Ember Sort Models - arrays

Hi I have an array of models(images) which is the model property of an ArrayController.
I want to be able to sort the the array such that when click on the image it automatically moves itself to a predefined index. (E.g. when I click an item on the array it should move to middle of the array) and the UI is updated to reflect the new position.
Here is an example of what I am trying to achieve:
Also since ArrayController is/will be depreciated from v1.13 is there alternative way of doing this without using ArrayController ?

Here's an updated emberjsbin of what I think you're looking for -
ArrayController vs. ObjectController doesn't matter anymore, you can just use Ember.Controller.extend as you'll see in the updated bin.
I did the sorting in the model by creating an Ember Array for the model and tagging the .sortBy("index") onto it.
I also updated the templates with new syntax, you don't need {{bind-attr}} anymore and you should use {{#each itemCollection as |item|}} instead of just {{#each itemCollection}}, makes for easier to read templates and provides consistent scope.
Hope the updated bin is helpful!


How to correlate view order (using orderBy) with model order

I have an obviously simple but yet challenging problem in my AngularJS app:
When using orderBy on the view I loose the correlation between the order of the related model and the view order.
What I want to do: My view is a table. I want to set a highlight class for the selected row and I want to use cursor up/down keys to move this highlight.
I tried to decouple $index from the tracking by using track by currentDocument.objectid, but that doesn't seem to work.
How can I correlate the currently highlighted row in the view with the currently highlighted element of the related model in a way that I can use -1 or +1 with the cursor keys?
As the order of the data is important to your business process, it makes sense to make the order part of your actual model. If you read the last example of orderby on the angular api (https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/filter/orderBy), you will notice they achieve this very thing. Basically, instead of binding orderby directly to some model value, create your own order function and manually order your model.
I have created a plunker here: http://plnkr.co/edit/oM97ZTAIHTjI6YFiGDwI?p=preview Just click on the persons name to see the example (and reorder the list and try again).
Basically you create a manual sort function like this:
$scope.order = function(predicate, reverse) {
$scope.friends = orderBy($scope.friends, predicate, reverse);
Which actually reorders the model itself, rather than just the view array. You can call it however you like. Then you can simply pass $index from the view, and it will correlate correctly to the view order.

Why using the this.$(selector).method() syntax with backbone?

I have seen this bunch of code in a tutorial:
var searchTerm = this.$('#searchTerm').val().trim();
I would like to understand the utility of the this. in front of the selector, it's the first time i see that.
In a Backbone.View, this.$ gives a scoped version of jQuery. It is in fact equivalent to using this.$el.find which is in turn equivalent to using $(this.el).find.
Anyhow, the reason it is a good idea to use it is that it will only access html elements from within the view's element/rendered template. Thus, you don't have to worry about the rest of the html page and you will always select the element you expect to.
Imagine that you have a view that spawns sub-views and that each of these have an editable field. If you don't use the scoped version of jQuery to get the right editable field, you will have to give a unique id to each of these html elements to make sure you will select the right one when retrieving it's content. On the other hand, if you use the scoped version, you will just have to give this editable field a class attribute and selecting this class will give you a unique element, the right one.
This is the same query as this.$el.find('#searchTerm').val().trim();
You haven't given any context to that code, but assuming it's a method inside a View, this refers to the View object.
this.$ is a shortcut to access jQuery from the View object, and is equivalent to the method this.$el.find.

Dataview List and items

I am looking at a different way of doing my application.
Actually It's kind of static. My Projects have Categories. Each Category has Subcategories. Categories are containers and Subcategories are element which have values that can be edited.
After analysis of the data , we saw that it was not enough general for it. We are now looking at a Tree Structure. Doing so, we would have Projects filled with Folders/Categories) and those Folders would be filled with other Category/Folders or with SubCategories/Items/Files. That way we can go has deep has we want in complexity.
That is doable, I know it. What I need to know is how hard it will be to implement it in the app.views...
Is it possible to have a single Ext.DataView.dataview display different Ext.DataView.component.DataItem side by side.
Exemple : Having a row in my List that shows a slider and update itself according to it, but that on the 2nd row it is an arrow that on click would open the next level of my Tree.
Small Car---------------------------Label------------------------SLIDER
Fuel----------------------------------Label------------------------------ >
Small Car and SUV are leaves with different template and Fuel is a category/folder that need to open on click.
So I already have 3 differents templates that would need to show in the same dataview list.
How should I proceed to achieve such results? Is Dataview List the way to good or should I implement my own kind of list inside a container?
If you want to present different kinds of data inside one list or dataview - you can achieve by following strategy:
You still need to use one store to keep it all
In the model class include something like 'record_type' field indicating what kind of data you have
Combine all data you need into one model
Create a template that based on the 'record_type' would render different content
Here is how your template would look like:
<tpl switch="record_type">
<tpl case="car">
<div>CAR + SLIDER</div>
<tpl case="fuel">
<div>FUEL + LABEL</div>
<tpl default">
This is screenshot from my list which contains multiple record types and uses this approach:

How to pass var from controller into a different view with Cakephp

I am new to Cakephp and indeed OOP, so forgive me if i haven't fully grasped the MVC concept yet. I have search a lot but cannot find an answer - perhaps my way of working below is not correct. I hope you can help.
I am building a site which will have many elements relating to their tables and data. I intend to use a view to pick and choose the relevant elements and any parameters needed.
For example, the homepage of my site will have two elements - a latestusers element and a latestscores element. I am trying to use a view not related to either the users or scores models/controllers, stored in 'other/index.ctp'.
I have tried using set() to pass a variable from the users controller (latestusers action) into the other/index.ctp view, but the viewVars remain empty. Could this be due to scope of the variable (i think it is fine for a view in the users folder, i.e. a view specific to the users controller).
I could achieve what i want to do by using global variables, but i think this is missing the point of MVC/OOP. Would be grateful for any suggestions.
I can include code if need be - it is fairly basic at this stage - but i feel my problem lies with how i am going about things, not the code itself.
Yes, the issue is with the scope. If you're going to use variables in the element you'll need to pass them in from your view. So the flow would look something like this
Controller $this->set()s the variable into your current view/layout
Your view/layout calls $this->element with the current element path.
Your element uses those variables.
In number 2 you need to pass your variables as an array of data. This section on the cookbook gives more information : http://book.cakephp.org/view/1081/Elements
<?php echo$this->element('helpbox',
array("helptext" => "Oh, this text is very helpful."));?>
Note - I didn't understand part of the question. Just want to make sure you are passing data to the correct view. You should not be calling the view of another controller in your active controller.
Your other/index.ctp should be an element and that element should be called from your layout.

How to access the attributes of a class in sencha.........?

i'm very new to sencha.i have a bit problem in accessing the data from framework..
what i planned is to access the attribute "selectedIndex" from the class Ext.Picker.Slot
so that i can place it the index.js file and loop the "selectedIndex" attribute so that i can create a rotating effect to my list , i'm trying to dynamically change the value of "selectedIndex" so that my list seems to be rotating so please do help me........
Ext.Picker is not an extjs class. You should provide more info so I can help you. In any way there must be a method which puts selectedIndex to desired value. Js don't have properties like in other OOP languages. It's just a variable. Changing value of it don't do any "action". So, there must be method which do the "action" and sets selectedIndex.
