Threading and Thread Safety in C - c

When there is a common set of global data that needs to be shared among several threaded processes, I typically have used a thread token to protect the shared resource:
Edit - 7/22/15 (to incorporate atomics as a viable option, per Jens comments)
My [First] question is, in C, if I write my routines in such a way as to guarantee each thread accesses one, and only one element of an array:
Is there any reason to think that asynchronous and simultaneous access to different indices of the same unprotected array (as shown in diagram) would be a problem?
Second question: Given that an object that can be accessed as
an atomic entity, even in the presence of asynchronous interrupts ( C99 - 7.14 Signal handling ) would using atomics be an effective method for thread protection for an otherwise unprotected variable?
Edit (Clarifications to address questions in comments to this point):
- Specifics for this application:
- Target OS: Windows 7/8/10
- Compiler : C99 compliant (cannot use C11, which include the _Atomic() type specifier )
- H/W : Intel i7 family

This (which looks like a C standard of some sort) sayeth:
NOTE 1 Two threads of execution can update and access separate memory
locations without interfering with each other
NOTE 13 Compiler transformations that introduce assignments to a
potentially shared memory location that would not be modified by the
abstract machine are generally precluded by this standard, since such
an assignment might overwrite another assignment by a different thread
in cases in which an abstract machine execution would not have
encountered a data race. This includes implementations of data member
assignment that overwrite adjacent members in separate memory
locations. We also generally preclude reordering of atomic loads in
cases in which the atomics in question may alias, since this may
violate the "visible sequence" rules.
The way I understand it, this would preclude quamrana's concerns and guarantee you that unprotected writes to separate memory locations should never result in undefined behavior if there is no data race.

In C it will depend on your platform, that is your combination of compiler, processor architecture and operating system.
Your compiler can choose how to use the internal registers and instructions of the cpu to make the executable seem to perform the intent of the program. And C may know nothing about threads. It is usually the job of the operating system to provide a threading library.
There may be processors which might perform the write to an element of your array by reading a much larger patch of memory than just one element, then overwrite just the right bits that forms one element within internal registers and then writing the whole patch back. A single threaded program would work just fine, but two or more threads which interrupt each other could cause chaos in the array.
On the other hand it may work out just fine.
And as has been said, read-only access is always just fine.
Also, google is your friend. It found this stackoverflow question.

If each thread is accessing a different array element, and only the element it is "assigned", this shouldn't be a problem. Both scenarios above are essentially equivalent, since each array element has its own address.


Does "volatile" guarantee anything at all in portable C code for multi-core systems?

After looking at a bunch of other questions and their answers, I get the impression that there is no widespread agreement on what the "volatile" keyword in C means exactly.
Even the standard itself does not seem to be clear enough for everyone to agree on what it means.
Among other problems:
It seems to provide different guarantees depending on your hardware and depending on your compiler.
It affects compiler optimizations but not hardware optimizations, so on an advanced processor that does its own run-time optimizations, it is not even clear whether the compiler can prevent whatever optimization you want to prevent. (Some compilers do generate instructions to prevent some hardware optimizations on some systems, but this does not appear to be standardized in any way.)
To summarize the problem, it appears (after reading a lot) that "volatile" guarantees something like: The value will be read/written not just from/to a register, but at least to the core's L1 cache, in the same order that the reads/writes appear in the code. But this seems useless, since reading/writing from/to a register is already sufficient within the same thread, while coordinating with L1 cache doesn't guarantee anything further regarding coordination with other threads. I can't imagine when it could ever be important to sync just with L1 cache.
The only widely-agreed-upon use of volatile seems to be for old or embedded systems where certain memory locations are hardware-mapped to I/O functions, like a bit in memory that controls (directly, in the hardware) a light, or a bit in memory that tells you whether a keyboard key is down or not (because it is connected by the hardware directly to the key).
It seems that "use 1" does not occur in portable code whose targets include multi-core systems.
Not too different from "use 1" is memory that could be read or written at any time by an interrupt handler (which might control a light or store info from a key). But already for this we have the problem that depending on the system, the interrupt handler might run on a different core with its own memory cache, and "volatile" does not guarantee cache coherency on all systems.
So "use 2" seems to be beyond what "volatile" can deliver.
The only other undisputed use I see is to prevent mis-optimization of accesses via different variables pointing to the same memory that the compiler doesn't realize is the same memory. But this is probably only undisputed because people aren't talking about it -- I only saw one mention of it. And I thought the C standard already recognized that "different" pointers (like different args to a function) might point to the same item or nearby items, and already specified that the compiler must produce code that works even in such cases. However, I couldn't quickly find this topic in the latest (500 page!) standard.
So "use 3" maybe doesn't exist at all?
Hence my question:
Does "volatile" guarantee anything at all in portable C code for multi-core systems?
EDIT -- update
After browsing the latest standard, it is looking like the answer is at least a very limited yes:
1. The standard repeatedly specifies special treatment for the specific type "volatile sig_atomic_t". However the standard also says that use of the signal function in a multi-threaded program results in undefined behavior. So this use case seems limited to communication between a single-threaded program and its signal handler.
2. The standard also specifies a clear meaning for "volatile" in relation to setjmp/longjmp. (Example code where it matters is given in other questions and answers.)
So the more precise question becomes:
Does "volatile" guarantee anything at all in portable C code for multi-core systems, apart from (1) allowing a single-threaded program to receive information from its signal handler, or (2) allowing setjmp code to see variables modified between setjmp and longjmp?
This is still a yes/no question.
If "yes", it would be great if you could show an example of bug-free portable code which becomes buggy if "volatile" is omitted. If "no", then I suppose a compiler is free to ignore "volatile" outside of these two very specific cases, for multi-core targets.
I'm no expert, but has what appears to me to be some pretty good information on volatile. Here's the gist of it:
Every access (both read and write) made through an lvalue expression
of volatile-qualified type is considered an observable side effect for
the purpose of optimization and is evaluated strictly according to the
rules of the abstract machine (that is, all writes are completed at
some time before the next sequence point). This means that within a
single thread of execution, a volatile access cannot be optimized out
or reordered relative to another visible side effect that is separated
by a sequence point from the volatile access.
It also gives some uses:
Uses of volatile
1) static volatile objects model memory-mapped I/O ports, and static
const volatile objects model memory-mapped input ports, such as a
real-time clock
2) static volatile objects of type sig_atomic_t are used for
communication with signal handlers.
3) volatile variables that are local to a function that contains an
invocation of the setjmp macro are the only local variables guaranteed
to retain their values after longjmp returns.
4) In addition, volatile variables can be used to disable certain
forms of optimization, e.g. to disable dead store elimination or
constant folding for microbenchmarks.
And of course, it mentions that volatile is not useful for thread synchronization:
Note that volatile variables are not suitable for communication
between threads; they do not offer atomicity, synchronization, or
memory ordering. A read from a volatile variable that is modified by
another thread without synchronization or concurrent modification from
two unsynchronized threads is undefined behavior due to a data race.
First of all, there's historically been various hiccups regarding different intepretations of the meaning of volatile access and similar. See this study: Volatiles Are Miscompiled, and What to Do about It.
Apart from the various issues mentioned in that study, the behavior of volatile is portable, save for one aspect of them: when they act as memory barriers. A memory barrier is some mechanism which is there to prevent concurrent unsequenced execution of your code. Using volatile as a memory barrier is certainly not portable.
Whether the C language guarantees memory behavior or not from volatile is apparently arguable, though personally I think the language is clear. First we have the formal definition of side effects, C17
Accessing a volatile object, modifying an object, modifying a file, or calling a function that does any of those operations are all side effects, which are changes in the state of the execution environment.
The standard defines the term sequencing, as a way of determining order of evaluation (execution). The definition is formal and cumbersome:
Sequenced before is an asymmetric, transitive, pair-wise relation between evaluations
executed by a single thread, which induces a partial order among those evaluations.
Given any two evaluations A and B, if A is sequenced before B, then the execution of A
shall precede the execution of B. (Conversely, if A is sequenced before B, then B is
sequenced after A.) If A is not sequenced before or after B, then A and B are
unsequenced. Evaluations A and B are indeterminately sequenced when A is sequenced
either before or after B, but it is unspecified which.13) The presence of a sequence point
between the evaluation of expressions A and B implies that every value computation and
side effect associated with A is sequenced before every value computation and side effect
associated with B. (A summary of the sequence points is given in annex C.)
The TL;DR of the above is basically that in case we have an expression A which contains side-effects, it must be done executing before another expression B, in case B is sequenced after A.
Optimizations of C code are made possible through this part:
In the abstract machine, all expressions are evaluated as specified by the semantics. An actual
implementation need not evaluate part of an expression if it can deduce that its value is not used and that no needed side effects are produced (including any caused by calling a function or accessing a
volatile object).
This means that the program may evaluate (execute) expressions in the order that the standard mandates elsewhere (order of evaluation etc). But it need not evaluate (execute) a value if it can deduce that it is not used. For example, the operation 0 * x doesn't need to evaluate x and simply replace the expression with 0.
Unless accessing a variable is a side-effect. Meaning that in case x is volatile, it must evaluate (execute) 0 * x even though the result will always be 0. Optimization is not allowed.
Furthermore, the standard speaks of observable behavior:
The least requirements on a conforming implementation are:
Accesses to volatile objects are evaluated strictly according to the rules of the abstract machine.
This is the observable behavior of the program.
Given all of the above, a conforming implementation (compiler + underlying system) may not execute the access of volatile objects in an unsequenced order, in case the semantics of the written C source says otherwise.
This means that in this example
volatile int x;
volatile int y;
z = x;
z = y;
Both assignment expressions must be evaluated and z = x; must be evaluated before z = y;. A multi-processor implementation that outsource these two operations to two different unsequenced cores is not conforming!
The dilemma is that compilers can't do much about things like pre-fetch caching and instruction pipelining etc, particularly not when running on top of an OS. And so compilers hand that problem over to the programmers, telling them that memory barriers is now the programmer's responsibility. While the C standard clearly states that the problem needs to be solved by the compiler.
The compiler doesn't necessarily care to solve the problem though, and so volatile for the sake of acting as a memory barrier is non-portable. It has become a quality of implementation issue.
To summarize the problem, it appears (after reading a lot) that
"volatile" guarantees something like: The value will be read/written
not just from/to a register, but at least to the core's L1 cache, in
the same order that the reads/writes appear in the code.
No, it absolutely does not. And that makes volatile almost useless for the purpose of MT safe code.
If it did, then volatile would be quite good for variables shared by multiple thread as ordering the events in the L1 cache is all you need to do in typical CPU (that is either multi-core or multi-CPU on motherboard) capable of cooperating in a way that makes a normal implementation of either C/C++ or Java multithreading possible with typical expected costs (that is, not a huge cost on most atomic or non-contented mutex operations).
But volatile does not provide any guaranteed ordering (or "memory visibility") in the cache either in theory or in practice.
(Note: the following is based on sound interpretation of the standard documents, the standard's intent, historical practice, and a deep understand of the expectations of compiler writers. This approach based on history, actual practices, and expectations and understanding of real persons in the real world, which is much stronger and more reliable than parsing the words of a document that is not known to be stellar specification writing and which has been revised many times.)
In practice, volatile does guarantees ptrace-ability that is the ability to use debug information for the running program, at any level of optimization, and the fact the debug information makes sense for these volatile objects:
you may use ptrace (a ptrace-like mechanism) to set meaningful break points at the sequence points after operations involving volatile objects: you can really break at exactly these points (note that this works only if you are willing to set many break points as any C/C++ statement may be compiled to many different assembly start and end points, as in a massively unrolled loop);
while a thread of execution of stopped, you may read the value of all volatile objects, as they have their canonical representation (following the ABI for their respective type); a non volatile local variable could have an atypical representation, f.ex. a shifted representation: a variable used for indexing an array might be multiplied by the size of individual objects, for easier indexing; or it might be replaced by a pointer to an array element (as long as all uses of the variable as similarly converted) (think changing dx to du in an integral);
you can also modify those objects (as long as the memory mappings allow that, as volatile object with static lifetime that are const qualified might be in a memory range mapped read only).
Volatile guarantee in practice a little more than the strict ptrace interpretation: it also guarantees that volatile automatic variables have an address on the stack, as they aren't allocated to a register, a register allocation which would make ptrace manipulations more delicate (compiler can output debug information to explain how variables are allocated to registers, but reading and changing register state is slightly more involved than accessing memory addresses).
Note that full program debug-ability, that is considering all variables volatile at least at sequence points, is provided by the "zero optimization" mode of the compiler, a mode which still performs trivial optimizations like arithmetic simplifications (there is usually no guaranteed no optimization at all mode). But volatile is stronger than non optimization: x-x can be simplified for a non volatile integer x but not of a volatile object.
So volatile means guaranteed to be compiled as is, like the translation from source to binary/assembly by the compiler of a system call isn't a reinterpretation, changed, or optimized in any way by a compiler. Note that library calls may or may not be system calls. Many official system functions are actually library function that offer a thin layer of interposition and generally defer to the kernel at the end. (In particular getpid doesn't need to go to the kernel and could well read a memory location provided by the OS containing the information.)
Volatile interactions are interactions with the outside world of the real machine, which must follow the "abstract machine". They aren't internal interactions of program parts with other program parts. The compiler can only reason about what it knows, that is the internal program parts.
The code generation for a volatile access should follow the most natural interaction with that memory location: it should be unsurprising. That means that some volatile accesses are expected to be atomic: if the natural way to read or write the representation of a long on the architecture is atomic, then it's expected that a read or write of a volatile long will be atomic, as the compiler should not generate silly inefficient code to access volatile objects byte by byte, for example.
You should be able to determine that by knowing the architecture. You don't have to know anything about the compiler, as volatile means that the compiler should be transparent.
But volatile does no more than force the emission of expected assembly for the least optimized for particular cases to do a memory operation: volatile semantics means general case semantic.
The general case is what the compiler does when it doesn't have any information about a construct: f.ex. calling a virtual function on an lvalue via dynamic dispatch is a general case, making a direct call to the overrider after determining at compile time the type of the object designated by the expression is a particular case. The compiler always have a general case handling of all constructs, and it follows the ABI.
Volatile does nothing special to synchronize threads or provide "memory visibility": volatile only provides guarantees at the abstract level seen from inside a thread executing or stopped, that is the inside of a CPU core:
volatile says nothing about which memory operations reach main RAM (you may set specific memory caching types with assembly instructions or system calls to obtain these guarantees);
volatile doesn't provide any guarantee about when memory operations will be committed to any level of cache (not even L1).
Only the second point means volatile is not useful in most inter threads communication problems; the first point is essentially irrelevant in any programming problem that doesn't involve communication with hardware components outside the CPU(s) but still on the memory bus.
The property of volatile providing guaranteed behavior from the point of the view of the core running the thread means that asynchronous signals delivered to that thread, which are run from the point of view of the execution ordering of that thread, see operations in source code order.
Unless you plan to send signals to your threads (an extremely useful approach to consolidation of information about currently running threads with no previously agreed point of stopping), volatile is not for you.
The ISO C standard, no, but in practice all machines that we run threads across have coherent shared memory, so volatile in practice works somewhat like _Atomic with memory_order_relaxed, at least for pure-load / pure-store operations on small-enough types. (But of course only _Atomic will give you atomic RMWs for stuff like n += 1;)
There's also the question of what exactly volatile means to a compiler. The standard allows wiggle room, but in real-world compilers, it means the load or store has to actually happen in the asm. No more, no less. (A compiler that didn't work this way couldn't correctly compile pre-C11 multi-threaded code that used hand-rolled volatile, so that de-facto standard is a requirement for compilers to be generally useful and for anyone to want to actually use them. ISO C leaves enough choice up to the implementation that a DeathStation 9000 could be ISO C compliant and almost totally unusable for real programs, and break most real code bases.)
The requirement that volatile accesses are guaranteed to happen in source order is normally interpreted as putting the asm in that order, leaving runtime reordering at the mercy of the target machine's memory model. volatile accesses aren't ordered wrt. anything else, so plain operations can still optimize away separately from them.
When to use volatile with multi threading? is a C++ version of the question. Answer: basically never, use stdatomic. My answer there explains why cache-coherency makes volatile useful in practice: there are no C or C++ implementations I'm aware of where, std::memory_order_relaxed) needs to explicitly flush anything to make the store visible to other cores. It compiles to just a normal asm store instruction, for variables narrow enough to be "naturally" atomic.
(Memory barriers just make this core wait, e.g. until the store commits from the store buffer to L1d cache and thus becomes globally visible, before doing later loads/stores. So they order this core's accesses to coherent shared memory.)
For example, the Linux kernel depends on this, using volatile for inter-thread visibility, and asm() for memory barriers to order those accesses, and for atomic-RMW operations. All multi-core systems that can run a single instance of Linux across those cores have coherent shared memory.
There are some rare systems with shared memory that isn't coherent, for example some clusters. But you don't run threads of the same process across different coherency domains. (Or run a single instance of the OS on it). Instead, the shared memory has to get mapped differently from normal write-back cacheable, or you have to do explicit flushing.

C11 mixing atomic and non-atomic access to variable

Sometimes you may want to access a variable both atomically and non-atomically. Which is why I find convinient that on gcc you can write something like :
int var = 0;
atomic_fetch_add(&var, 1);
However this does not compile with clang 4.0.1 :
error: address argument to atomic operation must be a pointer to _Atomic type ('int *' invalid)
atomic_fetch_add(&var, 1);
The best solution I could find is a cast :
int var = 0;
atomic_fetch_add(&var, 1);
Is there a simpler and portable way to achieve this ?
There are two interfaces in C11 that allow you to act on an atomic object which are less restrictive.
First, you can always overwrite an atomic object, when you know that you are the only one accessing it, usually during an initialization phase, use atomic_init for that.
Second, if you need less guarantees for an access during the execution even with several threads, you can use a less restrictive access mode. Namely you could e.g do atomic_fetch_and_add_explicit(&var, 1, memory_order_relaxed). This still guarantees that your access is indivisible (one of the properties that you want from an atomic) but it doesn't guarantee when another thread sees the updated value.
But generally speaking, if atomic accesses are performance critical, you are doing something wrong. So before you try semantically difficult dealings with atomics, benchmark your code and see if this really is a bottleneck. If so, think first of a way to change your algorithm, e.g by doing more computations in local variables that are not subject to races. Only if all of that fails to give you the performance you want, have a look into the different memory semantics that C11 offers.
The abstract machine defined by the C Standard has a rather different view of storage than most real machines. In particular, rather than thinking of memory accesses as actions which can be performed in a variety of different way depending upon required circumstances, it instead views each object has supporting one kind of read and at most one kind of write (const-qualified objects don't support any kind of write); the kind of read and write required to access an object depend upon its type.
Such an approach may be useful for some kinds of hardware platforms, or for some optimization strategies, but is grossly unsuitable for many kinds of programs running on real-world platforms. Unfortunately, the Standard doesn't recognize any practical way by which programmers can indicate that certain objects should be treated as "ordinary" storage most of the time, but recognize that they require more precise memory semantics at certain specific times during program execution.

multithreaded C/C++ variable no cache (Linux)

I use 2 pthreads, where one thread "notifies" the other one of an event, and for that there is a variable ( normal integer ), which is set by the second thread.
This works, but my question is, is it possible that the update is not seen immediately by the first (reading) thread, meaning the cache is not updated directly? And if so, is there a way to prevent this behaviour, e.g. like the volatile keyword in java?
(the frequency which the event occurs is approximately in microsecond range, so more or less immediate update needs to be enforced).
/edit: 2nd question: is it possible to enforce that the variable is hold in the cache of the core where thread 1 is, since this one is reading it all the time. ?
It sounds to me as though you should be using a pthread condition variable as your signaling mechanism. This takes care of all the issues you describe.
It may not be immediately visible by the other processors but not because of cache coherence. The biggest problems of visibility will be due to your processor's out-of-order execution schemes or due to your compiler re-ordering instructions while optimizing.
In order to avoid both these problems, you have to use memory barriers. I believe that most pthread primitives are natural memory barriers which means that you shouldn't expect loads or stores to be moved beyond the boundaries formed by the lock and unlock calls. The volatile keyword can also be useful to disable a certain class of compiler optimizations that can be useful when doing lock-free algorithms but it's not a substitute for memory barriers.
That being said, I recommend you don't do this manually and there are quite a few pitfalls associated with lock-free algorithms. Leaving these headaches to library writters should make you a happier camper (unless you're like me and you love headaches :) ). So my final recomendation is to ignore everything I said and use what vromanov or David Heffman suggested.
The most appropriate way to pass a signal from one thread to another should be to use the runtime library's signalling mechanisms, such as mutexes, condition variables, semaphores, and so forth.
If these have too high an overhead, my first thought would be that there was something wrong with the structure of the program. If it turned out that this really was the bottleneck, and restructuring the program was inappropriate, then I would use atomic operations provided by the compiler or a suitable library.
Using plain int variables, or even volatile-qualified ones is error prone, unless the compiler guarantees they have the appropriate semantics. e.g. MSVC makes particular guarantees about the atomicity and ordering constraints of plain loads and stores to volatile variables, but gcc does not.
Better way to use atomic variables. For sample you can use libatomic. volatile keyword not enough.

One thread reading and another writing to volatile variable - thread-safe?

In C I have a pointer that is declared volatile and initialized null.
void* volatile pvoid;
Thread 1 is occasionally reading the pointer value to check if it is non-null. Thread 1 will not set the value of the pointer.
Thread 2 will set the value of a pointer just once.
I believe I can get away without using a mutex or condition variable.
Is there any reason thread 1 will read a corrupted value or thread 2 will write a corrupted value?
To make it thread safe, you have to make atomic reads/writes to the variable, it being volatile is not safe in all timing situations. Under Win32 there are the Interlocked functions, under Linux you can build it yourself with assembly if you do not want to use the heavy weight mutexes and conditional variables.
If you are not against GPL then and its atomic<> template seems promising. The lib is cross platform.
In the case where the value fits in a single register, such as a memory aligned pointer, this is safe. In other cases where it might take more than one instruction to read or write the value, the read thread could get corrupted data. If you are not sure wether the read and write will take a single instruction in all usage scenarios, use atomic reads and writes.
Depends on your compiler, architecture and operating system. POSIX (since this question was tagged pthreads Im assuming we're not talking about windows or some other threading model) and C don't give enough constraints to have a portable answer to this question.
The safe assumption is of course to protect the access to the pointer with a mutex. However based on your description of the problem I wonder if pthread_once wouldn't be a better way to go. Granted there's not enough information in the question to say one way or the other.
Unfortunately, you cannot portably make any assumptions about what is atomic in pure C.
GCC, however, does provide some atomic built-in functions that take care of using the proper instructions for many architectures for you. See Chapter 5.47 of the GCC manual for more information.
Well this seems fine.. The only problem will happen in this case
let thread A be your checking thread and B the modifying one..
The thing is that checking for equality is not atomic technically first the values should be copied to registers then checked and then restored. Lets assume that thread A has copied to register, now B decides to change the value , now the value of your variable changes. So when control goes back to A it will say it is not null even though it SHUD be according to when the thread was called. This seems harmless in this program but MIGHT cause problems..
Use a mutex.. simple enuf.. and u can be sure you dont have sync errors!
On most platforms where a pointer value can be read/written in a single instruction, it either set or it isn't set yet. It can't be interrupted in the middle and contain a corrupted value. A mutex isn't needed on that kind of platform.

Using C/Pthreads: do shared variables need to be volatile?

In the C programming language and Pthreads as the threading library; do variables/structures that are shared between threads need to be declared as volatile? Assuming that they might be protected by a lock or not (barriers perhaps).
Does the pthread POSIX standard have any say about this, is this compiler-dependent or neither?
Edit to add: Thanks for the great answers. But what if you're not using locks; what if you're using barriers for example? Or code that uses primitives such as compare-and-swap to directly and atomically modify a shared variable...
As long as you are using locks to control access to the variable, you do not need volatile on it. In fact, if you're putting volatile on any variable you're probably already wrong.
The answer is absolutely, unequivocally, NO. You do not need to use 'volatile' in addition to proper synchronization primitives. Everything that needs to be done are done by these primitives.
The use of 'volatile' is neither necessary nor sufficient. It's not necessary because the proper synchronization primitives are sufficient. It's not sufficient because it only disables some optimizations, not all of the ones that might bite you. For example, it does not guarantee either atomicity or visibility on another CPU.
But unless you use volatile, the compiler is free to cache the shared data in a register for any length of time... if you want your data to be written to be predictably written to actual memory and not just cached in a register by the compiler at its discretion, you will need to mark it as volatile. Alternatively, if you only access the shared data after you have left a function modifying it, you might be fine. But I would suggest not relying on blind luck to make sure that values are written back from registers to memory.
Right, but even if you do use volatile, the CPU is free to cache the shared data in a write posting buffer for any length of time. The set of optimizations that can bite you is not precisely the same as the set of optimizations that 'volatile' disables. So if you use 'volatile', you are relying on blind luck.
On the other hand, if you use sychronization primitives with defined multi-threaded semantics, you are guaranteed that things will work. As a plus, you don't take the huge performance hit of 'volatile'. So why not do things that way?
I think one very important property of volatile is that it makes the variable be written to memory when modified, and reread from memory each time it accessed. The other answers here mix volatile and synchronization, and it is clear from some other answers than this that volatile is NOT a sync primitive (credit where credit is due).
But unless you use volatile, the compiler is free to cache the shared data in a register for any length of time... if you want your data to be written to be predictably written to actual memory and not just cached in a register by the compiler at its discretion, you will need to mark it as volatile. Alternatively, if you only access the shared data after you have left a function modifying it, you might be fine. But I would suggest not relying on blind luck to make sure that values are written back from registers to memory.
Especially on register-rich machines (i.e., not x86), variables can live for quite long periods in registers, and a good compiler can cache even parts of structures or entire structures in registers. So you should use volatile, but for performance, also copy values to local variables for computation and then do an explicit write-back. Essentially, using volatile efficiently means doing a bit of load-store thinking in your C code.
In any case, you positively have to use some kind of OS-level provided sync mechanism to create a correct program.
For an example of the weakness of volatile, see my Decker's algorithm example at, which proves pretty well that volatile does not work to synchronize.
There is a widespread notion that the keyword volatile is good for multi-threaded programming.
Hans Boehm points out that there are only three portable uses for volatile:
volatile may be used to mark local variables in the same scope as a setjmp whose value should be preserved across a longjmp. It is unclear what fraction of such uses would be slowed down, since the atomicity and ordering constraints have no effect if there is no way to share the local variable in question. (It is even unclear what fraction of such uses would be slowed down by requiring all variables to be preserved across a longjmp, but that is a separate matter and is not considered here.)
volatile may be used when variables may be "externally modified", but the modification in fact is triggered synchronously by the thread itself, e.g. because the underlying memory is mapped at multiple locations.
A volatile sigatomic_t may be used to communicate with a signal handler in the same thread, in a restricted manner. One could consider weakening the requirements for the sigatomic_t case, but that seems rather counterintuitive.
If you are multi-threading for the sake of speed, slowing down code is definitely not what you want. For multi-threaded programming, there two key issues that volatile is often mistakenly thought to address:
memory consistency, i.e. the order of a thread's operations as seen by another thread.
Let's deal with (1) first. Volatile does not guarantee atomic reads or writes. For example, a volatile read or write of a 129-bit structure is not going to be atomic on most modern hardware. A volatile read or write of a 32-bit int is atomic on most modern hardware, but volatile has nothing to do with it. It would likely be atomic without the volatile. The atomicity is at the whim of the compiler. There's nothing in the C or C++ standards that says it has to be atomic.
Now consider issue (2). Sometimes programmers think of volatile as turning off optimization of volatile accesses. That's largely true in practice. But that's only the volatile accesses, not the non-volatile ones. Consider this fragment:
volatile int Ready;
int Message[100];
void foo( int i ) {
Message[i/10] = 42;
Ready = 1;
It's trying to do something very reasonable in multi-threaded programming: write a message and then send it to another thread. The other thread will wait until Ready becomes non-zero and then read Message. Try compiling this with "gcc -O2 -S" using gcc 4.0, or icc. Both will do the store to Ready first, so it can be overlapped with the computation of i/10. The reordering is not a compiler bug. It's an aggressive optimizer doing its job.
You might think the solution is to mark all your memory references volatile. That's just plain silly. As the earlier quotes say, it will just slow down your code. Worst yet, it might not fix the problem. Even if the compiler does not reorder the references, the hardware might. In this example, x86 hardware will not reorder it. Neither will an Itanium(TM) processor, because Itanium compilers insert memory fences for volatile stores. That's a clever Itanium extension. But chips like Power(TM) will reorder. What you really need for ordering are memory fences, also called memory barriers. A memory fence prevents reordering of memory operations across the fence, or in some cases, prevents reordering in one direction.Volatile has nothing to do with memory fences.
So what's the solution for multi-threaded programming? Use a library or language extension that implements the atomic and fence semantics. When used as intended, the operations in the library will insert the right fences. Some examples:
POSIX threads
Windows(TM) threads
Based on article by Arch Robison (Intel)
In my experience, no; you just have to properly mutex yourself when you write to those values, or structure your program such that the threads will stop before they need to access data that depends on another thread's actions. My project, x264, uses this method; threads share an enormous amount of data but the vast majority of it doesn't need mutexes because its either read-only or a thread will wait for the data to become available and finalized before it needs to access it.
Now, if you have many threads that are all heavily interleaved in their operations (they depend on each others' output on a very fine-grained level), this may be a lot harder--in fact, in such a case I'd consider revisiting the threading model to see if it can possibly be done more cleanly with more separation between threads.
Volatile is only required when reading a memory location that can change independently of the CPU read/write commands. In the situation of threading, the CPU is in full control of read/writes to memory for each thread, therefore the compiler can assume the memory is coherent and optimizes the CPU instructions to reduce unnecessary memory access.
The primary usage for volatile is for accessing memory-mapped I/O. In this case, the underlying device can change the value of a memory location independently from CPU. If you do not use volatile under this condition, the CPU may use a previously cached memory value, instead of reading the newly updated value.
POSIX 7 guarantees that functions such as pthread_lock also synchronize memory "4.12 Memory Synchronization" says:
The following functions synchronize memory with respect to other threads:
Therefore if your variable is guarded between pthread_mutex_lock and pthread_mutex_unlock then it does not need further synchronization as you might attempt to provide with volatile.
Related questions:
Does guarding a variable with a pthread mutex guarantee it's also not cached?
Does pthread_mutex_lock contains memory fence instruction?
Volatile would only be useful if you need absolutely no delay between when one thread writes something and another thread reads it. Without some sort of lock, though, you have no idea of when the other thread wrote the data, only that it's the most recent possible value.
For simple values (int and float in their various sizes) a mutex might be overkill if you don't need an explicit synch point. If you don't use a mutex or lock of some sort, you should declare the variable volatile. If you use a mutex you're all set.
For complicated types, you must use a mutex. Operations on them are non-atomic, so you could read a half-changed version without a mutex.
Volatile means that we have to go to memory to get or set this value. If you don't set volatile, the compiled code might store the data in a register for a long time.
What this means is that you should mark variables that you share between threads as volatile so that you don't have situations where one thread starts modifying the value but doesn't write its result before a second thread comes along and tries to read the value.
Volatile is a compiler hint that disables certain optimizations. The output assembly of the compiler might have been safe without it but you should always use it for shared values.
This is especially important if you are NOT using the expensive thread sync objects provided by your system - you might for example have a data structure where you can keep it valid with a series of atomic changes. Many stacks that do not allocate memory are examples of such data structures, because you can add a value to the stack then move the end pointer or remove a value from the stack after moving the end pointer. When implementing such a structure, volatile becomes crucial to ensure that your atomic instructions are actually atomic.
The underlying reason is that the C language semantic is based upon a single-threaded abstract machine. And the compiler is within its own right to transform the program as long as the program's 'observable behaviors' on the abstract machine stay unchanged. It can merge adjacent or overlapping memory accesses, redo a memory access multiple times (upon register spilling for example), or simply discard a memory access, if it thinks the program's behaviors, when executed in a single thread, doesn't change. Therefore as you may suspect, the behaviors do change if the program is actually supposed to be executing in a multi-threaded way.
As Paul Mckenney pointed out in a famous Linux kernel document:
It _must_not_ be assumed that the compiler will do what you want
with memory references that are not protected by READ_ONCE() and
WRITE_ONCE(). Without them, the compiler is within its rights to
do all sorts of "creative" transformations, which are covered in
READ_ONCE() and WRITE_ONCE() are defined as volatile casts on referenced variables. Thus:
int y;
int x = READ_ONCE(y);
is equivalent to:
int y;
int x = *(volatile int *)&y;
So, unless you make a 'volatile' access, you are not assured that the access happens exactly once, no matter what synchronization mechanism you are using. Calling an external function (pthread_mutex_lock for example) may force the compiler do memory accesses to global variables. But this happens only when the compiler fails to figure out whether the external function changes these global variables or not. Modern compilers employing sophisticated inter-procedure analysis and link-time optimization make this trick simply useless.
In summary, you should mark variables shared by multiple threads volatile or access them using volatile casts.
As Paul McKenney has also pointed out:
I have seen the glint in their eyes when they discuss optimization techniques that you would not want your children to know about!
But see what happens to C11/C++11.
Some people obviously are assuming that the compiler treats the synchronization calls as memory barriers. "Casey" is assuming there is exactly one CPU.
If the sync primitives are external functions and the symbols in question are visible outside the compilation unit (global names, exported pointer, exported function that may modify them) then the compiler will treat them -- or any other external function call -- as a memory fence with respect to all externally visible objects.
Otherwise, you are on your own. And volatile may be the best tool available for making the compiler produce correct, fast code. It generally won't be portable though, when you need volatile and what it actually does for you depends a lot on the system and compiler.
First, volatile is not necessary. There are numerous other operations that provide guaranteed multithreaded semantics that don't use volatile. These include atomic operations, mutexes, and so on.
Second, volatile is not sufficient. The C standard does not provide any guarantees about multithreaded behavior for variables declared volatile.
So being neither necessary nor sufficient, there's not much point in using it.
One exception would be particular platforms (such as Visual Studio) where it does have documented multithreaded semantics.
Variables that are shared among threads should be declared 'volatile'. This tells the
compiler that when one thread writes to such variables, the write should be to memory
(as opposed to a register).
