Dynamic angular chart - angularjs

I'm trying to create a dynamic chart from userTemplate object.
I'm using this directive angular-flot and I want create the dataset and options of directive dynamically.
Its work but I have this error
Error: [$rootScope:infdig] http://errors.angularjs.org/1.2.21/$rootScope/infdig?p0=10&p1=%5B%5B%22fn%3…ection%5C%22%3A%7B%5C%22color%5C%22%3A%5C%22%2354728c%5C%22%7D%7D%22%5D%5D
at Error (native)
at http://mwm3-gui/asset/script/vendor/angular2.1/angular.min.js:6:450
at k.$get.k.$digest (http://mwm3-gui/asset/script/vendor/angular2.1/angular.min.js:110:66)
at k.$get.k.$apply (http://mwm3-gui/asset/script/vendor/angular2.1/angular.min.js:112:173)
at http://mwm3-gui/asset/script/vendor/angular2.1/angular.min.js:122:253
at e (http://mwm3-gui/asset/script/vendor/angular2.1/angular.min.js:37:440)
at http://mwm3-gui/asset/script/vendor/angular2.1/angular.min.js:41:120
<div ng-repeat="panel in row.panels" class="{{panel.columnClass}}" resizable id="{{panel.id}}" r-directions="['right']">
<flot dataset="getDataForChart(panel)" options="getOptionForChart(panel)" height="{{panel.graph.height}}"></flot>
$scope.userTemplate = [
blockId: 'blockUno',
title: 'Block title',
rows: [
rowId: 'rowUno',
title: 'Row Title 1',
panels: [
id: 'palel-report-1',
title: 'uno',
columnClass: 'col-md-4',
graph: {
height: 250,
type: "BAR",
countBy: "status"
id: 'palel-report-2',
title: 'due',
columnClass: 'col-md-4',
graph: {
height: 250,
type: "PIE",
countBy: "status"
id: 'palel-report-3',
title: 'tre',
columnClass: 'col-md-4',
graph: {
height: 250,
type: "BAR",
countBy: "status"
tables: []
$scope.getDataForChart = function(panel) {
var graphData = [];
var countBy = panel.graph.countBy;
var arr = $scope.reportingData;
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
var valueOfkey = arr[i][countBy];
var a = [], b = [], prev;
for (var i = 0; i < graphData.length; i++) {
if (graphData[i] !== prev) {
} else {
b[b.length - 1]++;
prev = graphData[i];
var graphData = [];
for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
var singleO = {label: '' + a[i], data: [[i, b[i]]]};
return graphData;
$scope.getOptionForChart = function(panel) {
var options = angular.copy($scope.defaultPlotOptions);
var typeGraph = panel.graph.type;
switch (typeGraph) {
case "BAR":
options.series.bars.show = true;
case "LINE":
options.series.lines.show = true;
case "PIE":
options.series.pie.show = true;
case "POINT":
options.series.points.show = true;
case "TABLE":
return options;

The error you get is from an infinite digest loop.
In a couple of places you are calling functions that return new items each time. Here's an example from the docs linked from the error message you received that suggests this may cause this error:
One common mistake is binding to a function which generates a new
array every time it is called. For example:
<div ng-repeat="user in getUsers()">{{ user.name }}</div>
$scope.getUsers = function() { return [ { name: 'Hank' }, { name: 'Francisco' } ]; };
Since getUsers() returns a new array, Angular
determines that the model is different on each $digest cycle,
resulting in the error. The solution is to return the same array
object if the elements have not changed:
var users = [ { name: 'Hank' }, { name: 'Francisco' } ];
$scope.getUsers = function() { return users; };
In your code, you are doing the same binding to getDataForChart and getOptionForChart.


How to split my JSON object in angularJS

I am trying to create pagination for my table that lists the objects returned from my DB as an object. My data structure will look something like:
$scope.myJSONObj = {
app1: {
id: 1,
appName: "appIntegrated1",
status: "Pending"
app2: {
id: 2,
appName: "appIntegrated2",
status: "Pending"
app3: {
id: 3,
appName: "appIntegrated3",
status: "Completed"
app4: {
id: 4,
appName: "appIntegrated4",
status: "Pending"
app5: {
id: 5,
appName: "appIntegrated5",
status: "Pending"
app6: {
id: 6,
appName: "appIntegrated6",
status: "Pending"
app7: {
id: 7,
appName: "appIntegrated7",
status: "Pending"
app8: {
id: 8,
appName: "appIntegrated8",
status: "Pending"
app9: {
id: 9,
appName: "appIntegrated9",
status: "Pending"
app10: {
id: 10,
appName: "appIntegrated10",
status: "Pending"
I am trying to split my structure in half, and display the first five results. I have a prev/next button, and when I click next, it should display the next 5 results (in this case the last 5). However, for everything to work, I need to be able to split my object, and so far every method I've researched involves arrays, and objects requiring some hack. I was wondering if I was missing something, or I have to create a solution to work with?
In pure JavaScript :
function getEntries(from, to) {
var entries = [];
for(var key in myJSONObj) {
// extract index after `app`
// var index = key.substring(3);
// Better way : extract index using regular expression, so it will match `something1`, `foo2`, `dummy3`
var index = parseInt(key.replace( /^\D+/g, ''));
if(index >= from && index <= to) {
return entries;
console.log(getEntries(0, 5));
Try _.chunk
$scope.pages = _.chunk($scope.myJSONObj,5);
$scope.getPage = function( pageIndex ){
return $scope.pages[pageIndex];
It's untested - but I wrote a chunk method for you in vanilla JS since you can't use lodash.
function chunk(obj, chunkSize) {
var resultArray = [];
var resultArrayCurrentIndex = 0;
for (var key in obj) {
var item = obj[key];
if (resultArray[resultArrayCurrentIndex].length <= chunkSize) {
if (!resultArray[resultArrayCurrentIndex]) {
resultArray[resultArrayCurrentIndex] = [item];
} else {
} else {
resultArray[resultArrayCurrentIndex] = [item];
return resultArray;
Then you can access it like this:
$scope.pages = chunk(yourObject, 5);
$scope.getPage = function(index){
return $scope.pages[index];
EDIT - changed it to accept an obj.
Used Object.keys, Array.prototype.slice and Array.prototype.reduce to solve your issue. Hope this helps
.controller('TestCtrl', function($scope){
$scope.myJSONObj = {"app1":{"id":1,"appName":"appIntegrated1","status":"Pending"},"app2":{"id":2,"appName":"appIntegrated2","status":"Pending"},"app3":{"id":3,"appName":"appIntegrated3","status":"Completed"},"app4":{"id":4,"appName":"appIntegrated4","status":"Pending"},"app5":{"id":5,"appName":"appIntegrated5","status":"Pending"},"app6":{"id":6,"appName":"appIntegrated6","status":"Pending"},"app7":{"id":7,"appName":"appIntegrated7","status":"Pending"},"app8":{"id":8,"appName":"appIntegrated8","status":"Pending"},"app9":{"id":9,"appName":"appIntegrated9","status":"Pending"},"app10":{"id":10,"appName":"appIntegrated10","status":"Pending"}};
$scope.currentPage = 0;
$scope.pageSize = 5;
$scope.totalPage = Math.ceil( Object.keys($scope.myJSONObj).length/$scope.pageSize);
//pageNumber starts from 0 here
$scope.goToPage = function(pageNumber) {
pageNumber = pageNumber>=0?pageNumber:0;
var from = pageNumber*$scope.pageSize;
var to = from + $scope.pageSize;
return Object.keys($scope.myJSONObj).slice(from,to).reduce(function(a,b){
a[b] = $scope.myJSONObj[b];
return a;
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.2.23/angular.min.js"></script>
<div ng-app="app" ng-controller="TestCtrl">
<button ng-disabled="currentPage===0" ng-click="currentPage = currentPage - 1">prev</button>
<button ng-disabled="currentPage===totalPage-1" ng-click="currentPage = currentPage + 1">next</button>
<b>Page: {{currentPage+1}}/{{totalPage}}</b>
<pre>{{goToPage(currentPage) | json}}</pre>

JSON re-grouping with for each method in AngularJs

I am new in angular and i want to re-group a JSON. Is it possible to do with angular.forEach() method?
I want the output should be like following.
To regroup with angular.forEach() method.
Please help. Thanks.
var days = [];
arr.forEach(function(d) {
var day = parseInt(d.doc.Day);
var item = { name: d.doc.name, count: d.doc.count };
if (days[day])
days[day] = { Day: '0' + day, Title: d.doc.Title, items: item]};
days.sort(function (x, y) {
return parseInt(x.Day) > parseInt(y.Day);
var eventsinOrder = { order: days };
You don't really need the Angular forEach but you can easily substitute it in:
var days = [];
angular.forEach(arr, function (val, key) {
var day = parseInt(val.doc.Day);
var item = { name: val.doc.name, count: val.doc.count };
if (days[day])
days[day] = { Day: '0' + day, Title: val.doc.Title, items: [item]};
days.sort(function (x, y) {
return parseInt(x.Day) > parseInt(y.Day);
var eventsinOrder = { order: days };
Either way you go you will still need to make use of the sort function (or any equivalent) to perform the sorting while you're building this resultant object.

how can i draw dynamic highchart. the y-axis and the number of charts are dynamic from json

im new in angular js and i need to use highchart in my angular page . the problem is that i must draw chart with dynamic data from json and the number of charts will be dynamic too , maybe it should draw 3 or 4 different chart from one json . I searched alot but couldnt solve my problem.
this code works but show the data in one chart in different series. I need to show each series in different charts, and in this case the json send 4 data but it will be changed .
1. List item
$scope.draw_chart = function(){
Highcharts.chart('container2', {
type: 'spline',
animation: Highcharts.svg, // don't animate in old IE
marginRight: 10,
events: {
load: function () {
var this_chart = this;
$scope.ws = ngSocket('ws://#');
$scope.ws.onOpen(function () {
var k = 0 ;
var time=0;
$scope.points_avarage = [];
$scope.ws.onMessage(function (message) {
var z = JSON.parse(message.data);
var line_to_draw = z.result.length;
var j = 0 ;
for(i=0 ; i < line_to_draw*2 ; i+=2)
$scope.data_to_draw[i] = {
name : z.result[j][0]['name'] ,
y : z.result[j][0]['rx-bits-per-second']
$scope.data_to_draw[i+1] = {
name : z.result[j][0]['name'] ,
y : z.result[j][0]['tx-bits-per-second']
this_chart.series[0].name= $scope.data_to_draw[0].name;
this_chart.series[1].name= $scope.data_to_draw[1].name;
this_chart.series[2].name= $scope.data_to_draw[2].name;
this_chart.series[3].name= $scope.data_to_draw[3].name;
for(i=0; i < line_to_draw*2; i++) {
var x = (new Date()).getTime(); // current time
var y = parseInt($scope.data_to_draw[i].y);
this_chart.series[i].addPoint([x, y], true, true);
var d = new Date().toTimeString();
global: {
useUTC: false
title: {
text: 'Live data'
xAxis: {
type: 'datetime'//,
yAxis: {
title: {
text: 'Value'
plotLines: [{
width: 1,
color: '#808080'
plotOptions: {
series: {
marker: {
enabled: false
series: [{
data: (function () {
var data = [],
time = (new Date()).getTime(),
for (i = -5; i <= 0; i += 1) {
x: time ,
y: 0
return data;
data: (function () {
var data = [],
time = (new Date()).getTime(),
for (i = -5; i <= 0; i += 1) {
x: time ,
y: 0
return data;
data: (function () {
var data = [],
time = (new Date()).getTime(),
for (i = -5; i <= 0; i += 1) {
x: time ,
y: 0
return data;
data: (function () {
var data = [],
time = (new Date()).getTime(),
for (i = -5; i <= 0; i += 1) {
x: time ,
y: 0
return data;
<div id="containet" ng-init="draw_chart()"></div>

extjs gridpanel reconfigure issue

I have the below to reconfigure gridpanel, it works fine the first time, but the second time it throws the following error:
JavaScript runtime error: unable to get property 'id' of undefined or null reference"
What is wrong with my code?
url: "/Home/Create",
data: JSON.stringify({ inputdata: selectedValues }),
async: false,
type: "POST",
contentType: 'application/json',
success: function (result) {
var columns = [];
var _fields = [];
var data = {
Key: [],
Value: []
var nameCount = 0;
var resultSet = result.result;
resultSet.forEach(function (element) {
for (var key in element) {
if (element.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
var keyStr = key;
var column;
var count = 0;
resultSet.forEach(function (element, index, ar) {
for (var key in element) {
if (!element.hasOwnProperty(key)) continue;
if (element.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
var field = {};
var elementValue = element[key];
var typeCheck = typeof elementValue;
field['name'] = key;
if (key.startsWith('Completed')) {
field['type'] = 'date';
field['submitFormat'] = 'm/d/Y';
field['submitValue'] = true;
else {
switch (typeCheck) {
case 'number':
field['type'] = 'int';
case 'boolean':
field['type'] = 'string';
case 'string':
field['type'] = 'string';
case 'object':
field['type'] = 'object';
case 'date':
field['type'] = 'date';
if (key == 'EmployeeId' || key == 'EmployeeGroup'
|| key == 'GroupMemberId') {
column = Ext.create('Ext.grid.column.Column', {
text: key,
dataIndex: key,
hidden: true
else {
if (!key.startsWith('EmployeeName') && !key.startsWith('EmployeeStatus') && !key.startsWith('Completed')) {
column = Ext.create('Ext.grid.column.Column', {
text: key,
dataIndex: key,
width: 80
var keyValue = data.Key;
var values = data.Value;
var nameKeyValue = [];
var nameFinalValue;
for (var i = 0; i < keyValue.length; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < values.length; j++) {
if (keyValue[i].startsWith('Name')) {
for (var i = 0; i < keyValue.length; i++) {
nameFinalValue = nameKeyValue[i];
if (keyValue[i].startsWith('Name')) {
var status = keyValue[i + 1];
var completed = keyValue[i + 2];
column = Ext.create('Ext.grid.column.Column', {
text: nameFinalValue,
dataIndex: nameFinalValue,
columns: [
Ext.create('Ext.grid.column.Column', {
text: 'Employee Status',
dataIndex: status,
width: 80,
stopSelection: false,
editable: true,
editor: {
xtype: 'checkbox'
field: { xtype: 'checkbox' }
Ext.create('Ext.grid.column.Column', {
text: 'Completed',
dataIndex: completedOn,
width: 80,
editor: new Ext.form.DateField({
xtype: 'datefield',
format: 'm/d/y',
renderer: Ext.util.Format.dateRenderer('m/d/Y')
// *** new code
var store = Ext.create("Ext.data.Store", {
id: 'myStore',
fields: _fields,
groupField: 'Group',
proxy: {
type: 'ajax',
reader: {
type: 'json',
root: 'data'
var grid = App.myGrid;
grid.reconfigure(Ext.getStore('myStore'), columns);//this line throws error
selectedValues = [];
replace error-throwing line with
grid.reconfigure(store, columns);
Try clearing your store before loading new data

Loading grid only after "all" the data stores have loaded

I have this code that loads a data store for all stories that contain each of the names from an array.
var prefix_set = [list of names]
for(var i=0;i<prefix_set.length;i++)
_get_stories_of_feature(prefix_set[i]) //this function creates a data store
I am storing all the data into a global array and creating a data store which is passed to a grid in the end. The problem is that my grid loads up with incomplete data (the grid loads up even before all the data has been loaded into the global array).
Here's my code:
Ext.define('CustomApp', {
extend: 'Rally.app.App',
componentCls: 'app',
items:[{ xtype: 'container', itemId: 'print_button_box', padding: 5},{xtype: 'container', itemId: 'grid_box'}],
count: 0,
globalStore: null,
totalDataLength: 0,
gridCounter: 0,
launch: function() {
var me = this;
this.globalStore = null;
this.gridCounter = 0;
this.count = 0;
list = [];
//Write app code here
var prefix_set = ["Epic:","Arch:","Refa:","Innov:","Spike:","Producer:","Dependency:","Consumer:"];
var i;
_addPrintButton: function() {
var me = this;
this.down('#print_button_box').add( {
xtype: 'rallybutton',
itemId: 'print_button',
text: 'CSV',
disabled: false,
handler: function() {
console.log('globalStore ',me.globalStore);
_onClickExport: function () {
if (document.getElementById('grid_box')) {
//Ext.getBody().mask('Exporting Tasks...');
console.log('inside export');
setTimeout(function () {
var template = '<html xmlns:o="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" xmlns:x="urn:schemas-' +
'microsoft-com:office:excel" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40"><head>' +
'<!--[if gte mso 9]><xml><x:ExcelWorkbook><x:ExcelWorksheets><x:ExcelWorksheet><x:Name>' +
'{worksheet}</x:Name><x:WorksheetOptions><x:DisplayGridlines/></x:WorksheetOptions></x:ExcelWorksheet>' +
'</x:ExcelWorksheets></x:ExcelWorkbook></xml><![endif]--></head><body><table>{table}' +
var base64 = function (s) {
return window.btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(s)));
var format = function (s, c) {
return s.replace(/{(\w+)}/g, function (m, p) {
return c[p];
var table = document.getElementById('grid_box');
console.log("Exporting table ",table);
var excel_data = '<tr>';
Ext.Array.each(table.innerHTML.match(/<span .*?x-column-header-text.*?>.*?<\/span>/gm), function (column_header_span) {
excel_data += (column_header_span.replace(/span/g, 'td'));
excel_data += '</tr>';
Ext.Array.each(table.innerHTML.match(/<tr class="x-grid-row.*?<\/tr>/gm), function (line) {
excel_data += line.replace(/[^\011\012\015\040-\177]/g, '>>');
console.log("Excel data ",excel_data);
var ctx = {worksheet: name || 'Worksheet', table: excel_data};
window.location.href = 'data:application/vnd.ms-excel;base64,' + base64(format(template, ctx));
}, 500);
console.log("grid_box does not exist");
tableToExcel: function(){
var me = this;
console.log("Global store ",me.globalStore);
var uri = 'data:application/vnd.ms-excel;base64,'
, template = '<html xmlns:o="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" xmlns:x="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40"><head><!--[if gte mso 9]><xml><x:ExcelWorkbook><x:ExcelWorksheets><x:ExcelWorksheet><x:Name>{worksheet}</x:Name><x:WorksheetOptions><x:DisplayGridlines/></x:WorksheetOptions></x:ExcelWorksheet></x:ExcelWorksheets></x:ExcelWorkbook></xml><![endif]--></head><body><table>{table}</table></body></html>'
, base64 = function(s) { return window.btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(s))); }
, format = function(s, c) { return s.replace(/{(\w+)}/g, function(m, p) { return c[p]; }); };
return function(table, name) {
if (!table.nodeType) table = document.getElementById(table);
var ctx = {worksheet: name || 'Worksheet', table: table.innerHTML};
window.location.href = uri + base64(format(template, ctx));
_createStore: function(){
var me = this;
//var f = [{property: 'UserStories', operator: '!=', value: null}];
autoLoad: true,
model: "PortfolioItem/Feature",
limit: 10000,
fetch: ['FormattedID','Name','UserStories','c_DIteration','c_DPSI'],
load: function(store,data,success){
console.log("Store ",store);
var data_length = data.length;
console.log('Data length is '+data.length);
var data = {
id: item.get("FormattedID"),
name: item.get("Name"),
UserStories: item.get("UserStories")._type,
DIteration: item.get("c_DIteration"),
DPSI: item.get("c_DPSI")
scope: this
_showGrid: function(store){
var me = this;
this.grid = Ext.create('Rally.ui.grid.Grid',{
store: store,
{text: 'Feature', dataIndex: 'name'},
{text: 'FormattedID', dataIndex: 'FormattedID'},
{text: 'Name', dataIndex: 'UserStories'},
{text: 'Release', dataIndex: 'Release'},
{text: 'Iteration', dataIndex: 'Iteration'},
{text: 'DIteration', dataIndex: 'DIteration'},
{text: 'DPSI', dataIndex: 'DPSI'},
{text: 'Schedule State', dataIndex: 'ScheduleState'},
{text: 'Task Remaining Total', dataIndex: 'TaskRemainingTotal'},
{text: 'Owner', dataIndex: 'Owner'},,
{text: 'Project', dataIndex: 'Project'},
{text: 'Unscheduled', dataIndex: 'Unscheduled'}
me.globalStore = this.grid;
_get_stories_of_feature: function(name,length,k){
var me = this;
autoLoad: true,
model: "HierarchicalRequirement",
limit: 10000,
fetch: ['Name','ObjectID','FormattedID','Parent','Feature','TaskRemainingTotal','c_DIteration','c_DPSI','DragAndDropRank','Release','Iteration','Project','Owner','ScheduleState'],
property: 'DragAndDropRank', direction: 'ASC'
,},{property: 'Project', direction: 'ASC'}],
property: 'Name', operator: 'contains', value: name
property: 'ScheduleState', operator: '!=', value: 'Accepted'
pageSize: 5000,
load: function(store,data,success){
var data_length = data.length;
console.log("Total stories ",data_length);
for(var i=0;i<data_length;i++){
console.log("Data length for ",k," is ",data_length);
console.log("Data i ",data[i]);
var flag;
var iteration=""; var release="";
var fid = "",fname="";
var owner="";
if(data[i].data.Feature!=null && (data[i].data.Feature.c_DIteration==null || data[i].data.Feature.c_DIteration.toString().indexOf("*")!=-1))
flag = "YES";
else flag = "NO";
iteration = data[i].data.Iteration._refObjectName;
release = data[i].data.Release._refObjectName;
owner = data[i].data.Owner._refObjectName;
fid = data[i].data.Feature.FormattedID;
fname = data[i].data.Feature.Name;
var element = {
name: fid+":"+fname,
UserStories: data[i].data.Name,
Project: data[i].data.Project._refObjectName,
Owner: owner,
FormattedID: data[i].data.FormattedID,
Iteration: iteration,
TaskRemainingTotal: parseInt(data[i].data.TaskRemainingTotal),
Release: release,
ScheduleState: data[i].data.ScheduleState,
DIteration: data[i].data.c_DIteration,
DPSI: data[i].data.c_DPSI,
Unscheduled: flag
console.log("me count is ",me.count);
console.log("Found ",data[i].data);
console.log("Total Data Length is ",me.totalDataLength);
console.log("k is ",k," and length is ",length);
console.log("Building store");
//once all the stories and feature data is computed
var myStore = Ext.create("Rally.data.custom.Store",{
data: list,
sortable: true,
pageSize: me.totalDataLength,
exportGrid: function(grid) {
if (Ext.isIE) {
} else {
var data = this._getCSV(grid);
window.location = 'data:text/csv;charset=utf8,' + encodeURIComponent(data);
_escapeForCSV: function(string) {
if (string.match(/,/)) {
if (!string.match(/"/)) {
string = '"' + string + '"';
} else {
string = string.replace(/,/g, ''); // comma's and quotes-- sorry, just loose the commas
return string;
_getFieldText: function(fieldData) {
var text;
if (fieldData == null || fieldData == undefined) {
text = '';
} else if (fieldData._refObjectName && !fieldData.getMonth) {
text = fieldData._refObjectName;
} else if (fieldData instanceof Date) {
text = Ext.Date.format(fieldData, this.dateFormat);
} else if (!fieldData.match) { // not a string or object we recognize...bank it out
text = '';
} else {
text = fieldData;
return text;
_getFieldTextAndEscape: function(fieldData) {
var string = this._getFieldText(fieldData);
return this._escapeForCSV(string);
_getCSV: function (grid) {
var cols = grid.columns;
var store = grid.store;
var data = '';
console.log("Grid.Store is ",grid.store);
var that = this;
Ext.Array.each(cols, function(col, index) {
if (col.hidden != true) {
data += that._getFieldTextAndEscape(col.text) + ',';
data += "\n";
store.each(function(record) {
var entry = record.getData();
Ext.Array.each(cols, function(col, index) {
if (col.hidden != true) {
var fieldName = col.dataIndex;
var text = entry[fieldName];
data += that._getFieldTextAndEscape(text) + ',';
data += "\n";
return data;
_ieGetGridData : function(grid, sheet) {
var that = this;
var resourceItems = grid.store.data.items;
var cols = grid.columns;
Ext.Array.each(cols, function(col, colIndex) {
if (col.hidden != true) {
console.log('header: ', col.text);
sheet.cells(1,colIndex + 1).value = col.text;
var rowIndex = 2;
grid.store.each(function(record) {
var entry = record.getData();
Ext.Array.each(cols, function(col, colIndex) {
if (col.hidden != true) {
var fieldName = col.dataIndex;
var text = entry[fieldName];
var value = that._getFieldText(text);
sheet.cells(rowIndex, colIndex+1).value = value;
_ieToExcel: function (grid) {
if (window.ActiveXObject){
var xlApp, xlBook;
try {
xlApp = new ActiveXObject("Excel.Application");
xlBook = xlApp.Workbooks.Add();
} catch (e) {
Ext.Msg.alert('Error', 'For the export to work in IE, you have to enable a security setting called "Initialize and script ActiveX control not marked as safe" from Internet Options -> Security -> Custom level..."');
var XlSheet = xlBook.activeSheet;
xlApp.visible = true;
this._ieGetGridData(grid, XlSheet);
Please take a look at the code in this post, where Mark uses promises, and builds three separate Rally.data.wsapi.Stores and only after all the data is there _makeGrid(resultArray) is called.
