If statment on ng-click? - angularjs

I need to call function on ng-click but only if $scope.currentActiveMenu = 1;.
How can i do that?
ng-click="GetAllTickets(0,25) = currnetActiveMenu==1">
or something like that?

Don't put any Condition Expression in Template, do it in the Controller.
Controller :
$scope.checkCurrentActiveMenu = function(value) {
if (value == 1) {
If you really need this in the template, you can use this (if the first condition isn't true, the second one will not be called):
ng-click="currentActiveMenu==1 && GetAllTickets(0,25)">

Like this:
ng-click="currnetActiveMenu === 1 && GetAllTickets(0,25)"

Create a function in your controller:
ng-click="GetAllTicketsForMenu(0,25, currnetActiveMenu)">
in your controller:
$scope.GetAllTicketsForMenu = function(val1,val2, currnetActiveMenu){
if(currnetActiveMenu === 1){
You could also try a ternary:
ng-click="currnetActiveMenu==1 ? GetAllTickets(0,25) : null ">


setting a class based on an angular property

I want to do something like this
ng-class="'notification-{{notification.severity}}' : notification.severity"
and have the result be <div class="notification-warn"></div> when the notification.severity is "warn"
currently I get <div class="notification-"></div>
EDIT: this is an example of what I want to do
Try this
<div ng-if="notification.severity" ng-class="'notification-{{notification.severity}}' : notification.severity == 'warn'"></div>
You can try the ternary operator to toggle between class.
Set the value of 'showNotification' in controller.
Set the values of notification.severity as whole
i.e. notification.severity = "notification-warn";
if(notification.severity != '' || notification.severity != null){
$scope.showNotification = true;
$scope.showNotification = false;
<div ng-class="showNotification? 'notification' : notification.severity">

AngularJS forEach function - cannot get to resolve to true

I have the following code in my controller:
$scope.checkSchedule = function (value) {
var result = false;
angular.forEach($scope.shifts, function (obj) {
if (obj['PublishedEmployee.Id'] === value && result === false) {
result = true;
return result;
My $scope.shifts is an array of objects. Each object contains another object, PublishedEmployee and that object has a property of Id.
My goal is to iterate over the $scope.shifts objects and if the PublishedEmployee.Id property == $scope.currentId then resolve the function to be true.
In my HTML I have the following:
So, if the function resolves to true, the element will display. However, I'm always receiving false, what am I missing to have this resolve accordingly?
Your problem is that you are checking for the literal property "PublishedEmployee.Id" and not the sub property "Id" of "PublishedEmployee".
if (obj['PublishedEmployee.Id'] === value && result === false)
if (!result && obj.PublishedEmployee && obj.PublishedEmployee.Id === value)
This will check for the existence of a PublishedEmployee property before attempting to compare its Id property.
If you're just wanting to check if any of the $scope.shifts match, you can use Array.prototype.some.
return $scope.shifts.some(function(obj) {
return obj.PublishedEmployee && obj.PublishedEmployee.Id === value;
In theory this will work if your data is as you say...
<div ng-repeat="item in shifts">
<div ng-show="item.PublishedEmployee.Id == currentId">

AngularJS undefined, null and 0

Consider the following code:
<div ng-controller="SomeCtrl">
<div ng-show="someVariable.someProperty">Value of someProperty is set</div>
Now, when I set in my SomeCtrl controller:
$scope.someVariable.someProperty = 1;
It will show the div, as expected. But when I set:
$scope.someVariable.someProperty = 0;
It does not, while I only want to hide it in case $scope.someVariable.someProperty is either undefined or null. Of course I could write a simple Javascript helper-function to give me the expected result, or write something like:
<div ng-show="someVariable.someProperty || someVariable.someProperty == 0">Value of someProperty is set</div>
But isn't there a more elegant way to
handle this in AngularJS?
I only want to hide it in case $scope.someVariable.someProperty is either undefined or null
In JavaScript, undefined == null, but neither == 0. No need for extra functions or an extra conditional
ng-show="someVariable.someProperty != null"
Change your logic to be something more like this then:
ng-show="someVariable.someProperty !== null && someVariable.someProperty >= 0">
That way null or undefined will be falsy.
I almost forgot that null >= 0 === true (silly Javascript :)
Put a function in the controller like this:
$scope.shouldShow = function() {
if($scope.someVariable.someProperty === null ||
$scope.someVariable.someProperty === "undefined") {
return false;
return true;
and in the html:
<div ng-show="shouldShow()">Value of someProperty is set</div>
As mentioned by #tymeJV, "0" is evaluated as false in JS, so ng-show="0" will evaluate to hiding the div.
In SomeCtrl, you could write a function which encapsulates the logic to determine whether someProperty is null or undefined and return true or false based on that evaluation.
.controller("SomeCtrl", function($scope) {
$scope.someVariable = {};
$scope.someVariable.someProperty = null;
$scope.isNullorUndefined = function(value) {
return value === null || angular.isUndefined(value);
<div ng-show="!isNullOrUndefined(someVariable.someProperty)">Value of someProperty is set</div>

Angularjs bind ng-model dynamically to an value

i want change the reference for the ng-model value dynamically. i can do this for example like that:
$scope.test = {
normalStringValue1 : [],
normalStringValue2 : []
if($scope.status == 'A') {
$scope.values= $scope.test.normalStringValue1;
} else {
$scope.values= $scope.test.normalStringValue2;
<input ng-model="values" type="radio" name="xValues" ng-value="header.id | num">
this works but my problem is, the reference change did only work if the "normalStringValue1 or 2 is an array! if the normal string value looks like that:
$scope.test = {
normalStringValue1 : null,
normalStringValue2 : null
and i want only save a String like normalStringValue1 : 'Hello' the reference wil not change correctly why is that so ? and how can i fix this ?
try this
$scope.test = {
normalStringValue1 : '',
normalStringValue2 : ''

How to bind 1/0 instead of true/false on checked property of a checkbox

<input type="checkbox" data-bind="value : 1, checked: FgActive" />
I want FgActive to be 1 and 0 instead of true and false. Is there a simple way of doing that?
The easiest thing to do is to create a ko.computed that converts the checked boolean binding to/from a 1/0 numeric.
self.fgActiveNumeric = ko.computed({
read: function () {
return self.fgActive() == 1 ? true : false;
write: function (newValue) {
self.fgActive(newValue ? 1 : 0);
Use it like a normal checked binding:
<input type='checkbox' data-bind='checked: fgActiveNumeric' />
You can read more about this technique here: http://knockoutjs.com/documentation/computedObservables.html
See the Fiddle
I came across a solution. I created a custom binding that works on the update, after the checked binding. Dont know if is the best solution, but worked just fine.
ko.bindingHandlers.NumChecked = {
update: function (element, valueAccesor) {
var func = valueAccesor();
if (typeof (func) == 'function' && func() == true)
else if ((typeof (func) == 'function'))
<input type="checkbox" data-bind="NumChecked: FgActive, checked: FgActive" />
This is how I do it, using jQuery:
var myVal = ( $('#myCheckbox').is(':checked') ) ? 1 : 0;
alert('myVal is: ' +myVal); //alerts 1 if checked, 0 if not checked
jsFiddle Demo
