I am writing a small program to perform real-time ambient noise removal using PortAudio. To do some of the necessary calculations (like Fourier transforms), I need to supply the sample data, but I also need to know exactly how many samples I am working with at a given time.
How can I determine the number of audio samples in a buffer?
When attempting to solve this myself, two variables seemed particularly relevant and useful, namely: the sampling rate and the frames per buffer. When I attempted to calculate the number of samples using the sampling rate, I ran into the issue of miscalculating the time between each callback invocation.
int ambienceCallback(const void * inputBuffer,
void * outputBuffer,
unsigned long framesPerBuffer,
const PaStreamCallbackTimeInfo * timeInfo,
PaStreamCallbackFlags statusFlags,
void * userData)
const SAMPLE * in = (const SAMPLE *) inputBuffer;
PaStreamParameters * inputParameters = (PaStreamParameters *) userData;
PaTime time = timeInfo->inputBufferAdcTime;
int sampleCount = (time - callbackTime) * Pa_GetDeviceInfo(inputParameters->device)->defaultSampleRate;
callbackTime = time;
// extraneous ...
where callbackTime is a variable declared in the header file, and initialized upon starting the audio input stream.
// extraneous ...
error = Pa_StartStream(stream);
callbackTime = Pa_GetStreamTime(stream);
// extraneous ...
However, the calculated time would always be zero. As a result, I could not make my idea to simply multiply the sampling rate by the elapsed time work. The other variable, framesPerBuffer seemed like it could be useful for calculating the sample count if I could find how many samples were in a frame but, I flat out could not manage do that.
Again, how can I determine how many samples are in the buffer? As a disclaimer, I am new to audio programming. I am probably mixing up some terms or concepts, causing the more experienced to scratch their heads. (I apologize!)
Get the number of samples from the callback parameters! :)
framesPerBuffer gives you number of frames.
A frame is a set of samples that occur simultaneously. For a stereo stream, a frame is two samples.
Timestamps are not useful for your purpose, e.g. Pa_GetStreamTime() returns the stream's current time in seconds. This resolution won't allow you to calculate the number of samples.
I have an array of 2048 samples of an audio file at 44.1 khz and want to transform it into a spectrum for an LED effect. I don't know too much about the inner workings of fft but I tryed it using kiss fft:
kiss_fft_cpx *cpx_in = malloc(FRAMES * sizeof(kiss_fft_cpx));
kiss_fft_cpx *cpx_out = malloc(FRAMES * sizeof(kiss_fft_cpx));
kiss_fft_cfg cfg = kiss_fft_alloc( FRAMES , 0 ,0,0 );
for(int j = 0;j<FRAMES;j++) {
float x = (alsa_buffer[(fft_last_index+j+BUFFER_OVERSIZE*FRAMES)%(BUFFER_OVERSIZE*FRAMES)] - offset);
cpx_in[j] = (kiss_fft_cpx){.r = x, .i = x};
kiss_fft(cfg, cpx_in, cpx_out);
My output seems really off. When I play a simple sine, there multiple outputs with values way above zero. Also it generally seems like the first entries are way higher. Do I have to weigh the outputs?
I also don't understand how I have to treat the complex numbers, I'm currently using my input values on the real and imaginary part and for the output I use the abs, is that right?
Also usually spectrum analyzers for audio have logarithmic scaling, so I tried that but the problem is that the fft output as far as I know isn't logarithmic, so the first band for example is say 0-100hz but optimally my first LED on the effect should be only up to like 60hz (so a fraction of the first outputs band), while the last LED would be say 8khz to 10khz which would in that case be 20 fft outputs.
Is there any way to make the output logarithmic? How do I limit the spectrum to 20khz (or know what the bands of the output are in general) and is there any other thing to look out for when working with audio signals?
I got a µC which measures temperature with of a sensor with an ADC. Due to various circumstances it can happen, that the reading is 0 (-30°C) or a impossible large Value (500-1500°C). I can't fix the reasons why these readings are so bad (time critical ISRs and sometimes a bad wiring) so I have to fix it with a clever piece of code.
I've come up with this (code gets called OVERSAMPLENR-times in a ISR):
#define OVERSAMPLENR 16 //read value 16 times
#define TEMP_VALID_CHANGE 0.15 //15% change in reading is possible
//float raw_tem_bed_value = <sum of all readings>;
//ADC = <AVR ADC reading macro>;
if(temp_count > 1) { //temp_count = amount of samples read, gets increased elsewhere
float avgRaw = raw_temp_bed_value / temp_count;
float diff = (avgRaw > ADC ? avgRaw - ADC : ADC - avgRaw) / (avgRaw == 0 ? 1 : avgRaw); //pulled out to shorten the line for SO
if (diff > TEMP_VALID_CHANGE * ((OVERSAMPLENR - temp_count) / OVERSAMPLENR)) //subsequent readings have a smaller tollerance
raw_temp_bed_value += avgRaw;
raw_temp_bed_value += ADC;
} else {
raw_temp_bed_value = ADC;
Where raw_temp_bed_value is a static global and gets read and processed later, when the ISR got fired 16 times.
As you can see, I check if the difference between the current average and the new reading is less then 15%. If so I accept the reading, if not, I reject it and add the current average instead.
But this breaks horribly if the first reading is something impossible.
One solution I though of is:
In the last line the raw_temp_bed_value is reset to the first ADC reading. It would be better to reset this to raw_temp_bed_value/OVERSAMPLENR. So I don't run in a "first reading error".
Do you have any better solutions? I though of some solutions featuring a moving average and use the average of the moving average but this would require additional arrays/RAM/cycles which we want to prevent.
I've often used something what I call rate of change to the sampling. Use a variable that represents how many samples it takes to reach a certain value, like 20. Then keep adding your sample difference to a variable divided by the rate of change. You can still use a threshold to filter out unlikely values.
float RateOfChange = 20;
float PreviousAdcValue = 0;
float filtered = FILTER_PRESET;
//isr gets adc value here
filtered = filtered + ((AdcValue - PreviousAdcValue)/RateOfChange);
PreviousAdcValue = AdcValue;
Please note that this isn't exactly like a low pass filter, it responds quicker and the last value added has the most significance. But it will not change much if a single value shoots out too much, depending on the rate of change.
You can also preset the filtered value to something sensible. This prevents wild startup behavior.
It takes up to RateOfChange samples to reach a stable value. You may want to make sure the filtered value isn't used before that by using a counter to count the number of samples taken for example. If the counter is lower than RateOfChange, skip processing temperature control.
For a more advanced (temperature) control routine, I highly recommend looking into PID control loops. These add a plethora of functionality to get a fast, stable response and keep something at a certain temperature efficiently and keep oscillations to a minimum. I've used the one used in the Marlin firmware in my own projects and works quite well.
I am trying to create a low-jitter multicast source for digital TV. The program in question should buffer the input, calculate the intended times from the PCR values in the stream and then send the packets at relatively precise intervals. However, this is not running on a RTOS, so some timing variance is expected.
This is the basic code (the relevant variables are initialized, I just omitted the code here):
while (!sendstop) {
//put 7 MPEG packets in one UDP packet buffer "outpkt"
waittime = //calculate from PCR values - value is in microseconds
//waittime is in the order of 2000 -> 2ms
sleeptime.tv_nsec += waittime * 1000L;
sleeptime.tv_sec += sleeptime.tv_nsec / 1000000000;
sleeptime.tv_nsec %= 1000000000;
while (clock_nanosleep(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, TIMER_ABSTIME, &sleeptime, NULL) && errno == EINTR) {
sendto(sck,outpkt,1316,0,res->ai_addr,res->ai_addrlen); //send the packet
However, this results in the sending being too slow (since there is some processing that also takes time), so the buffer fills up. So, I thought that I should get the difference between "sleeptime" (the time that should have been) and "curtime" (the actual time) and the subtract it from the future "waittime". This almost works, but now is a bit too fast and now I get an empty buffer.
My next idea was to multiply the difference by some value before subtracting it, like this (just above "while..."):
if (difn<0) difn+=1000000000;
sleeptime.tv_nsec = sleeptime.tv_nsec-(difn*difnc)/1000; //difnc - adjustment
if (sleeptime.tv_nsec<0) {
However, different values of difnc work at different times of day, servers and so on. There needs to be some kind of automatic adjustment based on the operation of the program. The best I could figure out was to increment/decrement it every time the buffer is full or empty, however, this leads to slow cycles of "too fast" - "too slow". I tried to adjust the "difnc" value based on how full/empty the buffer is but that too just leads of "slow"-"fast" cycles.
How can I properly automatically derive the "difnc" value or is there some other method of getting a more precise timing than with just the "clock_nanosleep" function but without busy waits (the server has other things to do)?
I'm receiving byte by byte via serial at baud rate of 115200. How to calculate bytes per sec im receiving in a c program?
There are only 3 ways to measure bytes actually received per second.
The first way is to keep track of how many bytes you receive in a fixed length of time. For example, each time you receive bytes you might do counter += number_of_bytes, and then every 5 seconds you might do rate = counter/5; counter = 0;.
The second way is to keep track of how much time passed to receive a fixed number of bytes. For example, every time you receive one byte you might do temp = now(); rate = 1/(temp - previous); previous = temp;.
The third way is to combine both of the above. For example, each time you receive bytes you might do temp = now(); rate = number_of_bytes/(temp - previous); previous = temp;.
For all of the above, you end up with individual samples and not an average. To convert the samples into an average you'd need to do something like average = sum_of_samples / number_of_samples. The best way to do this (e.g. if you want nice/smooth looking graphs) would be to store a lot of samples; where you'd replace the oldest sample with a new sample and recalculate the average.
For example:
double sampleData[1024];
int nextSlot = 0;
double average;
addSample(double value) {
double sum = 0;
sampleData[nextSlot] = value;
if(nextSlot >= 1024) nextSlot = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < 1024; i++) sum += sampleData[1024];
average = sum/1024;
Of course the final thing (collecting the samples using one of the 3 methods, then finding the average) would need some fiddling to get the resolution how you want it.
Assuming you have some fairly continuous input, just count the number of bytes you receive, and after some number of characters have been received, print out the time and number of characters over that time. You'll need a fairly good timestamp - clock() may be one reasonable source, but it depends on what system you are on what is the "best" option - as well as how portable you want it, but serial comms tend to not be very portable anyways, or your error will probably be large. Each time you print, reset the count.
To correct some odd comments in this thread about the theoretical maximum:
Around the time that 14400 Baud modems came to the pre-web world, the measure of Baud changed from Baud (wiki it) to match emerging digital technologies such as ISDN 64kbit. At that time, Baud became to mean Bits/second.
Being serial data in the format of 8N1, a common shorthand notation, there are eight bits, no parity bit, and one stop bit for every byte. There is no start bit.
So a theoretical maximum for 8N1 serial over 115200 Baud (bits/sec) = 115200/(8+1) = 12800 bytes/sec.
Similar (but not the same) to watching your download speeds, the rough ball-park way to work out bytes/sec from bits/sec, without a calculator, is to divide by 10.
Baud rate is measurement of how many times per second a signal is able to change. In one of that cycles, depending on the modulation you are using, you can send one or more bits (if you are using no modulation - bit rate is the same as baud rate).
Let's say you are using QPSK modulation, so you can transmit/receive 2 bits per baud. So, if you are receiving data at 115200 baud rate, 2 bits per symbol, you are receiving data with 115200 * 2 = 230400bps.
How do I calculate network utilization for both transmit and receive either using C or a shell script?
My system is an embedded linux. My current method is to recorded bytes received (b1), wait 1 second, then recorded again (b2). Then knowing the link speed, I calculate the percentage of the receive bandwidth used.
receive utilization = (((b2 - b1)*8)/link_speed)*100
is there a better method?
Check out open source programs that does something similar.
My search turned up a little tool called vnstat.
It tries to query the /proc file system, if available, and uses getifaddrs for systems that do not have it. It then fetches the correct AF_LINK interface, fetches the corresponding if_data struct and then reads out transmitted and received bytes, like this:
ifinfo.rx = ifd->ifi_ibytes;
ifinfo.tx = ifd->ifi_obytes;
Also remember that sleep() might sleep longer than exactly 1 second, so you should probably use a high resolution (wall clock) timer in your equation -- or you could delve into the if-functions and structures to see if you find anything appropriate for your task.
thanks to 'csl' for pointing me in the direction of vnstat. using vnstat example here is how I calculate network utilization.
#define FP32 4294967295ULL
#define FP64 18446744073709551615ULL
#define COUNTERCALC(a,b) ( b>a ? b-a : ( a > FP32 ? FP64-a-b : FP32-a-b))
int sample_time = 2; /* seconds */
int link_speed = 100; /* Mbits/s */
uint64_t rx, rx1, rx2;
float rate;
* Either read:
* '/proc/net/dev'
* or
* '/sys/class/net/%s/statistics/rx_bytes'
* for bytes received counter
rx1 = read_bytes_received("eth0");
sleep(sample_time); /* wait */
rx2 = read_bytes_received("eth0");
/* calculate MB/s first the convert to Mbits/s*/
rx = rintf(COUNTERCALC(rx1, rx2)/(float)1048576);
rate = (rx*8)/(float)sample_time;
percent = (rate/(float)link_speed)*100;