Change number of request in executing - request

I am working on Apache Jmeter. I simulated a DOS attack so I have Http Request that send 20 request per second. I want to decrease request when it is running and attacking, Can I change a number of Threads(users) in executing? or use something instead?

You can use Constant Throughput Timer to change "requests per second" on the fly. Despite "Constant" word in its name "Target Throughput" can be a JMeter Property which can be changed while test is being executed via i.e. Beanshell Server
Other option is using Throughput Shaping Timer which has more features and flexibility w.r.t. load profile definition, it is easier to use.


Selenium Webdriver + Jmeter + StormRunner for Performance test

I wanted to try out integration of Selenium Jmeter and StormRunner. My end goal is to do Load testing with 'n' number of users on StormRunner
What ? - For e.g. I have Selenium Script, convert it in to Jmeter (I can get this information from many sources)
Then my Jmeter script should get ready
Then upload Jmeter script in to StormRunner and pass the necessary parameter through Jenkins and run the load test.
I really want the opinion here about feasibility and whether it is in right direction or not.
Idea here is that Automated Load/Performance test
Selenium is a browser automation framework and JMeter acts on HTTP protocol level so your "Automated" requirement might not be fulfilled especially if your tests are relying on client-side checks like sorting or waiting for element to appear.
Theoretically given you properly configure JMeter it can behave like a real browser, but it still not be executing client-side JavaScript.
If you're fine with this constraint - your approach is valid, if not and the "automated functional test" requirement is the must - consider migrating to TruClient Protocol instead
Why wouldn't you covert your script to a native Loadrunner/Stormrunner form of virtual user?
You should look at the value of what you are trying to achieve. The end value of a performance test is in analysis. Analysis simply takes the timing records and the resource measurements produced during the test, bringing them together on a common timestamp, and then allowing you to analyze what resource "X" is being impinged when timing record "Y" is too long. This then points to some configuration or code which locks up on resource, "X."
What is your path to value in your model? You speak about converting a functional test script to a performance one. Realistically, you should already know that your code, "works for one," before you get to asking, "Does it work for many?" There is a change in script definitions which typically accompanies this understanding.
Where are your collection of resources noted? Which Resources? On which Hosts? This is on the "path to value" problem where you need to have the resource measurements to diagnose root cause of poor performance.

How to request a trace with google cloud-trace

Google Cloud has a powerful tracing tool for analyzing latency of requests and RPCs. But it seems to just pick some requests that it finds deserving of traces. Sometimes that's good enough, you can just browse through existing traces. But if you are working on a performance enhancement, you want the trace on your particular query right now, you don't want to wait until it is deemed interesting.
Questions are
What rules intervene in deciding which queries are traced ?
Is there a way to ask for traces to be captured for a given URI ?
Either from within developer console, or by calling some API from within our application ? Or through some app.yaml configuration ? Or do we have to just wait and pray for the great algorithm to chose our request ?
You can force tracing of a HTTP request by setting the cloud trace context header properly:
$ curl -H "X-Cloud-Trace-Context: 01234567890123456789012345678901;o=1" http://<your-app><path>
01234567890123456789012345678901 (32 hex characters) is the trace id. You want to use a different one each time.
o=1 enables tracing.
Use the following URL to view the trace (last part is the trace id):
Since you're interested in particular request, why don't you use appstats? you can make performance enchancement, turn appstats on and deploy it to different version and have some control from
I use cloud trace to get aggregate analysis, to get into more detail per request basis, I always use appstats as it contains more information.
What rules intervene in deciding which queries are traced ?
Currently there is a sampling rate that guides which request are traced. The requests are sampled at a small number of requests per second per instance.
Is there a way to ask for traces to be captured for a given URI ?
The following could possibly help depending on your scenario.
You could add a Trace Context to force the request to force tracing on the request. Trace Context is essentially a HTTP header (X-Cloud-Trace-Context)
Here is an pointer to help inject a Trace Context:

How to recover Go timer from web-server restart (or code refresh/upgrade)?

Consider a web service, for instance, where user can make an API request to start a task at certain scheduled time. Task definition and scheduled time are persisted in a database.
First approach I came up with is to start a Go timer and wait for the timer to expire in a Goroutine (not blocking the request). This goroutine, after time expiration, will also fire another API request to start executing the task.
Now the problem arises when this service is redeployed. For zero downtime deployment I am using Einhorn with goji. After code reload, obviously both timer goroutine and timer-expiration-handler goroutine dies. Is there any way to recover Go timer after code reload?
Another problem I am struggling with is to allow the user to interrupt the timer (once its started). Go timer has Stop to facilitate this. But since this is a stateless API, when the \interrupt request comes in service doesn't have context of timer channel. And it seems its not possible to marshal the channel (returned from NewTimer) to disk/db.
Its also very well possible that I am not looking at the problem from correct perspective. Any suggestions would be highly appreciated.
One approach that's commonly used is to schedule the task outside your app, for example using crontab or systemd timers.
For example using crontab:
# run every 30 minutes
*/30 * * * * /usr/bin/curl --head http://localhost/cron?key=something-to-verify-local-job >/dev/null 2>&1
Using an external task queue is also a valid option like #Not_a_Golfer mentioned but more complicated.

How do I execute code on App Engine without using servlets?

My goal is to receive updates for some service (using http request-response) all the time, and when I get a specific information, I want to push it to the users. This code must run all the time (let's say every 5 seconds).
How can I run some code doing this when the server is up (means, not by an http request that initiates the execution of this code) ?
I'm using Java.
You need to use
Scheduled Tasks With Cron for Java
You can set your own schedule (e.g. every minute), and it will call a specified handler for you.
You may also want to look at
App Engine Modules in Java
before you implement your code. You may separate your user-facing and backend code into different modules with different scaling options.
A great comment from #tx802:
I think 1 minute is the highest frequency you can achieve on App Engine, but you can use cron to put 12 tasks on a Push Queue, either with delays of 5s, 10s, ... 55s using TaskOptions.countdownMillis() or with a processing rate of 1/5 sec.

Increase load test over time

I would like to test the load of my App Engine App.
From the load test google recommendation. Query per second should increase gradually.
So I would like to add 1 connection every second to my load test.
How can I do that? I search for AB (Apache Benchmark) and JMeter without success.
Maybe my question is very basic, but as I'm not use to load testing I don't google it properly.
If you want one connection every seconds, your ramp up period (in seconds) should be equal to no. of users you choose in the thread group settings.
Refer to following tutorials to understand how to use jmeter for load testing.
Due to my leak of vocabulary I couldn't Google it.
It's call a "ramp-up". The word was actually in Google slide.
It can be done with JMeter under the "Thread Group" element.
