Entity Meta data Wrapper Exception - drupal-7

I try to create a E-commerce website in drupal 7. I'm using commerce module and then adding the product but it's not displaying the product. Some errors are shown below, how to fix them?
EntityMetadataWrapperException: Unknown data property commerce_product. in EntityStructureWrapper->getPropertyInfo() (line 335 of C:\xampp\htdocs\Islandmaids\sites\all\modules\entity\includes\entity.wrapper.inc). Backtrace:

You should use a debugging Tool like xdebug. There are many tutorials to integrate debugging software into IDEs.
After the installation of the debugger you should set a breakpoint to the line 335 in
and watch which values are passed to functions or maybe which custom module is in the call-stack. With this information you can go deeper into the code by setting more breackpoints.


Silverlight Exception Message is different on other machines

I am currently stuck with the following problem and running desperately out of ideas, any clues are welcome!
We are using a custom built framework that loads what we call "pages" on demand for the UI, each of these "pages" is a self contained Silverlight XAML that is loaded on demand via:
It may happen that a part inside this xaml is outdated, so a try / catch block ensures that a XAMLParseException is caught and the respective error handled.
Our current error handling is heavily based on the message of the exception, e.g. we expect a message like this:
"The type 'someType' could not be found. [Line: x Position: y]"
-> we parse the message string and replace the essential xaml parts with custom logic to make it valid again and display info for administrators.
The problem:
Some test machines throw the same exception, but with a different message!
Errormessage there:
"Error 2502 An error has occured."
This breaks our "safety net" logic for this case and currently we can not figure out any reason for this.
Solutions or proposals are very welcome,
thanks in advance!
After long and hard search we came down to the following: The clients and the development machines seem to have different versions of the Microsoft agcore.dll (development machines have 2 different version in different paths). As this is the core of the exception we suppose this is the reason for the different error message - we were unable to fix this issue however (we cannot be sure what dll our clients get during SL5 download...) therefore we decided to rewrite the whole code segment to not make use of the exception message text at all. Lesson learned.
Thanks for the feedback. -Steve

asp.net pages can use class library but site won't compile

I am using VS2012 Update 3 and have a solution containing three visual basic projects a class library, a conosole app, and an IIS website.
The website has a reference to the library project. The library compiles fine and automatically places the latest dll in the bin folder of the website.
This was all working without issue before this week.
My web pages are able to import and use the class library. I get proper intellisense and the pages browse or eventually browse showing they are using the library. This week sometimes I get a type not defined error with browsing but after waiting it works. But the compile is always a fail now.
When compiling sometimes the errors show in the error list then eventually disappear but at ALL times when building the errors show up in the output tab as:
SomeCodeBehindFile.aspx.vb(#,#) error BC30002: Type 'SomeTypeInMyLibrary' is not defined.
Error BC30002 - Type XXX is not defined did not help. I tried using fully qualified variable types versus using the import. I tried changing the identity on the app pool to Network Service which has read permission on the whole site.
I've also tried Visual Studio's build > Clean Solution and deleting all files from windows' framework Temporary ASP.NET Files.
The only thing I may have done to irritate VS would have been renaming one of my asp files and its class names/page directive attributes manually but I have done this before without issue. I got paranoid and deleted that file and re-added it also. I also have 3 pages complaining about types not being defined now.
Was really perplexed for awhile. It also got worse with the pages using the library permanently refusing to browse. Though if I copied the library and erroring pages in another web app it would work! Not knowing what went off the rails I started a fresh VB web site and was back in business for awhile but then it started again. I did not connect what I did that actually caused the grief in my 2nd site. For a 3rd time I started a fresh web site this time using C#. Going great again up until that point I kept shooting myself. Thankfully the C# compiler gave a more helpful error message: "A using namespace directive can only be applied to namespaces; 'StaffPlusLibrary' is a type not a namespace". Grrr the problem was I kept adding a help page to the site related to the class library and called the page StaffPlusLibrary.aspx. I am careful not to name pages the same as existing classes but it did not register in my mind I was about to create a page using the same name as my library's root namespace. So the page created a class using the same name as the namespace. The ambiguity I introduced was not apparent until C#.

Using elmahr.elmah in winform application

I have recently shown to my team leader the ElmahR Dashboard and now he wants to implement ExceptionsLog with ElmahR in all of our current projects, including those that are Winform Applications, and after many days of searching I can't find a way to add a Winform Application as "ElmahR source".
Does anyone have a clue?
ErrorPostModule in ElmahR.Elmah does not support Winforms apps because it's been written to be an ELMAH module, so it's tied to an ASP.NET lifecycle and cannot be easily adapted. That said, ErrorPostModule does not do anything so magic and can be easily taken as a guideline to write a small "handler" to be used in a Winforms app. Take a look at its code here, what you should do is:
replace what's in the OnInit method, which simply reads configuration bits and attaches the error handler
when an error occurs, handle it like it's done in the SetError method to post it to the right destination reading the configuration parameters you read before. You would reference ELMAH and create an Error instance from your exception, and then use ErrorJson.EncodeString to encode it
You may want to borrow the W3.cs file to simplify the http form compilation.
At some point I might generalize this work and put it in ElmahR.Elmah, but not sure when I'll be able to do it.
I just forked the elmahr source code to work on this, I want to post errors from console applications, so I'm going to remove the dependency on Elmah and create the "error" objects and send them to the dashboard.
It's a work in progress but can be used as starting point for solving your problem.
Update: the fork now include full support to post to ElmahR using a ServiceStack endpoint, using json over http. This remove the dependency over the original Elmah to publish errors to the dashboard. The first example is a C# Console Application

Google BigQuery - "Not Found: Project [project-id]

I'm having a problem getting started with Google BigQuery. I'm certain I have done everything correctly to create and configure the account. But when I go to the web interface, the it seems unable to find my project. I cannot create/upload any new data and I can't even query the sample data set. All the interface returns is:
Not Found: Project [my-project-id]
However, in the same window, the project name and ID is being listed in the panel on the left...so it looks like BigQuery is aware of my project in some sense. Screen shot below:
I am at a loss of how to rectify this. Does anyone have any ideas of something I might be missing in configuration and/or setup?
Best regards,
Did you recently set the ID on your project (e.g. xs-analytical-park-g)? If so, there may be a dataset that uses the old name (which was the numeric id of the projcet) which confuses the UI. We periodically search for changed project names and apply updates, but sometimes this can take a while.
I've just checked and it looks like our data should be up-to-date with respect to the project ids, so please let me know if this problem still persists.

Sudden error accessing custom settings in SalesForce

We use custom settings in a SalesForce app. We access it like so:
MySettings__c settings = MySettings__c.getOrgDefaults();
This was working fine, but today the app completely crashed. By that I mean the page doesn't load at all, I just get a white screen telling me an internal error occurred. We traced it down to this line of code - when it is commented out the page loads as well as it can without those settings (but at least it loads).
Running that single line of code in the System Log (using the Execute functionality) also causes a report of Internal System Error. The only thing the system log reports is "FATAL_ERROR Internal Salesforce.com Error." The Apex code modal reports "Internal System Error: 1018505045-332 (-920440070)"
The setting has values for the organization - we've also tried deleting the settings and recreating them to no affect. So far SalesForce has been no help beyond telling us to ask on their website.
This is very frustrating as it was working fine on Friday and today it was broken before anyone touched anything.
What you have there is a platform error. Whenever you get those you should report them to SFDC support and they will be able to see further internal logging to sort it out.
Nothing anyone out here can do to help I am afraid.
try setting the apiVersion of the affected code back to version 21.0. We had the same issue and making this change has provided an effective workaround.
This was a bug in Salesforce's infrastructure, which has been reported resolved. If you're still seeing this error with API version 22.0, you should create a case with salesforce support.
