA DoCmd.RunSQL statement to populate a temporary table using the following code:
INSERT INTO tblTempRecorderDataStatsByArea ( strAreaAssigned, datFirstRecord,
datLastRecord, intAveTempC, intAveRH, intRecordCount )
SELECT dbo_tblRecorderLogs.strAreaAssigned, Min(dbo_tblRecorderLogs.datDateRecorded)
AS MinOfdatDateRecorded, Max(dbo_tblRecorderLogs.datDateRecorded) AS MaxOfdatDateRecorded,
Round(Avg(dbo_tblRecorderLogs.intTempCelsius),2) AS AveTempC,
Round(Avg(dbo_tblRecorderLogs.intRHRecorded),2) AS AveRHRecorded,
Count(dbo_tblRecorderLogs.strAreaAssigned) AS CountOfstrAreaAssigned FROM
dbo_tblRecorderLogs GROUP BY dbo_tblRecorderLogs.strAreaAssigned ORDER BY
The problem arises when the code is executed, the query takes so long - it encounters Timeout before it finishes. Still hoping for a 'magic bullet' to fix this...
-- Edited 08/20/2012 # 1241 hours --
The only 'quasi' solution I've found is running the failed query repeatedly (sort of priming the pump, as it were) so that when the query is called again by my program - it has a relative chance of actually completing before the ODBC SQL Server driver times out. Basically, a filthy filthy hack - but I don't have a better one to combat this issue.
I've tried creating a view, which works on the server side - but doesn't speed things up.
The proper fields being aggregated are indexed properly, so I can't make any changes there.
I am only pulling information from the database that is immediately useful to user - no 'SELECT * madness' going on here.
I think I am, officially, out of things to try - aside from throwing raw computing horsepower at the problem, which isn't a solution right now as the item isn't live, and I have no budget to procure better hardware. I will post this as an 'answer' and leave it up until Sept 3rd - where if I do not have better answers, I will accept my own answer and accept defeat.
When I've had to run min/max functions on several fields from the same table I've often found it quicker to do each column separately as a subquery in the from line of the main/outer query.
So your query would be like this:
SELECT rLogs1.strAreaAssigned, rLogs1.FirstRecorderDate, rLogs2.LastRecorderDate, rLog3.AverageTempC, rLogs4.AverageRH, rLogs5.Records
FROM (((
(SELECT strAreaAssigned, min(datDateRecorded) as FirstRecorderDate FROM dbo.tblRecorderLogs GROUP BY strAreaAssigned) rLogs1
inner join
(SELECT strAreaAssigned, Max(datDateRecorded) as LastRecordedDate, FROM dbo.tblRecorderLogs GROUP BY strAreaAssigned) rLogs2
on rLogs1.strAreaAssigned = rLogs2.strAreaAssigned)
inner join
(SELECT strAreaAssigned, Round(Avg(intTempCelsius),2) AS AverageTempC, FROM dbo.tblRecorderLogs GROUP BY strAreaAssigned) rLogs3
on rLogs1.strAreaAssigned = rLogs3.strAreaAssigned)
inner join
(SELECT strAreaAssigned, Round(Avg(intRHRecorded),2) AS AverageRH, FROM dbo.tblRecorderLogs GROUP BY strAreaAssigned) rLogs4
on rLogs1.strAreaAssigned = rLogs4.strAreaAssigned)
inner join
(SELECT strAreaAssigned, Count(strAreaAssigned) AS Records, FROM dbo.tblRecorderLogs GROUP BY strAreaAssigned) rLogs5
on rLogs1.strAreaAssigned = rLogs5.strAreaAssigned
ORDER BY rLogs1.strAreaAssigned;
If you take your query and the one above, copy them into the same query window in SQL Server and run the estimated execution plan you should be able to compare them and see which one works better.

SQL Query Notifications and GetDate()

I am currently working on a query that is registered for Query Notifications. In accordance w/ the rules of Notification Serivces, I can only use Deterministic functions in my queries set up for subscription. However, GetDate() (and almost any other means that I can think of) are non-deterministic. Whenever I pull my data, I would like to be able to limit the result set to only relevant records, which is determined by the current day.
Does anyone know of a work around that I could use that would allow me to use the current date to filter my results but not invalidate the query for query notifications?
Example Code:
SELECT fcDate as RecordDate, fcYear as FiscalYear, fcPeriod as FiscalPeriod, fcFiscalWeek as FiscalWeek, fcIsPeriodEndDate as IsPeriodEnd, fcPeriodWeek as WeekOfPeriod
FROM dbo.bFiscalCalendar
WHERE fcDate >= GetDate() -- This line invalidates the query for notification...
Other thoughts:
We have an application controls table in our database that we use to store application level settings. I had thought to write a small script that keeps a record up to date w/ teh current smalldatetime. However, my join to this table is failing for notificaiton as well and I am not sure why. I surmise that it has something to do w/ me specifitying a text type (the column name), which is frustrating.
Example Code 2:
SELECT fcDate as RecordDate, fcYear as FiscalYear, fcPeriod as FiscalPeriod, fcFiscalWeek as FiscalWeek, fcIsPeriodEndDate as IsPeriodEnd, fcPeriodWeek as WeekOfPeriod
FROM dbo.bFiscalCalendar
INNER JOIN dbo.xApplicationControls ON fcDate >= acValue AND acName = N'Cache_CurrentDate'
Does anyone have any suggestions?
EDIT: Here is a link on MSDN that gives the rules for Notification Services
As it turns out, I figured out the solution. Basically, I was invalidating my query attempts because I was casting a value as a DateTime which marks it as Non-Deterministic. Even though you don't specifically call out a cast but do something akin to:
RecordDate = 'date_string_value'
You still end up w/ a Date Cast. Hopefully this will help out someone else who hits this issue.
This link helped me quite a bit.
A good way to bypass this is simply to create a view that just says "SELECT GetDate() AS Now", then use the view in your query.
EDIT : I see nothing about not using user-defined functions (which is what I've used the 'view today' bit in). So can you use a UDF in the query that points at the view?
