Visual Studio 2010 Shell cannot connect to SQL Server 2012 - sql-server

I installed VS2013, VS2010 Shell (for the BI-Tools) and SQL Server 2012 on Windows 8.1 Pro. I configured the SQL Server and attached the AdventureWork2012 database successfully.
I created datasource > dataview > cube from the db above.
However, I got an error saying
"The project could not be deployed to the 'XX\DBT2' server because of
the following connectivity problems: A connection cannot be made to
redirector. Ensure that 'SQL Browser' service is running. TO verify or
update the name of the target server..."
I've checked the SQL Server and SQL Server Browser and both are running. (checked from SQL Server Configuration Manger)
I also checked the db connection I set up on the VB project. It said Test connection succeeded.
I think I missing some user permission thing but not sure which one is it so here is a little more info about the user right. The user I am using is the account that setup with the windows installation. I also followed some other article online that they said added a few more admin right (user, group) will solve this issue which it didn't for this case.
I also go into the SQL Server Management Studio and check the database permission. And the user right as well but I can't seem to find any problem.


"Unable to start the Transact-SQL debugger" error in SQL Server Management Studio

I am trying to access a remote server using SQL Server Management Studio 2014.
For some reason I am getting an error that says"Unable to start the Transact-SQL debugger, could not connect to the Database Engine instance 'xx'. Make sure you have enabled the debugging firewall exception and are using a login that is a member of the sysadmin fixed server role" every time I attempt to debug. However, I am able to see the data of the server in my object explorer.
At this point in time I have completely removed my windows firewall protection and am using a username and password that all my colleagues use, and it works for them.
I am also running the program as an administrator each time.
The server seems to be SQL Server 2008 R2.
Anything that I am missing here?

What server and login must I enter to connect to a SQL Server that was installed together with Visual Studio 2013?

I am just learn C# from Java and now struggling with sql server
i usually use mysql with phpmyadmin
i use windows 7
i already install Visual Studio 2013 Community Edition, in control panel program and feature there is some name with sql server
i try to search the answer in google for 3 days & download many youtube tutorial. but still confuse what to do.
My goal :
i try to create ms sql database like i do in phpmyadmin
i dont want to create local database, i try to create database in server (the server sit in localhost)
heres what i do :
in visual studio 2013 - server explorer tab, i right click in data
then select Create New Sql Server Database
dialog show up and my question :
What value i must put in Server Name
If i select radio button Use SQL Server Authentication. what value i
must put in username and password. (when installing visual
studio, it don't tell me anything)
thank, forgive my english
i already install management studio from here. At installing, it dont tell me any configuration.
Using SSMS i still can't create database, i already try :
via Windows Authentication with servername : or localhost
via SQL Server Authentication with username : sa, password :
[empty], or Password123, or [myComputerPassword]
i already try uninstall & install Visual Studio 2013 Community Edition & SQL Server 2014 Management Studio multiple time in different PC. But it dont tell me any configuration when installing.
based on my newbie feeling : (maybe) it look like installation don't create instance server
here's my control panel look like :
Unless SQL Server was installed with non-default settings, the following connection parameters should allow you to connect to your (locally installed) SQL Server instance:
Password: chances are that SQL Server was installed with SQL Server authentication disabled. Try to log in with the option Integrated Authentication or Integrated Security enabled, then you won't even have the option to enter a username and password.
Server: try these in the following order:
.\SQLEXPRESS (which stands for "instance named SQLEXPRESS on the local host, .")
. (which stands for "(instance with default name on the) local host")
Basically, the server name consists of up to three parts: First, the network host on which the desired SQL Server service is running (the local host or . in your case), the name of the SQL Server service after a \ (often MSSQLSERVER or SQLSERVER, the first of which you can omit because it's the default name), and a network port on which the SQL Server service is listening (you can often omit that, too).
You can find out your SQL Server's service name from Administrative Tools → Services. Locate the entry for the SQL Server service and note down the name in the parentheses; that's what will go after the .\ in the server name:
You usually get a local or express version of Sql Server installed when you install Visual Studio.
You can however..go a little further.
Sql Server Express 2014 (You may already have this installed based on what you chose during the install)
Sql Server 2012 Express
Under the 2012, you'll also note that one of the downloads is
This is "Sql Server Management Studio". This is a front-end to the Sql Server RDBMS. You could do most things through Visual Studio, but I usually install SSMS as well. SSMS is kinda the same thing as MySql Workbench.
You can also write scripts and execute them in SSMS.
You security mode is probably "Trusted" which means you connect to Sql Server using your windows credentials. This was auto-voodoo'ed mapped for you when you did the install.
Sql Authentication (the alternative to Trusted) is the username/password model. This takes extra setup and configuration (usually through SSMS), so your easiest bet is to rely on "Trusted" unless you find a need for something else.
I hope that helps.

Cannot connect to SQL Server via Management 2012

I would like to connect to SQL Server 2012 using Management Studio. I can login without any issues when using windows authentication. I created a called develop, with password develop, and I gave it all the all the database roles. But instead of being able to logon. I get the following error:
Please Assist
Edit: Added the Names Pipes Properties screen shot

Cube Deployment failed in BIDS

So I've been doing a project at my university with BIDS and a database on their servers. I've managed to back up the database and put it on my local machine.
Problem right now is I've installed SQL Server 2008 + BIDS through SQL Server 2008 Express Edition. Now I've heard it doesn't include SQL Server Analysis Service, meaning I can't deploy the cube.
I've tried deploying the project on my home computer but it gives me the error.
Error 23 The project could not be deployed to the 'my computer
name\SQLEXPRESS' server because of the following connectivity problems :
A connection cannot be made to redirector. Ensure that 'SQL Browser' service
is running. To verify or update the name of the target server, right-click on
the project in Solution Explorer, select Project Properties, click on the
Deployment tab, and then enter the name of the server.
I've checked and SQL browser service is definitely running so I'm not sure what else to try. Is there any way for me to successfully deploy the cube?
I think its authentication issue for your current user connecting to SQLEXPRESS. Try using "Runas /user:[domain]\[user] "Path to BIDS" to run BIDS as privileged user and try windows authentication.

SQL Server 2005 SP2 or SP3 not updating Management Studio?

I applied SQL Server 2005 SP2 and marked all the components to be updated, including Client tools, but the version in the Help -> About box still has version 1399, while the server does indeed had 3042.
I then re-applied SP2 to only Client tools, and everything ran successfully (again, first time did too) but still, no version update for management studio.
Now, I just applied SP3 with everything successfully, but still management studio version did not get updated.
How can I update it? Or at least how can I uninstall just Management studio so I can install it from a newer DVD?
If you go to Control Panel > Add Remove programs and then choose the appropriate SQL Server installation, this will start the typical install wizard for SQL Server.
You can then select the specific components that you wish to uninstall.
If you are having difficulties with SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 3 may I suggest that you visit the SQL Server Central forums as there are a wealth of resources for SQL Server SP3. It was actually due to user demand from this forum that resulted in there even being an SP3 release.
Let me know how you get on.
Cheers, John
I got the Error in sql server sp3 installation log which caused this:
Error Number : 29538
Error Description : MSP Error: 29538 SQL Server Setup did not have the administrator permissions required to rename a file: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\DATA\mssqlsystemresource1.ldf. To continue, verify that the file exists, and either grant administrator permissions to the account currently running Setup or log in with an administrator account. Then run SQL Server Setup again.
Hate to answer my own question, but I had to manually un-install Client Tools, re-install them using SQL Server 2005 setup, and THEN apply the updates.
It wasn't working by just trying to apply updates over the existing original installation.
And i mention un-installing using the SQL Server 2005 Setup because trying to do it from the Add/Remove Programs dialog won't let you or will give you trouble.
