AngularJs Typeahead directive not working - angularjs

I have a simple requirement wherein a list of users is displayed and display a search button on top to search for the users by name, something like a simplified LinkedIn Connections page.
My web app is developed on node.js but this one page has been developed on angular.js and for this search button, I have decided to use the typeahead directive. This is how the jade file looks like:
title List All Geniuses!
link(href='//', rel='stylesheet')
h2 All Geniuses!
input.form-control(placeholder='Genius',name='search-genius',ng-model="selected",typeahead="user for user in usersArr | filter:{'geniusid':$viewValue} | limitTo:8")
li(ng-repeat='user in users') {{ user.geniusid }}
The list of users are being fetched as an array from firebase. As you can see, the list of users is fetched using GetAllGeniuses controller and it works fine.. Here is the controller code:
(function (angular) {
var app = angular.module('geniuses', ["firebase"]);
app.controller('GetAllGeniuses', ["$scope", "$rootScope","$firebaseArray",
function($scope, $rootScope, $firebaseArray) {
var users = $firebaseArray(new Firebase("****));
$rootScope.usersArr = users;
$scope.users = users;
app.controller('SearchAGenius', ["$scope", "$rootScope",
function($scope, $rootScope) {
$scope.selected = '';
$scope.usersArr = $rootScope.usersArr;
This is how the data looks like(dummy):
geniusid: "new",
geniusname: ""
geniusid: "new",
geniusname: ""
geniusid: "news",
geniusname: ""
geniusid: "qazwsx",
geniusname: ""
I want to search using the geniusid (or name) in the search box... I have tried almost all ideas posted on the net but haven't been able to figure this out..
Any ideas would be appreciated.

Check out this Plunker I made using your demo.
A few things to note. You'll want to include Angular Bootstrap in your scripts and inject it into your module.
var app = angular.module('geniuses', ["firebase","ui.bootstrap"]);
Also, don't use $rootScope to pass data around. This is a prefect use for an angular service.
There's also no need to define ng-app everytime you're going to use angular.
Here's the rest of the plunker code that I modified to get this working.
title List All Geniuses!
link(href='//', rel='stylesheet')
h2 All Geniuses!
input.form-control(placeholder='Genius',name='search-genius',ng-model="selected",typeahead="user as user.geniusname for user in usersArr | filter:{'geniusid':$viewValue} | limitTo:8")
li(ng-repeat='user in users') {{ user.geniusid }}
And the JS
(function(angular) {
var app = angular.module('geniuses', ["firebase", "ui.bootstrap"]);
app.controller('GetAllGeniuses', ["$scope", 'GeniusFactory',
function($scope, GeniusFactory) {
$scope.users = GeniusFactory.users();
app.controller('SearchAGenius', ["$scope", 'GeniusFactory',
function($scope, GeniusFactory) {
$scope.selected = '';
$scope.usersArr = GeniusFactory.users();
app.factory('GeniusFactory', ["$firebaseArray", function($firebaseArray) {
//Create a users object
var _users;
return {
users: users
function users() {
//This will cache your users for as long as the application is running.
if (!_users) {
//_users = $firebaseArray(new Firebase("****"));
_users = [{
geniusid: "new",
geniusname: "Harry"
}, {
"geniusid": "new",
"geniusname": "Jean"
}, {
"geniusid": "news",
"geniusname": "Mike"
}, {
"geniusid": "qazwsx",
"geniusname": "Lynn"
return _users;


How to convert string into JSON data in view part of angularjs

Hi I have this data in JSON form, and I want to convert this data of option into json so that i can call optionName, optionSubName in a view part of angularjs
"heading": "MakeUp Type / Selection",
"option": "{"optionName":"Bridal Makeup","optionSubName":"Engagement,Tika / Godh Bharai,Ring Ceremony","optionDesc":""}",
"values": null
"heading": "Makeup Type",
"option": "{"optionName":"Experienced","optionSubName":"","optionDesc":{"products":"Bobbie Brown,Makeup Forever and Premium Makeup Products","Makeup_Include":"Straightening,Blow Drys,Tong Curls,Updo's","Drapping":"Yes","Lashes":"Yes","Nail_Polish_Change":"Yes","Extension_Available":"Yes","Airbrush_Available":"Yes"}}",
"values": null
I have already tried this but this is not working by using ng-repeat i have using this {{data.option.optionName | JSON}} but this is not working in my view part of angularjs, Please help me out how to reach at my goal ?
Use AngularJS forEach:
angular.forEach(object, iterator, [context])
object: The object interate over.
iterator: The iterator function or the code.
context: Object to become context (using this) for the iterator function.
var app = angular.module('app', []);
app.controller('AppController', ['$scope', '$http',
function($scope, $http) {
$http.get('json/array.json').success(function(data) {
$scope.array = data;
angular.forEach($scope.array, function(x){

How to use VRView in Angular 1

VRview is not working and doesn't show me the 360 image. I am coding in Angular 1 app and trying to show 360 image. I tried photosphere viewer and now vrviewer but unable to understand regarding how to write the code in angular. Kindly assist
angular.module("MyControllers", [])
.controller("VR", function ($window) {
var onVrViewLoad = function() {
var vrView = new VRView.Player('#vrview', {
img: 'img/virtualTour.jpg',
is_stereo: false
$window.addEventListener('load', onVrViewLoad)
According to Google VR docs
To use VR View, include the Google-provided vrview.min.js script
within your HTML:
<script src=""></script>
Video View
Your controller should be as follows. Instantiate the VR View as soon as the page loads which should be listening to the load event.
angular.module('VRApp', [])
.controller('VRController', function($window) {
var onVrViewLoad = function() {
var vrView = new VRView.Player('#vrview', {
video: '',
is_stereo: true,
$window.addEventListener('load', onVrViewLoad);
Check out my Plunker for live demonstration.
Image View
I've tested it in IE 11 and it worked fine. Tried the below code
angular.module('myApp', [])
.controller('VRController', function($scope, $window) {
var onVrViewLoad = function() {
var vrView = new VRView.Player('#vrview', {
width: '60%',
height: '60%',
img: '',
is_stereo: true,
$window.addEventListener('load', onVrViewLoad);
Output in IE 11

Selected city change on every page refresh and need to set again

User from front page ,select the city from below list and as per search product are displayed.
But after the every product displayed , page reload and City selected get changed to First city and user need to select again city for every search.
Need help how to overcome this issue and set the city to user selected ,not refreshed every time .
//Define an angular module for our app
var app = angular.module('myApp', ['ui.bootstrap']);
app.controller('autocompleteController', function($scope, $http) {
$scope.cities = [
{name: 'London'},
{name: 'Paris'},
{name: 'Newyork'},
$scope.selectedCities = $scope.cities[0];
var initalizeproduct = function() {
$scope.products = $http.get("/getproduct/"+${
$scope.products = data.products;
$scope.changeCity = function() {
$scope.onSelectPart = function (item) {
$scope.selectedproducts = item;
window.location.href = "/product/"+$scope.selectedproducts.fields.slug;
From HTML Page :
<select ng-model="selectedCities" ng-change="changeCity()" ng-options=" for cities in cities" style="background :transparent; border:0px; outline: none;">
Replace window.location.href = "..."; with:
.then(function( ̶d̶a̶t̶a̶ response) {
var data =;
// Get the HTML part from 'data' that you would like to display and add it to DOM
to begin with.

AngularJS compile a template and use it in Showdown extension

I'm attempting to create a Showdown extension in my Angular app which will show scope variables. I was able to get it setup to show basic scope variables easily enough, but now I'd like to get it to where I can use the results of an ng-repeat and I can't get anything other than [[object HTMLUListElement]] to show.
Here's my controller so far:
app.controller('MyCtrl', ['$scope', '$window', '$compile', function($scope, $window, $compile){
$scope.machines = [
{ abbv: 'DNS', name: 'Did Not Supply' },
{ abbv: 'TDK', name: 'The Dark Knight' },
{ abbv: 'NGG', name: 'No Good Gofers'}
$scope.machine = $scope.machines[0];
$scope.machine_list = $compile('<ul><li ng-repeat="m in machines">{{m.abbv}}: {{}}</li></ul>')($scope);
$ = "{{ machine_list }}";
var scopevars = function(converter) {
return [
{ type: 'lang', regex: '{{(.+?)}}', replace: function(match, scope_var){
scope_var = scope_var.trim();
return $scope.$eval(scope_var);
// Client-side export
$window.Showdown.extensions.scopevars = scopevars;
Plunkr: code so far
I feel like I've got to be close, but now I don't know if I'm on the completely wrong track for this, or if it's a showdown thing or an angular thing or what.
I realized I was fighting Angular (and losing quiet badly) with the way I was doing that. DOM in a controller is a no-no. And now I'm kind of angry about how easy it is once I started thinking properly and looking at the directive.
Now instead of trying to do the compile and everything within the controller, I included the $compile service in the directive I'm using, so:
htmlText = converter.makeHtml(val);
htmlText = converter.makeHtml(val);
With that change in place I no longer need the portion of the extension that just did the basic evaluation, since it's being compiled {{ }} is automatically converted.
But that still left me not being able to specify a variable to insert a template, just variables. But now that the output is going to be compiled through angular I can put the template in a partial and use an extension to convert from a pattern to an ng-include which works.
New Controller Code:
app.controller('MyCtrl', ['$scope', '$window', '$compile', function($scope, $window, $compile){
$scope.machines = [
{ abbv: 'DNS', name: 'Did Not Supply' },
{ abbv: 'TDK', name: 'The Dark Knight' },
{ abbv: 'NGG', name: 'No Good Gofers'},
{ abbv: 'TotAN', name:'Tales of the Arabian Nights'}
$scope.machine = $scope.machines[0];
$scope.tpls = {
'machinelist': 'partials/ml.html'
$ = "{{machines.length}}\n\n{{include machinelist}}";
var scopevars = function(converter) {
return [
{ type: 'lang', regex: '{{include(.+?)}}', replace: function(match, val){
val = val.trim();
if($scope.tpls[val] !== undefined){
return '<ng-include src="\''+$scope.tpls[val]+'\'"></ng-include>';
} else {
return '<pre class="no-tpl">no tpl named '+val+'</pre>';
// Client-side export
$window.Showdown.extensions.scopevars = scopevars;
And of course the new plunkr
Hope this can help someone later down the road

AngularJS ng-click linking to a model

I am building a small rss reader using Express(ie Jade) and Angular. I have a dropdown menu, where the menu items are populated by a list of items in a model.
Whatever the user chooses as an item, there is a rss url attached to it and it should trigger a factory.
This is the jade part:
button.btn.btn-info(type='button') {{loadButtonText}}
span.caret Toggle Dropdown
li(ng-repeat='rss in RSSList')
a(href='#', ng-click="feedSrc='{{rss.url}}';loadFeed($event);") {{rss.Title}}
input.form-control(type='text', autocomplete='off', placeholder="This is where your feed's url will appear" data-ng-model='feedSrc')
This is my angular controller:
var News = angular.module('myApp', []);
News.controller('FeedCtrl', ['$scope','FeedService', function($scope, Feed){
$scope.loadButtonText = 'Choose News Feed';
$scope.RSSList = [
{Title: "CNN", url: ''},
{Title: "Reuters", url: ''}
$scope.loadFeed = function (e) {
Feed.parseFeed($scope.feedSrc).then(function (res) {
$scope.feeds =;
}); }}]);
News.factory('FeedService', ['$http', function($http){
return {parseFeed: function (url){
return $http.jsonp('//'+encodeURIComponent(url));}}
It seems feedSrc in ng-click doesn't capture rss.url and can not be passed as argument to the parseFeed function.
I tried to pass rss.url directly into loadFeed, like this ng-click="loadFeed({{rss.url}});" and even ng-click="loadFeed('{{rss.url}}');" I didn't work either.
Simply pass it this way :
No need to use the {{ }} in ng-click
Why not to use just:
a(href='#', ng-click="loadFeed(rss.url,$event)") {{rss.Title}}
$scope.loadFeed = function (url, e) {
Feed.parseFeed(url).then(function (res) {
$scope.feeds =;
}); }}]);
