Firebase for a Web Application - database

I am currently working on a new Web Application. I really love the idea behind firebase (augularfire) for the realtime data sync. But I can't figure out how to organize all the data, make each customer (enterprise) have his own data, and ensure no data is shared between each enterprise.
In a regular MySql server, I can create a database per enterprise (best implementation for speed and security) or simply add a table Enterprise and a table Customer with enterprise_id. Which is the best approach in a Firebase DB?


Automate dropping a database and creating tables

I made a Spotify app that analyzes user data and manages interactive features by writing the API responses to a PostgreSQL database. The developer rules state that basically I have to delete the data when the user is not actively using my app.
Is there a way to automate this on the server (I'm using AWS Lightsail/Ubuntu) to do it daily? Would I need to add a datetime column to all of my tables and follow one of these: Or is there a better way?

How do I replicate data from the Common Data Service to SQL Server on Azure?

I have data in Microsoft's Common Data Service (from Microsoft Dynamics for Talent). I can't use the Data Management Framework as the data in question is in entities that are not available through the DMF.
How do I replicate the data in the CDS back a SQL database?
What I've tried so far is to create a logic app (and flow, neither worked) that grabs data using the CDS connector and pushes it into an SQL database, but there are several problems with this:
It's a maintenance burden
It's extremely error tedious to add new tables, etc. I have written a somehwat horendous stored proc that tries to create a table based on the data given to it from the json-ified data from the flow, but this is very error prone.
It doesn't work at all, since the size of the data exceeds some kind of limitation in the SQL connector and I get spurious errors.
Rather than trying to push through with these issues, I'd rather ask whether there's a better way to achieve this. With the Data Management Framework in Dynamics it was simply a matter of scheduling these sync jobs, which worked pretty well. Is there something similar with CDS?
I've also tried looking at the Data Integration projects in Powerapps, but these only seem to allow me to get data into Powerapps/CDS, not back out...
Common Data Service for Apps provides access to the data using the user interfaces or API, there is no direct access to the underlying database. This architecture has certain limitations when it comes to processing large volumes of data, for example for the purposes of data warehousing, reporting, or using Azure machine learning and analytics tools. Replicating CDS data using Extract, Transform, Load (ETL) tools is possible but inherently complex to maintain.
Data Export Service is a service made available on Microsoft AppSource that adds the ability to replicate Dynamics 365 for Customer Engagement apps data to an Azure SQL Database store in a customer-owned Azure subscription.
Note: The Data Export Service requires Dynamics 365 for Customer Engagement apps subscription, it is not available on Common Data Service for Apps plans.

Is an ORM appropriate for a read-only application?

I am tasked with creating a reporting application working off a internal database.
The database is populated by some other tools, and the aim of the application is basically to read from the DB, and display some charts.
To that end, the application will only ever connect with a read-only account.
I have been reading about ORM, especially Entity Framework, but is seems to be very focused of making DB structure, and DB updating easier.
Since the only purpose of the app is reading from the DB, will I gain anything from using an ORM such as Entity Framework or Linq2SQL, or should I stick with good-ol' SqlCommands?
If you need some kind of dashboard to display aggregated data from a SQL Server database I would recommend Reporting Services. You would need a SQL Server license on the machine that serves the site.
You can of course create a dashboard from scratch using Entity Framework, but hey, why reinvent the wheel?

Modern Sync Strategy for Occasionally Connected Winforms App

I am tasked with writing a Winforms point-of-service app for a small company that has about 10 locations. It has a fairly simple database structure with tables for customers, invoices, transactions, stores, vehicles, etc. I'm thinking of using Azure SQL Database for the "master" database, but the app is mission critical for each location and needs to have an "occasionally connected" architecture to insure that it can run if and when an Internet connection is not available, and then sync when the connection is back.
I have researched the Microsoft Sync Framework, which seems like the best option, but all the documentation seems several years old and out of date.
Azure Data Sync looked promising, but that seems like more of an Azure Management type tool, whereas I want the sync functionality to be built into the client application.
Some of the mobile solutions sound interesting, but it seems to me that I need essentially identical SQL Server databases on the client and cloud server, and most, if not all of the tables need to stay synchronized. I'm thinking the easiest way to do this would be to use GUID IDs for each entity and either Sync Framework, or rolling my own code for synchronization.
So, I guess my questions are:
What is the generally recommended, up-to-date approach for creating an occasionally connected Winforms app?
Is the MS Sync Framework still relevant?
Is my idea of having identical databases on client and server, using GUID IDs for entities, and either using MS Sync Framework, or rolling my own synchronization code plausible or insane?

Sync the Desktop App with WebSite

HI all,
I had created a app(a Product to be sold to many users) which is almost complete, now I have a tough task to sync the app with the website, which will be used to manage the data for all users. So it is quite obvious I will have to update the database that will reside on web server from the users desk through the app it self. Lets say I just want the users personal data to be stored on the DB on web server and anytime they update it in the app that should reflect on website as well(meaning the data on DB on webserver should be updated)
ANy ideas for doing this in best possible way, also this is just the example I will need to update heaps of data from users desk. I am already streching my hair thinking of managing data on server, can any one please advice here.
Thanks and Regards
You can write a update engine to upload users data to web server database.I had a exprience with Sql server replication on windwos XP and have some trouble and final I decided to develop a windows service that can do it.
