PyQt5 and Qt5.5 : license incompatibility - licensing

this is my problem:
i wanted to install PyQt5 on my fedora22. I have installed Sip as requested and i have noticed that my qt pre-installed version was the 4. Seeing that the 5 was not available in the repos, i installed it from the site.
But when i manually set the path to the qmake in the python3 --qmake option to configure PyQt5 he says: "Error: This version of PyQt5 and the commercial version of Qt have incompatible licenses."
how can i solve it???
the site says it has double license, when installing i skipped the qt account login and it was written "opensource" .
Thanks for your help!

Same problem here, reeplace "QLibraryInfo::licensee()" for "Open Source" on the script.

You can comment the lines in (of PyQt) relative to this check.
-> lines 2591 to 2594 for me.
Works for PyQt-gpl-5.5 ; sip-4.16.9
with Qt5.5 open source GPL version installed through the .run file.


Dnn Ver 9.4.0 Install package not running

I have downloaded the dnn version -9.4.0 install package from url - and configured that with IIS server but it's not running.I am getting compile time errors.
According to it's release document I have upgraded .net framework (4.7.2) in my system as well.
Same Install package for ver-9.2.2 I have downloaded then configured that in IIS and it's running proper.
Can you please confirm me about the issue in 9.4.0 ?
Can you give a few more details?
As an aside, you might want to check out nvQuickSite as an aid in installing DNN.
There were some issues with 9.4.0, but mostly about upgrades. Please try to download and install 9.4.1 which was released recently and addresses these issues.

tcms-api 5.3 package incompatible with Windows

I attempted to upgrade my tcms-api library from 5.0 to 5.3 using:
pip install tcms-api --upgrade
on a Windows 10 machine, I saw a lot of errors when trying to install the dependent package of kerberos. Even though this is old, I saw a similar set of errors. The package installation failed since the kerberos package isn't supported on Windows and I was left at tcms-api 5.0.
Please file a bug against
We can do a quick fix by providing 2 package names:
tcms-api and tcms-api[kerberos]
The first one will not install the kerberos package.
The proposed workaround makes sense but changing the underlying kerberos implementation needs careful testing which isn't a quick job.
OTOH uses gssapi which seems to be the latest and most actively maintained implementation of Kerberos for Python. There is an open issue to migrate to that in tcms-api so you can contribute if you want.
As a workaround, I was able to do the following (caveat: I haven't extensively tested my installation yet):
Clone the tcms-api repo from GitHub
Edit to change the install_requires line to use 'kerberos-sspi' rather than 'kerberos'
Install the following pip packages: Setuptools, Wheel, Twine
CD to repo folder and run: python bdist_wheel
That creates a package under the dist folder
Run pip install dist\tcms_api-5.3-py3-none-any.whl
Celebrate successful package install
The steps were modified from this page.
I confirmed the things I need the API to do work with my custom package (create and update test runs). However, I'm in a situation where I don't need to specifically harden my Kiwi instance using kerberos authentication.

Installing Oracle DataModeler assistance

I would like to download and install the Oracle DataModeler
But im stuck at the window that says:
"please specify the path to the java jdk home:_________"
What do i do?
Help would be greatly appreciated
You tell it where Java is installed. SQL Developer Data Modeler is a java application and can't run without Java.
If you're on Windows, you can download the package that includes the JDK. If you're not on Windows, install Java 8 (JDK), and then run SQL Developer. If it doesn't see Java, it will ask for the path. Give it the path from your install.
When I installed Datamodeler, the first time I launched the software it asked me for a java path. On my machine this was /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk-amd64. If you are running on a linux distro, there should be an opt subdirectory with a configuration file that you can edit manually:
try changing the last line of the file from
SetJavaHome ../../jdk
SetJavaHome /path/to/your/java (whatever your java path is)
I'm still having issues -- but this might work for you.

Not able build apache mod_tile in openSuse error: Could not find apxs on the path

I want to run a tiles server with OSM data
i want to install mod_tile so i followed the mod_tile setup
But when i do the
It says
checking for getloadavg... yes
checking for apxs... no
checking for apxs2... no
checking for /opt/local/apache2/bin/apxs... no
configure: error: Could not find apxs on the path.
any idea what went wrong?
According to the Internets you need to install apache2-dev (previously known as apache2-devel). The apx binary should then be located under /usr/bin/apxs2 or /usr/sbin/apxs2.
Note: For building a tile server you should follow the guide on switch2osm.
For Ubuntu
sudo apt-get install apache2-devel
For RedHat & CentOs
yum install httpd-devel
SUSE has removed the SDK ISO from the area where you download the server ISO.
Check out this page.
I consider their page as very complicated and not logical so play a bit around but you find it in the end.
When you are looking for a current version then it helps you check Last 6 months

Mac - GAE: Cannot get the System Java Compiler. Please use a JDK, not a JRE

I'm getting this error when trying to deploy an AppEngine project. The error comes up when trying to compile JSPs:
java.lang.RuntimeException: Cannot get the System Java Compiler. Please use a JDK, not a JRE.
Now, I'm on a Mac, and I've installed JDK 1.7.0-25. I also modified eclipses.ini in by including the -vm line:
Within Eclipse, the "Installed JREs" is also pointing to JDK 1.7.0-25.
Am I missing something? Thanks in advance.
For "Installed VM" please confirm the location is something like /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.7.0_25.jdk/Contents/Home
On OSX, I don't have any -vm entry at all and can successfully deploy AppEngine projects so don't know why that would be needed.
Try removing the JRE from your project and adding re-adding it.
