How to use $'term', null) in angular to hide parameters - angularjs

Hi there am kind of new to angular. I need a way to hide my URL parameters from the use. After much of searching on the internet and reading the $location documentation i have come across using "$'term', null)" as the way to do this. However there is no practical example of where it is to be placed in the code. I have place tried placing it in the $routeProvider block of code also in my controllers, neither seem to work. Can someone PLEASE help me out on this.
Thank you


How to remove states in ui-router?

I used angularJS 1.5.8 and ui-router 0.3.1 , and in my app I used stateProvider to dynamically create lots of states and I think it's better to delete them to avoid too much memory usage.
I searched a lot, but didn't find the solution. However, it seems that stateRegistry could do this. a link! a link!
I tried to read the source code but sadly can't understand. Wish someone could give me instructions. Thanks.

Embed a view using code Drupal 7

I am writing a module and need to include a view in the code, I am doing the same approach as in this tutorial and looked every where online, everyone seems to using this same approach but it not working for me. Can anybody add to it as to why this approach might not be working. Link to tutorial is :
You can use views_get_view() to grab a view anywhere.
$view = views_get_view('<view machine name>');
I have a larger example here:

what is the angularJS services?

I am a jquery developer, now I am learning angularJS through tutorials point, I didn't understand the concept of the angularJS service and factory. Please advise me where can I get exact details on this.
Advance thanks.
If you don't have a fundamental understanding of MVC frameworks, I would recommend first understanding the Model-View-Controller concept. Assuming you have an understanding of MVC:
Both sort of act as your 'models'. Ultimately, if you so choose, you can use either or in most cases. However, the main difference between a service and a factory is that a factory is intended to return an object, that you will interact with. Whereas a service actually gets initialized using this, and you will interact with the service using it's namespace followed by an attribute on the service.
I reccommend the article below. It really helps highlight on the difference in a way that's easy for angular newbies. I find myself referring to it from time to time, and it's currently the top result on google. Check er out,
At the end of the day, I typically find myself using services more. The use cases will vary, and like I said earlier, in most basic applications there is a good chance you could get away with using either/or.
Providers on the other hand are intended to be used quite a bit differently. Refer to the article though, as he does a much better job of explaining the nuances.

Is there an AngularJS ORM

I came a across the following article while considering adding bacon.js and AngularJS:
But I could not find any other resources that would encourage (or discourage) the use of bacon.js in angularJs.
So I'm looking for some other resources on the subject? Does anyone have use the concept proposed by Dean Sofer? Does it work the magic promise?
Has anyone use the concept used in the video?
Sure this link can help you Also I have my work with angularjs and bacon together

Adding a filter header row to ExtJS GridPanel

I know that it's possible to add a filter row UNDER the column title because I've seen it done with Coolite. But since I'm a total newbie with Sencha (ExtJS), I have trouble finding how to do it with the ExtJS.grid.GridPanel directly in the script. Would you point me in the right direction with some samples please ?
If possible, I would like to do so without plugins, but if there's one out there doing great and easy to use, I could change my mind.
Thanks !
Here you have a link to the GridHeaderFilters Plugin. There you have an easy example of how to use it.
And regarding your comment about trying to do this without a plugin I recommend you not to do it. Because this might seem like a easy code to write but I believe it is not. And that is why this plugin has hundreds of lines. I think this is not a plugin full of features that you won't use, this plugin just does the filtering the way you need it.
And as a final note, if you are expecting the exact same behavior as in this coolite example I think you are out of luck. Because if you get the javascript source code of that example and run it through jsbeautifier you will see that this example is not using any ExtJS plugin and is not a easy code as is using a really complex template for the headers.
