'Inbox by gmail' styled opening and closing transition for an email (Android) - android-transitions

Can anyone suggest me an example for the opening and closing transition that is used in Inbox by Gmail's Android App.
I did manage to find this example. However, is there anything else available?


how can i change the language in messages in input tag

i'm building a web app with capacitor js and react js.
i'm creating a button to when i click the button to upload image file.
in android it works well, but in ios when i click the button it prints three options like above picture.
i want to make those options to korean.
i knew the language of the messages are depends on system language.
so i already checked the system language setting by window.navigator.language
it already setted in korean.
and then i dont know reason why, it prints in korean when i open a app in native safari browser.
this problem only occurs when i open the web in the app i built by capacitor
someone please give me some hints .
You can set the development region in your ios/App/App/Info.plist file:

updating Reactjs PWA without closing it

I have created an app with ReactJS and now I want to make it a progressive web app. I have seen many tutorials and understood how to do it. But I feel there is one problem that, if the UI of the app is updated then the user needs to close the app(smartphone) or browser tab(desktop) in order to get it updated. This is fine for a smartphone but when opened in a desktop some users might keep the website open in a tab and will never see the updated contents. I read that this not possible because updating this way might break some UI components and hence not allowed.
Is there a way to achieve this without the user needing to close the tab and reopen it?

Show React Native app in "Open in" dialogue of another app

I'm new at creating React Native apps and I would like to know if there is a doc or a package that allow us to open my app from an external one by clicking on the "share" button, that open the "open in... / share" dialogue modal
Thanks by advance
I have read the instructions given in the following link : React Native Share Extension
but the thing is that it asks to edit some Java files for Android, and other ones for iOS. Since I'm working with javascript files, where am I supposed to find the files the documentation tells me to edit ?
There is nothing built-it to do this, but there's also some useful packages for doing that, the catch is that you will need to write some native code to make it work
first there is React-native-share-extension forn handle share intents, and for more advanced stuff there is react-native-deep-link for handling for example an url of a video, or a download url, or a mail intent .
Both packages requires to edit native ;-;

How to communicate to a long-running React Chrome Extension via the default_popup modal?

I am making a Chrome Extension that overlays a choice div over the current web page.
I have spent considerable time studying how to develop a Chrome Extension with React and with regular ways to inject HTML and JS. More React-specific information is needed to put this together.
My goal is to achieve this:
Click default_popup which reveals some extension settings
Toggle overlay ON
A full-screen overlay covers the current webpage
Dismiss the default_popup modal
The overlay is still there because the React-based extension is still running
Click default_popup which reveals the extension settings again
Toggle overlay OFF
I have followed every tutorial I can find on Google and dissected every React Chrome Extension I can find in GitHub, and this my question that arises after that.
Can anyone provide an example or describe exactly what needs to be done to achieve the above steps?
The most important thing I can't find from any tutorials or code spelunking is how do I inject a React App as a Chrome Extension and have it talk to the default_popup modal?
To communicate between the popup ( i assume you mean browserAction here) and any open tab the easiest way would be through background script.
So in manifest.json you add
"background": {
"scripts": ["background.js"]
and then in background.js file you can listen to events emitted from contentScript or browserAction scripts with onMessage
chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener( function(message){
// do some actions depending on message object
// e.g. add or remove overlay with tabs api
and send message from your popup with sendMessage like this
chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ action: "TOGGLE_OVERLAY", toVisible: true})
please note: if you want to send messages to content scripts you should use tabs API sendMessage instead

Facebook messenger detect closing webview (mobile)

I have a messenger bot that provides users with links to a webpage. Is there a way to detect when the user closed the webview and therefore returned to bot conversation?
This question only applies to Messenger app on mobiles phones, desktop is fine.
window.onbeforeunload isn't supported, window.pagehide only works on reload but not on closing the webview as well as window.unload.
You could try using this.
MessengerExtensions.requestCloseBrowser(function success() {
// webview closed
}, function error(err) {
// an error occurred
It's not the same as what you are looking for. But you could drive the users this way if you are implementing the webview website also.
For more information: Messenger Extension Webview
This actually depends on what you want to achieve in your flow.
If the user closes the webview using the close-x (upper right) you should think of this as regular close event and don't handle anything at all. Instead you should use a dedicated save/confirm and/or close button in your webview.
The close button then triggers the requestCloseBrowser function of the Messenger Extension SDK and the save/confirm button handles the actual save/confirm/process action.
If you really need to detect a user closing the webview by using the close-x in the upper right this can only be achieved by long-polling (polling a user session from you webview).
It's quite simple we need to use Facebook's messenger extension SDK, Last year i implemented this. you can find a relevant code here,
We need to use window.extAsyncInit to detect the event and then we can pass on the info to the server.
Use this MessengerExtensions.getUserID to get user id if required.
Refer https://github.com/vickymicky/botkit-messenger-express-demo/blob/master/views/webview.ejs
Note: Above example is done on Node.js.
