Angularjs app going to back page on left swipe - angularjs

My angular js spa is going to previous page on swiping it left and to forward page on right in windows mobile browser IE .I havent implemented this and cant figure out why this is happening .i want to disable this.I have a back button in my app which uses history.back()

This is not a angular feature but a feature of the browser itself. Check this question for how to disable this with css: Can I disable IE10 history swipe gesture?


How to disable Back button of Browsers in SPA apps With Angular Js?

In my single page application developed using Angular Js, I don't want to navigate in browser using browsers Back button,How to Hide or Disable or override the Back button function
You cannot control browser features using Javascript. It's as simple as that.
I found an answer here. But this code above will not work well with AngularJS because AngularJS uses URL_Hash # in the background.
Control or Disable Browser Back Button with Javascript or AngularJS

Angular UI Bootstrap Carousel Pager stops working after I visit other tabs and return back

I have angular UI bootstrap's carousel directive implemented on my site. Everything is working fine and suddenly I noticed that whenever I browse to other sites, leaving my site open in one tab and come back to my site again, the pager and carousel controls stop working. It's strange but I have set my carousel to auto rotate and it also stops.
The carousel won't work until I refresh. First, I thought I had some bugs in my code, but when I tried their own slider from the website, also shows the same behavior.
Any thoughts or fixes on this?
For the code, please visit this link :
And scroll down to the Carousel section and click Edit in Plunker.
This is a known issue and is under investigation.

Ionic + Angular UI-Routing: How to delete Back Stack?

Im working with the Ionic-Framework and AngularJS.
If you create the Ionic sidemenu sample project:
ionic start myApp sidemenu
You will get a small example application which shows my exact problem.
You can try out the behaviour here: Plunker
If you open up the Side-Menu and navigate to several locations everything
is put on the Back-Stack. How can I prevent that behaviour for special pages?
For our example lets say i always want to completely delete the Back-Stack
when the "playlists" page is called. My Application will run on mobile devices only and its very untypical to be able to press the back button in the main menu and be navigated to the last opended page.
I want Angular UI-Routing to simulate the Android Backing behaviour.
How can i achieve that?
Another problem is that the hardware back button seems to work different than the back button of the navigation bar. You can see that in the browser. If you navigate to a link from the side menu there wont appear a back button in the navigation bar (Like it should be!). But when you press the browser back button, suddenly a back button in the navigation bar appears (very uncool!). How to prevent that?

Onsen UI transition Effect delay

im developing my first app with onsen ui and angular js. I have a dude. When i navigate between differents links from my lateral menu the app show the last page before load the new page. I dont know how explain very well the problem.
The last page displayed is stuck before loading the new page.
If you want some code just tell me.
To see the problem on live my app is here:
Thanks a lot

How can I trace what AngularJS is doing when I click a link?

I have a simple link in an app that opens an absolute page and it's target is blank. When i click it the page does open up in a new window but my app goes blank. I'm trying to track down in angular what's happening. What's the best way to trace this through?
If you are using Google Chrome, one way to do this is to get AngularJS Batarang Developer tools extension.
