Create XSD for defined XML and Table - sql-server

I would like to build an import interface for a sql-server database which works with XML files. Now I got stuck in creating a XSD File to ensure a correct input-xml.
Let's say I have a table like this:
table: accounts
colummns: account_id INT NOT NULL
desc VARCHAR(100)
and the xml file should look like this:
<name>account A</name>
<name>account B</name>
<desc>some text here</desc>
It's the first time I am designing something like this and I have no experience with xsd file ...
I tried several things like SELECT .. FOR XML AUTO, XMLSCHEMA and XSD.exe but nothing gave me what I wanted.
I want to map the types of the SQL-Server Table in XSD - such like nullable/not nullable and length of strings. Even a range of valid values should be declared (e.g. type can only be A,B,C or D).

SELECT * FROM [accounts] FOR XML PATH('account'), ROOT('accounts')

found a solution with XSD.exe - Just created an XSD an then adopted it, but it's hard work if you're totally new to this topic ;-)


SQL: Using XML as input to do an inner join

I have XML coming in as the input, but I'm unclear on how I need to setup the data and statement to get the values from it. My XML is as follows:
And I want to do the following (is simplified to get my point across)
Select *
From Transaction as t
Inner Join #InputXml.nodes('Keys') as K(X)
on K.X.value('#Key', 'INT') = t.financial_transaction_grp_key
Can anyone provide how I would do that? What would my 3rd/4th line in the SQL look like?
From your code I assume this is SQL-Server but you added the tag [mysql]...
For your next question please keep in mind, that it is very important to know your tools (vendor and version).
Assuming T-SQL and [sql-server] (according to the provided sample code) you were close:
DECLARE #YourTransactionTable TABLE(ID INT IDENTITY,financial_transaction_grp_key INT);
INSERT INTO #YourTransactionTable VALUES (200),(246),(247),(300);
Select t.*
From #YourTransactionTable as t
Inner Join #InputXml.nodes('/Keys/key') as K(X)
on K.X.value('text()[1]', 'INT') = t.financial_transaction_grp_key;
What was wrong:
.nodes() must go down to the repeating element, which is <key>
In .value() you are using the path #Key, which is wrong on two sides: 1) <key> is an element and not an attribute and 2) XML is strictly case-sensitive, so Key!=key.
An alternative might be this:
WHERE #InputXml.exist('/Keys/key[. cast as xs:int? = sql:column("financial_transaction_grp_key")]')=1;
Which one is faster depends on the count of rows in your source table as well as the count of keys in your XML. Just try it out.
You probably need to parse the XML to a readable format with regex.
I wrote a similar event to parse the active DB from an xmlpayload that was saved on a table. This may or may not work for you, but you should be able to at least get started.
SELECT SUBSTRING(column FROM IF(locate('<key>',column)=0,0,0+LOCATE('<key>',column))) as KEY FROM table LIMIT 1\G

Retrieve an element value from an XML string during an SQL select request

I'm querying a table T which has a string column StrXML that has XML text stored in it. Here's an example of the XML stored:
<Sequence mc:Ignorable="sap sads" DisplayName="Post Processing"
mva:VisualBasic.Settings="Assembly references and imported namespaces serialized as XML namespaces"
<scg:Dictionary x:TypeArguments="x:String, x:Object">
<x:Boolean x:Key="IsExpanded">True</x:Boolean>
<mepa:BasicOperation Description="Traitement Thermique" DisplayName="HeatTreatment" Guid="82800b59-e181-4a93-b483-7e2cd9b14827" sap:VirtualizedContainerService.HintSize="402,154" Scope="Build">
<scg:List x:TypeArguments="mee:MeasurementDescription" Capacity="0" />
<mepa:BasicOperation Description="Finition manuelle" DisplayName="Manual Finishing" Guid="cd64be75-6968-47fe-8aac-93a4fdf37892">
<scg:List x:TypeArguments="mee:MeasurementDescription" Capacity="4">
<mee:MeasurementDescription Max="{x:Null}" Min="{x:Null}" Guid="7c1a37f1-f39d-4ed3-8048-6b0a266c70b9" IsRequired="False" Name="MesureMF1" Type="Double" />
<mee:MeasurementDescription Max="{x:Null}" Min="{x:Null}" Guid="a21b0c0d-dfff-4237-9975-4179bcefe7c2" IsRequired="False" Name="MesureMF2" Type="Double" />
In my select request on table T, I want to only show the Description value for which the Guid="82800b59-e181-4a93-b483-7e2cd9b14827".
How can I do that?
In a comment I mentioned already, that one of your namespaces is missing the final ". This is a big problem, if it's not just a copy-and-paste issue... (not well formed)
XML should not be stored in a string column (slow and dangerous!). If you database does not support XML natively the XML should at least be checked.
You did not mention the actual RDBMS, but the XQuery-principles should be the same (however your RDBMS deals with XQuery actually).
The simple approach is this XQuery (fetch any <BasicOperation>, wherever it is placed, and filter for the given GUID)
With SQL-Server you can try this
SELECT CAST(T.StrXML AS XML).value(N'(//*:BasicOperation[#Guid="82800b59-e181-4a93-b483-7e2cd9b14827"]/#Description)[1]',N'nvarchar(max)')
The more specific (and recommended) approach is this:
declare namespace dflt="";
declare namespace mepa="clr-namespace:MatX.eRP.PostProcessing.Activities;assembly=PostProcessing.Activities";
Again - with SQL-Server - you might try this:
SELECT CAST(T.StrXML AS XML).value(N'declare namespace dflt="";
declare namespace mepa="clr-namespace:MatX.eRP.PostProcessing.Activities;assembly=PostProcessing.Activities";
If the GUID-value is variable SQL-Server would allow you to pass the value in from a variable declared outside. Read about sql:variable() and sql:column().
You can use lower-case() to get a secure comparison:
<a guid="82800b59-e181-4a93-b483-7e2cd9b14827" />
<a guid="82800B59-E181-4A93-B483-7E2CD9B14827" />
DECLARE #guid UNIQUEIDENTIFIER='82800B59-E181-4A93-B483-7E2CD9B14827';
SELECT #xml.query(N'/root/a[lower-case(#guid)=lower-case(sql:variable("#guid"))]')
Try something like this, assuming this is for SQL Server:
'clr-namespace:MatX.eRP.PostProcessing.Activities;assembly=PostProcessing.Activities' AS mepa)
T.X.value('#Description', 'varchar(100)') AS JobTitle
XmlData.nodes('/Sequence/mepa:BasicOperation') AS T(X)
T.X.value('#Guid','varchar(50)') = '82800b59-e181-4a93-b483-7e2cd9b14827'

Limit xml-namespaces to only the main root

I have this query
WITH XMLNAMESPACES(DEFAULT ' /docs/esquemas/2017/v4.2/facturaElectronica'
,'' AS xsd
,'' AS xsi)
SELECT 1 AS [id]
,0 AS [pass]
FROM [crdx_COREDev1].[dbo].[OTH_OTHERS] as OT
fOR XML PATH ('Others'), type
This generates this XML
<FE xmlns:xsd=""
xmlns=" /facturaElectronica"> <- CHANGE 2
<Others xmlns:xsd=""
xmlns=" /facturaElectronica">
Now my question: I would like only <FE> to show the namespaces, but - as you see in the xml - that declarations appear also in <Others>. How can I limit this to <FE>?
This is an annoying and well known issue and occurs whenever you use namespaces in connection with nested sub-queries in FOR XML queries...
There has been a connect issue for more than 10 years - until it disappaered recently.
It is important to mention, that these repeated namespace declarations are not wrong, just bloating your XML. And it can collide with (to) strict schema validations.
No good solution, just workarounds:
Create the inner XML without the namespace and add the wrapping node on string base, or
Create the namespaces as normal attributes (but not named xmlns) and use REPLACE to change the names.
Both workarounds need a conversion to NVARCHAR(MAX) and back to XML.
I really have no idea, why this was implemented this way...
Find some related examples
and here
and here
and here
xmlns=" /facturaElectronica">
You are using namespace URLs with blanks. This is not allowed...

Select XML multiple only a few nodes with the same name

I'm trying to construct a soap message, and I was able to construct the entire message using a single select. Except the problem is, on only a few occasions the same node name is repeated twice.
So for example the required output result should be like so, with two separate id root nodes:
<id root="" extension="1234567" />
<id root="" extension="0123456789" />
I tried to use my sparse knowledge of xpath to construct the node names like so:
'' AS 'recordTarget/patientRole/id[1]/#root',
'1234567' AS 'recordTarget/patientRole/id[1]/#extension',
'' AS 'recordTarget/patientRole/id[2]/#root',
'0123456789' AS 'recordTarget/patientRole/id[2]/#extension'
FOR XML PATH('SoapDocument'),TYPE
Apparently xpath naming can't be applied to column names id[1] and id[2] like that? Am I missing something here or should the notation be different? What would be the easiest way to constuct the desired result?
From your question I assume, this is not tabular data, but fixed values and you are creating a medical document, assumably a CDA.
Try this:
'' AS 'id/#root',
'1234567' AS 'id/#extension',
'' AS 'id/#root',
'0123456789' AS 'id/#extension'
FOR XML PATH('patientRole'),TYPE
) AS [SoapDocument/recordTarget]
The result:
<id root="" extension="1234567" />
<id root="" extension="0123456789" />
Some explanation: The empty element in the middle allows you to place two elements with the same name in one query. There are various approaches how you get this into your surrounding tags. This is just one possibility.
I'd like to point to BdR's own answer! Great finding and worth an up-vote!
A little more elaboration on the answer from Shnugo, as it got me trying out some things using an "empty column".
If you do not give the emtpy column a name, it will reset to the XML root node. So the following columns will start from the XML root of the selection you are in at that point. However, if you explicitly name the empty separator column, then the following columns will continue in the hierarchy as set by that column name.
So the selection below will also result in the desired result. It's subtly different, but in my case it allows me to avoid using subselections.
'' AS 'recordTarget/patientRole/id/#root',
'1234567' AS 'recordTarget/patientRole/id/#extension',
'' AS 'recordTarget/patientRole',
'' AS 'recordTarget/patientRole/id/#root',
'0123456789' AS 'recordTarget/patientRole/id/#extension'
FOR XML PATH('SoapDocument'),TYPE
This should do the job:
FROM (VALUES('','1234567'),
('','0123456789')) V ([root], [extension]))
[extension] AS [#extension]
FOR XML PATH('patientRole'), TYPE)
FOR XML PATH ('recordTarget'), TYPE)
FOR XML PATH ('SoapDocument');

Trying to transfer xml data into SQL as elements (not attribute)

I am new at this so please bear with me. I am attempting to transfer some XML data into Microsoft SQL Server. I am assuming that this data needs to be transferred as elements and not attributes because the contents of the columns will not be static.
However for some reason when I attempt to transfer the data as elements I get NULL values. But when I try to transfer this same data as attributes it works and looks the way it is supposed to. I am tempted to shrug and just move on but I'm worried that things might go awry for me if I do that later on down the road.
I already have some attributes from this XML that I managed to transfer as attributes which I plan to combine with these elements that are masquerading as attributes into a single table. Will it work? And if it does will there be problems down the road?
Here is my SQL code when I attempt to transfer the elements as elements:
FROM OPENXML (#hdoc, '/roll/voter', 2)
id int,
[value] char(50),
[state] char(2))
Here is my SQL code when I attempt to transfer the elements as attributes:
FROM OPENXML (#hdoc, '/roll/voter', 1)
id int,
[value] char(50),
[state] char(2))
Here is a miniaturized version of the XML document:
<voter id="400048" value="Yea" state="FL" />
<voter id="412516" value="Yea" state="CA" />
Here is a link to the xml document via google drive (very small XML):
A screenshot of my SQL query, the table results, and the XML
FROM OPENXML is outdated and should not be used anymore (rare exceptions exist)...
Try with the real XML methods:
<voter id="400048" value="Yea" state="FL" />
<voter id="412516" value="Yea" state="CA" />
SELECT #xml.value(N'(/roll/voter/#id)[1]',N'int') AS voter_id
,#xml.value(N'(/roll/voter/#value)[1]',N'nvarchar(max)') AS voter_value
,#xml.value(N'(/roll/voter/#state)[1]',N'nvarchar(max)') AS voter_state
The result
voter_id voter_value voter_state
400048 Yea FL
